The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 128


Si Que passed through the Crape Myrtle Garden and went back to pick up You Yuzhi.

The door to the outer room was open, so he walked straight in and continued walking inside. As soon as he reached the door to the inner room, he heard the conversation between You Yuji and Zhenxu.

"Madam, why don't you just follow what Prince Qi said and leave with him?" There was a hint of confusion in Zhenxu's urgent tone.

Si Que paused as he walked in. He looked inside. The silk screen blocked his view, but it reflected the graceful figure of You Yuji sitting in front of the dressing table. Si Que waited for a while, but You Yuji didn't speak.

He continued to walk inside, and the sound of his footsteps made the master and servant behind the silk screen turn their heads and look over.

Zhenxu still had a look of surprise on her face. Obviously, she still didn't understand how Princess Que could come and go freely in the East Palace

Si Que looked towards You Yuji.

She sat sideways on the embroidery stool and looked back at him, her slender white wrist slightly tilted, holding a slender eyebrow pencil between her thin fingers.

You Yuji held the eyebrow pencil for a long time, but she couldn't draw her eyebrows properly because her hands were always shaking and she couldn't control it.

This is the last step of applying makeup, and I stopped here and couldn't go any further.

Si Que took another look at the makeup on You Yuji's face. He walked over, leaned on the dressing table opposite You Yuji, took the eyebrow pencil in You Yuji's hand, leaned down in front of You Yuji, and drew eyebrows for her.

Serious yet leisurely.

You Yuji looked at Si Que's expression, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she asked softly, "Can you do this?"

Si Que said "hmm" casually, "There's nothing I don't know about women's affairs."

Si Que stopped and leaned back a little to admire his masterpiece, then moved closer again to draw the other side of You Yuzhi's eyebrow.

You Yuji felt the strokes on her eyebrows. The thin eyebrow pencil was sticking to her skin, and the traces were extremely clear, as if they were passing through her heart.

Two birds flew past the window playfully, leaving behind two lingering sounds of joyful chirps.

Si Que finally finished drawing You Yuji's eyebrows. He fixed his eyes on his masterpiece and asked slowly as he put down his hand, "Why don't you go with Prince Qi?"

After asking this question, he moved his gaze from You Yuzhi's eyebrows to her gentle eyes.

You Yuji looked at him tenderly, with eyes full of rippling thoughts like the stars in the sky.

How could she go with Prince Qi

Someone said that he would come back to pick her up before dark.

How could she leave early when he hadn't broken his promise

You Yuji didn't say anything. Si Que knew what she meant by looking into her eyes, without her having to speak. After a long while, Si Que raised his hand and carefully touched You Yuji's cheek with the back of his finger.

His face, which had been expressionless since he came in, slowly softened.

The storm that had been brewing for days finally turned into a gurgling spring stream in her gentle eyes after he lost and found her, soaking his entire heart.

Si Que's eyes could not help but fall on his hand. The teardrop on his hand had long disappeared, but the burning sensation had not gone away. The pain went from the back of his hand all the way into his heart, causing his chest to spasm.

Originally he hoped to bully people until they cried, but now he wants to kill an entire nation just for a tear from her.

You Yuji gently held Si Que's hand and said softly, "I'm fine, don't be sad."

Hearing this, Si Que came back from his thoughts. He chuckled, leaned over to You Yuji's ear, and whispered, "Who are you putting so much effort into putting on makeup for, sister?"

After saying that, he gently rubbed You Yuji's soft cheek with the side of his cool face.

He placed his hand on the back of You Yuji's neck, stroking it gently, and asked in a cheerful tone, "I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?"

You Yuji was concerned that the pillow was still there, so she pushed him softly and whispered, "Stop it..."

Si Que held her hand and stared into her eyes. With a smile on his lips, he said slowly -

"But I'm going crazy thinking about my sister."

You Yuji looked into Si Que's eyes, through his smiling dark eyes, into the depths of his eyes, as if she had crashed into a whirlpool, making her fall and fall...

Zhenxu lowered her head and thought seriously whether she should hide outside for a while. But Zhenxu was so anxious that she almost cried! This is the East Palace, the prince's territory! Is it really okay for these two people to reminisce and talk about love here

Si Que did not let Zhen Xu continue to be embarrassed.

Si Que picked up You Yuzhi and carried her out.

You Yuji hurriedly grabbed his collar and said, "Pillow quilt!"

"Someone will take her away."

You Yuji breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly loosened her grip on Si Que's collar. She looked at Si Que quietly, and Si Que lowered his eyes to look at the person in his arms. He said, "Take a nap."

You Yuji opened her lips slightly, as if she had too many questions to ask. She had many concerns and puzzles. But she didn't know whether it was because of the poison in her body or because Si Que's embrace was too reassuring, her eyelashes trembled, she slowly closed her eyes, pressed her cheek against Si Que's chest, and soon she fell into a half-sleep and half-coma.

She threw all those concerns aside. She had no time to think about it, nor was she willing to think about it now.

You Yuji was awakened by the rumbling sound of the wheel. The sound of the wheel that never stopped in her ears reminded her of the non-stop running around on the day she was kidnapped. This made her unable to sleep, and she opened her eyes in confusion.

What caught my eye was a white collar.

"Not yet."

You Yuji heard a familiar voice, and she suddenly realized that she was not in the hijacked carriage, and the person she was leaning against was Si Que. She closed her eyes again, and even moved forward, closer to the chest. Before she fell asleep, she vaguely felt a chill between her eyebrows.

Her thoughts were slow in her half-sleep state, and she knew what it was in her dream.

You Yuji slept soundly this time, more soundly than she had ever slept since she was kidnapped, even under the influence of drugs. When she woke up, she could hear the bustling noise through the car window.

The sounds of talking and laughing outside the car gradually reached her ears, causing her lips to slowly curl up and she completely sobered up.

Tonight is the Lantern Festival.

"I can't go back to the You family." You Yuji spoke softly without opening her eyes lazily.

Her mother was seriously ill, and You Yuji really didn't want her mother to worry about her anymore. She couldn't go home until she had completely driven out the poison in her body.

As for the Jinnan Palace? You Yuji didn't really want to go back. In fact, she didn't have to live there a long time ago. It was just that she had been thinking about it.

"Okay." Si Que asked, "The poison in my sister's body will take some time to completely disappear. Is there any place you want to go in particular?"

You Yuji thought for a while and said, "Last year's Lantern Festival, I had a bowl of delicious and affordable Yuanxiao from Jiayijia. I want to eat it again."

Si Que looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with some surprise. He really didn't expect You Yuji to say that. He asked, "Where? My sister and I will go over and eat. Let's order a big bowl and share it."

"I don't remember." You Yuji rubbed her cheek against Si Que's collar and said softly, "I just remember it was near Lianhua Street. The stall owner was a kind old man. The chopping board of that Yuanxiao stall was painted blue. Well... a year has passed, and I don't know if he will come again."

"Okay, my sister and I will go eat Yuanxiao. Let's order a big bowl and share it."

You Yuzhi curled the corners of her lips in his arms.

Si Que took away You Yuji's hand that was on his collar and said, "But, sister, please wait for me in the car for a while."

You Yuji was opening her eyes and sitting up from Si Que's arms. She watched him lean forward and step out of the car. She couldn't help but lift a corner of the curtain next to the window, pushed the window open with some effort, and looked out.

Today's night market is very lively, with people coming and going accompanied by laughter and joy.

You Yuji followed Si Que with her eyes, watching him walk into the crowd. Soon, he disappeared from sight. Her hands were sore from lifting the curtain, and she watched for a while longer before having to lower the curtain, unable to watch him return.

She was used to being cautious and thoughtful, and she always thought about things carefully. But today, sitting in this car that still smelled of Si Que's faint smell of medicine, You Yuji emptied her mind and allowed herself to think about nothing for the time being.

She leaned softly against the car window, listening to the excitement outside with a smile on her lips. The laughter seemed to be contagious, and she could feel the joy of the people celebrating the festival outside even though she was separated by a wall.

Obviously, the poison had made her weak and limp, and she was exhausted from the inside out. But as she listened to the joyful laughter outside the car, her thoughts were abnormally emotional.

You Yuji waited for a while and Si Que came back.

He held a new suit of clothes in his arms.

You Yuji frowned slightly, and looked at Si Que in confusion as he closed the double doors of the carriage, closed both windows and pulled down the curtains to cover them tightly, and then sat down next to You Yuji.

You Yuji was puzzled and didn't know why Si Que wanted to change her clothes. If she wanted to disguise herself to hide her whereabouts, she should have found a coarse cloth dress, not such a gorgeous dress.

Si Que untied You Yuji's belt and took off her clothes while explaining, "I don't like my sister wearing clothes that come from unknown sources."

You Yuji was stunned for a moment, then she understood.

The clothes she was wearing were prepared for her by the palace servants when she was imprisoned in the Eastern Palace.

Since her arms were sore and she had no strength left, she let Si Que take off her clothes. Seeing her outer and inner garments being taken off by Si Que one by one, he was about to take off her inner garment. You Yuji subconsciously turned her head to the side and looked towards the window, listening to the laughter outside the car wall, and her heart tightened, as if this tightly covered car could not hide her shame.

“You don’t need to change your underwear…” You Yuji lowered her voice, fearing that people outside the car would hear it.

She never whispered in such a soft tone, and Si Que couldn't help but glance at her. Then Si Que put his hand on You Yuji's chest, tore off her shirt, and threw it aside.

You Yuji pursed her lips and looked at Xinyi who had fallen at her feet. Just as she was about to speak again, she was picked up by Si Que and placed on his lap. As she watched him take off her skirt and pants, You Yuji could not help but whispered, "I can do it myself..."

Si Que pulled down You Yuji's tight-fitting small hakama and said slowly, "Sister will have no strength in the next month. I'm afraid that brother will have to take care of her eating, drinking, defecating and urinating."

As he said this, he twisted You Yuji's lower back.

"you… "

The laughter and chattering outside the car was amplified many times and fell into You Yuji's ears. Her makeup-covered cheeks became even more red. She picked up the red cloak that Si Que had just bought from the bench on the side and covered herself with it, whispering urgently: "Detoxify me..."

"No, I can't solve it."

You Yuji frowned and said anxiously: "You can do it!"

Si Que couldn't help but chuckle and nodded: "It's quite good."

"You..." You Yuji bit her lip.

The carriage had been parked here for some time. The two horses pulling the carriage in front were obviously unable to stand still. They wanted to move forward, so they neighed and raised their long hooves and stamped on the spot, causing the carriage behind to shake slightly.

You Yuji's body could not help but bump heavily into Si Que's chest, and the red cloak on her body fell to the ground. You Yuji did not have the strength to pick it up, so she simply pushed Si Que lightly and whispered anxiously: "Put it on quickly!"

Before You Yuji finished her words, Si Que turned around to take her dress. He put her dress on her body and put his hand behind You Yuji's waist to tie the belt. Halfway through tying the belt, he suddenly stopped, stared into You Yuji's eyes and asked, "Sister, did you really not miss me?"

The author has something to say: Sister: You’re crazy!