The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 92


Si Que slowly loosened his grip on You Yuji's wrist. He lowered his eyes and listened to the sound of her footsteps as she walked out slowly.

After all, I didn't dare to look at her from beginning to end.

There are no eternal secrets in this world. He had expected this day. He knew clearly that the gentleness given by this vixen was born out of pity. Since all the weakness was fake, pity was naturally gone.

This was the result that Si Que had already expected.

But it turned out that when that day really came, he actually had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that she would forgive him as easily as she did the time he pretended to break his leg.

These are two different times after all.

What's more, it no longer matters whether you forgive or not.

After a long while, Si Que stood up and walked to the piano table under the window, opened the drawer below, and took out a copper coin from the full stack. He lowered his eyes, staring at the copper coin between his fingers expressionlessly for a long time before throwing it high into the air.

Before the coin fell, he suddenly reached out and grasped the coin. He applied a little force with his long fingers and opened his hand again. The coin turned into powder and slowly fell to the ground.

There is no positive or negative.

Si Que turned sideways and half-opened the window, and the cool winter wind immediately blew in a gust of cool air. He looked in the direction of You Yuji's house and suddenly chuckled.

Vixen, I'm not a good person.

The love she showed for him out of pity was never what he wanted, and he didn't want it. All the weakness he showed in front of You Yuji was not to win her love, but more like...

Even though he was reluctant to admit it, he clearly understood that this was to make up for the regret of having no one to rely on in the past years.

On the windowsill stood a red plum vase with a narrow mouth. In it was a red plum that had been picked the day before, but it was no longer as delicate and lively as before. Si Que took out a red plum and sniffed it with his eyes closed.

After a long time, Si Que opened his eyes, plucked off a red plum petal, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. The red flower juice stained his lips like blood.

You Yuji left the east wing and returned to the house, immediately picking up a pen to write a letter to Jiang Chun. She finished writing the letter, blew the ink dry, carefully put it in an envelope, and handed it to Madam Jing.

Zhenxu brought breakfast, but You Yuji didn't have much appetite, so she ate a few bites quickly and went to the study to wait for her second brother to come over and talk.

While You Yuji and You Heng were talking in the study, several concubines came to the flower hall as usual. They were not surprised not to see You Yuji and sat down in silence.

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. Although the place is filled with the festive atmosphere of the New Year, the three concubines are very quiet.

When Hongzan came, someone close to You Yuji whispered something to her. She didn't know why You Yuji wanted to talk to her, and she felt quite restless.

Chun Xing lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something. She usually didn't talk much, so she wasn't noticeable. But Cui Yu was also unusually silent. She kept looking towards the entrance of the flower hall, and it was almost as if the four characters "I'm worried" were written on her face.

After the maids served tea and snacks, Madam Jing walked into the flower hall and said with a smile: "Madam is a little busy today. If the concubines have something to do in their own rooms, they don't have to wait for Madam."

After hearing what Madam Jing said, Chun Xing, who had been keeping her head down, immediately stood up, said something, and hurried away.

"I don't have anything to do, please sit for a while." Hong Zan brought the tea. It wasn't that she wanted to stay, but You Yuji had someone pass on a message to her in advance that she couldn't leave.

Cuiyu didn't leave either. She muttered something in annoyance and anxiety, which the nearest maid couldn't hear clearly. Cuiyu knew that the lady must have something to do this morning and probably wouldn't come. She sat for a while before getting up reluctantly. She smiled and said to Madam Jing, "I made a handkerchief for the lady with my own hands. I'll bring it to her in the evening!"

Madam Jing knew that she had something to say and nodded in agreement.

In the study, You Yuji and You Heng talked for a long time. Doctor Hu was still diagnosing the princess and prescribing medicine. They were not in a hurry to go to the front hall. Anyway, the Jinnan King and his wife really couldn't take care of it at this time.

"Have you thought it through?" You Heng asked.

"Second brother, I'm actually happy that you came to Chenjing this time." You Yuji pursed her lips and paused for a moment, "I know that my divorce may bring bad things to the You family, but I still want to do this."

You Heng sneered and said, "You are wrong. Our You family is not a scholarly family that cares about those pedantic reputations. Remember, the most important thing in our You family is people, the personal interests and well-being of each person, not the reputation that others say."

You Yuji lowered her eyes, without much relief on her face.

You Heng looked distressed and couldn't help but change his tone to blame: "You are just too arrogant. If Jiamu hadn't sent those letters back, your family would have thought that you were doing a glorious job as the Crown Prince's Consort in Chenjing!"

"He must have written a lot of nonsense..." You Yuji said softly helplessly.

"Don't say you're lucky I came here. Even the strict elder brother wouldn't have the heart to know your situation."

You Yuji raised her eyes.

You Heng felt around his waist, took something out of his belt and threw it to You Yuji. You Yuji hurriedly took it. It was a walnut sculpture of her riding on Xuanying's back.

You Yuji recognized at a glance that this was a little gadget carved by her eldest cousin.

You Heng was eleven years older than her, and her eldest cousin You De was sixteen years older than her. When she was a child, she often sneaked out with her second brother to the grassland to ride horses. When she came home, her eldest cousin would frown and slap her palm with a small ruler.

When her eyes turned red, he would also carve some small things with his own hands and throw them to her with a stern face.

"Don't think too much. Things are not as difficult to handle as you think." You Heng's tone was quite relaxed. "Chen Yangzhou is ambitious to unify the world, so he is not a kind person. Now the twelve countries have not been unified, and the other countries have just surrendered, so it is far from peaceful. He cares more about the people's hearts and minds than anyone else. Although Chen Anzhi is his grandson, if he conflicts with the people's wishes he wants, killing his grandson is nothing. He even killed his own son more than ten years ago!"

Chen Yangzhou is the name of Emperor Chen.

You Yuji listened to You Heng's words and agreed with him in her heart. Otherwise, she would not have been so decisive in urging Chen Anzhi to sign the divorce agreement. However, she was the person involved in the divorce, and she would always blame herself if her divorce brought harm to her family.

"Let's go." You Heng stood up. "If Chen Zheng is obstructing and disagrees with your approach, then our You family won't waste time talking to him. Second brother will take you directly to the palace and ask that 'wise ruler' to make the decision!"

You Heng spoke loudly, and he did not lower his voice on purpose. Every word he said fell into the ears of You Jiamu outside the window. You Jiamu smiled happily. Although his elder sister already knew that he had secretly sent the letter to his hometown, even if he was beaten up by his elder sister, as long as he could help her, everything was worth it!

Jiao Yushu looked at You Jiamu's smiling face and shook his head helplessly. He looked towards the window and sighed silently.

You Heng walked to the door first, turned around and looked at You Yuji, and said, "Yuanyuan, you look so bad, did you not sleep well last night?"

You Yuji subconsciously raised her hand, touched her cheek with the back of her finger, and said, "Maybe."

You Heng picked up the fox fur coat on the hanger at the door and put it on You Yuji himself. You Yuji looked at the big hand that her second brother stretched out to her, fearing that he would tear her belt again, and hurriedly tied the silk ribbon at the collar herself.

Seeing her familiar behavior, You Heng sneered.

You Yuji walked out, and You Heng suddenly said, "Yuanyuan, no matter what time, your family will always stand behind you."

You Yuji paused, slowly curved her lips, hummed softly, and said softly, "I know."

Her hand on the silk ribbon at her collar involuntarily touched the light purple pearl in her lapel.

But her family lacked a father.

Even my mother...

You Yuji calmed down and went to the front hall with You Heng. You Jiamu was still young and wanted to go with them, but You Yuji stopped him and told him to stay at Tanxiang Yingyue. However, Jiao Yushu would not go with them because he was a cousin, so he stayed at Tanxiang Yingyue.

You Yuji and You Heng arrived at the Jinnan King's courtyard and sat down in the front hall. Maids from the Jinnan King's courtyard filed in and served tea and snacks.

Nanny Gu beside Princess Jinnan bowed and said, "The princess had a miscarriage last night, and Imperial Doctor Hu is still in the back adjusting her body. General You and his wife, please wait for a moment."

You Yuji nodded and asked gently, "What did Doctor Hu say?"

Madam Gu secretly observed You Yuji's expression, and when she heard her concerned about the princess's condition, she thought that there might be room for improvement in today's situation. She replied respectfully, "The princess had an old illness, and now that she is pregnant, she naturally needs to be more careful. Although the princess had a slight miscarriage last night, Doctor Hu brought her back to health with his miraculous hands, so naturally there is nothing serious."

"That's good." You Yuji nodded slightly.

You Yuji and You Heng sat in the front hall for a while, and then the Jinnan King and his wife came over, followed by Chen Anzhi. You Yuji glanced at Chen Anzhi and saw that he was still wearing yesterday's clothes. His clothes were wrinkled, his face was not looking good, and his legs were very stiff when he walked.

I heard that he was punished by the King of Jinnan to kneel in the Buddhist temple all night last night. He was allowed to come only when the King of Jinnan and his wife came together.

In the past, Chen Anzhi would have looked at You Yuji with anger or disdain. But at this moment, he hung his head, not in the least bit energetic. It was unknown whether it was because he had been punished and was hungry that he had lost his energy, or whether it was because he felt regretful and ashamed for what he had done last night after sobering up.

When the Jinnan King and his wife came in, You Yuji stood up and bowed, but You Heng still sat in the chair without moving. Jinnan King Chen Zheng glanced at You Heng and silently sat down in the chair with the princess.

King Jinnan was upset because of Chen Anzhi's behavior last night, and Doctor Hu just said that the princess's pregnancy was very unstable and she needed to take good care of her body and must not make any more mistakes. King Jinnan was in no mood to deal with other things. The You family had already broken into his house, so he couldn't just ignore it.

"The rebellious son stayed drunk last night and behaved in an unbecoming manner. This is his fault." King Jinnan looked at Chen Anzhi who was hanging his head, "Your Majesty has set the date for the expedition on the eighth day of the first lunar month. This king intends to send this unfilial son to the army and let him stay there for a year to calm his anger."

Chen Anzhi was extremely reluctant to join the army, but at this moment he didn't have the energy or courage to object.

"Let's not talk about things that happened so long ago," You Heng said loudly, "Let's talk about the divorce first."

King Jinnan frowned and looked at the grassland's top warrior who was nearly ten feet tall. He pondered for a moment before saying, "I know An Zhi is useless and has wronged your sister. But this marriage is special, so it's better not to mention the divorce again."

You Heng laughed carelessly and said, "You Jinnan Palace is afraid of this and that, but our You family is not afraid."

You Heng's words were impolite, and perhaps because he had a naturally loud voice, his tone was even more impolite.

The King of Jinnan's expression changed slightly, and a bit of displeasure appeared in his eyes. He suppressed his anger, half-closed his eyes, stared at You Heng, and asked slowly: "According to General You, how do you want a divorce?"

You Heng placed his elbows on the table beside him, leaned forward slightly, and regained his serious expression. He looked back at King Jinnan with the same cold eyes and said in a deep voice, "It depends on whether King Jinnan wants to do it privately or publicly."

King Jinnan frowned and said, "I hope General You can make your words clearer."

You Heng sneered. He didn't say anything and withdrew his gaze. Instead, he turned his head to look at You Yuzhi who was sitting next to him.

The author has something to say: Let’s see if I can strive for a double update tomorrow, if I can’t, I will do it the day after tomorrow [狗头]

88 red envelopes will be randomly dropped in the comment section of this chapter, fuck

I can't stand it anymore!!! I finally made up my mind to overcome my obsessive-compulsive disorder and go back to fix the typos! qaq Goodbye to the neat update time... The update is still the same time every day, and the other times when I am reminded to update are because I am fixing the typos in the previous chapters. I only fix the typos, not any plot changes, so you don't have to look back.