The Wife Wants A Divorce Every day

Chapter 9


Seeing Xi Heming's rapidly changing color, the nanny Wang quickly threw down the spoon and fled back to the kitchen, leaving the battlefield to this young couple who had been fighting for a long time after they got married.

Jiang Wanwan, who had just changed her clothes, heard Xi Heming's broken scream and came to the restaurant with some confusion: "Why is there such a movement? Has your kidney been stepped on?"

The word "kidney" touched Xi Heming's pain point. He looked at Jiang Wanwan with burning eyes: "What kind of soup did you bring back?"

"Take up the soup!" Jiang Wanwan looked at him with some confusion: "Isn't it enough?"

"I'm afraid I've overdone it!" Xi Heming said through gritted teeth, "Jiang Wanwan, are you really stubborn?"

"When did I become interested in you again?" Jiang Wanwan looked innocent, but looking at Xi Heming's furious look, she guessed that it probably had something to do with this tonic soup.

Walking to the dining table, Jiang Wanwan picked up the spoon from the soup and took a scoop from it. What she took out this time was not sheep eggs, but sheep kidneys.

"Big kidney..." Although the kidney has been cut open, Jiang Wanwan, who was a frequent visitor to night market barbecue stalls during college, recognized it at a glance.

Xi Heming covered his face and took a deep breath, feeling that his calmness had disappeared when he met Jiang Wanwan.

Jiang Wanwan smiled awkwardly. She didn't expect Jiang's mother to bring back such a tonic soup. Looking at the unopened gift box next to her, she quickly took it over, opened the package, and took a look inside. The four big characters "Shen Bao" came into view without any obstruction.

Jiang Wanwan: "..."

What a fierce gift from my biological mother!

Seeing the blush rising rapidly on Jiang Wanwan's face, Xi Heming had a bad feeling in his heart. Although he knew it was best not to know what the gift was, his eyes could not help but glance over.

He really wants to know what other tricks Jiang Wanwan has! ! !

Jiang Wanwan raised her head guiltily, and met Xi Heming's probing gaze. She hurriedly tried to stuff the gift box back, but the more she got busy, the harder she got. Instead, she tore the box to pieces, and the boxes of oral liquid inside fell out. down.

Looking at the dozen or so boxes of "Shenyang Bao" on the ground, Xi Heming felt that the veins on his head were so painful that they were about to fall out.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is not for you." Jiang Wanwan hurriedly collected the things on the floor and quickly sent them back to the room. After half a day, she came out with an embarrassed look and laughed: "I was in a hurry when I left and took the wrong gift box. This is My mom bought it for my dad.”

Although saying this was not very kind to Jiang's father, she really had no other excuse in this situation. She also didn't understand why Jiang's mother would prepare such a gift. What misunderstanding did she have about Xi Heming

Doesn’t Xi Heming seem so good

Xi Heming rubbed his chest, feeling regretful that he got married so easily just for the sake of shares. Having lived with Jiang Wanwan for five years, he would probably be furious before he could wait to get the old man's shares.

"The gift box is a misunderstanding. What's going on with the soup?" Xi Heming looked at Jiang Wanwan feebly, and he wanted to know how she planned to round off this lie.

Jiang Wanwan looked at him innocently: "If I told you about the soup my mother made for me, would you believe it?"

Xi Heming laughed angrily at her pretending to be stupid: "You, a little girl, eat that stuff? Okay, you can eat one and let me see!"

Jiang Wanwan really feels no pressure to eat this. When she was in college, she loved to go to the barbecue stall. The roasted kidneys there were very delicious, but the price was not cheap. Jiang Wanwan is not willing to order them every time. She only orders them when she gets a scholarship or gets good grades to reward herself. Later, when she was starting her own business, whenever she encountered setbacks, she also liked to go to the night market alone, eat a few skewers of barbecue and a big kidney. After eating, she would devote herself to work full of fighting spirit.

On the contrary, in the past few years, she has been busy with socializing and work, and has not had barbecue for a long time.

Picking up the spoon, Jiang Wanwan took a bite of the lamb kidney. She frowned after chewing it twice: "This thing tastes terrible when stewed in soup."

When Xi Heming saw this, he was just about to mock her when he heard Jiang Wanwan call out the nanny Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, can you add some seasonings to me and put it in the oven to bake? If you have mutton at home, you can also help me grill a few skewers. "

Xi Heming: "???"

Half an hour later, Xi Heming, who was sitting at the dining table, looked at Jiang Wanwan opposite with an expressionless expression. She took a big bite of the roasted kidney, with a satisfied look on her face: "It's delicious."

Xi Heming: "!!!"

Jiang Wanwan, you are such a pure man! ! !


After eating the barbecue, Jiang Wanwan found the happiness in her memory again and ran directly to the study to start working.

Xi Heming looked at the cold food in front of him and rubbed his stomach involuntarily. He had indigestion again tonight.

The small study room opposite Jiang Wanwan's bedroom has been tidied up. On the large desk is Jiang Wanwan's favorite notebook, and there is also a top-level desktop computer. The servers Jiang Wanwan wanted were also placed in the study.

I have to say that Xi Heming is quite reliable in doing things. Although she had some unpleasant encounters with her and scorned her idea of starting a business, the things she agreed to do were handled very quickly. She might not be able to do it so well if she was asked to buy it by herself. complete.

Thinking of Xi Heming's dark face during dinner, Jiang Wanwan felt a little guilty. It would be better if she asked Jiang's mother what supplement it was and brought it back. But then again, she really didn't expect Jiang's mother to prepare such a tonic soup and gift box. How worried were she that she would not "□□"

Looking at the brand new equipment in the room, Jiang Wanwan felt that she still had to go and say thank you to Xi Heming, and also say sorry.

Smelling the smell of barbecue on her body, in order not to irritate Xi Heming, Jiang Wanwan returned to the room, took a quick shower, and changed into clean home clothes.

Xi Heming was sitting on a comfortable and spacious sofa watching a movie. Jiang Wanwan glanced at the projection screen and couldn't see what movie it was, but she thought it must be a tragedy because Xi Heming's expression looked bitter and full of hatred.

"I'm really sorry for tonight!" Jiang Wanwan pinched her palms in embarrassment: "That stew really doesn't taste good."

It was okay if Jiang Wanwan didn't say it, but when Xi Heming was mentioned, he felt a little nauseous.

"Is there anything else?" Xi Heming asked coldly, still looking at the curtain, not even giving Jiang Wanwan an extra glance.

"And thank you." Jiang Wanwan said sincerely: "Thank you for helping me decorate my study and preparing my computer and server. By the way, how much did these things cost in total? I will transfer the money to you."

Xi Heming finally turned around after hearing this: "I even gave you 50 million, am I still short of this little change?"

Jiang Wanwan's expression was firm: "One code is the same. This is my own private matter. I can't use your money."

Xi Heming glanced at Jiang Wanwan's serious expression and felt a little headache again: "Jiang Wanwan, you don't want to add me on WeChat as an excuse to pay back the money, do you?"

Jiang Wanwan really didn't know that Xi Heming was not among her WeChat friends, but she had no intention of adding him as a friend.

"You are overthinking. I will transfer the money to you." Jiang Wanwan opened the mobile banking app. She has already tried it today. The passwords of all bank cards are the birthdays of the original owners. One of the bank cards has a deposit of more than 800,000. It is completely enough for her daily expenses in the past few years.

Xi Heming was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Jiang Wanwan standing in front of him. Her hair was tied up in a loose bun on top of her head. Maybe it was because she had just taken a shower, and there was still a little moisture on her hair. Her little face was fair and clean, with no makeup applied on it, exuding a natural blush and a youthful aura. His big black eyes looked lively and intelligent, his red lips were pursed tightly, and he had a stubborn temper at first glance.

I have to say that compared to the past when Jiang Wanwan looked delicate and unruly with delicate makeup, she looks much more pleasing to the eye now, but why is she becoming more and more stubborn

He wouldn't ask for the money. After all, the two of them were obviously husband and wife. Would he still want to lose face after accepting Jiang Wanwan's money? What's more, he arranged for his secretary to do these things, and he didn't even know how much they cost.

"Just think of it as a business gift to you. If you make money as soon as possible, you can pay me back the fifty million as soon as possible."

Seeing that Xi Heming refused to accept the offer, Jiang Wanwan had to take a step back: "When our two companies cooperate in the future, I will give you a preferential price."

Xi Heming looked at Jiang Wanwan in astonishment, and almost laughed out loud when he saw the sincere look on her face. This is the first time he has met such a self-centered person. He has not yet registered a company, but he has vowed to discuss future cooperation with him. Haha, his Xi Group will not cooperate with small businesses like workshops.

But looking at Jiang Wanwan's confident look, he suddenly couldn't bear to hurt her, and even thought she was cute for being stupid.

"Then come on." Xi Heming suppressed his laughter: "I look forward to cooperating with you."

Jiang Wanwan said thank you, turned back to her small study, and began to immerse herself in work. As an Internet company, she must first find out the market situation, see how many strong competitors there are, and figure out the development of their competitors.

She was busy in the study until twelve o'clock at night. When Jiang Wanwan got up the next day, Xi Heming had already gone to the company.

Jiang Wanwan ate breakfast, put on her clothes, put on sunscreen, and hurried out with her small bag on her back.

If you want to open a company, you must have an office space. Jiang Wanwan thought for a long time yesterday and decided to put all 40 million into talent introduction and research and development. The office space can be rented first.

Turning on the navigation system, Jiang Wanwan drove the car in her own name and drove to several places according to the address she searched for yesterday, but these places were either too noisy or the buildings were too old, which were not to her liking. After being eliminated one by one, Jiang Wanwan was already very tired when she arrived at the last place, but her eyes lit up when she got out of the car and saw the building in front of her.

This building was the one with the best location after looking at several of them. It was in the core of the new district that the government was vigorously developing, with convenient transportation. Moreover, this building had just been built recently, and the facilities were high-end and decorated to a high standard.

Jiang Wanwan and the staff walked around and settled on the 17th floor, which has a good view and plenty of sunshine. You can also see the Lake View Park below from the window.

Seeing Jiang Wanwan's satisfied expression, the staff immediately praised: "Ms. Jiang has really good taste. The 17th floor has a very good view both in terms of height and view. I wonder if Miss Jiang plans to rent or buy?"

Jiang Wanwan really wanted to buy it, but she also knew that buying it in this location and on this floor would definitely not be cheap. If she did, her capital would be reduced by half in an instant.

"I plan to rent it first. Is there any discount if I rent it for five years?"

The staff member shook his head: "I'm sorry, this building is very popular, and the company does not currently have any discounts."

"Okay, let's sign the contract." Jiang Wanwan glanced at the time on her watch and was already quickly planning her afternoon arrangements.

The staff took Jiang Wanwan back to the office and placed the prepared contract in front of her.

Jiang Wanwan was stunned when she saw the company name above: "Is this the building of Xi's Group?"

"Yes." The smile on the staff's face was extremely proud: "Xi's Group started in the real estate industry and is famous for its quality. In addition, all the buildings of our company are our own properties, and both reputation and service are first-class. Don’t worry, Miss Jiang.”

Jiang Wanwan touched her face in embarrassment. Yesterday, she vowed to Xi Heming that she would definitely cooperate in the future, but did this cooperation come too fast