The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 94


She is the eldest daughter of the second branch of the You family, the eldest sister of Jiamu, and the receiver of the properties left by her father. She must protect her mother, raise her younger brother, and manage all the family businesses left by her father.

When the family came to Chenjing, they had nothing but money. Her father started everything from scratch, working day and night. Now that her father is gone, she must run the business for him and complete the things that her father has not finished.

What's more, what awaits her in the future is the identity of divorce and returning home.

All this weighed on her shoulders, making her no longer dare to be weak.

Originally in Siguo, other girls of the same age from the grassland would sometimes laugh at her for being too gentle like the girls from Suguo, unlike them, the girls who were born and raised on the grassland and were cheerful.

Now in Chendi, everyone dislikes her because she comes from the grassland and has no rules and is not obedient enough.

At that time, her father was there, so no one dared to talk about it in front of her. But now that her father was gone, she could only listen with a smile.

No, she couldn't sit here tiredly any longer, and couldn't let the servants see her in such a state. You Yuji raised her hand and placed it on the door, slowly supported herself to stand up, walked to the square table, and poured herself a cup of tea.

It was a cold winter day, and the tea she had brewed in the morning had already gone cold. Her throat was burning, and she didn't care whether the tea was hot or cold, and drank it all in one gulp. The cold tea flowed into her body, and You Yuji couldn't help but shiver.

Putting down the teacup, You Yuji pressed her throat with her fingertips, and only then did she feel the pain ease a little.


She first traveled by boat and car to Wan'an Temple to pay tribute to her father according to the ritual. She burned things related to her father one by one, reminiscing about the many things she had done with him in the past. She always cared about her face, but she couldn't help but wet her eyes slightly, and immersed herself in nostalgia and depression.

On the way back to the palace, she encountered another assassination attempt. The abrasion on her palm had not completely stopped bleeding. Fortunately, she had suffered many minor injuries when she was young, riding horses and shooting arrows, so she didn't feel much pain.

After returning to the palace, she jumped down from the Wangjing Pavilion, finally forcing the little liar to admit that he had been pretending to be good all along.

At night, Chen Anzhi came over to make trouble, smashed all the vases in her hall, and scattered porcelain all over the floor. Her second brother, cousin and Jiamu came, and later the King of Jinnan and his wife also came. She responded calmly until late at night and personally settled her brothers in the guest room.

She could finally lie down, but she didn't know whether it was because she thought of Fang Qingyi's evil intentions or because she was too worried that she couldn't sleep all night.

And all of this happened in one day.

When she woke up this morning, she was already feeling very uncomfortable. If she hadn't drunk a lot of tea this morning, she would have been hoarse and weak when she went to the front yard to negotiate with the Jinnan King and his wife.

No, she can't.

Even when she had lunch with her cousin, cousin and Jiamu, she forced herself to eat. She had already troubled her second brother too much, and she didn't want to make him worry about even a small matter like being sick. Moreover, Jiamu had gone through an accident and had more and more worries, so she should not let him worry anymore.

You Yuji raised her head slightly and looked towards the window. Although the window was closed, she stared at it for a long time, as if she could see the other side of the open world with tall sky and lush grass through the closed window.

Two maids in the yard passed by the window, and their laughter drifted in through the cracks in the window. You Yuji heard a few words slowly. They were guessing how much reward they would get tomorrow and what they would do after getting the reward.

Oh, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.

You Yuji slowly lowered her eyes, and forced a faint smile. She thought to herself that it would be better to give more reward money to the servants. She had no family to reunite with, and she was not in the mood to stay up all night, so giving them more reward money would make them happier.

She rubbed her brows and walked towards the door again with lazy steps, untying the straps of the white fox fur coat on her chest as she walked. She took off the fur coat and hung it on the hanger at the door. She adjusted her clothes out of habit, and when her fingertips touched her chest, she suddenly stopped abruptly and continued to grope quickly.

The purple pearl is gone!

The last pearl her father gave her is gone!

You Yuji was stunned for a long time, then turned around, pushed the door and ran out. She wore the pearl every day and rarely took it off. She was sure that the pearl was still there when she changed her clothes this morning. Where did it fall? Was it on the way to the front hall, or when she was seeing her brothers off

Si Que stood at the window, took out a red plum from the red narrow-mouthed porcelain vase, and slowly teased the Baisui on the piano stand. He watched the black bird spinning around in circles to chase the red plum.

Although he was obviously playing with the cat for fun, Si Que had a blank expression on his face. Even his gaze towards Baisui was cold.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Si Que instantly raised his eyes and looked through the window. His movements also stopped, and Baisui finally grabbed the red plum.

Si Que watched You Yuji walk out of the room quickly, her steps hurried, with a hint of panic and anxiety between her eyebrows, an expression she rarely saw. She stepped down from the stone platform and lowered her head to look for something.

"Madam, what's wrong?" Baohe trotted towards You Yuzhi.

"Pearl, the pearl I wear every day is missing. Please ask someone to help me find it." You Yuzhi said anxiously.

Bao He nodded quickly and immediately called the two maids in the courtyard: "Quick, call everyone in the courtyard to help Madam find something! Stop what you are doing!"

Bao He called all the servants of Tan Xiang Ying Yue over and explained to them which way to go and what the object looked like. At this time, You Yu Ji had already walked out of Tan Xiang Ying Yue alone.

Si Que narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at You Yuji's slightly frivolous steps.

Relying on her memory, You Yuzhi walked back along the route she had taken to send her second brother, cousin and Jiamu off, then went to the front yard and the front hall of the Jinnan Palace.

But no, the pearl was not anywhere.

She didn't believe that the pearl had disappeared just like that, so she searched the same path again. The snow on the roadside had not melted yet, and she kept her head down, her sight was occupied by the vast expanse of white for a long time.

Her head was splitting and her throat was burning. You Yuji felt that she had almost no strength to move forward, but she was unwilling to give up and continued to search along the path she had walked.

She was always stubborn and wanted to keep everything her father left behind.

Madam Jing went to do something, and Zhenxu also left the palace to ask for a doctor. Baohe was young, and not as careful as Madam Jing and Zhenxu. Also, because You Yuji kept her head down, Baohe did not notice that You Yuji's face was as pale as paper. She knew that the pearl was very important to You Yuji, and she was also looking for it carefully.

You Yuji was so focused on searching that she didn't even notice when the snow fell. Her hair was dyed white by the snow.

Bao He then trotted up from behind and said hastily, "Madam, can you please go back? We can find her!"

You Yuji didn't say anything and continued to search along the roadside. The snow feather fell down, brushed her cold cheek, and slid into her clothes, leaving a wet and cool feeling.

You Yuji then realized that it was snowing. She raised her head, looked at the gray snow falling, blinked slowly, and slowly realized that she had to continue looking, and could not let the little pearl be buried by the snow, otherwise she would not be able to find it.

Her emotions had already sunk to the bottom, and even the calmest heart could not help but tremble and cry. She began to blame herself, blaming herself for choosing the wrong person when the marriage was arranged, causing trouble for the You family, blaming herself for not being able to keep her mother healthy, and blaming herself for not being able to protect the things her father left her.

It has been a year since my father passed away, but the news of his death seems to have happened just yesterday.

My father could have stayed away from the battlefield because of her.

"Siguo is gone, and there is still a long way to go. Fortunately, Emperor Chen has accepted many ministers and generals who surrendered to the country." Her father looked at her and laughed, "My daughter is so beautiful. If you don't fight for fame and fortune again, how can you drive away the evil spirit of wealth wolf?"

You Yuji was in excruciating pain.

If she could go back to the past, she would definitely stop her father and even stop Chen Jing from coming. She was willing to give up everything in exchange for her father's life.

Suddenly, the world spun around, and You Yuji's body swayed. She frowned, and even at this moment she was still telling herself to hold on and not fall down like this outside.

She did not fall, and even the biting snow feathers that fell on her head were blocked by a warm yellow silk umbrella.

She lowered her head and stared at the snow on the roadside for too long, staring at the white for so long that her eyes suddenly became white and she couldn't see anything clearly. After a while, the warm yellow umbrella surface was reflected in her eyes.

Si Que's hand was very strong, supporting her so that she could stand upright with her back straight.

You Yuji slowly turned her head and looked at Si Que.

Si Que pursed his lips and stared at her. He thought she would cry out of grievance, but her whites of her eyes were bloodshot, and she still didn't shed a single tear.

You Yuji frowned and tried to brush his hand away. She had no strength, and her hand was soft.

Si Que looked at her and said, "The servants are all watching."

You Yuji slowly lowered her eyes, and her hand that was about to brush him down also softly fell. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She knew that she couldn't look for him outside anymore, her body couldn't take it anymore. She also knew that she didn't have the strength to walk back. She was silent for a while, and then spoke again: "Thank you."

Her voice was as light and shallow as a wisp of smoke, and a little hoarse.

Si Que didn't respond and helped her walk back.

The snow fell heavily, covering the world in white. Even the wind joined in the fun, whistling and whimpering through the branches. Under the warm yellow umbrella, the skirts of the two people were tangled together by the cold wind.

Si Que held You Yuji's fingertips and moved them gently, pressing on her pulse, and couldn't help but frown. He raised his eyes and looked at Tan Xiang Ying Yue's door, with a bit of impatience in his eyes.

Finally reaching the door, he pushed it open, and left the silk umbrella in his hand casually at the door, with the snow on the umbrella falling off.

The two of them walked into the room, and the heat from the room hit them in the face. However, You Yuji had been outside for too long and had already frozen stiff, so she couldn't feel the warmth for a while.

After entering the house, Si Que directly picked up You Yuji and carried her to the beauty couch under the window. He quickly moved the two charcoal braziers in the house to the side of the beauty couch, and took the blanket on the chair and wrapped it tightly around You Yuji.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

You Yuji didn't say anything. She hugged her knees and turned to look towards the door. She was still thinking about the pearl. She wondered if they had found it.

Bao He called all of Tan Xiang Ying Yue's servants out to look for things, but no one was found. Si Que ordered Ting Yun and Liu Feng to immediately boil water, make ginger soup and cold medicine.

Seeing You Yuji motionless and absent-minded, he quickly walked to the inner room, took out her quilt, wrapped You Yuji in it, and then took the hand warmer from the table and put it in her hands to warm her. She couldn't stay cold like this, no matter how good her body was, she couldn't bear it.

"You'll find it." He paused, "I'll find it for you."

You Yuji turned her head and looked at him.

Si Que felt You Yuji's gaze, he slowly raised his eyes and looked back at her.

You Yuji calmly watched Si Que's long black eyelashes slowly lift up. For a moment, many past scenes emerged in front of her eyes. She used to like him slowly lifting his eyelashes, looking at her with a pair of clean and soft eyes, and calling her sister affectionately.

However, all his displays of weakness were just pretense.

Then, his goodwill was somewhat genuine.

The author has something to say: There will be another chapter later, maybe around 12 o'clock. As expected, the time was disrupted, and I procrastinated and wrote slowly [狗头]