The Witch

Chapter 104


Although the secret arts of the witch tribe can complete any contract under the conditions agreed upon by both parties, stripping off the soul requires great energy support. It was also the first time that Wu Miaomiao had done such a large business, so after returning on Friday, she suspended her second dream at night, and honestly raised the baby. The next day, he didn't go out on a date with Ji Lang, he meditated at home for a day, and then went to the villa with Ji Lang after dinner.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang stood on the top floor of the villa with a cat and two ghosts holding the doll. A crescent moon hung in the air, and the cold white moonlight shone down, adding an extra layer of mystery to everyone.

"Doll, please." Gui Gongzi is a serious ghost, even if he knew that the formation tonight was led by wizards, but the doll also had to contribute, so when the doll landed, he swung his long sleeves towards the doll. gave a nod.

This action of Gui Gongzi is very beautiful, and it is very familiar, the doll has seen it before. In Liu Mei'er's memory, there was such a scene, the young man in white clothes fluttering, holding a folding fan, politely saluted her.

But how did Liu Meier answer

Because this memory is not very deep, the doll thought for a while before she remembered it, and then read out a new line aloud: "I went to bed in a while, is the young master so polite?"

"..." Everyone in the field, ghosts, cats, were all silent, only the doll was still excited.

"Cough, it's my fault." Seeing the embarrassment in the atmosphere, Young Master Gui consciously took responsibility for his mistake.

It's his fault, he shouldn't talk to the doll.

"Ahahaha~~" The doll turned around happily.

"I'd better kill her." Ji Lang didn't do that, his icy eyes shot at Liu Mei'er like a knife.

Liu Mei'er immediately cried: "Don't kill me, the doll hasn't absorbed love from me for a long time. She absorbed it before."

"Then you're useless." Ji Lang wanted to clean her up for a long time.

"Mr. Ji, spare your life. It's useless to kill me. I can still be a servant girl if you keep me." Liu Meier cried and begged for mercy.

"Ah?" Suddenly, the doll turned around, ran to Liu Mei'er's side, picked up Liu Mei'er's palm-sized puppet body, and ran to the edge of the top floor, then released her hand, Liu Mei'er dropped it.

After throwing it away, the doll turned around and spread out his hands in Ji Lang's direction, as if to say, the person is gone.

"..." Ji Lang was speechless again.

"I just heard that the more love you absorb, the higher your emotional intelligence. It turns out that it's true." Wu Miaomiao couldn't help smiling happily while watching the doll's operation.

This doll is a way of trying to get the best of both worlds with her unsound little head. Not only punished Liu Meier, saved Ji Lang's face, but also saved her. Although, Ji Lang may not really kill Liu Mei'er.

At this time, the black cat also paced to the edge of the rooftop and glanced downstairs, just in time to see Liu Meier get up from the lawn and stumble back to the villa. Seeing that the ghost servant who was grooming himself was still there, the black cat lowered his head and licked his paws, lay down on the ground, and continued to watch the fun.

Ji Lang's depressed mood also relaxed a little because he found that the doll was good at IQ.

"Okay, let's get started." Wu Miaomiao looked at the time, turned to Gui Gongzi and said, "Get out of the figure first."

Gui Gongzi shook his body, left the figure, and stood side by side with one soul and the other. If it wasn't for the ghost body wearing a blue shirt, at first glance, I really thought that the figure was really the body of Gui Gongzi. .

"Doll, the formation is on." Wu Miaomiao motioned for the doll to start the formation.

Gui Gongzi's current strength is a ghost general. He can't stay in the outside world for too long in the form of a soul body, otherwise the evil energy around him will naturally gather, forming ghost eyes and attracting other ghosts.

The doll hurriedly ran over from the edge of the rooftop, and after turning around twice, opened his mouth and spat out a black formation. The formation rotated and expanded, and finally suspended in front of Wu Miaomiao and Gui Gongzi.

Wu Miaomiao concentrated her energy and slammed it down with a palm, and then two black contract lines separated from the eyes on the left and right sides of the formation. Young Master Gui snorted, but did not resist. The other line of contract was floating in the air, seemingly looking for something, but couldn't find it, and finally didn't know where to go.

"Because you are a ghost, you can't use blood as a medium, so you can only use your sister's remnant soul as a medium. So I must first strip your sister's remnant soul from your soul, and then I can use the remnant soul as an opportunity Come to find your sister. If you can't find it, the remnant soul will return to your soul, if so, this time soul stripping is a waste." Wu Miaomiao reminded.

Gui Gongzi's younger sister has been reincarnated for hundreds of years. At this point in time, whether she is still alive or is queuing up in the underworld to be reincarnated is unknown. If it is the former, then it is easy to handle. As long as the other party lives in this world, no matter what age, as long as he is still alive, the line of contract can find her. But if she happened to be waiting for reincarnation in the underworld, the line of contract would not be found.

And once the carrier cannot be found, the formation of the contract will be invalid, and the pain of being stripped of the soul of Young Master Gui is considered nothing.

"I see." Gui Gongzi's expression was firm, he had waited for this day for five hundred years, and he would not give up his mind just because of Wu Miaomiao's words. And even if you can't find it, so what, you have been waiting for five hundred years, can't you wait a few more years? The big deal, sell your body for another ten years, and be stripped of your soul again.

"Okay, then I'll start." Wu Miaomiao said, the palm covering the formation, the magic power surged.

"Please don't be merciful." Young Master Gui chuckled, but before his smile was fully revealed, a violent indescribable pain burst out from the depths of his soul. It's like there are a thousand knives, trying to slice him into countless pieces, and it's like being thrown into a meat grinder, and the soul is twisted into mud.

Gui Gongzi tried hard not to let himself scream, but he could control his screams, but he couldn't control his body. Since an incomparably powerful ghost qi emanated from Young Master Gui, it rose into the sky, and when it rose to a height of three meters in the air, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

This invisible barrier was set up by Wu Miaomiao around the villa to prevent the leakage of ghost qi. Because of the existence of the barrier, ghosts like Liu Meier and Gui Gongzi can't usually enter or leave the barrier, and only the black cat can enter and leave freely. Before the black cat and Xiang Ning sneaked out in the middle of the night to catch Liu Mei'er, it was also because of the black cat that Xiang Ning was able to leave the enchantment. Of course, with Young Master Gui's current strength, it is not difficult to forcibly break out of this barrier, but Wu Miaomiao will know immediately when the barrier is touched.

Under the invisible barrier, the thick black ghost qi became heavier and heavier. At this time, Young Master Gui was like an exploding dynamite. After being ignited by Wu Miaomiao, it exploded with a bang, and the ghost qi was full of ghosts in the blink of an eye. The entire space forms a semi-circular black sphere with a radius of three meters and a center of the villa.

"Meow!" The black cat's hair stood on end, the center of the sphere was reflected in the golden pupils, and the ghost boy's blue soul body completely exploded, shattering into thousands of images.

It's true, it's torn apart.

It's now!

Wu Miaomiao, who had been watching the changes in the field, suddenly lit up her eyes, her fingers were imprinted, and she moved to a point in the rotating contract formation, and then a golden light lit up. Like the few stars lit up in the dark night, not many, but very dazzling.

"Doll." Wu Miaomiao called out to the doll, and the doll jumped up at the same time, rushing into the shattered soul of Gui Gongzi, grabbed with both hands quickly, and took out some of the soul fragments that were shining with golden light. This part is the remnant soul of his sister.

After the doll collected the remnant souls, she turned her hand and slapped it on the contract formation, and then a golden light flashed through the formation. The contract thread that was floating in the air and didn't know where to go suddenly trembled, and then it looked like As if he had found something, he plunged into the void.

"I found it." The induction of the connection of the contract line came, and Wu Miaomiao looked in the direction of Gui Gongzi in surprise. At this time, Young Master Gui, who was rebuilding his torn soul, had already shown half of his body.

His expression was weak, and his soul body was so transparent that it almost melted into the night, but after hearing Wu Miaomiao's words, he subconsciously laughed: "Have you found my sister?"

"Well, the contract line is connected. I'm trying to communicate with your sister now, you can quickly reorganize your body." The prerequisite for the completion of the contract is that the parties on both sides of the contract can only sign successfully if they both voluntarily and agree. There is no doubt about it on Gui Gongzi's side, but his sister's side also needs to agree.

Wu Miaomiao closed her eyes, and following the lead of the contract, she sensed the existence of another person on the other side of the void.

Once the contract line is successfully connected, Wu Miaomiao can talk to the person connected by the contract line through the contract line, and ask the other party if they are willing through the mind. If the other party is willing, the contract will be activated, if not, the contract line will dissipate.

In a city far away from Haicheng, a fair-skinned, beautiful-looking long-haired woman is sitting on a chair with a cello in her arms. In front of her is a mobile phone with a live broadcast room open. . A fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boy carefully proofreading the camera angle of his mobile phone next to him, and then seriously talking to the girl about the messages of netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Sister, the netizens in my live broadcast room praised you for your good looks." The young man said happily, "And they said that we are worthy of being siblings, and we look very similar."

The teenager is a small Internet celebrity who likes to sing. He always broadcasts live two or three times a week, and occasionally makes his sister appear on the scene as a guest.

"Do we look alike?" My sister turned her head blankly and asked in confusion.

The girl has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, but unfortunately, there is no light in the depths of the dark pupils. It was innate, she couldn't see since she was born. Her parents took her to look for famous doctors, but strangely, all the doctors said that her eyes were fine, but she just couldn't see, and she was blind for twenty years.

"Like." The younger brother affirmed.

"Then I believe what the netizens say." My sister said happily.

"Which one?" my brother asked.

"Say I'm good-looking, I touched your face, I know that my brother is very handsome." The elder sister slightly bent her lips, stretched her eyebrows, and smiled softly.

The smile on his brother's face suddenly stopped. He looked at his sister's beautiful but dull eyes, and suddenly became sad. This morning, my sister just came back from the imperial capital, and this time, she still did not find the reason for her blindness.

"Xiaoyan, why didn't you speak?" My sister couldn't see, but she was very sensitive to her surroundings. She reached out to touch her brother's face.

The younger brother didn't dodge, but just forced a smile and said, "I forgot my guitar in the living room. I'll go get it. Sister, talk to the netizens in my live broadcast room first."

After that, the boy ran out of the room.

This is not the first time for my sister to help her brother live broadcast, so she is very skilled in dealing with the camera. She turned her head sideways, found the direction of the mobile phone through the prompt sound in the live broadcast room, and then smiled and waved: "Friends in the live broadcast room, you all Well, I'm Xiao Yan's sister."

Suddenly, the sound of gifts flying over sounded, and the barrage and gifts filled the screen. These girls can't see, they can only smile quietly at the camera, but she just smiles like this, it's already beautiful.

[What a beautiful lady, why can't you see.]

[Three months ago, Miss Sister also broadcasted it live, and she played the cello very well.]

[It must be that God thought she was too good, and in order to let her come to this world, she deprived her of her eyes.]

[I remember Xiaoyan said once during the live broadcast, saying that her sister's eyes are fine. An expert also said that maybe sister Xiaoyan's eyes will suddenly heal and be able to see.]

[You can believe this, you can still be blind for so many years without any problem with your eyes.]

[Upstairs, can you not use the word blind?]

[I will use it, I will use it, what's wrong? Originally blind, no matter how good-looking you are, you are blind.]

[Spider, roll.]

Just when the netizens in the live broadcast room were arguing, the girl who had been sitting quietly suddenly stood up in surprise: "Who are you?!"

[what happened? Is there an outsider in the house?]

[No, my sister is alone in the room.]

[Sister, there are no outsiders, you are the only one in the room.]

The reminder in the live broadcast room is that the girl is naturally invisible. She stretched out her hand and groped in the room, but found nothing.

There was no one around, could it be that he was hallucinating? Just when the girl thought so, the voice suddenly rang in her ears again.

"Do you want to have your eyes healed?"

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?" the girl asked loudly. This was the second time she heard it, and it was definitely not a hallucination.

"Sister, sister, what's the matter with you?" At this time, the younger brother heard the voice and ran in, lost the guitar in his hand, and supported the elder sister.

"Xiaoyan, there are people in the house, there are outsiders." The girl said in horror.

"No, there are no outsiders in the room, just the two of us, what's wrong with you, sister?"

"Don't be afraid, you just need to answer me one question and I'll leave. Do you want to heal your eyes?" The voice was distant and ethereal, as if floating in her ears, but also in her mind, asking persistently She had the same question.

"Do you want to heal your eyes?" the voice continued.

"I think, of course I do." Almost instinctively, the girl replied in a low voice.

"Contract, done."

And at the moment when the voice fell, a burst of heat came from the girl's eyes, and she covered her eyes in pain, squatted down, and exhaled in pain.

"It hurts, my eyes hurt." The girl screamed.

"Sister, sister, what's the matter with you? Dad, mom, come quickly." The younger brother shouted in fear.

With the sound of hurried footsteps outside, the pain in the girl's eyes was relieved. She slowly put down the palm that covered her eyes, tried to open her eyes, and then closed them abruptly.

"It's so bright."

The strong light stimulated the girl's lacrimal glands, her eyes instantly became wet, her eyelashes filled with tears and trembled slightly.

"Sister?!" The younger brother was startled with a panicked expression, and then asked in disbelief, "Sister, what did you just say?"

"It hurts." The girl closed her eyes, "It hurts so much."

"Sister, did you say light just now? Did you say light just now?" Although her sister's eyes only opened for a moment, he clearly saw light in her sister's eyes.

"Sister, let go of your hands and open your eyes again." The younger brother said excitedly.

The girl also came back to her senses at this time. She seemed to really feel the light just now. Doubtful, the girl removed her palm again and slowly opened her eyes again. The same is just a blink of an eye, and it is closed again by the strong light.

This time, the younger brother was extremely sure that his sister's eyes could see things. That's the reaction that occurs when the eyes are stinged by the light.

"What's wrong? Xiaoyan, what's wrong with your sister?" At this moment, a middle-aged couple ran in and asked nervously.

"Mom and dad, my sister's eyes seem to be able to see." The younger brother shouted loudly.

At this time, no one remembered the mobile phone that was still broadcasting live in the room. The family sent the girl to the hospital overnight, and no one paid any attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room.