The Wife Wants A Divorce Every day

Chapter 29


Jiang Wanwan looked at Xi Heming's back, and was really shocked this time. She and Xi Heming lived under the same roof, and scenes of mutual hostility were often staged at home. They were like each other's nemesis, and they felt at odds with each other just at a glance. . The only time the two of them coexisted peacefully was when they were sitting on the terrace eating skewers, and the other time was when he listened to his introduction to professional robots in the industry on the weekend. However, Jiang Wanwan felt that these two times were special circumstances. The first time was because Xi Heming didn't want to argue with her when she was drunk. The second time, Jiang Wanwan felt that it was because Xi Heming agreed with Jiangcheng Technology's robot products that she listened carefully.

As far as the relationship between the two is concerned, although they are not strangers, they are still close to each other. How could Xi Heming suddenly be so considerate and prepare a foot bath for her? Doesn't this look like President Xi's behavior

But looking down at the large bucket of warm water exuding a faint medicine, Jiang Wanwan felt that her feet seemed to be more swollen than before, and she didn't want to think too much. She rushed back to the room, took off her professional suit, and put on comfortable clothes. The clothes are once again back in the living room.

A comfortable and luxurious massage chair was placed quietly next to the sofa, and a foot bath bucket was placed in front of the massage chair. The water temperature in the bucket reached forty degrees, and small bubbles were bubbling as the massage rollers rotated.

Jiang Wanwan sat on the massage chair and carefully placed her feet in the foot bath bucket. The hot water tightly wrapped her feet and moisturized every inch of skin on her feet. The massage chair behind her was rubbing, pinching and kneading. Rolling and pressing, every muscle in the body was soothed, and Jiang Wanwan sighed with great comfort.

Not to mention it’s really comfortable.

Jiang Wanwan thought for a while and took out her phone and sent a text message to Xi Heming; thank you.

After waiting for a long time, Xi Heming didn't reply. Jiang Wanwan had become accustomed to his attitude, so she put the phone aside and closed her eyes to enjoy the massage.

Jiang Wanwan prepared materials in the morning and held a more than three-hour meeting with the Xi Group in the afternoon. After seeing them off, she continued to devote herself to research and development work. She was extremely exhausted both physically and mentally. After closing her eyes for a while, Jiang Wanwan fell asleep.

As time passed by, Xi Heming held his cell phone and looked at the text message Jiang Wanwan sent to him in a daze. Speaking of which, he didn't understand why he prepared a massage chair and footbath for Jiang Wanwan. Maybe he saw that Jiang Wanwan's feet were sore from standing in high heels for too long, and she still pretended that nothing happened. It felt particularly dazzling.

This woman is really becoming more and more incomprehensible. Before she got married, she obviously wanted to be a wealthy wife, but after she got married, she didn't care about her status as a wealthy wife. She worked hard to start a business and worked overtime until midnight every day.

He was really crazy to wait from dinner until now just to give her the massage chair and footbath.

Xi Heming sat up irritably. He felt that his actions in the past two days were becoming less and less like a rational and calm business manager. He left the tens of billions of investment projects unfinished and personally led the team to Jiangcheng Technology to contact him. , and even when Jiangcheng Technology had no finished product, he notified his subordinates to keep the contract with Jiangcheng Technology...

If someone had said that he would make such a decision a few months ago, he would have given the other person a disdainful snort. He, Xi Heming, was able to develop Xi's Group from a second-rate domestic enterprise to what it is today in just a few years because of his ruthless rationality. The word "favor" never existed in front of him.

But he didn't expect that he would change his usual style today because of Jiang Wanwan.

Xi Heming turned on the air conditioner and stood up. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and opened the curtains. Looking at the starry night in front of him, his troubled thoughts gradually calmed down.

In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just a contract worth tens of millions. It's not a particularly important joint project. No matter which company it is given to, it will have little impact on Xi's Group. There is no need for him to waste it on this matter. Your own perfect schedule.

Taking a deep breath, Xi Heming felt that he had figured it out and closed the curtains. But when he was about to return to bed, Xi Heming paused. After hesitating for a moment, he walked towards the door.

Despite his busy schedule, he still remembered to give her a gift to relieve her fatigue. He wanted to see if she wasted all his hard work.

If you dare not use it, humph, the contract will be cancelled!

Opening the door, the bright light outside made the corner of Xi Heming's mouth feel more proud. But after walking out of the door and walking to the living room, Xi Heming looked at Jiang Wanwan who was sleeping on the massage chair, and the pride suddenly froze at the corner of his mouth. superior…

Is it that comfortable? I massaged them all until they fell asleep!

Xi Heming walked up to Jiang Wanwan and looked at her condescendingly.

At this time, Jiang Wanwan had already changed into home clothes, and the delicate makeup on her face had also been removed. She no longer looked like an elite during the day, but instead looked a bit like a little girl.

She was sleeping soundly, with a natural blush on her fair skin, her long eyelashes curled up quietly, and her moist mouth pouted slightly. She frowned, seemingly because of her uncomfortable posture, and her fatigue could be seen from her sleeping appearance.

Xi Heming couldn't help but think of how she was full of energy and bickering with him when she first moved in. At that time, she looked full of energy, as if she was the incarnation of the Buddha of Fighting and Victory, and she could retort every word he said. The Jiang Xiaoyi she developed also had the same virtues as her. He was obviously just an artificial intelligence, but he was more talkative than ordinary people. He had never seen a robot that could quarrel like that.

Xi Heming couldn't help but chuckle, and his eyes softened a bit when he looked at Jiang Wanwan. He couldn't help but shake his head when he thought of the scenes where he and her had been fighting each other since they got married. He was really becoming more and more useless as he lived, and he was actually with a person. The little girls are so happy to quarrel.

Xi Heming bent his index finger and tapped Jiang Wanwan's forehead twice: "Hey, get up."

Jiang Wanwan closed her eyes and pouted, twisted her body, and turned her head to the other side, seeming to sleep more soundly.

Seeing her like this, Xi Heming remembered the last time the two of them had barbecue on the terrace. That time Jiang Wanwan couldn't wake up because she was drunk. This time she just soaked her feet. Why was she sleeping so deeply

Xi Heming bent down helplessly, reached out and pinched Jiang Wanwan's face and pulled it twice: "Jiang Wanwan, are you a pig? Get up."

"Hmm~~" Jiang Wanwan hummed with her eyes closed, raised her arm and hit the back of Xi Heming's hand with great precision, but the person showed no sign of waking up.

Xi Heming let go of his hand and looked at the clear red fingerprints on Jiang Wanwan's face. For the first time, he felt guilty and subconsciously reached out to rub her twice.

Warm fingers touched Jiang Wanwan's smooth face, and the tender touch made Xi Heming's heart tremble, and he retracted his fingers as if he was electrocuted.

Xi Heming coughed twice unnaturally, feeling that it was a bit rude to rub the girl's face like this, but the woman in front of him who couldn't wake up after falling asleep really made him helpless.

You won't have to half-support and half-hold her back to the room, right

Seeing Jiang Wanwan unable to scream, Xi Heming felt a little regretful about giving her these two gifts. He was really full, so why bother!

After walking around the living room twice, Xi Heming walked up to Jiang Wanwan again, put his hands on Jiang Wanwan's shoulders and helped her sit up.

Jiang Wanwan collapsed on Xi Heming's hand. Although her head was tilted back without any support, she still slept very soundly.

Xi Heming felt like he was about to kneel down in front of her. He had always heard that some people couldn't be woken up by earthquakes. He thought it was an exaggeration. Now he discovered that there really is such a sleeping god!

Reluctantly, he put his arm behind her back and hugged her leg with the other hand. Xi Heming felt that he picked up Jiang Wanwan without using much force.

Jiang Wanwan, who was half lying in Xi Heming's arms, moved slightly. Xi Heming looked at her expectantly, determined to throw her down as soon as she opened her eyes. Unfortunately, Jiang Wanwan rubbed her head twice and found a comfortable position and then stopped moving. She seemed to be sleeping more soundly than before.

Xi Heming: "..."

With a helpless sigh, Xi Heming carried Jiang Wanwan to the door of her room, raised his long legs and kicked it slightly, and the ajar door opened.

Xi Heming walked to the bed, and just as he was about to put Jiang Wanwan on the bed, he saw that her feet were still dripping. Xi Heming paused, with a tangled look on his face.

According to his idea, it was a great mercy to throw Jiang Wanwan on the bed and cover her with a quilt. Wiping people's feet was definitely not something he could do; but if he really wanted to throw her on the bed like this, his mysophobia was really unbearable. Don't let this happen.

Seeing Jiang Wanwan sleeping sweetly in his arms, Xi Heming regretted so much that he gritted his teeth. Why was he so kind to give her a footbath? Isn't this just looking for trouble

Depressed, most of Jiang Wanwan's body was placed on the bed. Xi Heming went to the bathroom with a sullen face and took out a towel. He wrapped Jiang Wanwan's white and tender feet and wiped them a few times. He threw the towel into the dirty clothes basket with a look of disgust. When Xi Heming went to the bathroom to wash his hands and came out again, Jiang Wanwan had rolled into the middle of the bed and found a comfortable position, and even wrapped herself in the air conditioner.

Xi Heming was so angry that if Jiang Wanwan hadn't been breathing calmly and her eyelashes hadn't trembled, he would have suspected that she was pretending to sleep.

Looking at Jiang Wanwan's sleeping face, Xi Heming felt that he was worrying too much about her right now, and he almost didn't recognize himself.

Rubbing his drowsy temples, Xi Heming felt sleepy. He put his inexplicable feelings behind and yawned to help Jiang Wanwan turn off the light.

"Jiang Wanwan, this is the last time. Don't expect me to help you next time."


The sun shone in through the window and fell on Jiang Wanwan's face, covering her with a pale golden veil. As the sunshine became stronger and stronger, Jiang Wanwan, who was sleeping soundly, was finally awakened by the abundant sunshine. When she opened her eyes, she realized that it was already bright.

Jiang Wanwan sat up, rubbing her hair and yawning. She suddenly froze when she opened her mouth halfway. She seemed to have fallen asleep while soaking her feet last night.

She turned on the air conditioner and looked down at herself. She was still wearing the home clothes she had changed into before soaking her feet. She had not changed into pajamas and even untied her underwear.

Wasn't it Xi Heming who brought it back to her

As soon as this thought came up, Jiang Wanwan immediately shook her head. The last time she was drunk, Xi Heming had already looked disgusted when he half dragged her back to the room. How could he carry her back to the room? Besides, it was already midnight when she soaked her feet, and Xi Heming had already gone back to his room to rest.

Jiang Wanwan bit her lip in confusion. When she was about to get out of bed, she looked around and found that there were no slippers around the bed.

Jiang Wanwan: "..."

Let me go, is it really Xi Heming

Without taking off her shoes and unable to find her cell phone, Jiang Wanwan had no choice but to press the call bell. Soon Aunt Wang knocked on the door and came in. She asked with a smile: "What would you like to eat in the morning, madam?"

Jiang Wanwan sat on the bed and asked with great confusion: "Aunt Wang, have you seen my mobile phone and slippers?"

"I saw it, it's next to the footbath." Aunt Wang turned around and went out. After a while, she brought in Jiang Wanwan's slippers and placed them beside the bed. She handed Jiang Wanwan's mobile phone to her: "You freshen up first, and I'll prepare breakfast. "

Aunt Wang went out and closed the door. Jiang Wanwan, who was alone in the room, had an embarrassed look on her face, and the emotions in her heart were very complicated, a little embarrassed and a little grateful.

Although the two often had tit-for-tat confrontations, Xi Heming sent her back to the room, and she had to express her gratitude in person.

After hesitating between calling or sending a text message, Jiang Wanwan still sent a text message: "Mr. Xi, you were the one who sent me back to the room last night, right? Thank you!"

Less than half a minute after the message was sent, Xi Heming's call came back. Jiang Wanwan answered the call nervously. Just as she was awkwardly preparing to say her thanks again, she heard Xi Heming's sneer on the phone.

"Jiang Wanwan, you are a pig, I guess. I couldn't wake you up no matter what I called you last night. You hadn't gotten up yet when I went out at eight o'clock this morning. I really admire you. There's no need to say thank you, if I weren't afraid that you would delay our company. I don’t care about your orders for professional robots in the industry.”

Jiang Wanwan: "..."

I was really moved for only three seconds. Xi Heming, you are lucky if you have not been beaten to death at this age!

Jiang Wanwan rolled her eyes and took back all the mixed feelings: "Goodbye!"

"Wait!" Xi Heming hesitated for a moment, and his voice was obviously less confident than before: "Add me on WeChat!"

Jiang Wanwan was confused: "Why should I add you on WeChat?"

Xi Heming, who was scolded, suddenly became more energetic: "You still have the nerve to say that you are the boss of a technology company. In what age do you still use text messages? Hurry up and add me on WeChat, which is my mobile phone number, and I will give you a pass!"

After Xi Heming finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Jiang Wanwan laughed angrily at his condescending tone. She wanted to ignore him, but thinking that there would be a lot of things that the two of them needed to communicate about in the future, whether it was products or entertainment, she reluctantly put it down. Added Xi Heming’s WeChat account.

Sure enough, as Xi Heming said, he quickly passed the friend verification, and also sent a rather disgusting voice: "Jiang Wanwan, don't expect me to make an exception for you next time!"

Jiang Wanwan: "???"

No, what exception did you make for me

Jiang Wanwan shook her head and put the matter behind her and went to the bathroom to wash up. Half an hour later, when she came out of the bathroom, she heard her phone singing crazily.

While wiping her hair, she glanced at the screen. It was a call from Meng Yuming. Jiang Wanwan swiped the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard Meng Yuming's happy voice: "Mr. Jiang, Xi's Group just contacted us and said that they would give us another extension." Months of research and development time, product customization requirements will be passed to us today. According to what the other party said, as long as we make a customized robot for Xi's within three months, the other party will directly sign a contract with us."

Jiang Wanwan: "..."

Mr. Xi, why don’t we make an exception as we just promised