The Wife Wants A Divorce Every day

Chapter 53


Jiang Wanwan almost rolled her eyes when she heard this question, and she wanted to make Xi Heming's handsome face look like a pig's head. Professional robots are currently the largest cooperation project between the two companies. Jiangcheng Technology attaches great importance to this cooperation and takes it very seriously. Now the executives of both companies are making final checks on this project, but Xi Heming is like a naughty student in school, dragging her from a distance to hide in the last row, either talking or making small movements, and his mind is not at all On the robot.

Jiang Wanwan looked at Xi Heming and said in a low voice, as if it was squeezed out from between her teeth: "Mr. Xi, why did you come to our company today?"

Xi Heming said seriously: "I'm here for professional robots."

Jiang Wanwan couldn't help but reach out and push aside the handsome face facing her: "Then can you give the robot a look? Why are you always looking at me? I'm not a robot."

Feeling the touch of the soft palm on his cheek, Xi Heming's heart softened: "Okay, okay, I won't look at you anymore, I will look at the robot."

Jiang Wanwan withdrew her hand, still murmuring in her heart. Why did she feel that Xi Heming was getting easier and easier to talk to? He was completely different from the one who owed him 50 million when they first got married.

Remembering that she hadn't paid back a penny of the money she owed, Jiang Wanwan felt guilty again. She lightly bumped Xi Heming with her arm, and her voice dropped eight notes with the guilty rhythm: "Mr. Xi..."

Xi Heming immediately turned his head, his beautiful eyes full of smiles: "Didn't you ask me to concentrate on watching the robot?"

"Well, I just want to give you a shot. Although our revenue at Jiangcheng Technology is very high, we spend a lot of money on product research and development and copyright fees. Take copyright fees as an example, currently we Tens of millions have been invested, and there may be a steady increase in the future. Just because we have purchased a large number of digital copyrights, the robots produced by our company are more practical and valuable than those of other companies. This is also the view of our company's robots. One of the reasons why robots appear to be more intelligent than robots from other companies is, of course, the main reason is that our programs and systems are more powerful."

Xi Heming nodded. Although he and Xi Xiaoer didn't communicate much, he also discovered during the chat that Xi Xiaoer's knowledge was very deep and wide, and a lot of information may not be found in search engines. , but Xi Xiaoer can tell it, which is probably why Jiang Wanwan dared to sell one for 300,000 yuan.

"Your robot is indeed good, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen Jiangcheng Technology as our partner of Xi's Group, but why did you suddenly mention this?"

Jiang Wanwan's cheeks were a little red, her expression was a little shy, and her voice was as low as a mosquito's whisper: "So don't urge me to pay back the money just because I have a lot of business this year. It may take me two to three years to pay back your five dollars." Ten million."

Xi Heming's heart skipped a beat. The harmonious relationship over the past few months had made him forget that Jiang Wanwan had said she wanted to divorce him after paying back the money. He had given this money with no intention of getting it back, and now that it was involved in their marriage, he couldn't take it back. He didn't want the money, and he didn't want a divorce!

Xi Heming looked at Jiang Wanwan with expectation in his eyes: "You can develop the company well now and don't worry about paying back the money. In fact, I hope you don't pay me back the money."

Jiang Wanwan obviously did not understand the intention of Xi Heming's words, and shook her head resolutely: "This matter was agreed upon at the beginning, so you don't need to persuade me anymore. You also know my character. There is no way I will take money from others and not repay it."

Xi Heming held his forehead in frustration and let out a long sigh. He had to speak so straightforwardly before this silly girl understood what he was thinking. But he didn't have the courage to confess directly. He was afraid that confessing rashly before Jiang Wanwan was not tempted would scare away this silly girl with a straight personality.

"Okay, I won't advise you, but you don't have to take this matter too seriously. You will pay it back when the funds are sufficient. I am serious! No! Hurry! Hurry!"

Jiang Wanwan showed her white teeth and smiled sincerely and brilliantly. She immediately forgot about the caution she had made before: "As expected of you, you are my good buddy. Our relationship is very powerful!"

Xi Heming was really helpless. He had been an indomitable male seductress for nearly thirty years, but he didn't expect that it would fail at the critical moment. When would he be able to seduce Jiang Wanwan's heart

When Xi Heming thought of this, he no longer had the intention to look at the robot. He once again stretched his arms to look at Jiang Wanwan, and even went so far that his entire upper body was lying on the table.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the front. Fortunately, none of the executives from the two companies dared to look back. They were all like primary school students being stared at by their class teacher. They all sat with their shoulders straight and took notes with utmost seriousness.

Look at the one next to him. He perfectly explained what it means to be a scumbag with his movements. He probably didn’t hear a word the robot said in front of him.

Jiang Wanwan looked at him and felt that Xi Heming might have come here specifically to chat today. Seeing how he valued friendship just now, she might as well cooperate. Thinking of how Xi Heming showed off his abs just now, Jiang Wanwan decided to start with his most important appearance, and try to make him happy before the end of the meeting, so that he could be worthy of the 50 million yuan that created economic value for herself.

Jiang Wanwan pushed the notebook aside, put her arms on the table, and praised sincerely: "I touched your abdominal muscles just now, and they felt stronger than when we got married. You must be the domineering one with the best figure in the country." President."

Xi Heming raised his eyebrows, and a smile overflowed from his eyes: "In order to celebrate my success in getting back into shape, how about having dinner together tonight?"

Jiang Wanwan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "I do feel quite tired during this period, and I just want to relax tonight, but I have agreed in advance that if it is a nutritious meal with high protein and low fat, I will not eat it. I want to eat meat right now.”

"After living together for so long, I still don't understand your taste." Xi Heming looked at her with a smile: "Don't worry, I guarantee you will enjoy your meal."