The Witch

Chapter 107


Nightmare body makes Ji Lang's external image give people a gloomy and fierce feeling, whether it is for ordinary people, people in Xuanmen, or ghosts. And the more clearly people can see, the more fear and fear of Ji Lang will be. Relatively speaking, ordinary people will suffer the least because they can't see.

But despite this, Ji Lang still doesn't like places with many people, and Wu Miaomiao also knows this, so every time she goes on a date, she tries to go to places with fewer people, or go home after a while. Just like going to the mall, if Ji Lang accompanies her to the mall, then after buying things, Wu Miaomiao will not ask to go to other places. At most, the two will find a restaurant with a private box to eat, and they will go back directly.

Today, Wu Miaomiao also planned the same. She picked out the pajamas for Ji Lang in the shopping mall. When she was about to check out and go back, she saw the shopping guide sister walking to Ji Lang with the bill very naturally.

"Sir, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five in total."

Ji Lang chuckled and pointed at Wu Miaomiao: "She pays."

The shopping guide lady was stunned for a moment, and then she showed a joking smile: "Sir, this is handing in the salary card."

After speaking, the shopping guide sister walked towards Wu Miaomiao again, showing the bill and the QR code, and also jokingly said, "Your husband said that you are in charge of the money, a total of 1,865."

Wu Miaomiao paid the money, Ji Lang carried the shopping bag, and the two walked out.

"Where do you want to go?" Ji Lang asked casually.

Wu Miaomiao thought for a while, and said, "It was said in the broadcast just now that there is a small food market on the negative floor, and it is said that there are various snacks for sale. Let's go and have a look?"

"Okay." Ji Lang responded, and the two took the elevator and walked to the negative floor.

Today is the weekend. There are many people in the mall. There is even a huge children's playground in the atrium on the first floor of the mall. Many parents bring their children to play in it. There are also children running around with balloons next to the elevator. abnormal.

With a "bang", a force slammed into Ji Lang's leg, not heavy, but abrupt. Ji Lang lowered his head in surprise, and saw a little boy about four or five years old, with a long head and a head, sitting on the ground with a bewildered face.

Ji Lang stared at the little boy for a moment, not knowing how to react, but the little boy was obviously knocked down by himself, and it would not be good to let it go. Just when he was embarrassed and didn't know how to deal with it, Wu Miaomiao, who was beside him, squatted down quickly and helped the little boy who fell to the squat.

"Children, are you okay?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

"I'm fine." The little boy shook his head and looked up at Ji Lang again.

Ji Lang lowered his head, the two of them stared at each other, but did not speak. Just when Wu Miaomiao wanted to ask where the children's parents were, the little boy suddenly bowed slightly and apologized very politely to Ji Lang. Lai: "I'm sorry, big brother, it's Huanhuan's fault. Huanhuan shouldn't run around in a crowded place and bump into big brother."

Wu Miaomiao was startled.

Ji Lang was also stunned. He suddenly felt that the child was less annoying: "It's okay."

Ji Lang's voice was still cold, but his tone was rarely soft. At this time, the parents of the little boy found that the little boy seemed to be in trouble. The two hurried over and asked them what was going on. After understanding what happened, the two also apologized to Ji Lang, and brought their own family. The child leaves.

"Let's go." A little episode did not affect Ji Lang's mood. He took Wu Miaomiao's hand and continued to walk down the elevator on the other side to the negative floor.

Due to the food activities on the first floor, there were more people than the first floor. Ji Lang frowned a little uncomfortable, but still held Wu Miaomiao's hand tightly, as if he was afraid of being washed away by the crowd. Walk through each stall slowly.

"Xiang Gong, this nougat is delicious. I want to buy more and take it to the dormitory for Xiaolian and the others to eat."

"Okay." Ji Lang took the bag and let the boss fill it up, and then paid voluntarily.

"Xiang Gong, this cake is delicious too."

"Okay." Load the cake and pay.

"Xiang Gong, this little dried fish is delicious. I finally know how the civet got fat."

Ji Lang smiled, weighed and paid.

The two strolled from one end of the stall to the other and back again from the other end. When they returned to the car with a lot of shopping bags, it was already dark.

"Let's go to the supermarket before going home. We will cook and eat by ourselves tonight." When visiting the food stall just now, Wu Miaomiao tried all kinds of snacks, and after eating it, she was obviously a little tired. Noticing this, Ji Lang gave up his plan to go out to eat and decided to go home and cook some light dishes.

"Okay, okay." Wu Miaomiao naturally had no objection, and she didn't want to go out to eat those heavy oil and salt food at this moment.

"You ate a bit too much just now, we'll have dinner later."


Ji Lang smiled, started the car and went home slowly. Along the way, Ji Lang was driving seriously, while Wu Miaomiao looked at Ji Lang seriously. She didn't browse the web on her mobile phone or chat with her classmates, she just leaned in the co-pilot's seat, staring at Ji Lang with a burning gaze.

Ji Lang couldn't stand being stared at, and gave her a sideways look with a smile: "Do you have something to tell me?"

In fact, when she was in the mall before, Ji Lang discovered Wu Miaomiao's abnormality. When she was shopping, she would look at him quietly every once in a while. That kind of looking is not a mere look, but an observation. But at that time, Wu Miaomiao didn't look at him very often, and there were many people, so he didn't ask.

"No." Wu Miaomiao shook her head.

Ji Lang didn't believe it: "If you have nothing to say, why are you staring at me like this?"

"Because... I found that my husband seems to be better looking, which makes me very worried." Wu Miaomiao pretended to be sad.

Ji Lang smiled: "What are you worried about?"

"Before, I was the only one who knew that Xianggong was beautiful, but now everyone seems to know, will someone come to snatch you from me in the future?" Wu Miaomiao expressed the sorrow in her heart.

Ji Lang suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying: "Don't worry, no one in this world wants to approach me except you, let alone rob you."

You are the only one in this world who treats me like a treasure.

"Xianggong, you won't fail to find out." Wu Miaomiao suddenly said.


"The little boy today, hit the one on your leg, do you remember?"

"Yeah." Ji Lang nodded, still not sure why.

"If it was before, no child would dare to approach you. But today that child not only bumped directly into your leg, but even apologized to you." Apologizing for bumping into someone, this is a very well-educated and polite child, but if It was different when the person he bumped into was Ji Lang. The power of nightmare on Ji Lang is the subconscious heart palpitations of adults who see it, not to mention a four or five-year-old child, his normal reaction should be to cry in fear the moment he looks at Ji Lang. Instead of politely apologizing to Ji Lang as before.

"Also, we walked for several hours in the market with the most people in the mall today, and met so many people, but no one showed fear or fear because of seeing you. Instead, there were several beautiful young ladies who didn't Stop and look back at you." This is why Wu Miaomiao just said that someone would snatch someone from her. When she was shopping in the market before, she secretly poked away several beautiful young ladies who were planning to come over and chat with her husband. .

The worst part was when Ji Lang stepped aside to pay the bill.

At that time, a woman actually rushed in front of her and said, "Classmate, your brother is so handsome."

An angry Wu Miaomiao shouted: "He already has a daughter-in-law."

Then the woman looked disappointed: "I envy your sister-in-law so much."

Wu Miaomiao's stomach hurts, but the uncle who was in the stall at that time was very happy.

"Yes, yes? I didn't pay attention." Ji Lang tightened his hands on the steering wheel, trying to keep his face calm.

"Xianggong, you seem to be able to control the power of your nightmares." Wu Miaomiao did not find Ji Lang's abnormality and continued.

"Really? But the power of nightmares in me is still there."

"Although it's still there, it's softened a lot. Even though you are still haunting the power of nightmares, this power is much more restrained than before, and the impact on the people around you is much smaller, so ordinary people can't feel it. This kind of depressing and gloomy atmosphere will naturally not be afraid of you." Wu Miaomiao said, "Now that you are walking on the road, you will definitely not have your ID checked by the police again."

"Maybe I'm in a good mood today, so the power of nightmares has softened a lot." Ji Lang said calmly.

"Then I hope Xianggong is in such a good mood every day." Wu Miaomiao said immediately after hearing this.

Ji Lang knew that he had been fooled, and while he was secretly relieved, he joked calmly: "Didn't you just say that you were afraid that someone would come and rob me? Otherwise, I'm still the same as before, don't approach strangers. ?"

"I think who would dare?" Wu Miaomiao roared with akimbo.

Ji Lang smiled and reassured a few words. Wu Miaomiao didn't ask any more questions about the change in the power of nightmares in his body, even if he was distracted.

It's not that Ji Lang doesn't believe in Wu Miaomiao, but he just doesn't want her to know the changes in him. Just as she would worry about the ghost boy turning into a ghost general, Wu Miaomiao was even more worried that his nightmare power would get out of control. Although the established facts cannot be changed, the power of nightmares has indeed increased, and it is one step closer to the loss of control that people in Xuanmen are worried about. But before that day really came, he only hoped that Wu Miaomiao could live with him as carefree as he is now.

Even if Wu Miaomiao was worried, he didn't want this worry to increase, so she thought that this change in her body was really because she was in a good mood. He also hopes that he can be as happy as he is today, so he will try his best to control his power.

Soon, the car arrived at the supermarket, and the two went in to buy food for dinner. During the period, Wu Miaomiao even bought a bottle of wine, which Ji Lang saw and put it back, saying that there was something better at home.

When he got home, Ji Lang was cooking in the kitchen, while Wu Miaomiao diligently arranged the table. When Ji Lang finished cooking and brought it out, he was startled when he saw the scented candles all over the room.

"When did you buy it?" Ji Lang wondered.

"The pedestrian street outside our school." For tonight, she had planned for a long time, "Do you like it?"

What else can Ji Lang say? He can only nod his head to show his liking. Girls, probably all like these romantic-looking things, although the smell of aromatherapy in the room is a little intoxicating.

"Bring out the remaining two dishes, and I'll get the wine." Ji Lang still remembered that Wu Miaomiao wanted to drink, turned around and went to the wine cabinet, bringing a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

The food and wine were served, the lights were turned off, and only the faint light of candles remained. For the first time, Ji Lang felt that his home was a little strange. This scene, together with some flowers and balloons, felt like it could be used for a marriage proposal.

When shopping in the afternoon, both of them were half full, so this dinner, they didn't eat much, but drank a lot of wine. Ji Lang is okay. He used to drink some every night to help him sleep, so he gradually got more alcohol. But Wu Miaomiao was different. After taking two bites, her cheeks turned red.

When Ji Lang saw this, he originally wanted to stop her from drinking, but Wu Miaomiao's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were clear.

"I... I'm going to take a bath." Suddenly, Wu Miaomiao stood up from the chair and said loudly.

Ji Lang knew that Wu Miaomiao was a little drunk, thinking that she probably wanted to take a bath and sleep, so she didn't stop her, but said, "I'll go get you pajamas."

"No, no, I'll take it myself." Wu Miaomiao got excited and ran in before Ji Lang entered her room. Then soon, he came out with his pajamas.

Seeing that she was so quick, Ji Lang felt that she was only slightly drunk, and she was still awake, so she felt relieved: "Don't wash your hair for too long after drinking, don't wash your hair, come out quickly."

"Well, I'll come out soon." Wu Miaomiao nodded obediently.

"It's so good." Ji Lang rubbed the top of Wu Miaomiao's hair with a smile, and turned to clear the table.

Wu Miaomiao was really obedient, and said to come out quickly, and really come out soon, when Ji Lang cleaned up the kitchen, Wu Miaomiao had already washed herself and was sitting in the living room collecting candles.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Ji Lang asked.

"Go take a shower, and then go to sleep after you're done." Wu Miaomiao said with a pun.

Ji Lang didn't notice anything wrong, so he said worriedly, "Don't worry about the candles. When I finish taking a shower, I'll clean up. You go to bed."

"You go take a bath, I'll take it." Wu Miaomiao insisted.

"Then you put out the fire first, and be careful to burn it." Ji Lang explained, and went back to the room to get the pajamas and went to the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of water in the bathroom.

At the moment when the sound of the water sounded, Wu Miaomiao's drunken attitude suddenly became refreshed, and she ran to Ji Lang's room holding the candles that she had collected, and then placed them on the balcony, table, and corner. After doing all this, she quickly rushed back to her room and brought in all the balloon flowers she had prepared while Ji Lang was cooking dinner. That's why she was in a hurry to stop Ji Lang from entering her room just now.

The balloon is easy to handle, just throw it on the ground. As for the rose petals, Wu Miaomiao originally wanted to make a heart shape, but halfway through, the sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped. Wu Miaomiao was in a hurry and sprinkled the whole thing. They all spilled on the bed, then flashed, turned off the light, and hid behind the door of the room, hurriedly failing to take a look at the results of their arrangement.

Here, Ji Lang took a bath and came out to see that Wu Miaomiao was no longer in the living room, and the door to the second bedroom was closed. He naturally thought that Wu Miaomiao had packed up the candles and went back to the house to sleep. Smiling, Ji Lang wiped his hair, walked over and turned off the lights in the living room, then pushed the door back to the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door opened, the soft candlelight revealed in the dimness inside made Ji Lang stunned.

Why did Miao Miao put the candle in his room? When he was about to raise his hand to turn on the room light, an impulse suddenly came from behind him. He was hit and walked several steps forward before stopping. At the same time, he did not know that he stepped on it. Something, "snap" sound, and the towel used to wipe the hair in his hand didn't know where it fell.

"Miaomiao?" Ji Lang guessed when Wu Miaomiao hugged him.

"Xiang Gong." Wu Miaomiao smiled and let go of Ji Lang.

Ji Lang was already standing on the edge of the bed at this time. He turned around with a shaky face, then looked around in surprise, and then saw seven or eight balloons on the carpet. Because the color of the balloon is darker and not many, and the candlelight is dim, he didn't see it when he entered the door just now.

"You are..."

Before Ji Lang's words came out, Wu Miaomiao suddenly stepped forward and pushed her hands fiercely. Unprepared, Ji Lang was pushed directly onto the bed, and then a rain of flowers splashed.

When Ji Lang recognized that the thing that fell on his body was a rose petal, Wu Miaomiao was already hungry and pressed on him, and at the same time he let out a laugh like a disciple.

Ji Lang had already guessed vaguely when he stepped on the balloon, and when he saw the rose petals on the bed, he was basically sure. At this time, Wu Miaomiao threw himself directly on him, and the soft touch made his body abruptly. A tight.

"Wu Miaomiao, what do you want to do?" Ji Lang asked with deep eyes.

"I bought the pajamas." Wu Miaomiao announced loudly, pulling on Ji Lang's collar.

Ji Lang didn't understand why Wu Miaomiao suddenly brought up his pajamas at this time, so he was silent and did not answer.

"Do you know why I bought you pajamas?" Wu Miaomiao continued to ask.

"Why?" Ji Lang responded in cooperation.

"Because, I bought it, and I can take it off." After saying that, without waiting for Ji Lang's reaction, Wu Miaomiao used her hands to pull away Ji Lang's lax placket, which was immediately exposed. point.

Ji Lang is so smart, he immediately connected Wu Miaomiao's various anomalies in the past two weeks, such as why he had to buy clothes for him, such as why he had such a big reaction when he found out that he didn't buy pajamas for the first time, such as why Wu Miaomiao, who should have been gratified by the growth of the doll, insisted on sending the doll to the villa today, for example, why did she have to light candles for dinner today.

This girl has been planning for a long time.

"I was actually tricked by you." Ji Lang couldn't help laughing. He thought that Wu Miaomiao just wanted to be romantic with himself and wear couple's pajamas, but she didn't expect this to be what she thought.

"Pants." In Ji Lang's stupefied effort, Wu Miaomiao had already stripped off his shirt and started to strip off his pants.

When the sensitive part was touched, Ji Lang subconsciously wanted to stop it, but Wu Miaomiao held it viciously: "I also bought the pants."

Ji Lang was stunned again, and then stopped. The movement he stopped just now was also a subconscious instinctive reaction of his body, and he didn't really want to stop it.

So Wu Miaomiao took off Ji Lang's pants again.

Then, only a pair of black panties remained.

Then, Wu Miaomiao just stood there dumbfounded, with thunder in her head: what's the matter, why do you still have clothes

When Ji Lang saw Wu Miaomiao's stupid appearance, he was immediately happy: "How come, you didn't buy this one."

We have reached this stage, we have reached this stage, why are there still obstacles? !

Wu Miaomiao's aggrieved eyes suddenly turned red: "You said, only wear the clothes I bought, you lied to me."

Yes, she was wronged, obviously the husband promised to wear only the clothes he bought, but why didn't she remind herself that she didn't buy him underwear, and she finally tricked the husband into bed, let it go today, next time this trick It doesn't work, when will her second dream come true

"You're right." Ji Lang stood up abruptly, and when Wu Miaomiao hadn't reacted, he turned Wu Miao on the bed, his voice was hoarse, and his eyes were dark, "I can only wear what you bought. clothes, so I shouldn't wear them."

Wu Miaomiao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then take it off quickly and use this."

Wu Miaomiao held a small boxy package and sent it to Ji Lang.

At such a close distance, even if the light in the bedroom was dim, Ji Lang recognized what it was.

"You're... ready for this." Ji Lang only felt something in his body, as if it was about to burst.

"Well." She had been planning for a long time.

"Then, as you wish." If you can stand it at this time, it is probably not a man.

This night, the candlelight flickered and the petals flew, Wu Miaomiao realized her second dream in the endless exhaustion and joy. At the same time, she also discovered another deficiency in her plan, that is, the preparation of certain family planning supplies was not enough. Fortunately, there were spares in her husband's bedside table.