The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 27


Chen Anzhi's coming-of-age ceremony was successfully completed in the ancestral temple.

Jinnan King Chen Zheng listened to the praises from others with a smile on his face, but he was not very happy in his heart. When he and the princess just got married, he followed His Majesty in the expeditions to the south and the north, watching the territory of Chen State grow larger and larger. He was a young man full of vigor and ambition. When he encountered the enemy's generals who resisted stubbornly, he was ruthless and never showed mercy.

A general never thinks he has done anything wrong.

Until that time, the emperor's order was urgent, and the besieged city vowed to never surrender. He waved his hand and issued an order to massacre the city. The city walls collapsed, blood flowed like a river, and wailing could be heard for a hundred miles.

He returned triumphantly with military achievements, but learned that the princess's baby suddenly died in her belly on the day he ordered the massacre.

It was a fetus that was nearly seven months old.

There were no bad signs before the birth. The princess did not eat anything by mistake or get hurt. At that time, the princess was the only woman in the Jinnan Palace, so it was impossible for her to compete for favor. The Jinnan King ordered a thorough investigation, but found nothing. When the doctor came to check the princess's pulse that morning, he said that the baby in the princess's belly was very healthy. But in the afternoon, the princess suddenly had abdominal pain. The child could not be saved, and the princess also fell seriously ill. It was diagnosed that it would be difficult to have children in the future.

It was because the princess was so ill at the time and worried that she would never be able to have children again that she promoted her maid, and that is why the eldest son Chen Shunzhi was born in the Prince of Jinnan's Mansion.

Later, the princess's health gradually recovered, and she gave birth to Chen Anzhi and Chen Lingyan.

Because of the death of the first child, both the King of Jinnan and the Princess doted on the two children who came after them, especially when they were young. They were very cautious and always responded to their requests, fearing that they would encounter misfortune. Moreover, the Princess's health had always been poor, and she was often unable to teach them, and the King of Jinnan often left Beijing.

Drowning a child is tantamount to killing him.

King Jinnan sighed as he looked at Chen Anzhi who was talking to his cousins. He felt that he could no longer indulge Chen Anzhi like this. After the New Year, he planned to send Chen Anzhi to the army to gain some experience.

Those who came to the coming-of-age banquet were all relatives of the family, but Chen Anzhi was the grandson of the current emperor, so almost all those who came today were royal relatives.

Chen Anzhi and his party returned from the ancestral temple in the afternoon. The banquet table was set up in the mansion, and fruits and tea were prepared. The princess was not feeling well, so she only talked with a few royal sisters-in-law in the inner room. You Yuji entertained other female relatives in the flower hall outside. You Yuji could not call out the names of all these female relatives, but fortunately, Nanny Gu was always by her side to advise her.

Chen Anzhi and several cousins sat in the pavilion, talking about where to go for fun tomorrow. Originally they planned to play polo, but the scratch on Chen Anzhi's leg had not healed completely, so he couldn't play polo for the time being, so he had to think of something else to do.

Although Chen Anzhi is not an expert rider, he loves good horses and is very sorry that he cannot play polo recently.

"Fourth brother, I heard that you are going to take another concubine tomorrow?" Chen Yinian joked with a smile.

Chen Anzhi always felt that letting Fang Qingyi be a concubine was an injustice to her, and didn't want to talk about it more. He just responded casually to get away with it.

Chen Qi on the side couldn't help but say, "Fourth brother, it's been less than a month since your wedding, and it doesn't seem appropriate to have concubines one after another."

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, he saw You Yuji in the distance, and he couldn't help but look over. Even from such a distance, he could still see the gentle and dignified smile on her face. She seemed to always be like this, no matter what happened, she would always smile like this.

But Chen Qi knew that You Yuzhi was not like this when she was in charge of the country.

At that time, she was wearing riding clothes, with her straight long legs hidden in knee-high leather boots, sitting on a tall horse, galloping on the Fangfang grassland. She raced with the grassland men, leaving the others behind, and turned her head to smile charmingly. The gust of wind blew her slightly curled long hair back, revealing her beautiful and arrogant face.

Before meeting You Yuji, Chen Qi thought he liked petite and weak women. It was not until he met You Yuji that he realized there could be a woman in this world who combined alluring charm and forthright brightness.

Chen Anzhi turned back following Chen Qi's gaze and saw You Yuji talking to someone else, his face darkened. When he turned back, Chen Qi had not yet retracted his gaze.

Chen Lian coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Third brother, I think this wine is good, what do you think?"

Chen Qi came back to his senses and immediately looked away.

Chen Anzhi put down the wine glass in his hand heavily and said in a deep voice: "What happened after you caught up with your third sister-in-law on the grassland that year? If I remember correctly, you were nowhere to be seen for nearly an hour."

Chen Qi was startled, but he dared not be vague about such a matter that would damage a woman's reputation. He immediately said, "Fourth brother, don't misunderstand. It was just a horse race, and there were many people. Later, when we got to the top of the mountain, I saw my sister-in-law's cousin and said a few more words to him!"

"Oh? Then why did you hide her whip?" Chen Anzhi snorted. He had long had prejudices against You Yuji.

Are you suspecting that he and his sister-in-law had secretly exchanged things? But Chen Qi couldn't explain himself. He had picked up the horsewhip, but he didn't return it because of selfishness, and even You Yuji didn't know about it. However, when Chen Anzhi asked him about it, Chen Qi had no way to refute it, and could only explain with a pale face: "What horsewhip? I don't know what you are talking about..."

Chen Lian secretly looked at Chen Yinian, and he was extremely curious. He was too young to go with the Siguo trip two years ago. Now he was really scratching his head and wondering what happened back then.

Chen Yinian smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's go find Big Brother, shall we? I just saw him coming out from Second Uncle's place."

Chen Yinian persuaded them to stop arguing, and they went to look for their eldest cousin Chen Xun. Chen Xun was Chen Lian's elder brother, and the eldest son of the crown prince. If nothing unexpected happened, he would inherit the throne in the future. Although he was also a young man in his early twenties, he was much calmer than his cousins. He always had a stern face, and his cousins were a little afraid of him. After a while, Chen Anzhi was called away by the elders, and the other people also dispersed, each looking for someone to chat with.

Chen Qi was feeling a little annoyed, so he avoided the crowd and went into the Merlin to find some peace and quiet.

In fact, Chen Qi felt a little regretful.

When the marriage was granted, if he had said that he was interested in marrying her, the imperial decree would have fallen on him. He clenched his hands at his side into fists. He had never thought that his fourth brother would treat her like this!

I was cowardly and didn't say a word that day, but can I still get her back now

He walked forward with a frown, gradually leaving Merlin, when he suddenly heard the voice that froze him.

"Bai Sui? Bai Sui?" You Yuji walked towards Mei Lin to look for Bai Sui. She whispered to Bao He beside her, "Why did you let it escape? There are so many people in the mansion today, it's a mess."

"I didn't keep an eye on it for a while..."

"Is my sister-in-law looking for it?" Chen Qi asked, trying to restrain himself and make his voice sound normal.

You Yuji followed Chen Qi's gaze and saw Baisui squatting on a tree in the distance.

"That's right." You Yuji breathed a sigh of relief, walked over quickly, stood under the tree, and tiptoed to catch Baisui.

Seeing this, Chen Qi quickly walked towards her: "I'll help!"

Just as Chen Qi's hand was about to touch Baisui, Baisui meowed and jumped down from the tree by himself.

You Yuji quickly squatted down and held it in her arms. She pinched the back of Baisui's neck and warned it softly: "Don't run around!"

As You Yuji kneaded him, Baisui slowly and comfortably closed his cat's eyes.

You Yuji stood up and looked at Chen Qi and said softly, "Why did you come to Merlin alone?"

"I had some drinks and came here to get some fresh air. I was just about to go out." Chen Qi said.

You Yuji nodded, without asking any more questions, and walked out with Baisui and Chen Qi in her arms.

Baisui, who was enjoying himself in You Yuji's arms, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Si Que on the other side of Meilin. You Yuji tilted her head to talk to Baohe and did not see Si Que.

Si Que was sitting in a wheelchair, and Ting Yun pushed him out for a walk.

The poison in his body was too deep, and he needed to take medicine every day to keep alive. He had only stopped taking the medicine for two days, and he was too lazy to walk on his own.

—But if you don’t stop taking the medicine, it will be passed on to your child.

After You Yuji walked away and made sure she wouldn't hear him, Si Que coughed intermittently. After a while, when he had just recovered a little, he heard someone talking about You Yuji in the distance.

Si Que looked in the direction of the voice.

A bluestone road separated the plum forest from the Jinghu Lake on the other side. Several women were walking on the bluestone road.

Jia Wenyin sneered: "You Yuji is in such a situation, it's all retribution."

Her two maids echoed her.

Jia Wenyin took the brocade box from the maid beside her and opened it. Inside was a box of pearls.

"I hadn't thought of how to embarrass her. A pearl is not round. Haha, I can only use this box of pearls to embarrass her broken pearl. Humph, wasting so many of my pearls is also a way to give her face." Jia Wenyin reminded, "When the time is right, throw it out! Don't make mistakes."

"Don't worry, ma'am!"

Jia Wenyin imagined You Yuji falling in public, and she felt happy. She would not let You Yuji go so easily. Now that they were in Chenjing, there were still many days to come! However, there were too many nobles today, and this box of beads was just an appetizer, telling You Yuji that she could start waiting for her revenge!

Thinking of her brother's tragic death, Jia Wenyin felt a surge of hatred in her heart. She would make You Yuji's life worse than death!

"Tingyun, do you have needle and thread with you?" Si Que asked in a cold voice.

Jia Wenyin was startled and looked up. Although it was the first time she saw Si Que, she immediately guessed who Si Que was by looking at his divine and beautiful face.

Si Que turned the wooden wheels and walked out of Merlin. The wooden wheels of the wheelchair slowly rolled onto the bluestone road.

Jia Wenyin's eyes flickered. She was thinking about what to do if Si Que heard her plan. When she heard Si Que's next words, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Si Que said: "Her eyeballs were very round. We dug them out and strung them together with a rope and hung them around her neck."

The noise by Jing Lake startled the guests who were chatting and laughing in the flower hall. You Yuji hurried to Jing Lake with the guests, only to see someone fall into the water and struggle desperately in the icy water. Several maids were trying to save her.

Si Que sat in a wheelchair, slowly turned his head, and looked at You Yuji innocently: "Sister, she fell into the lake."

You Yuji quickly asked the servants to rescue people.

Soon, Jia Wenyin was rescued. The Zhao family rushed over and wrapped her in their coats.

Mrs. Zhao blamed her daughter-in-law: "Why did you fall into the water for no reason?"

Jia Wenyin pointed at Si Que and trembled, "She was the one who hurt me!"

Many people gathered by the lake, but Si Que just looked at You Yuji obediently: "Sister, I was just praising her beautiful eyes. She fell down by herself."

Jia Wenyin's eyes turned red with anger, but she looked so unsightly and was so cold that she could not speak.

You Yuji asked Mrs. Zhao to take her to change clothes first.

Then she walked towards Si Que, taking off her cloak and placing it on Si Que's legs. She whispered, "Why did you come out alone?"

Si Que did not come out alone, but Tingyun went back to get needle and thread.

"Sister, I didn't push her." He looked at You Yuzhi innocently.

"Okay. It's going to be windy, I'll push you back." You Yuzhi responded, walked behind Si Que and pushed him back.

You Yuji gripped the handle of the wheelchair tightly, feeling somewhat mixed emotions.

When she was a little further away from the crowd, she couldn't help herself and asked in a low voice: "Can your body really stop taking the medicine?"

You Yuji bit her lip and said, "Si Que, I don't want to hurt you. If stopping the medication harms your health, I will find someone else."

other people

Who? Chen Qi

Si Que lowered his eyes, his dark pupils hidden by his black lashes. The clear innocence and obedience were completely gone, replaced by a gloomy look.

The author has something to say: Jia Wenyin: I wanted to be a qualified villain, but I became a drowned chicken before I even made a move qaq

The red envelopes have been distributed in the first few chapters. No one would be so unlucky as to not receive one!

I failed to update twice today, but I will definitely update tomorrow! If I can't update twice tomorrow, everyone in the comment section of this chapter will get 1000jjb each!