The Witch

Chapter 114


Queuing should be a very boring process, but in the snowy sky, snuggling in the arms of the person you like, absorbing the warmth and love of the other party, this kind of boring will become a kind of warmth. When the team unknowingly moved forward and finally reached them, Wu Miaomiao even felt that time passed a little too fast.

"It's our time." Ji Lang patted the man in his arms.

Wu Miaomiao hummed, turned around and stepped into the cockpit of the Ferris wheel, followed by Ji Lang. When the two of them went in, the staff immediately closed the cockpit door again. During the whole process, the Ferris wheel had been running slowly, so it didn't take long for the two of them to sit down, and the cockpit slowly rose with the operation of the Ferris wheel. up.

"Xianggong, that's the night market we went to last time." When the cockpit was in the air, Wu Miaomiao asked, pointing to the river bank on the other side of the Ferris wheel.

Ji Lang looked at the prestige, and on the other side of the river, there was a large and small group of lights spread out around the river bank, which was the river bank he and Wu Miaomiao had been to more than a month ago. Seeing that river bank, Ji Lang's mind couldn't help thinking of what Wu Miaomiao said to him that day.

"I will always be by your side, so if Xiang Gong loses control, I will be the first to kill."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Unconsciously, a warm feeling poured out from the bottom of my heart and turned into a smile in the bottom of my eyes: "Well, it's there."

"We have already risen very high." Wu Miaomiao looked at the smaller and smaller figures on the ground, and said excitedly, "I hope we can be at the highest point at twelve o'clock."

"Fifty seconds left." Ji Lang glanced at his watch, then pointed to a direction outside the window, "The fireworks show is over there."

Wu Miaomiao immediately turned around and looked over, she wanted to control the time, and at twelve o'clock, at the New Year's Eve, at the moment when the fireworks rose, she would have a New Year's kiss with her husband. The roommates told her that every cockpit of the Ferris wheel is full of happiness. If you can kiss the person you love at the highest point, you will be able to fall in love with the people in the bookstore, the wizard of the world, and Wu Miaomiao. It was a rumor, but she still wanted to do it.

Maybe most people know that this statement is false, it's just a romantic packaging for the Ferris wheel, but they still choose to believe it, and rush to it, just for a beautiful meaning.

We don't know if we can be happy with the person we like now, but we all sincerely hope that we can be happy for a long time.


Because of the rising yin, the clear moonlight was cast with a faint shadow. This shadow cannot be seen by ordinary people, but it is very clear to the non-human beings in the villa. The good moonlight was ruined by the yin qi like this, and Young Master Gui suddenly lost his interest. Seeing this kind of moonlight is not as good as going downstairs to watch the New Year's Eve party.

"Let's go down to see the New Year's Eve party." Gui Gongzi suggested.

"Okay." Liu Mei'er nodded and covered the alcohol lamp with a closed lid to turn off the light.

"Doll, clean up the chessboard." Gui Gongzi said to the doll again.

Only the doll's physical strength is the greatest here. It was the doll who brought the chessboard up before, and now it is natural to move it down.

"Yeah." The doll hummed obediently, two small hands quickly pulled the pieces on the chessboard, and carefully separated the black and white pieces, and put them into the box one by one.

"It's almost the new year." Gui Gongzi suddenly sighed.

"There's less than a minute." Liu Mei'er glanced at her phone and reported the time.

"Doll, you will be one year older after the new year." Gui Gongzi teased the doll with a smile.

The doll, who was cleaning up the chess pieces, paused for a while, as if thinking of something, and suddenly put down the chess pieces in his hand, stretched out both hands empty, palms up, and made a begging appearance, and said crisply. : "Brother, New Year, lucky money."

A long-lost warm memory flashed in Gui Gongzi's mind. A little girl dressed in bright red every New Year's Day always knocks on the door of his study early in the morning, holding out her little hand to ask for New Year's money.

The little child doesn't really understand the value of money. Every time his sister comes to ask for it, he only gives a copper plate, but every time the sister takes it, he will jump around happily, and then say something to him. Greetings.

"I wish my brother good health."

Then he would pinch his little sister's chubby face and correct her: "Good health is for fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers who are in love with the progress of the bookstore industry."

"Healthy." My sister was persistently reluctant to change her words.

Gui Gongzi chuckled lightly and came back to his senses, the doll in front of him still stretched out his hand persistently, as if he would never give up until he got the New Year's money. But this New Year is not a New Year with lucky money, but this is a bit complicated for the doll who is still a remnant, so Young Master Gui picked up a chess piece from the chessboard and put it in the doll's palm: "I'll give it to you today. This, after the Spring Festival, I will supply you with a real red envelope."

When the doll received the "New Year's money", she happily put it into the pocket of her shirt. The clothes customized by Analysys for the dolls are extremely delicate, not to mention the pockets, but also the matching hats, shoes and scarves.

The doll received the "New Year's money" dearly, and then folded her little hand and blessed the young master Gui: "I wish my brother good health."

This time, Gui Gongzi didn't try to make the doll change the words of blessing. Until now, after experiencing all kinds of life, he finally understands that no matter what studies, money, fame and fortune, everything can't be compared to good health.

"The baby is also in good health." Gui Gongzi replied with a smile.

At this time, a gust of night wind blew, mixed with the chill of winter.

chill? !

Gui Gongzi suddenly woke up, he looked at the source of the chill, and his expression changed instantly: "Big tiger, take the baby away."

Outside the villa, five groups of powerful yin qi were rushing in, and in a blink of an eye, they reached outside the barrier and turned into five ghosts. They hung in the air in a surrounding posture, and looked coldly at them inside the barrier.

With just one glance, Young Master Gui knew that each of these five Specters had a cultivation base of more than 600 years, and their strength was not much lower than his. He can stop one or two, but he can't stop five.

He didn't want to wonder what these ghosts were doing in the villa, he subconsciously just wanted the black cat to leave with the doll. As long as they all left, it would be much easier for him to escape.

The big tiger had already stood up, and from time to time there was a threatening grunt in his throat, and behind him was Liu Mei'er, who was too scared to speak.

The doll stood beside the young master Gui, looking out innocently, not understanding what was going on. Gui Gongzi came out of the figure instantly, and the huge soul body blocked in front of the doll and the black cat.

But the other party didn't give Young Master Gui and the others time to react. At the moment when they transformed into their bodies, three of the five Specter Ghosts shot together and attacked the barrier. The fragile enchantment simply couldn't stand the simultaneous shots of the three ten thousand commanders, and it shattered in an instant.

Young Master Gui's complexion changed drastically, and he stepped forward, and at the same time as Young Master Gui flew forward, one of the two Spectre Ghosts who didn't take a shot also flew up to meet him. The two ghosts collided in mid-air, and in a blink of an eye, several tricks were passed, the ghost energy overflowed, and the overcast wind burst.

"Brother." Seeing that his "brother" was fighting with the ghost, the doll immediately understood what was going on. It was the bad ghost who came and went to help with short legs.

"Go! Doll, follow the big tiger to find the wizard." These five ghosts came prepared. Although the doll is powerful, its IQ is not enough, and the wizard is not there now. If the doll absorbs too much ghost energy, it will be bad for itself. There are also injuries. Therefore, Gui Gongzi can only let the doll go. With the doll's combat power, it should not be a problem to walk with the black cat.

"Meow?!" At this moment, the black cat jumped in front of the doll and screamed hoarsely in the direction of the air.

Young Master Gui looked up, only to see that in the hands of Li Gui, the only one who didn't shoot, he didn't know when he took out a long bow. The bowstring was fully stretched. is a doll.

Is that the Wind Soul Arrow? !

"Doll, dodge!" Gui Gongzi roared and rushed back in the direction of the doll desperately.

At the same time, with a bang, the bow and arrow shot out.

After the doll heard the Gui Gongzi's call, he dodged to hide. At this time, the three ghosts who had broken the barrier suddenly rushed towards the doll, and the huge ghost gas transformed into an invisible barrier, squeezing the doll in the middle.

The doll's body was controlled by the ghost energy, unable to move, and the long bloody arrow shot like an electric light, and the fingertips that the ghost boy stretched out to block it sank into the doll's body. The moment the arrow tip sank, the bright eyes of the doll suddenly dimmed, like a machine without electricity, and fell limply to the ground.

These five ghosts cooperated tacitly, and from the beginning they were going to deal with the dolls.

At the same time when the barrier was broken, Wu Miaomiao suddenly felt heart palpitations on the spinning Ferris wheel.

"The barrier, the barrier of the villa is broken." Wu Miaomiao turned around in awe.

"Don't worry, there is a ghost boy, call and ask first." Ji Lang said.

Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang are still at ease about the strength of Gui Gongzi, unless the ghost generals come in person, otherwise ordinary sneaks can't move Gui Gongzi. What's more, the doll is not vegetarian.

Thinking of this, Wu Miaomiao calmed down a little, and was about to call Liu Meier to ask about the situation, but she just took out her mobile phone, and before she could unlock it, a sharp pain struck, as if someone had shot an arrow through her chest. In general, Wu Miaomiao's face was instantly white, the phone in his hand fell, and a burst of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Miaomiao." Ji Lang's expression changed in shock.

"Doll, doll... something happened." After Wu Miaomiao finished speaking, his eyes darkened, and the person fell into a coma.

The witch doll is the magic weapon of the wizard. Before the cultivation and stripping, the doll and the wizard are one. If the doll is injured during the period, the wizard will also be severely injured.

"Miaomiao, Miaomiao." Ji Lang couldn't care about the doll anymore, only Wu Miaomiao suddenly vomited blood in front of him.

What's going on, why did he suddenly vomit blood, and why did Miao Miao's breath become weaker and weaker.

With a sound of "Boom!", there was a burst of exclamations from the crowd, and large fireworks exploded in the sky. At the same time, there was a loud noise from the Ferris wheel cockpit where Ji Lang and Wu Miaomiao were.

There was a huge impact force, and the cockpit where the two collided shook violently in the air. Ji Lang hugged Wu Miaomiao tightly, and used his body to protect the person in his arms. At the same time, he raised his eyes and looked at the two groups of figures that suddenly appeared in the cockpit.

A girl in ancient costume and a middle-aged man dressed as a guard, both of them are souls.

"You..." Ji Lang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he found that the ghost in the girl in front of him was much stronger than the ghost boy, "Ghost general?"

"Since you know that I'm a ghost general, then don't be a fearless resistance, and give me the person in your arms." The girl said with a grin.

The power of nightmare around Ji Lang suddenly exploded, and the powerful force forced the guard beside the girl to take a step back unconsciously. But the girl who was a ghost general, seemed to feel nothing, and still stood there with a smile on her face.

"If you were in an awakened state, I would be a little afraid of you, but your power at this time can't hurt me." The girl said, and at the same time took a few steps in the direction of the two.

Ji Lang subconsciously wanted to distance himself, but there was already a hatch behind him, and there was no way to retreat.

"This wizard is good looking, and his age is just right. Hey, he's not perfect anymore?" The girl frowned in disgust. "Forget it, although there are some flaws, it can barely be my body."

Saying that, the girl raised her hand to touch Wu Miaomiao's eyebrows.

"Go away!" Ji Lang was furious, raised his hand and slapped the girl's outstretched hand fiercely.

With a "pop", the girl's hand was knocked out.

The girl was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that someone could touch her in a physical state.

"Nightmare? It's really interesting." The girl smiled and looked at Ji Lang for a moment, then suddenly said, "Did she sleep with you? Are you her husband? How about this, when I take over her body, I'll still be you Madam, this way you won't suffer."

The answer to her was the surging power of nightmares. Ji Lang has always hated his own power, and tried to suppress it so as not to lose control, but at this moment, the only one who can protect Miao Miao is he has always hated it. of power.

At this moment, he let go of all his suppression. In fact, he was not good at manipulating the power of nightmares, but he only had one idea, and that was to drive away the two ghosts in front of him.

At the moment when the power of nightmare struck the girl, a golden light flashed in her eyes, and a barrier blocked the power of nightmare. But the male ghost standing behind her had no such ability, and some couldn't bear the squeeze of the nightmare force, and half of the soul body had been pushed out of the cockpit.

"Go away!" Ji Lang shouted angrily. Behind him, the power of nightmares spread continuously. The power of nightmares spread to the two surrounding cockpits in a flash. The people inside fell into a deep sleep because of the invasion of the power of nightmares. . And the power of nightmare still did not stop, and it continued to spread outwards, followed by the third cockpit, the fourth cockpit, one after another human beings fell asleep, and more power was fed back at the same time.

The girl looked at the scene in admiration: "It turns out that the power of nightmares is like this, it can make living people fall into nightmares, and then extract more power for you to use. No wonder those people in the association want to kill you, if this is As long as you continue to develop, wouldn't you be able to make the whole world fall asleep. It's just... the person in your arms seems to be having nightmares too."

Ji Lang was suddenly startled, and looked into his arms, and at the same time, the girl suddenly shot, a palm that smashed the iron gate that Ji Lang was leaning on behind.

Suddenly losing his support, and the strong wind blowing from the window, Ji Lang had to free one hand and hold the seat in the cockpit tightly to prevent himself from falling. And what the girl was waiting for was the moment he let go of his hand, she suddenly approached, grabbed Wu Miaomiao, who had fallen asleep, and pulled him hard, throwing him out of the window.


Ji Lang roared and jumped down almost without thinking.

At this time, the Ferris wheel was in mid-air, about 200 meters above the ground. The bodies of the two fell rapidly under the action of free fall, but no matter how hard Ji Lang tried to reach it, he couldn't reach the witch who fell one step before him. Miaomiao.

"Miaomiao!" Ji Lang kept shouting, but Wu Miaomiao, who had fallen into a coma, couldn't respond at all, and fell straight to the pitch-black river on the ground.

On the other side of the river is the place where Wu Miaomiao once said that he would protect him. It is also the place where he made up his mind to kill Wu Miaomiao for the first time in order not to let himself lose control, and vowed to control himself.

"Xianggong, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

I will also protect you.

Ji Lang's eyes instantly turned red.

"Aah~~" Ji Lang shouted, the power of nightmare that was spreading around him suddenly tightened, turning into two big hands, wrapping Wu Miaomiao's body downward. Her whereabouts were eased, until Ji Lang's body fell down and put the man in his arms. The moment he hugged Wu Miaomiao, Ji Lang's whole body was shaking, but before he could feel this trace of peace of mind, the boundless darkness and cold disappeared.

The two fell into the freezing water together.

"Yeah, they jumped down together, without hesitation." High in the air, the girl looked at this scene in amazement.

"Miss, people from the association are here." The middle-aged guard reminded.

"Cut, I thought I could knock the wizard half-dead this time. It seems that I have to find another chance. Let's go." The girl turned and disappeared into a black gas.

The middle-aged guards also disappeared in the same way.

At this time, it seemed that someone finally found out what was wrong with the Ferris wheel, and screamed in horror.

"Ah, it looks like someone fell off the Ferris wheel."