The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 95


You Yuji had a dream. In the dream, it was when she was thirteen years old. Early in the morning, she followed her second brother out of the back door and rode her favorite Xuanying.

The second brother turned around and smiled at her: "Yuanyuan, be careful not to fall into the water!"

She shouted back into the wind: "I won't!"

The horses' hooves stepped over the Yuan River, splashing cool water. The summer sun was also warm, shining on the splashing water droplets, reflecting some soft light and shadows, wetting her skirt and small leather boots.

After crossing the Yuan River, there is an endless grassland.

She leaned over and patted Xuanying's neck, saying, "Work harder, let's catch up with our second brother!"

Xuanying seemed to understand what she said and neighed in response.

She was almost able to catch up with her second brother, but she saw a herdsman driving a large group of cattle and sheep passing by, separating her from her second brother. Even though she was very reluctant, she had to quickly pull the reins.

The second brother laughed at her across the bleating of cattle and sheep.

The old man shepherding the sheep smiled at her. He was wearing clothes that had been washed so well that they looked white.

"Second brother, you are cheating! This is not fair!" She smiled with her eyes curved, and the soft light and shadow of the morning sun kissed the curve of her eyes.

"Hahaha, Yuanyuan, don't be angry, this is for you!" The second brother took out a book from the backpack of the carriage and threw it to her.

She opened it curiously and found that it was a few poems written by Princess Que. She didn't care about dragging her second brother to race horses anymore. She asked Xuanying to slow down and walk leisurely on the grassland. She pointed her finger at the words on the book and read them word by word.

As she read Princess Que's new lyrics, she thought about turning them into dance music...

After reading it only twice, she had memorized it.

Her second brother urged her to hurry up. She patted Xuanying, rode quickly and followed her second brother to watch the wrestling match happily.

It was a lively day.

She stood in the crowd, cheering and laughing.

Someone recognized her and invited her with a smile: "Want to show her how to fight?"

She didn't need to say anything. Her second brother just gave them a sidelong glance and the person who was making a fuss immediately backed away, saying that he was just joking.

"Yuanyuan!" Jiang Chun waved at her vigorously. She squeezed through the crowd and gave her a handful of sour jujube milk candies in his arms.

Sweet and sour.

When the sunset glowed all over the sky, she reluctantly said goodbye to Jiang Chun and followed her second brother home. On the way home, she chatted and laughed with her second brother, saying that she would go again the day after tomorrow. When she passed the gate and saw her eldest cousin with a stern face, she immediately stopped smiling and greeted him politely.

"I skipped class again and copied the teacher's article three times yesterday!"

She nodded her head in agreement, then walked in with a cheerful step.

"Mother! I picked a lot of flowers for you from the Yuan River! They are so beautiful!"

She peeped through the door and saw her father putting flowers in her mother's hair. Her mother turned around and smiled at her, as gentle as water: "Tonight we have your favorite gardenia cake."

The father also looked over and said with a smile: "Go and wash your little black face!"

"Yes!" She walked out with her hands behind her back and met Jiamu. Jiamu was still a little kid with short arms and legs. He raised his little face and complained in a baby voice: "Sister went out to play without me!"

She smiled and pinched Jiamu's soft little face, feeling in her heart that in two years her brother would be able to help her copy books.

You Yuji opened her eyes.

Everything in the dream was so beautiful and so real. The beauty that now seemed out of reach was just an ordinary day in her past.

"Madam, are you awake?" Zhenxu looked at You Yuji worriedly, "Why didn't you tell me when you had such a high fever?"

The smile in You Yuji's eyes slowly faded, and she was reluctant to wake up from her dream. She wanted to sit up, and Zhenxu hurriedly helped her up.

Zhenxu sat down beside the beauty couch, picked up the cold medicine on the small table, blew on it gently, and said, "Just right, drink the medicine quickly."

You Yuji took the medicine bowl and drank all the medicine in the bowl in silence.

Zhenxu felt it was bitter, but You Yuji didn't even frown. Zhenxu took the empty bowl and quickly handed over the candied fruit she had prepared earlier: "It's so bitter, eat a piece of candied fruit to reduce the bitterness."

You Yuji took the candied fruit and realized belatedly that her mouth tasted bitter. When she drank the medicine before, she didn't feel how bitter it was.

"Madam, the doctor said that your cold came on suddenly and violently. You must take good care of yourself." Zhenxu looked at You Yuji's expression and knew that she was not feeling well and probably didn't want to talk. Without saying much, he stood up and poured a cup of warm water and handed it to You Yuji, "Madam, drink more hot water to warm your body."

After staying in the warm room for so long, You Yuji's frozen body had long since recovered, but her body was still cold. Even though she didn't want to drink the water, she still handed it to him and drank it mouthful by mouthful. She couldn't stay sick like this, there were still many things waiting for her, she had to get better quickly.

There was a strong wind outside, hitting the windows fiercely, and the window paper made a whimpering sound. You Yuji turned her head and looked over. It was still afternoon, but it was very dark outside.

"Why am I sleeping here?" she asked.

Zhenxu sighed, "Because you were sick. When I called the doctor back, I saw you sleeping on the beauty couch. I thought you had fainted. I was so scared."

Zhenxu patted his chest with lingering fear.

You Yuji looked down at the blanket and quilt wrapped around her body, with the hand warmer lying beside her. She gradually remembered what happened before she fell asleep.

It was Si Que who helped her back.

It was he who wrapped her in a quilt, moved the charcoal brazier, and put in a hand warmer. He also said...

You Yuji's heart skipped a beat. She quickly knelt down from her sitting position, moved to the window, and pushed it open with force. The wind, snow and severe cold outside rushed in all at once.

The pillow cried out in surprise and said hastily, "Madam, why are you opening the window? You can't stay cold any longer!"

She didn't dare to close the window directly, so she hurriedly knelt on the beauty couch and wrapped You Yuzhi with the quilt that fell on the couch.

You Yuji looked out the window.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, obscuring the sunlight, and the snow and wind changed the color of the sky and the earth. Not long after, she actually saw Si Que's figure. The cold wind blew up his skirt, and his figure in the snow and wind looked slender, and his temples were already covered with snow. In such a heavy snow and wind, the umbrella could not be supported. He put away the silk umbrella and held it in his hand.

Si Que also saw You Yuzhi and looked over from afar.

It was icy and snowy outside, but the soft light coming from the window was a completely different world. He walked closer and closer, and the distance between the two of them gradually narrowed, until the gloomy sky and the snow and wind could not block their gazes.

Si Que withdrew his gaze.

You Yuji closed the window, sat down slowly, and leaned against the wall.

Zhenxu had already walked to the door and greeted Si Que, wanting to help brush off the snow on his body. Si Que raised his hand to stop her.

He walked towards You Yuzhi, bringing in the cold air wrapped in wind and snow.

You Yuji raised her head and looked quietly at him standing in front of her.

Si Que said nothing, but just spread his hands in front of her.

The purple pearl stained by the snow water lay quietly in his palm.

He said he would look for it for her, and he actually found it.

You Yuji was surprised and stared at the purple pearl, not taking it for a while.

"The princess actually found it back!" Zhenxu exclaimed happily.

You Yuji's hands, wrapped in the quilt, rested on her knees. Her fingertips trembled before she reached out to take the pearl lying in his palm.

“Thank you…” You Yuji went to take the pearl, and when her fingertips touched his palm, she immediately felt a chill.

You Yuji pursed her lips, turned her face slightly, and tightened her slender fingers to hold the pearl in her hand, and whispered: "You shouldn't look for it."

It's too cold outside.

Si Que didn't say anything.

Even Zhenxu left the room to prepare hot water, leaving only the two of them in the room. After a long silence, You Yuji did not wait for Si Que to speak.

Nature tore off his smiling mask and he became less and less talkative.

You Yuji turned her head and looked at the fallen snow in his hair and on his shoulders, her brows slightly furrowed, showing some doubt and confusion.

"Where did you find it?" she asked softly, with a hint of hoarseness in her voice.

Si Que finally spoke: "In the cracks of the bricks at the entrance of the palace."

Zhenxu led the maid into the clean room carrying hot water for bathing. You Yuji listened to their footsteps in silence.

Zhenxu came over and said, "Madam, you should take a hot bath and rest early."

You Yuji nodded. Her clothes were still damp from the snow and she felt very uncomfortable.

Baohe called Zhenxu in the clean room, and Zhenxu hurried over to see what he needed help with.

You Yuji pushed away the quilt wrapped around her body and moved her legs under the beauty bed. But she didn't see her shoes. Her shoes had been soaked by the snow and taken away by the servants. Because she was sick, the people around her were very busy and didn't have time to bring a new pair of shoes.

You Yuji turned her head and looked towards the cleaning room, waiting for Zhenxu to finish his work and come to help her.

A pair of shoes was placed in front of her.

Before You Yuji saw Si Que, she smelled his familiar scent. Before she turned around, her ankle was grabbed.

You Yuzhi looked over and saw Si Que squatting in front of her, putting shoes on her.

As she got closer, she could clearly see that the clothes on his shoulders were soaked. She wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing and slowly pursed her lips.

There was no expression on Si Que's face. He put one shoe on You Yuji and then held her other foot. His eyes caught a glimpse of the small red mole on her ankle.

It was this ferocious Gu that had bewitched him in the first place.

His gaze lingered for a moment longer before he helped her put on her shoes.

"Oh, I forgot to get shoes for Madam..." Zhenxu hurried out of the bathroom and just in time saw Si Que standing up after putting on shoes for You Yuji.

Zhenxu paused for a moment until You Yuji looked over, then she quickly walked over to support You Yuji and helped her into the clean room.

You Yuji didn't like maids to serve her when she took a bath. Even when she was sick, she didn't keep anyone and undressed alone and got into the hot water.

Zhenxu was a little worried, afraid that You Yuji might be exhausted or fall or get hurt.

Bao He took her hand and walked out quickly, whispering in her ear: "What are you afraid of? Didn't you see Princess Que is still there?"

Zhenxu thought about it and felt that it was right, so he felt a little relieved.

You Yuji took off her clothes with great effort, and untied the silk cloth wrapped around her chest layer by layer. She sat in the hot water, feeling the warm water wrapping around her chilly body, and the chill in her body was gradually relieved.

She soaked in the hot water for a long time before she carefully stepped out by holding on to the wall of the tub, changed into loose pajamas and walked out.

You Yuji was a little surprised that Si Que was still outside, still sitting in a rattan chair opposite the beauty couch. He should have heard her coming out of the clean room, but he didn't look over, and he kept tossing a copper coin over and over again with an expressionless face.

You Yuji stood there silently for a moment before she walked forward, sat down on the beauty couch, and gently wiped her wet hair with a cotton towel.

The only sound was the wind, which kept hitting the window paper behind her.

You Yuji looked up at Si Que several times. She wanted to tell him that he should go back to change clothes, take a bath, or even drink some cold-dispelling medicine.

She slowed down her movements to wipe her wet hair.

"You..." You Yuji frowned, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Si Que caught the fallen coin and looked over.

"You... why don't you say anything?" You Yuji was a little uncomfortable with the quiet atmosphere in the room at the moment.

"I don't like to talk anyway." Si Que threw the copper coin in his hand expressionlessly, but did not catch it, letting it fall to the ground and roll under the table. He looked at You Yuji and slowly raised the corner of his lips: "If you want to listen, then I will say a few more words?"

The author has something to say: Little Princess: What do you want to hear from me? Dirty words

The last chapter was the one I wrote most carefully and was the one I was most satisfied with this month, but it was also the only one that was considered as a waste of words. Wow, so the author and the reader really have different perspectives [heartbroken]

Also, sometimes I feel disappointed when I see comments because the direction is not what I expected. But in fact, the direction is in accordance with the copy. I said that pregnancy is the end soon qaq