The Witch

Chapter 111


At noon the next day, Wu Miaomiao took advantage of the lunch break and went to the villa.

Wu Miaomiao carried the doll to check it up and down, and patted the doll's head with satisfaction: "Yes, very obedient, no messy eating."

"Doll, be good." The praised doll narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"If you're really good, you won't be allowed to go out unless I take you out in the future." Wu Miaomiao said again.

The baby's narrowed eyes widened instantly, struggling to jump out of Wu Miaomiao's hands, and ran to hide behind Gui Gongzi. It's a pity that Gui Gongzi's large figure can't completely hide the doll's "burly" body.

Wu Miaomiao snorted, and suddenly had a feeling that her own child was being kidnapped: "It's winter vacation soon, and then I have to find a suitable ghost for the doll to swallow, otherwise the doll will completely become your sister. "

Since sharing the memories of Gui Gongzi, the doll and Gui Gongzi have become very close. There were several weekends when Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang came to pick them up, and the doll was a little reluctant to leave.

Hearing this, Young Master Gui suddenly turned serious from his smiling face: "The baby is my sister."

Wu Miaomiao frowned. This is the first time that Young Master Gui has spoken to her with such an expression and tone. Is this guy a little too involved in the drama

"You should know that the reason why the doll is close to you is because you have been sharing your memories during this time. And your memory for your sister and family is too deep, which makes the doll to you different from other people. But The doll is just a remnant soul, its own emotions have not yet been formed, and it needs to grow up. When your memory can no longer supplement its emotions, I will inject new memories and emotions into it. Emotional injection, it will become another character." Wu Miaomiao reminded.

The reason why she reminded Gui Gongzi was because he was afraid that Gui Gongzi would put too much emotion on the doll, and the doll was still a remnant, and her personality and emotions would change at any time. She was afraid that after the doll's personality changed, the ghost boy would fall into obsession because of the gap. Every Specter has obsessions, and according to Wu Miaomiao's observation during this period, Gui Gongzi's obsession is family and affection.

Young Master Gui has the strength to be close to a ghost general. She didn't want the other party's obsession with finally settling down, but suddenly the doll was turbulent again.

"Madam, I know what you're going to say, and I know what you're going to say." Gui Gongzi said indifferently, "The doll is a remnant, with flawed emotions, and an unformed character. Once its emotions are complete and its soul is complete, You will also send it to reincarnation as soon as possible, and the doll will not remember anything at that time. Not only will it not remember me, but it will also forget you."

"But so what? After everyone dies, as long as they are reincarnated, they will forget their previous lives. No matter how deep their feelings are, they will forget them cleanly after a bowl of Meng Po soup. Are you okay?"

Wu Miaomiao looked at the time, she had to rush back to class, so she didn't argue with the ghost boy, and said directly: "I'm afraid that you will become obsessed again, improve your cultivation, become a ghost general, and then force me to let the baby swallow it. you."

"So that's the case." Young Master Gui smiled suddenly, "Boss, you have been worrying too much. Even if the doll changes his mind, I won't be obsessed."

"That's the best." Wu Miaomiao glanced at the doll and beckoned, "Come here, I'll give you some magic power."

Hearing this, the doll's eyes lit up and ran over. Wu Miaomiao raised her hand and touched the head of the doll, and the magic power circulated on her body, introducing some magic power into the doll. The doll groaned comfortably, and kept rubbing against Wu Miaomiao's palm like a cat.

Wu Miaomiao introduced half of her own magic power into the doll, and stopped, if she introduced too much, her body would also be exhausted. This is the disadvantage of her being separated from the doll. If the doll is always by her side, the doll will subtly absorb the magic power, and it will hardly affect her.

"Ah, ah." The doll who absorbed the magic power and was invigorated, suddenly pointed to a black soul body on the coffee table.

Wu Miaomiao glanced at it, and immediately saw that the group of souls was a severed hand, which was left by the female ghost last night.


Seeing Wu Miaomiao's agreement, the doll immediately opened her mouth, sucked the soul body over, and swallowed it in one bite, as if she was afraid of being robbed.

Since last night, the doll has been wanting to swallow this severed hand, but because of Wu Miaomiao's instructions, it has endured until now, and now it has finally waited, but it can't wait.

"The baby seems to be very hungry." Gui Gongzi said when he saw this, "How about I go out to catch one or two evil spirits in the past two days. After Friday, you will bring it back to feed the baby?"

Wu Miaomiao squinted at him: "Do you think I'm starving the baby on purpose?"

"Don't dare." Even if it wasn't intentional, it was seriously ignoring the doll. In the eyes of Gui Gongzi, the proprietress is busy with classes from Monday to Friday, and has no time to feed the doll. She is busy on a date with Mr. Ji on weekends, and has no time to feed the doll. The doll is so pitiful that she is simply left behind in the villa. baby.

"Yes, I was deliberately hungry." Wu Miaomiao suddenly admitted.

Gui Gongzi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wu Miaomiao's expression and was confused: "Why... why?"

"I don't let the doll eat, except that I am not around, because I am afraid that the power in its body will be out of balance. There is another reason. The doll's soul body is almost 80% complete, as long as it is replenished by 20%, it is completely complete. Wu Miaomiao explained, "But the emotional growth rate of the doll did not keep up with the soul body, so I could only starve it, because if it accidentally ate it into a complete body, it could only be reincarnated with its current IQ. Do you think so?"

Speaking of which, Wu Miaomiao couldn't help but sigh, the reason why the doll grows so fast is due to the power of Xianggong's nightmare. Fortunately, the power of nightmare has little effect on nourishing the soul of the doll, otherwise she would not dare to let the doll continue to devour her husband's power of nightmare. In fact, she was also surprised by this. She did not expect that the power of nightmare would speed up the growth of the doll.

"Then... that's still hungry." Although Young Master Gui thinks the doll is fine now, he can't just let the doll be reincarnated just like that.

"I still have a class, so let's go first." Wu Miaomiao couldn't stay any longer, she patted the doll's head again and warned, "Don't eat indiscriminately, you know?"

The doll had just eaten, and at this time it was easy to talk, and she nodded her head obediently.

In the next few days, the days were very peaceful, Dong Yongyuan did not take any new tasks, Gui Gongzi took the doll to read every day, Dahu and the doll went to bask in the sun every day when the weather was sunny, and Liu Meier still followed the live broadcast. Wu Miaomiao went to school seriously, looking forward to the arrival of New Year's Day, but the studio was very busy these days. The group of four kept going back and forth between the prison and the studio, doing material collection.

Although all the materials they collected were sent to Ji Lang, Ji Lang just flipped through two books and put them on the shelf. Because he had already understood all the details of the case through a dream as early as a week ago. There are drug dealers, and naturally Huo Mingzhi and his comrades in arms.

After this dream, Ji Lang's sense of Huo Mingzhi has changed a lot. He never believed that there are good people in this world. But after falling into a dream, after seeing Huo Mingzhi and drug dealers fighting wits and courage, and after several scenes of near-death, after seeing those police officers who died in the line of duty in order to arrest drug dealers through Huo Mingzhi's dream, he suddenly had a feeling for the police. a new understanding.

Maybe most people in the world have selfishness, but there are also a group of people who can sacrifice their lives for their beliefs, and they guard justice and hope.

After sorting out all the details, Ji Lang decided to start the serialization. And just when Ji Lang started serialization, downstairs, Huo Mingzhi ran over to urge the draft again.

"Team Huo, you are here again." Bei Fan now sees Huo Mingzhi and has a feeling of seeing Party A.

"I'll see if you need any help." Huo Mingzhi smiled cheekily.

"This information was already complete when it was sent to us. We have asked about some unclear things in the past few days, and the rest is to sort out the information." After all, the production unit has collected a lot of materials before, saving put a lot of effort into them.

"Then you've been arranging for several days, when did you start writing?" Huo Mingzhi asked.

They were burying their heads in sorting out the information, because the trio had not slept well for several days because of the rush to work. Qi Qi looked over and expressed a silent protest with their pale face and heavy dark circles under their eyes.

"Cough... Then what, today is the 31st, and tomorrow is New Year's Day, everyone, don't worry, it's not too late to start after New Year's Day, the holiday is over, hahaha..." Huo Mingzhi smiled awkwardly.

"Team Huo, crime-related themes are inherently logical. For a normal person to write such a story, it takes at least three months to prepare. We took over ten days, ten days." roar.

"Normal people are like this, but you are not normal people." Huo Mingzhi disapproved of Analysys' roar.

The three were stunned for a moment, and their hearts froze for a while, aren't they ordinary people? What's the meaning? Could it be that the identities of the owner's family of three were discovered

"Don't pretend, I know, you all know a lot about all kinds of major domestic cases, otherwise how would you provide materials for Ji Lang to write so many books." That's right, Huo Ming knew that Ji Lang's studio was not easy, including the employees under him.

"us… "

"I know you won't admit it, but it doesn't matter, we're tacit. Don't worry, as long as you don't break the law, I won't arrest you." Huo Mingzhi interrupted the trio who were trying to explain.

"..." trio.

If you have the ability, you can find evidence to arrest us. If you can find evidence for something that does not exist, it is your ability. Otherwise, I seriously doubt that you are trying to implement a cruel and inhumane act of urging manuscripts through trumped-up speculation.

"Okay, I know you're under a lot of pressure, but think about the bonus." Huo Ming knew that after the threat, he changed it to inducement.

"I'm so short of money?!" Yi Guan said sadly and indignantly.

Huo Mingzhi looked at Analysys, and suddenly said: "Oh, I almost forgot, you are now the prince of the Huanling Group, and you are indeed not bad for money."

Just as Analysys was about to say something, he heard Huo Mingzhi say again: "Then why are you still working here, under so much pressure, don't you resign?"

What do you mean, don't you deserve to have a stressful job when you are rich? Yi Guan's chest hurts.


Just when the three of them were urged by Huo Mingzhi to start, Huo Mingzhi's cell phone suddenly rang, he picked it up and looked at it, and then he suddenly patted the table excitedly and laughed.

"You guys, it's so bad, are you trying to surprise me?"

"What surprise?" Shan Junyi asked.

"Ji Lang has already started the serialization, and the first chapter is out. You all pretended to me that you didn't organize the information, so I knew that you must have understood it in advance." After speaking, Huo Mingzhi took his mobile phone and started to follow the serialization.

The trio was stunned for a moment, and they all lost their jobs, took out their mobile phones and opened the boss's novel column, and they saw a new novel called "Hunting Ice" inside.

At the same time, Zihe Dashen's readership also boiled over.

[God Zihe has opened a new book, God, on the last day of this year, there is still such a good thing happening?]

[The case of the new book seems to be a little different, it seems to be related to drug trafficking.]

[Yeah, before, Zihe mostly focused on criminal cases, mainly expounding on human nature. This type is the first time.]

[Oh, no matter what the case, as long as it was written by the Great God Zihe, I like it. Zihe produced, must be a fine product.]

[As for the administrator, if there is any internal information, let me know.]

At this time, an id named Sun and Moon Knows said: [Internal reliable news, this will be synchronized into film and television.]

[real or fake?]


[Wo Cao, can I finally see Zi He Da's book being filmed in China?]

The trio were naturally in the group. When they saw the name of the id, they knew who it was, so they looked at Huo Mingzhi collectively.

"Hehe, propaganda, cooperate with propaganda. Oops, the second chapter is out again." Huo Mingzhi hurriedly read the second chapter again. This is the point of reading Ji Lang's novel. Just after the discussion here, the new chapter there will be Come out, the experience of chasing more is not too good.

Ji Lang updated the first chapter at more than one o'clock in the afternoon, and then continued to serialize for three hours at a rate of three chapters per hour. Just when the case entered the first climax, Ji Lang suddenly dressed neatly. Come down from upstairs.

At this time, Dong Yongyuan happened to be carrying a bunch of things from the outside, and when he saw Ji Lang coming downstairs, he immediately greeted him: "Boss, this is a gift I prepared in advance, each one is the same, you will give it to you alone when you go back. One copy is enough. This is the ticket for the amusement park, there are six tickets in total, and I have already sent you WeChat the address of the hotel."

Obviously, Ji Lang came downstairs because he knew that Dong Yongyuan was back.

Ji Lang snorted and took the gifts and tickets: "You also leave work early."

Tomorrow is New Year's Day. He made an appointment to have dinner with Wu Miaomiao's roommate today, and then went to the playground for New Year's Eve together. The location and time were decided together by Wu Miaomiao and his roommate, otherwise, with his character, he would not choose the playground if he was killed.

"Wait." Ji Lang was about to leave with his things, when suddenly there was an eager shout behind him. He turned around in surprise, and saw Huo Mingzhi rushing towards him with an unbelievable face.

"You... are you going to get off work?" Huo Mingzhi said in shock.


"How about that?" Huo Mingzhi said loudly.

"Why not?" Ji Lang was displeased. Although he had some improvement in Huo Mingzhi, it did not mean that Huo Mingzhi could interfere in his life.

"You haven't finished writing your novel yet," Huo Mingzhi reminded.

Ji Lang rolled his eyes speechlessly, ignored Huo Mingzhi, turned around and left.

"No, Dongzi, didn't Ji Lang finish serialization in one go before?" Huo Mingzhi still couldn't accept it, "Why is it different this time?"

"Because the boss has a girlfriend." Dong Yongyuan said with a bit of a smile, and he couldn't help but let people go on a date.

And Huo Mingzhi has the same doubts, obviously he is not the only one. At this time, among the readers of Zihe Dashen, they are waiting hard, and the readers who believe that Zihe Dashen will complete the story in one breath, Zuo waits and waits , never waited for a new chapter.

This is... the first time in the life of the Great God Zihe

Yes, for God Zihe, if he didn't finish writing it in one breath, he would even break it.

[Sure enough, it's the last day of this year, and all kinds of fantastic things may happen, but God Zihe actually broke it?]

[God Zihe, what are you doing, come back soon, you have finished writing it for me, stuck here, it hurts my heart, you make me feel uneasy this year.]

[God Zihe, what's wrong with you, how fast is your hand when you've been single for so many years?]

[Maybe, maybe, God Zihe is not single anymore?]

[Upstairs, you may be the truth...]

[Truth +1]

At this time, the god Zihe, who was no longer single, was driving to the hotel, planning to prepare in advance before Wu Miaomiao brought his roommate there. This was the first time Wu Miaomiao introduced a friend to him, and Ji Lang was inexplicably nervous.

As for finishing novels in one breath, he didn't have this habit, but nothing could interrupt him before.