The Witch

Chapter 128


Master Xu's house.

Dong Yongyuan hung up the phone and walked from the room to the living room. His master Xu Ji and senior brother Xu Wei were waiting for him in the living room, with a serious expression and a depressed atmosphere. Dong Yongyuan Yu Xinou's forehead and legs were weak.

"Master, I was wrong."

"What did you do wrong?" Master Xu looked at Dong Yongyuan with complicated eyes, even a little disappointed in his expression.

"I'm so useless. As a disciple of the Xuanmen, I was so easily possessed by the ghost."

"As far as your level of profound arts is concerned, you'll see a ghost if you don't get possessed." Master Xu said lightly.

ah? ! !

Dong Yongyuan raised his head sharply, the expression on his face was even more ugly than when he admitted his mistake just now. If he just admitted that he was useless, it was just a shame, then what his master just said was a complete insult! !

No, the master used to dislike him for being useless, but he never hit him so frankly. Did he do something wrong? Dong Yongyuan's eyes wandered back and forth on the master and senior brother, reflecting and reflecting, but he never thought of what he had done wrong.

"Master, don't look at me like that, if I do something wrong, you just say it, I will change it." Dong Yongyuan said.

Seeing Dong Yongyuan's calm expression, Master Xu obviously really didn't know where he was wrong, so he sighed and asked, "I ask you, is there a ghost on Wu Miaomiao?"

"Uh, this, yes, the proprietress does raise a ghost." Dong Yongyuan suddenly felt guilty, raising ghosts is forbidden in Xuanmen, but because Wu Miaomiao is not a member of the association, and she is not In order to do evil, Dong Yongyuan did not disclose it to the association. Does the master blame him for this

"Actually, it's not a support. Yuan Bai, the ghost raised by the boss, is actually the ghost who injured his senior brother before." Dong Yongyuan explained, "When Yuan Bai turned into a ghost, his sister sacrificed. Part of the soul was given to him, which caused his sister to be reincarnated with incomplete souls in several lifetimes, and she was blind in every life. Yuan Bai wanted to return her sister's soul, so he found the proprietress. After that, the proprietress used the witch clan's secret technique to strip it off. Yuan Bai took the soul belonging to his sister in Yuan Bai's body and gave it back to his sister. But as a reward, Yuan Bai had to serve the boss for ten years. This is a contract restriction. If he does not abide by the contract, his sister's soul cannot be fully returned. So strictly speaking, it's not actually raising a ghost."

Dong Yongyuan said that his voice was getting smaller and smaller, but he still explained it tenaciously.

"The question now is not whether Wu Miaomiao raises ghosts, but..." Master Xu pointed at Dong Yongyuan and scolded with some shortness of breath, "Don't you know the dangers of ghost generals staying in the world? You actually have such a big thing. Not reporting."

"Master, be careful with your blood pressure." Xu Wei, who was beside him, got really angry when he saw Master Xu, and hurried up to persuade him.

Ghost general? ! Wasn't the ghost general driven away by the boss's wife? And what does this have to do with you? Why is the master so angry

"What do you mean?" Dong Yongyuan was a little confused.

Seeing that Dong Yongyuan didn't understand, Xu Wei glared at his stupid junior brother and reminded: "The ghost next to Wu Miaomiao is a ghost general."

"What?! Yuan Bai has become a ghost general?!" Dong Yongyuan shouted in shock.

When Master Xu and Xu Wei saw Dong Yongyuan so shocked, the anger accumulated in their hearts disappeared: "You don't know?"

"That's impossible. Although Yuan Bai is very strong, he only has a cultivation base of about six hundred years. When I took on tasks for him, I always picked the ghosts under six hundred years."

Hearing Dong Yongyuan openly admit to taking the mission of the Association for a Specter, Xu Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally managed to hold back his actions. They used to think that it was Dong Yongyuan and Wu Miaomiao who swindled the association's money together, but it turned out not to be that he swindled the association's money together with a Specter. This kid, he really sucks, he knew he wouldn't be saved last night.

"Master, did you hear the fake news? Yuan Bai and I only met a few days ago. He is not a ghost general at all." Dong Yongyuan said eagerly, "I am a member of the association, although my cultivation base is not good. Gao, but how could I not know the danger of ghost generals. If I knew Yuan Bai was a ghost general, how could I help conceal it for so long."

"The news from the underworld can still be fake?" Xu Wei said.

"Underworld?!" Dong Yongyuan was stunned.

"Half an hour ago, the headquarters of the association received a letter from the underworld, saying that the wizard was accompanied by a ghost general, who was powerful. In the entire Haicheng, this wizard has no one but Wu Miaomiao." Xu Wei said.

"Could it be that Yuan Bai has advanced?" Dong Yongyuan guessed.

"It's definitely not wrong that Yuan Bai is a ghost general." Master Xu slowed down and said calmly, "The next question is how to deal with it."

Dong Yongyuan looked nervously at Master Xu.

"Ghost generals are not allowed to stay in the world, and the association will definitely take action. Yongyuan, you and Wu Miaomiao and this ghost general named Yuan Bai know each other, so what the association means is, you go to persuade the ghost general first and let him Going to the underworld to participate in the assessment is good for both parties." Master Xu said, "The ghost general is powerful, but unless Yuan Bai can hide for the rest of his life, as long as he appears anywhere in the world, as long as he is found by the association, The association will do whatever it takes to clear it.”

Dong Yongyuan knew that what his master said was true, why the elites in the Haicheng Association were transferred during this time, the reason was that traces of ghost generals were found in other cities, and then the elites were sent to each branch of the association. Why did that girl ghost want to possess the body of a human child, in order to hide her own breath, so as to avoid the association.

Ghost generals are powerful, but they can't stand the siege of the entire metaphysical world, so there are ghost generals in the world, but they are rarely born. According to the association's internal records, ghosts are born every three hundred years on average. The girl ghost general that appeared yesterday, the association is still searching, if it can be found, it will definitely not let go. And Yuan Bai was in the villa, so the association didn't immediately convene people to encircle and suppress it, which was considered polite.

"I, I'll call and ask." Dong Yongyuan ran back to the room and took his mobile phone, then found Yuan Bai's WeChat, and made a language call.

It rang for more than ten seconds before being connected.

"Hello." Gui Gongzi's warm voice came from the other end of the phone, and there was a doll in the background calling his brother, his childish voice.

"Yuan Bai, you... You've become a ghost general?" Dong Yongyuan swallowed, and he still couldn't believe it in his heart.

"You know?" Although Young Master Gui said a question, there was not much surprise in his tone, "Did those three people say it last night?"

"It's news from the underworld." When Dong Yongyuan heard it was true, the last bit of luck in his heart disappeared.

"Oh, those two ghosts." Gui Gongzi thought it was the three members of the association who went back to report, so it seems that the three people were still drinking tea at the police station and didn't come out.

"Then... what are you going to do now?" Dong Yongyuan asked.

As soon as he asked this question, Master Xu and Xu Wei suddenly became nervous, holding their breath subconsciously, waiting for the answer there.

"Brother, brother... Doll, don't make trouble. How many times have I said that you can play slowly, but you can't regret it." Gui Gongzi spent a little time correcting Doll's chess pieces, and then took the time to answer Dong Yongyuan's question. , "I will go back to the underworld tomorrow to report."

This understatement made the three of them heave a sigh of relief at the same time.

"You... are you going to the underworld?" Dong Yongyuan asked subconsciously.

"Why, you don't want me to go?"

Hearing this, Master Xu immediately swept his eyes towards Dong Yongyuan, and Dong Yongyuan quickly denied it: "No, I'm just a little surprised."

"I don't want to be hunted down by the lady boss." Young Master Gui chuckled.

"The lady boss asked you to go?" Dong Yongyuan glanced at his master, and sure enough, there was a surprised expression on Master Xu's face.

"The proprietress told me first when I signed a contract with me. If I break through the ghost general, I must go to the underworld, otherwise she will kill me herself. So tell the people in the association, don't come to disturb me these two days, myself. Go back." Gui Gongzi said.


"Hang up, I'm going to play chess with the doll." After speaking, Gui Gongzi directly hung up the phone.

Dong Yongyuan also put down his phone and looked up at his master: "Master, do you see?"

"Is what he said credible?" Master Xu asked hesitantly. If possible, they certainly hope that Young Master Gui will go to the underworld to report immediately. But unless it is a last resort, the association does not want to go to war with the ghost generals, after all, they will also pay a great price.

"Master, I have not been in contact with Yuan Bai for a short period of time. I am willing to believe his words. He said he will go to the underworld to report." Dong Yongyuan said firmly, "I know that the association may be uneasy, and may I want to send someone to monitor, but if you can, please convince the association not to do this. If Yuan Bai wants to run, he will not go back to the villa and will not answer my call. So, we trust him once, don't It's the opposite."

"Just in case..." Master Xu really wanted the association to send someone to monitor, at least he made sure that Yuan Bai wouldn't run away.

"There will be no case. In order to return the soul to his sister, Yuan Bai completely tore and separated his own soul. After becoming a ghost general and going to the underworld, one of the conditions for completing the contract between him and the proprietress is that For his sister, he will not run. I know that most ghost generals who can turn into ghosts are not good, but it does not mean that they will not keep their promises, at least, I am willing to believe it." Dong Yongyuan said.

Master Xu pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, I'll go talk to the association, but you must ask Yuan Bai to give us an exact time."

"Master?!" Xu Wei disagreed, and Master Xu went to tell the association that he was using himself as Yuan Bai's guarantee. If Yuan Bai did not report to the underworld at that time, the master would take responsibility.

"It's okay, I believe in Yongyuan."

When Dong Yongyuan heard that his master believed in him, he was immediately moved, but the emotion didn't last for three seconds, and then Master Xu added: "I gave your junior brother a calculation when I was young, this kid has no other skills, just With good luck, bad luck can always be turned into good luck.”

"..." Feelings, you don't believe me, you believe in your own divination.

Ji Lang drove home and saw a familiar figure standing at the door of his unit building in the distance. It was Huo Mingzhi who had not seen him overnight.

Ji Lang parked the car in front of Huo Mingzhi and got out of the car calmly. However, Huo Mingzhi, who had waited for Ji Lang for more than half an hour, was not calm at all. His eyes were red and his beard was unshaven. At first glance, he didn't have a good time last night.

"Ji Lang, why are you shutting down?!" Huo Mingzhi saw Ji Lang getting out of the car, and rushed over angrily.

"No power." On the way from Lishan yesterday, his and Wu Miaomiao's mobile phones were out of power, but there was only one charging cable in the car. Naturally, he let Wu Miaomiao charge first, and then returned to the villa. I have nothing to use my phone, so I just forgot about it. After being reminded by Huo Mingzhi, he remembered his mobile phone, bent down and returned to the car, reaching out and taking out his mobile phone.

"You..." Huo Ming knew that he was angry, "Did you know that I almost issued a warrant for you."

He believed in Ji Lang, so although he didn't contact anyone all night, he didn't use the police force to find Ji Lang, but came here early in the morning to wait. If he can't contact Ji Lang within today, he will really make Ji Lang a suspect.

"What happened last night has nothing to do with me." Ji Lang replied directly, knowing what Huo Ming knew to ask.

"Then explain it to me clearly." Huo Mingzhi said angrily.

According to Ji Lang's previous temper, he is too lazy to explain things that have nothing to do with him. If you have the ability, go find evidence to arrest yourself. But now, Ji Lang has no way to know Huo Ming like this.

"Go upstairs." With that, Ji Lang walked in first.

Huo Mingzhi followed closely, and after a while, the two entered Ji Lang's house.

"If you have anything to ask, I'll give you ten minutes." Ji Lang knew Huo Ming, who was still looking at his family.

"What's your attitude? You're a guest at your door. Anyway, pour a glass of water." Huo Mingzhi shouted.

"I've given you a lot of face by letting you come up." Ji Lang reminded him, but he was indeed right. No one in his family had ever come in except Dong Yongyuan, who occasionally came to deliver things.

Of course, Wu Miaomiao is naturally not the category of others.

Huo Ming knew that Ji Lang's temper was also known, so he didn't want to drink water at the moment, and asked straight to the point: "We did find a man's body under the camphor tree. It is estimated that he has been dead for almost two years. How do you know about this? of?"

"The cat found it." Ji Lang said without changing his face.

Huo Mingzhi recalled the investigation of the scene, and indeed found cat paw prints near the camphor tree, and not only near the camphor tree, but the whole forest is full of cat paws. The cat of Ji Lang's family can run quite well.

"We did find cat paw prints, but we didn't find any other footprints." Huo Mingzhi asked, "Yesterday it snowed in Mount Li, so the cat paw prints are very clear, even if your cat accidentally discovered them, if you didn't walk over there. , how do you know there is a dead body under the camphor tree, can't your cat still speak?"

Ji Lang glanced at Huo Mingzhi, and in this unexplainable situation, his face remained unchanged: "It was the cat who found it."

"You!" Huo Mingzhi suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, "Okay, even if your cat can talk, what about the man in the villa?"

"My cat ran in, and I went in to have a look. He was already dead by then. You came when I was about to call the police." Ji Lang said.

"Your cat has a good relationship with the dead."

"Probably because it's a black cat."

"..." Huo Mingzhi took a deep breath and decided to go to the pharmacy to buy stomach medicine as soon as he went out. "I know you have your source, so I will ask you a question. The deaths of these two have nothing to do with you."

"No." Ji Lang replied.

"Did you have any inside information to tell me?"


"What?" Huo Mingzhi was refreshed.

"But I can't tell you." Ji Lang said calmly.

"Ji Lang, I..." Huo Mingzhi really wanted to swear, "I'm going to score negative points under your novel."

"Ha~~" an understatement, expressing Ji Lang's infinite ridicule.