The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 79


The fake bandit leader was embarrassed, and after hesitating for a moment, he continued, "Our master has been in love with the lady for a long time, and today he only wants to rescue her and leave Chenjing. The carriage and money are all ready, and we will send the lady to the country safely. When we arrive at the destination, the servants in the house will also be ready for the lady, so that the lady will have no worries in her life."

You Yuji frowned at this. This was too much like a rich kid keeping a mistress.

The fake bandit leader added hastily, "Madam, don't think too much. My master is a gentleman and has no intention of taking advantage of others. My master doesn't even want you to know his name, and he won't chase you to Su Country. And... Madam, don't worry about your family. The master will send someone to send your family to Su Country to reunite with you soon."

As You Yuji listened to the fake bandit leader's words, his mind raced.

She had long recognized that this group of people were disguised as bandits. She originally guessed that they were servants of a certain family, or hired gangsters, or perhaps military personnel.

Now, listening to the tone of this man's voice, You Yuji once again glanced at the group of fake bandits lined up in a row, and was certain that these people were soldiers in disguise.

In Chen Jing's territory, there are people who can mobilize the army. You Yuji thought about the fake bandit leader's words again, even if his words were half true and half false, he gave You Yuji an answer.

A name came to You Yuji's mind.

"Oh, your master is truly affectionate and sincere." Si Que suddenly spoke in a sinister voice, colder than the chilly wind in deep winter.

You Yuji looked at the back of the Poison Tower owner in surprise, and vaguely felt that the Poison Tower owner's ghostly voice contained anger. Obviously, his tone before was not angry, but another kind of playful tone. His hoarse and gloomy voice gave people a sense of horror. Now that it contained anger, it was even more sinister.

If what this fake bandit leader said was true, their master was really the person You Yuji had guessed...

Although You Yuji strongly disapproved of the other party's behavior, it could barely be considered a clumsy act of goodwill.

"Go back and tell your master that I appreciate his kindness, but I will not follow his arrangements." You Yuji said gently.

Si Que half-closed his eyes, listening to You Yuji's gentle tone, and for the first time he hated her gentleness. To be more precise, he hated her gentle style towards other people and other things.

The owner of the Poison Tower, dressed in black, stood there. The fake bandits were already very nervous. After listening to You Yuji's words, they even forgot the advice given by their master. They hurriedly said "I will go back and pass on the message" and left quickly with the fake bandits around them, fearing that the owner of the Poison Tower would raise the poison mist and they would die on the spot...

You Yuji glanced at the owner of the Poison House secretly. For a moment, she felt the same worry as the fake bandits.

Those fake bandits had disappeared, but the owner of the Poison Building was still standing there, motionless and silent.

You Yuji considered her words carefully and said, "Thank you very much, host. The official road is not far ahead. They should not appear again. There is no need for you to see them off."

No response.

You Yuji waited for a while, and knowing that the owner of the Poison Tower was a man of few words, she told Zhuo Wen to drive the carriage.

The carriage moved forward again and passed the owner of the Poison Building.

It was not until they reached the official road that You Yuji felt something was wrong. She moved her body, leaned to the side of the carriage, opened the small window, and looked back.

At first glance, she didn't see the figure of the Poison Tower owner and thought he had left. But the next moment, she finally saw the Poison Tower owner fall to the ground.

"Zhuowen, go back!"

The carriage turned around and headed back. You Yuji didn't even wait for the guards to put the footstool in place, she jumped off the carriage in a hurry and walked to the owner of the Poison House.

He was emitting a layer of chill. You Yuji, standing beside him, immediately felt the chill coming towards her.

You Yuji squatted down: "Owner?"

The owner of the Poison House did not respond and lay there without a sound. The chill around his body grew stronger and stronger. In an instant, You Yuji watched a thin layer of ice appear on the side of his neck that was exposed. This thin layer of ice grew thicker and thicker, causing his body to begin to emit icy mist.

"Quick, bring the fox fur from the carriage!" You Yuji ordered hurriedly.

She also ordered Zhuo Wen to light a fire immediately.

Zhenxu quickly took out You Yuji's spare fox fur from the box and covered the owner of the Poison Tower with it.

The fire was soon lit, with dry branches occasionally crackling. The slowly burning fire reflected on You Yuji's worried face. She stared at the owner of the Poison Tower, her eyes becoming more and more worried.

He covered himself with a warm fox fur coat and started a fire, but the coldness on the owner of the Poison Tower did not subside at all. On the contrary, the speed of freezing was accelerating.

The ice wrapped around his body was already a finger thick.

You Yuji had never seen such a strange symptom before.

You Yuji ordered people to build a few more fires, and asked Zhuo Wen to send a guard to the front to buy some quilts and cotton clothes, and then send another guard to find a doctor.

"Madam, he's a weird guy... They say his whole body is full of poison. Maybe this ice is also poisonous... Madam, you should stay away from him, right?" Zhenxu said worriedly, "Or... let's go first? Anyway, we've prepared cotton clothes, quilts, and a fire for him. The doctor will be here soon..."

Zhenxu thought of the rumors he had heard before and felt a little scared.

You Yuji answered the pillow with silence.

She never liked to owe anyone anything. If the owner of the Poison Tower hadn't appeared today, she might have been taken away by those fake bandits. Regardless of whether the people behind those fake bandits had malicious intentions, being taken away was not what You Yuji wanted. Since the owner of the Poison Tower had helped her, she couldn't just watch him like this and leave him alone.

The guards who went to look for the doctor did not come back for a long time. The quilts on the owner of the Poison Tower had been soaked many times. When he was wrapped in three quilts to keep warm again, the ice on his body finally melted completely, and his black clothes were already soaked.

Si Que didn't expect the cold poison to break out at this time. The cold poison in his body hadn't broken out for nearly three years.

When the poison took effect, he was frozen into an unconscious ice man in the eyes of others. But in fact, his senses were fully intact and he was fully aware of what was happening in the outside world.

Si Que opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was You Yuji's eyes looking at him. There was worry in those eyes.

A look of dejection gradually emerged in his eyes.

Look, she is so kind to everyone, even to a notorious poison building owner, she can help him. Does this mean that she is used to being nice to everyone, so her kindness to her Ah Que is not so special.

"Are you awake?" You Yuji breathed a sigh of relief, the worry in her eyes faded a little, and there was a faint smile in her eyes.

Si Que closed his eyes and didn't want to speak. The effect of the drug had worn off. If he spoke, his voice would return to its original state.

Although they didn't meet much, You Yuji had already gotten used to his quiet personality. She spoke again: "How do you feel? I sent the guards to find the doctor, but he hasn't come back yet... Do you need me to take you there?"

Si Que closed his eyes and said nothing.

You Yuji was in a dilemma, she didn't know where Si Que lived. Seeing that he was soaking wet, she didn't want to just leave him here.

She hesitated for a moment, then asked two guards to help the owner of the Poison Tower onto the carriage and take him to the nearest inn.

By the time You Yuzhi had settled everyone down, it was already dark.

"I have to go back home. If you need anything, just call the waiter." You Yuji said.

She glanced at the soaking wet clothes of the owner of the Poison House lying on the bed, then looked away. You Yuji wanted to say something but stopped herself, left the room, explained something to the waiter, then returned to the carriage and rushed back to the Jinnan Palace.

In the carriage, she took a handkerchief and gently wiped away the cold and wet feeling on her palms. This was when she accidentally touched the clothes of the owner of the Poison House.

—Fortunately, the owner of the Poison Building is not full of poison as the legend says.

Zhenxu also sighed, "I'm so scared! I didn't expect the owner of the Poison Tower played with poisons too much and poisoned himself!"

You Yuji leaned back slightly, leaning against the wall of the carriage. The carriage was shaking, causing her body to sway slightly.

She tried hard to think of other things to distract herself and finally drove the image of the owner of the Poison Building out of her mind.

When the carriage passed the street in front of the Jinnan Palace, You Yuji asked the guards to buy a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts. She held the large bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts in her arms, and the heat from the paper bag spread to her palms, completely driving away the original chill in her body - the chill brought to her by the owner of the Poison Tower.

A Que likes to eat roasted chestnuts very much.

The image of Ah Que smiling at her with his long eyelashes trembling slightly appeared before her eyes, and You Yuji's heart softened, and she completely drove away the gloomy figure of the owner of the Poison Tower.

When she returned to Tanxiang Yingyue, You Yuji saw that Si Que was not in her room and thought that he had returned to his east wing to get something. She went to the east wing to find Si Que with the sugar-roasted chestnuts.

"Aque, I bought you some sugar-roasted chestnuts." You Yuzhi pushed the door open.

Si Que was not in the room. Only Ting Yun was sitting at the table, fiddling with the sleeping spider.

"Sleeping Spider..." After You Yuji was stunned, the bad memory made her take a step back in fear.

Tingyun immediately closed the lid of the porcelain jar, stood up to greet You Yuji, and said with a smile: "Does the spider have a name? I caught it in the corner when I was cleaning just now. I just wanted to suffocate it to death so as not to disturb the princess."

"Maybe I saw it wrong." You Yuji forced a smile. Was she making a fuss? Yes, how could that kind of spider appear here? Maybe it was just an ordinary spider.

"Where is Aque?" She calmed down and asked in a gentle voice.

"The princess said she wanted to go for a walk in the plum forest alone and she doesn't allow us servants to follow her." Tingyun answered politely.

You Yuji nodded and said with a smile: "When he comes back, ask him to come to my place."

Tingyun responded.

You Yuji returned to her room and placed the bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts on the small square table on the beauty couch, leaving them for Si Que. She turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she changed into loose pajamas and came out, she saw that the paper bag containing the sugar-roasted chestnuts had fallen over, and the sugar-roasted chestnuts were scattered all over the floor.

Baisui was lying on the ground, chewing a chestnut in his arms.

"A hundred years old..." You Yuji was helpless. She walked over and lifted up the paper bag. There were only a few chestnuts left in it.

And it's already cold.

She tapped Baisui's head as a punishment. Baisui nimbly dropped the chestnuts in his arms and quickly slipped under the beauty bed.

You Yuji shook her head helplessly, leaned on the beauty couch, and read the medical book carefully. She became more and more focused as she read, forgetting the time, and it was already very late when she looked up.

She looked toward the door.

Why hasn’t Aque come yet

Is he not feeling well again

You Yuji frowned, put down the medical book in her hand, stood up, took the coat from the shelf, put it on, and walked out of the room.

I don't know when the snow started falling, but it was snowing heavily outside.

You Yuzhi was standing under the eaves and was about to go to the east wing when she saw Si Que walking into the courtyard.

Si Que also saw her.

The lanterns hanging on the eaves were swaying in the wind, and the flickering light and shadows were alternately reflected on her gentle and slender figure.

You Yuji trotted into the heavy snow, the corners of her cloak rolled up high. She ran to Si Que, put her hand on his forearm, and asked anxiously: "Where did you go in such a heavy snow?"

A smile gradually broke out on Si Que's face, which had been cold all day. He took out the paper bag that he had hidden all the way from his lapel.

"I went to buy some hot sugar-roasted chestnuts for my sister."

The forced smile gradually became brighter and more beautiful.

Zhenxu wanted to chase after them with an umbrella in her arms, but Baohe looked at the two people in the heavy snow and stopped Zhenxu.

The author has something to say: Little Princess: I am a little tired rushing to two film sets orz

66 red envelopes randomly dropped