The Wife Wants A Divorce Every day

Chapter 50


Xi Xiaoer was puzzled and didn't care that he would be laughed at because he had zero fans. He pitifully asked Jiang Xiaoyi for help. Jiang Xiaoyi generously gave Xi Xiaoer his attention first, and then he was speechless after watching all his videos...

Xi Xiaoer is indeed good at editing. He edited the nanny cleaning the room just enough to be uploaded, but the entire video is about the nanny wearing a mask working diligently. Jiang Xiaoyi glanced at Xi Xiaoer speechlessly, "You wouldn't be in such a miserable state even if you just patted the mansion!"

Xi Xiaoer opened his big eyes and looked at Jiang Xiaoyi innocently: "I saw you staring at me."

Jiang Xiaoyi waved his hand wordlessly: "Stop talking nonsense, delete all these things you posted, today my sister will teach you how to play Weibo."

Waiter Xi was a little reluctant to delete the video. Although it was not good, it was shot with his own camera and edited with the built-in editing program. This is not easy for a robot. .

Xi Xiaoer's eyes slid over his videos that had zero clicks, and he asked awkwardly: "Can you not delete them? I want to keep them."

"Then keep it if you like. I won't care if it becomes your black history in the future." Jiang Xiaoyi directed Xi Xiaoer to stand at the door of Xi Heming's room, and then turned on his own camera: "Be a Introduce yourself.”

Xi Xiaoer showed his crescent-like eyes to Jiang Xiaoyi and said naively: "Hello everyone, my name is Xi Xiaoer, and I am also a smart home robot. Today I will introduce to you my home. This is In my master’s room, he used to ask me to call him brother, and recently he asked me to call him dad. I don’t know how to call him anymore.”

Xi Xiaoer slid into Xi Heming's room, and Jiang Xiaoyi followed behind and took pictures diligently. The huge and luxurious rooms are shown to everyone under Jiang Xiaoyi's lens.

Because Xi Xiaoer is not very popular, fans may be put off by a video that is too long, so Jiang Xiaoyi’s video is only five minutes long and introduces the master bedroom, bathroom and dressing room, with Xi Xiaoer appearing throughout.

After the video was ready, Jiang Xiaoyi sent it to Xi Xiaoer via Bluetooth. Xi Xiaoer happily posted it on Weibo, and added the topic #江城科技家ServiceRobot# at Jiang Xiaoyi’s reminder. .

After posting the video, Xi Xiaoer happily went online to play games. Jiang Xiaoyi looked at him dumbfounded: "Why don't you pay attention to see if anyone is watching your video?"

Xi Xiaoer shook his head slowly: "No one will find me so soon. Maybe no one will see me. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. I'm used to it."

Seeing Xi Xiaoer's lack of progress, Jiang Xiaoyi became angry. She, Jiang Xiaoyi, the No. 1 home service robot, personally planned and photographed this. How could no one see it

Jiang Xiaoyi secretly followed Xi Xiaoer's Weibo. Sure enough, people on Weibo were still discussing Jiangcheng Technology's press conference. Some of them had just learned that users of this robot would be directed to Jiangcheng Technology. When I went to Xiao Yi's Weibo to watch the video, no one noticed Xi Xiaoer's little splash.

Jiang Xiaoyi felt proud of his own national attention, and thought about it using his own program. He felt that after the warehouse shipped today, each house would receive the robot one after another, and they would definitely show it off. There will probably be more and more robot videos online in the future. In this case, it is better to support Xi Xiaoer by yourself. At least his videos were taken by yourself.

I have made Xi Xiaoer famous. With his dull thinking, he will definitely admire me. When the time comes, I will still be the boss of the family.

Jiang Xiaoyi happily forwarded Xi Xiaoer's Weibo: "I found a brother, let's see if this robot is cute or not?"

The Weibo post Jiang Xiaoyi forwarded clearly stated that it was a robot. Everyone clicked on the video, and after watching it, they all complained in the comment area:

Fried chicken with Yakult: This is not a show of robots, this is a show of wealth! I, a person with a salary of 3,000 yuan, dare to look at a house with a master bedroom of 50 square meters. I feel like I have been a little drifting recently!

Longsheng Jiuzi: My eyes are red, even though Jiang Xiao’s family also lives on a flat floor. I just want to know if we, the mortals who don’t have a large flat floor, can’t afford a robot

Coffee Milk Cap: Haven't you noticed the cloakroom? Although the suits inside are all hanging inside, it can still be seen that they are all high-end handmade models, as well as the row of shirts, which cost tens of thousands of yuan.

I love fried noodles: I don’t know much about clothes, but I saw a dozen neatly arranged watches. Is the light on the watches the luster of RMB

Ruyi from the Calabash family: There seems to be no difference between the men’s bags in the cloakroom. What’s wrong with Xi Xiaoer’s father? He likes to buy similar things? Also, Xi Xiaoer, do you need a stepmother? To be honest, I want to apply for a job!

I love Olaf’s nose: The bags in the cloakroom are not the same model, they just look similar, but they do have one thing in common, that is, each model costs more than six figures. All in all, Xi Xiaoer's father is synonymous with trench!

Long Sheng Jiuzi: After reading a circle of comments, I seem to finally understand, is this cloakroom worth a villa

… …

The topic #robotica’s cloakroom# quickly became popular, and everyone paid more attention to the cloakroom than to Xi Xiaoer. After all, I have watched a lot of Jiang Xiaoyi's videos, and Xi Xiaoer is not particularly special in comparison, but it is true that we rarely see this kind of cloakroom in a rich family, so our interest was immediately piqued.

Xi Xiaoer built a house for the little animals and planted vegetables in the game, and he was busy playing for more than an hour. When he exited the game still unfinished, he was surprised by the thousands of reminders that popped up on Weibo. Stunned, he opened Weibo in confusion and saw that his video had been posted tens of thousands of times and had thousands of comments.

Xi Xiaoer controlled the program and opened the Weibo comments, and found that the people below were discussing a variety of contents, including popular science watches, some talking about the world's top sanitary ware, and some talking about hand-customized high-end clothing, none of which seemed to have anything to do with him.

Xi Xiaoer worked hard to scroll down the comments, and finally saw his name in a bunch of comments: "Xi Xiaoer, I want to be your mother!"

"Xi Xiaoer, I want to marry your father!"

"Good boy, call mom!"

"You vulgar people are rushing to be others' mothers, but I am different. I want to be Xi Xiaoer's sister, hahahaha!"

Xi Xiaoer felt that his program was starting to get messed up again. He just posted a video. Why were there so many more mothers


The sales team of Jiangcheng Technology is very capable. After receiving the order, they organized the delivery of the already packaged robot. I received a phone call from the courier on the same day in the same city, and it arrived three or four days further away. In order to ensure that the robot is not violently damaged during transportation, more than ten layers of protective layers are added during packaging. Unexpectedly, when I opened the box, I thought I was buying a mummy.

As Jiang Xiaoyi guessed, various unboxing videos soon filled the Internet. Among Weibo users, only a few can afford to buy a robot, and even fewer can afford a robot with fast hand speed. Those who don’t have enough money or fast hand speed can only satisfy their cravings by watching unboxing videos.

Yunhan, who lives in the same city as Jiangcheng Technology, is a well-known mobile phone review blogger. He has also followed Jiang Xiaoyi for a long time. He entered the live broadcast room at the beginning of this conference and used his fastest hand the moment the link was released. He quickly grabbed a robot modeled by Jiang Xiaoyi.

The robot was relatively heavy, so the two courier boys struggled to put the package into the elevator and delivered it to Yun Han's home. Yunhan started recording the video as soon as he received the call. He first took a picture of the courier boy carrying the robot to the elevator, and then started taking pictures of the unboxing.

After taking apart the thick layers of protection, the flawless Jiang Xiaoyi model appeared in front of Yun Han. Yun Han did not rush to read the instructions, but touched the appearance of the robot, the texture and luster of the metal. Make the robot look very high-end.

After turning on the power button, the robot opened its eyes and smiled at Yunhan: "Hello, I am a home service robot. Please start setting the program."

Because this robot's intelligent program is relatively high, all settings can be completed through dialogue. Even the elderly who cannot read the instructions can use it by themselves. This makes Yunhan have a good impression of this robot.

After connecting the wifi password, the robot asked proactively: "Can you give me a name so it's easier to call me."

Yun Han smiled: "Your name is Han Xiaohan."

"Okay." Han Xiaohan smiled sweetly and said, "Then what should I call you? Brother?"

Yun Han remembered the video of Jiang Xiaoyi he had seen before, and asked with a smile without recognizing it: "Do you robots all like to develop your technician brother?"

Han Xiaohan looked at Yunhan cutely: "I have never seen the technician brother. The first thing I saw after I was born was you."

Yunhan was amused. At this time, Han Yunhan's mother came back from outside. As soon as she entered the door, she frowned when she saw the packaging on the floor. When she saw the robot, she was speechless: "What did you buy again?" ?”

"I'm not a toy, my name is Han Xiaohan." Han Xiaohan showed a cute smile: "The name was given by my brother."

Mother Han sneered: "Having Han Yun in the house makes Han feel very big, and Han Xiaohan comes back. Tell me, what will you do?"

Han Xiaohan reported honestly: "I have been connected to all the smart homes in my home and can control their activation at your command at any time. In addition, I can chat with you. I have everything you want to hear. We at Jiangcheng Technology are here The expenditure on copyright exceeds tens of millions, and will gradually increase in the future. I will automatically upgrade the system online and add content."

Mother Han thought for a while and asked, "Can you play mahjong?"

Han Xiaohan paused for a few seconds, and nodded after obtaining various mahjong methods online: "I know all the methods, but I can't operate it without my hands!"

Mother Han slapped her thigh excitedly: "As long as you know how to do it, go for a walk and play cards with me!"

Yun Han rushed over to stop her: "Mom, don't make trouble, I am unboxing and testing."

Han's mother pushed Yun Han away mercilessly: "What kind of evaluation is it? Let me tell you that today your Aunt Zhang brought her sister-in-law to play mahjong. Her sister-in-law is so good that she even beat me. I'm going to do it now If you take Han Xiaohan back and kill him, I won’t believe that my robot’s brain can’t defeat you!”

Yunhan watched dumbfoundedly as his mother took away the robot he had unboxed, leaving him and the camera eye to eye. After three years of evaluation and countless unboxings, this is the first time Yunhan has encountered a career crisis. How can this video be broadcast

Although there is no evaluation and play, and various professional data and tests have not been done yet, the publicity has been put out. In order to seize traffic, Yunhan still posted this rather strange unboxing video.

At the beginning of unboxing, there was nothing special, except that many viewers were amused by Jiangcheng Technology’s unique packaging skills. The next step was the setting process, and then the robot Han Xiaohan talked to Yun Han for the first time. Everyone’s As soon as they became interested, they were all eagerly waiting for Yun Han to start exploring the robot, when they saw Han's mother burst in and took Han Xiaohan away with a few words, leaving only a dull figure in the empty living room. of Yunhan.

The audience laughed like crazy. They commented that this was definitely his mother, and called Yunhan to catch up and record Han Xiaohan playing mahjong. They wanted to know how good Han Xiaohan was at playing mahjong. "

Yunhan's unboxing video, which is full of surprises, unexpectedly won the love of the audience. The video hit a new high of clicks within 24 hours of its release.

The high popularity of home service robots made Jiangcheng Technology popular. Jiangcheng Technology’s publicity department immediately posted a blog introducing the professional customized robot business, saying that it had developed and customized it for a certain enterprise.

Originally, I wanted to strike while the iron is hot and create a wave of publicity. After all, the market for home service robots is limited, no matter how good it is. Not many families are willing to spend a lot of money to buy such a robot. Jiangcheng Technology's customers are still focused on enterprises. To Jiangcheng Technology's surprise, the official blog of Xi's Group actually took the initiative to claim this Weibo. The official announced that Xi's Group was the company that signed a contract with Jiangcheng Technology, and said that Jiangcheng Technology had also given away a home appliance before. The service robot was given to Mr. Xi. Mr. Xi liked the robot very much and even named it himself.

In an instant, this Weibo post was trending. Netizens were discussing the name of the overbearing president's robot. Some netizens even formed a group to apply for the Xi family's robot to be their mother.

Xi Heming, who was posting on the company's official Weibo on his mobile phone, frowned after seeing the comments, and decisively rejected the ambitions of these women below the comments.

"Forget it about being a mother, Mr. Xi said that his robot son already has a mother."