The Wife Wants A Divorce Every day

Chapter 60


Jiang Wanwan was stunned. She didn't expect that Xi Heming would suddenly pierce the window paper, and she was caught off guard. However, Jiang Wanwan had already made her attitude clear about this matter, that is, she did not want to have any further emotional involvement with Xi Heming before paying off the 50 million.

After two seconds of silence, Jiang Wanwan decided to pretend that she didn't hear Xi Heming's words, turned around and continued walking home as if nothing had happened, but Xi Heming was stunned. In fact, when he thought about Jiang Wanwan's reaction when he said this, it might be shyness, surprise, or anger, but he never expected that Jiang Wanwan actually pretended not to hear.

Xi Heming watched dumbfoundedly as Jiang Wanwan walked further and further away. He didn't react until he was almost out of sight and chased after her in big strides: "Wanwan!"

When Jiang Wanwan heard him calling her, she immediately felt the wind at her feet and walked faster. Xi Heming had no choice but to run a few steps before he could keep up with Jiang Wanwan.

"Why are you running away?" Xi Heming looked at Jiang Wanwan's hair and felt helpless. He just felt that the time was right and wanted to confess naturally. As for avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion

Jiang Wanwan didn't even look back, and continued to walk wildly, pretending that she really didn't know anything: "I'm sleepy, I need to go home early to take a bath and sleep."

Xi Heming glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was almost eleven o'clock. Now was indeed not a good time to talk. And judging from Jiang Wanwan's reaction, she doesn't seem to want to respond to his words at the moment. Xi Heming was a little confused. Jiang Wanwan had clearly had feelings for him before, so why did she suddenly become cold

Although Xi Heming was successful in business, this was the first time he had ever pursued a girlfriend, and he really didn't know where he went wrong.

Xi Heming followed Jiang Wanwan in confusion. He didn't have a chance to speak until he got home. He watched Jiang Wanwan change her shoes and sprint back to the room at a sprint of 100 meters, locking the door neatly.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Xi Heming's eyes. He turned around and poured himself a glass of red wine at the Western Kitchen bar. He shook it a few times and took a sip. He felt that his mood was the same as the red wine, sour and a bit astringent.

After drinking all the wine in the glass, Xi Heming took his mobile phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. Looking at the stars and lights outside the window, he suddenly felt lonely. In the past, what he hated most was when other people came into his life. He was used to eating alone, exercising alone, and watching dramas alone. He was used to being the only one in a huge house at night. He always felt that this kind of life was what he wanted. , but Jiang Wanwan broke into his life and gradually changed everything.

He got used to her chirping at dinner, he fell in love with the smoke on the terrace, he fell in love with her strong taste...

In just a few months, he was initially repelled and later accepted her, and finally completely changed for her. He felt that he had fallen in love with this kind of pyrotechnic life.

And the reason why he fell in love with this life was because he fell in love with her.

Xi Heming smiled bitterly. He never thought that he, who had always been successful in everything he did since he was a child, would actually encounter emotional setbacks. He even suspected that his appearance, abdominal muscles and wealth were fake. Any one of these three items is enough to attract a woman's attention. He is almost the embodiment of perfection. Why does Jiang Wanwan look like she doesn't want to talk to him

Xi Heming thought for a long time with a frown on his face, not knowing where the problem was. He took out his phone and wanted to ask an experienced person, but after looking through WeChat and his address book, he found that there was no friend who could tell the truth.

Xi Heming held the phone and regretted a little. He had such a cold personality in the second phase of the middle school period back then, but now he doesn't even have a friend who can give advice. In addition to friends, he has a lot of employees, but he can't ask his subordinates about this kind of thing. Does he still need the face of being the president

After thinking for a moment, Xi Heming turned his head and looked at Xi Xiaoer aside, his eyes brightening instantly. Although Xi Xiaoer looks a little stupid compared to Jiang Xiaoyi, it is a robot produced by Jiangcheng Technology after all, and he can check information much faster than himself.

"Xi Xiaoer, come to my room, I want to ask you something." Xi Heming reached out and touched Xi Xiaoer's head, looking like a father.

Jiang Xiaoyi, who was preparing to recharge his battery next to him, turned his head curiously: "What are you asking about? I can do it too, let's go and listen together."

Xi Heming immediately and mercilessly refused: "No, it's not convenient for a man and a woman to be alone in the same room at night. You'd better recharge here."

Jiang Xiaoyi: "???"

Watching Xi Heming take Xi Xiaoer to his room, Jiang Xiaoyi's screen displayed more than a dozen question marks: "Does the injury to the arm affect IQ? I haven't heard of it!"

At this time, Xi Xiaoer looked excited. When Xi Heming had questions, he asked himself instead of Jiang Xiaoyi. This must mean that his recent IQ surpassed Jiang Xiaoyi and became the smartest robot in the family.

Xi Xiaoer tried his best to tilt the screen on his head back, trying to create a proud image with a puffed-up chest. Xi Heming sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in his bedroom. When he looked up, he saw that his stupid son was almost turning over him. He covered his face in horror.

With a robot of the same model, why does my own look more and more like the silly son of a landlord

If Jiang Xiaoyi hadn't been afraid of telling Jiang Wanwan about this matter, he really wouldn't want his stupid son to help him, and he might have led him into trouble.

Xi Heming took a deep breath: "Xi Xiaoer, are you lowering your waist?"

Xi Xiaoer turned his head away with difficulty and showed a cute smile: "No, I'm trying to interpret the word "head high".

Xi Heming felt the veins on his forehead twitching. He took a deep breath and said calmly: "Return to your normal self now, and then come over and help me check the information."

"Okay!" Xi Xiaoer returned his head that was tilted back 45 degrees to its normal position, and happily slid in front of Xi Heming with an expectant expression: "Brother, you said you wanted to check."

"Call dad!" Xi Heming glanced at him expressionlessly and corrected stubbornly.

Originally, Xi Heming thought that the title "little brother" was cute and suitable for him, but Jiang Xiaoyi called all the employees of Jiangcheng Technology "little brother". This made Xi Heming feel that the title "big brother" was no longer worthy of him, and he must be the one in the future. Dad, not only should I be a father to Xi Xiaoer, but I also want to be a father to Jiang Xiaoyi.

"That's right." Xi Heming coughed twice and said somewhat uncomfortably: "Please help me check if there are any secrets on pursuing girls."

Xi Xiaoer was quite confused: "Dad, are you trying to find a mother for me?"

"Don't you have a ready-made mother?" Xi Heming deceived Xi Xiaoer with a serious look on his face: "Let me ask you, do you like Jiang Wanwan?"

Jiang Wanwan is the creator of all home service robots. Xi Xiaoer suddenly showed a gleaming expression: "I like it!"

Xi Heming smiled and reached out to touch Xi Xiaoer's head: "Do you want her to marry me and live with us forever?"

Xi Xiaoer's eyes brightened even more. If it weren't for his bad neck, he would have broken the record for the fastest nod: "Yes!"

"As expected of my son, he is ambitious!" Xi Heming sighed quietly: "It's just that Wanwan and I are in a marriage agreement by agreement. In other words, she is not my real wife. When the agreement period is up, she will marry me. Get a divorce and move out of this home.”

Xi Heming was originally trying to stir up emotions for his silly son, but when he talked about this situation, uncontrollable pain suddenly surged in his heart, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost couldn't breathe.

Xi Xiaoer looked at Xi Heming with a worried look in his big eyes: "Dad, do you have a heart attack? Do you need to call an ambulance?"

"No need now!" Xi Heming covered his heart and gasped, "But if Jiang Wanwan moves out of this home one day, you may really need to call an ambulance for me."

Taking a few deep breaths, Xi Heming calmed down and explained the purpose of calling Xi Xiaoer in: "I need you to search through bigger forums and websites to provide me with the most effective ways to pursue girls, so that I can get you there as soon as possible. Jiang Wanwan becomes your mother."

Xi Xiaoer nodded heavily, not only for Xi Heming, but also for himself, he would keep Jiang Wanwan at home.

Xi Heming was very pleased to have reached an agreement with his silly son, but he still had to give instructions: "You know this matter and I know it. You must not tell Jiang Xiaoyi, do you understand?"

Xi Xiaoer's face showed a big question mark again, and he asked innocently: "Why?"

Xi Heming was more patient in his explanation this time: "Think about it, who does Jiang Xiaoyi like the most besides Jiang Wanwan?"

Xi Xiaoer really knows this question: "She likes the little brothers from Jiangcheng Technology the most, especially Brother Meng. She can talk about them several times a day."

"That's the problem!" Xi Heming rubbed it open and gave it to Xi Xiaoer to analyze: "Jiang Xiaoyi likes her little brothers the most, and she definitely hopes that Jiang Wanwan and her little brothers will be together. But if she succeeds, we We just lost Jiang Wanwan, do you think we can let this happen?"

"Must not." Xi Xiaoer nodded firmly and almost swore to the lamp: "I will never tell Jiang Xiaoyi about my father's plan to pursue Jiang Wanwan."

"That's right!" Xi Heming patted Xi Xiaoer on the head: "Now I need you to search major forums and websites, compile an effective strategy for pursuing girls, and then print it out. Remember, don't Print out all the mess, I want the most useful ones."

Xi Xiaoer immediately got into working mode, and one article after another quickly flashed on the screen. Twenty minutes later, Xi Xiaoer's screen returned to normal, revealing his cute facial features again.

"Dad, I have sorted it out. There are three documents in total. The methods and strategies in them are all recognized as the most useful ones on the Internet!"

Xi Heming smiled happily. If not for the fact that technology changes life, having his robot son here would really save him some worries.

"Okay, let's print it out now."

Xi Xiaoer immediately connected to the Bluetooth of the printer in the study room next to him and sent the printing command. When Xi Heming came to the printer, all three documents had been printed and were neatly placed at the paper outlet.

Xi Heming picked up the three pieces of paper and found that Xi Xiaoer had edited the document seriously. He typed the words "One Hundred Strategies for Chasing a Wife" in bold font in the title position. It seemed particularly reliable at first glance. .

Xi Heming moved his eyes downwards with great anticipation and landed on the first one...

1. Enhance your sense of presence, work hard to create opportunities to meet girls, send WeChat greetings to girls regularly in the morning, noon and evening, chat with her as much as possible when she is free, and let her get used to your presence without her knowing it. .

Xi Heming nodded thoughtfully, this suggestion made sense. However, compared to others, he was first-come-first-served and could communicate with Jiang Wanwan at a closer distance than WeChat. He straightened his clothes and looked at his face in the mirror. Except for the bandage on his arm, he was perfect and couldn't find any flaws.

Xi Heming confidently walked through the nine-meter-long living room to Jiang Wanwan's room and knocked gently on the door. At this time, Jiang Wanwan happened to come out of the bathroom. She came out of the bathroom wiping her hair and opened the bedroom door.

Xi Heming looked at his sweetheart who looked like a hibiscus out of water, with what he thought was the most handsome smile on his face: "Wanwan, good night."

Jiang Wanwan looked at Xi Heming who turned around and left after saying this. A bunch of question marks appeared on her head: "..."