The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 85


Chen Qi was stunned when he heard this.

Leave the Jinnan Palace openly

He had heard from Fang Qingyi that You Yuji and Chen Anzhi had signed a divorce agreement. But wasn't she still living in the Jinnan Palace

After all, the marriage between You Yuji and Chen Anzhi was arranged by the Emperor. It was extremely difficult for ordinary people to get a divorce, let alone her marriage with Chen Anzhi, which was arranged by the Emperor and had some political implications.

Chen Qi suddenly remembered that You Heng of the You family had come to the capital. Last month, he heard about some personnel changes, and You De, the eldest son of the You family, would come to the capital. But in the end, it was not You De who came to the capital, but You Heng, the second son of the You family.

Unlike Youde, Youheng is...

Chen Qi was lost in thought when You Yuji stood up. He immediately put away his thoughts, looked up at You Yuji, and stood up as well.

You Yuji is blessed with good fortune.

"Thank you for your kindness, Prince Qi." You Yuji thanked him again, "The end of the year is a busy time, so I won't bother you anymore."

You Yuji turned and walked out.

Chen Qi stared at You Yuji's slender back as she left, and he didn't look away for a long time. Even when You Yuji walked out of the door, he was still looking in the direction of the door, carefully listening to her footsteps as she walked down the stairs. Only when he could no longer hear her footsteps did Chen Qi look away and sit back down in a depressed mood.

Chen Qi was stunned when his eyes fell on the whip on the table.

He should return the whip to her.

Chen Qi picked up the whip and went downstairs immediately.

Opposite Baizhenlou is another restaurant. Si Que was standing at the window at this time, watching You Yuji walk out of Baizhenlou with cold eyes, and seeing Chen Qi chasing after her.

Si Que originally wanted to chase Fang Qingyi, but at the gate of Wan'an Temple he saw someone following You Yuzhi stealthily, so he followed him all the way here.

Si Que glanced coldly at Chen Qi who ran out of Baizhen Tower to chase You Yuzhi, sneered, and tossed up a copper coin with an expressionless face.

An inconspicuous silver light flashed by, and Si Que didn't even have time to see whether the coin that fell to the ground was right side up or right side up. He immediately squinted and stared at the corner of the street.

That was the silver light emitted by the arrow.

Soon, Si Que discovered that there were many fully drawn bows hidden in many places in this bustling street, ready to be shot.

Si Que looked downstairs and saw Chen Qi had already caught up to You Yuji's carriage and handed the whip to her.

Those people came for Chen Qi.

Si Que's face suddenly changed.

The next moment, long arrows that had been on the string for a long time shot towards Chen Qi.

Chen Qi and You Yuji were talking face to face, but the arrows shot at Chen Qi had no eyes and would not avoid You Yuji.

"Be careful!" Chen Qi's face turned pale instantly, and he subconsciously opened his arms to block You Yuzhi.

A long arrow hit Chen Qi's back shoulder and flew out of his body.

You Yuji was startled and immediately said, "Hurry up and get in the carriage!"

She and Chen Anzhi were standing beside her carriage and talking.

As soon as You Yuji finished speaking, another long arrow shot at Chen Qi's leg. He groaned and slumped down. You Yuji immediately gave him a hand and together with Zhuo Wen pushed him into the carriage.

A long arrow shot over, and You Yuji quickly dodged it by turning sideways. The arrow brushed her shoulder and cut off a piece of white fox fur from the white fox fur coat she was wearing.

"Madam, be careful!" Madam Jing and Zhenxu said in unison.

Chen Qi, who had already gotten into the carriage, turned pale. His dark lips trembled, and he wanted to speak, but no sound came out.

Zhuo Wen, Zhuo Wu, and the personal guards around Chen Qi surrounded him and tried their best to block the densely shot long arrows.

In an instant, the streets that were bustling with joy the moment before were filled with cries of surprise, people fled in all directions, and those who were not so lucky were shot by arrows and fell to the ground.

The two horses pulling the cart kicked the ground restlessly and let out long neighs.

Just as You Yuji handed her hand to Madam Jing and wanted to get on the carriage, a long arrow flew over the guards and shot into the carriage. The two men let go at the same time, and the long arrow almost grazed the back of You Yuji's hand.

You Yuji was holding onto the long wooden board in front of the car and trying to get up when she suddenly smelled a faint scent of iris.

The next moment, the vision was covered by blue.

Thick blue smoke enveloped everyone, blocking their vision. Those who were shooting arrows from the dark were stunned and stopped shooting because their vision was blocked.

The two horses pulling the carriage were obviously frightened. The blue smoke that obscured their vision caused the two frightened horses to raise their front hooves high and rush out without paying attention to the direction at such a fast speed that the carriage swayed violently from side to side.

Even though You Yuzhi withdrew her hand at an extremely fast speed, her hand, which was resting on the wooden board, was still scratched by the speeding carriage, and she felt a pain in the palm of her hand.

She couldn't help but let out a hiss.

The people who were shooting arrows in the dark were blocked from seeing Chen Qi get on the carriage and run away. After a short pause, they immediately took out long arrows from their quivers and shot them randomly in the original direction.

You Yuji didn't care about the pain in her palm, and even though her vision was blocked, she still ran quickly in one direction. If she remembered correctly, there was a shop in this direction, and she should be able to hide for a while.

The smell of irises grew stronger and stronger. You Yuji could no longer see anything farther away. Wounded civilians were lying on the ground, crying out for pain and help. You Yuji stumbled in the blue and was almost tripped by something.

She was very good at archery, and although her vision was blocked, she could hear the sound of the long arrow being shot at her.

"Here." A low and hoarse voice sounded.

You Yuji was inexplicably not surprised by the sudden appearance of this voice. Also, when these strange blue smoke appeared, she knew that the owner of the Poison Building was nearby.

She reached out her hand and groped forward, following the sound. Before she saw anyone, her wrist was suddenly grabbed.

You Yuji turned around and saw the blood-red mask. In this thick blue smoke, the blood-red mask of the owner of the Poison Tower looked even more eerie and strange.

Si Que pulled hard and pulled You Yuzhi to his side.

As they got closer, You Yuji's nostrils no longer smelled the iris scent of the blue smoke, but slowly began to smell the medicine on his body.

Thick blue smoke blocked out the sky, and nothing could be seen. The only thing that could be seen was him in front of him, dressed in black.

He was such a notorious and formidable person, but in this dangerous situation with arrows flying all over the sky, the first word that came to You Yuji's mind was - safety.

Si Que lowered his eyes and glanced at the scratches on You Yuji's palm, then pulled her through the thick blue smoke.

"Be careful!" You Yuji shouted.

Si Que quickly turned his face to avoid it.

A long arrow pierced through the vast blue smoke and passed between the two people, brushing against Si Que's temples. A strand of his black hair that had just stood up broke off.

At the same time as his black hair was cut off, the straps of the blood-red mask on his face were also cut off.

"Are you okay..." You Yuji turned to look at the owner of the Poison Tower with lingering fear, but was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The terrifying blood-red mask fell and was caught by the Poison Building owner's hand wearing a black leather glove.

You Yuzhi looked at the face of the owner of the Poison Tower and blinked very slowly.


Si Que looked over, a hint of gloom still lingering in his eyes.

You Yuzhi stared at Si Que's eyes, feeling very complicated for a moment.

No, this is not her Aque.

Her Ah Que is well-behaved, quiet, soft, sensitive, kind-hearted, gentle, yet fragile and weak...

Her Ah Que would look at her with a pair of clear eyes, and would show her the most innocent and obedient smile in the world. Her Ah Que would gently come over to rub her face, and would call her sister in a sweet and soft voice.

Her voice was so sweet, just like the warm spring sun melting the thin ice on the stream, making it gurgling and clear.

Her A Que smile was so beautiful that it made her heart soft every time she saw it.

Her Aque still has such clear eyes.

No way, her Ah Que was definitely not like the owner of the Poison Tower in front of her. The person in front of her had a gloomy and terrifying look in his eyes, a hoarse and sinister voice, and was cruel and merciless and took pleasure in killing people...

No, this is definitely not her Aque...

Si Que looked back in the direction where the arrow came from, annoyance flashing in his eyes.

He felt his hand was empty, and it was You Yuji who pushed his hand away. Si Que turned around and looked into You Yuji's panicked eyes. He raised one corner of his lips and smiled a little coldly.

He glanced at You Yuji with cold eyes, and suddenly grabbed You Yuji's neck. Then he warned in a hoarse voice: "You are the first person who knows that the owner of the Poison Tower and the Prince of Si State are the same person. If you tell others, I will throw you into the poison pool."

You Yuji frowned, looking at the cold eyes of the man in front of her, thousands of doubts and confusions emerged in her heart. She tried to discern something from his words, but as for what he said, she pondered it later.

The owner of the Poison Tower and the Crown Prince of Si State are the same person

He means, he is... Si Lang

Is that so

You Yuji frowned and let Si Que hold her wrist as she walked through the thick blue smoke. From time to time, she could hear Zhuo Wen and Zhuo Wu calling her, but her senses seemed to be blocked by a dense net, making everything dull.

Si Que pulled You Yuzhi into a narrow alley.

Soon after, the noise in my ears gradually faded away, and the hand holding You Yuji's wrist loosened.

You Yuji raised her eyes and looked at the back of the owner of the Poison Tower. He was wearing a tight black robe and walked away step by step. You Yuji stood quietly in the same place, watching him walk into the blue smoke. The black figure completely disappeared in the blue smoke.

The scratch on her palm brought You Yuji back to her chaotic thoughts. She frowned and lowered her head, looking at her scratched palm. The long wound ran across her palm, and the dirty blood stains were all over her hand.

She looked at the bloodstains on her palm and fell into deep thought again.

Soon, Zhuo Wen found You Yuzhi.

"Ma'am, I'm so glad you're okay!" Zhuo Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but complain: "This is weird. Not only did I get implicated by the person who tried to assassinate Prince Qi, but I also met this weird Lan Yan. This is the weird thing that the owner of the Poison Tower made when he escaped after setting fire to the emperor's bedroom in the palace, right? I don't know who wanted to kill Prince Qi, and it's related to the owner of the Poison Tower..."

Zhuo Wen talked a lot, but You Yuji hardly listened. She followed Zhuo Wen out of the alley, and outside were officials who had arrived late.

The assassination of the crown prince took place right under the emperor's feet, and this happened right before the New Year. The officials in Kyoto were immediately overwhelmed. No one dared to delay, and they all rushed over to deal with it.

Madam Jing also arranged a carriage to pick up You Yuji. She and Zhenxu insisted on following the carriage. When they saw that You Yuji was fine, with only some scratches on her palms, they kept saying "Thank God" several times.

The cries of pain from innocent injured people could be heard from time to time in the carriage.

"What bad luck!" the pillow complained.

Madam Jing also said that she would go back and worship Buddha.

You Yuji sat quietly in the carriage without saying a word. Madam Jing and Zhenxu thought she was frightened, so they stopped talking and fell silent.

You Yuji lowered her eyes, her heart still seemed to be shrouded in a thick smoke.

She recalled the days she spent with Si Que, the tenderness and care, the warmth after the bed curtains fell. His obedient smile and his clean eyes that looked at her kept swaying in front of her.

After a moment, she recalled her repeated encounters with the owner of the Poison Building.

Later, You Yuzhi thought of Si Lang, whom she had met occasionally a few times when she was the Si State. He was the elegant Crown Prince of Si State.

The Poison Tower is Si Lang, is that right

The author has something to say: Little Princess: Damn it! !!! !!! !!! !!! Whoever shot the arrow, I will find him out! !!! !!! !!! !!!