The Witch

Chapter 133


Southern suburbs wasteland.

Seven or eight police cars were parked on a wasteland. Yang Ming, the deputy captain of the criminal police team, got out of the car and directed his subordinates to start searching for the remains.

"A few of you, each with a police dog to search separately."

"Yes." The twenty or so policemen scattered on the wasteland.

"Xiao Zhang, take Ye Ziqing around and see if there is anything familiar to him."

"Yes." Xiao Zhang led people away.

In the blink of an eye, I searched for almost half an hour, and there was no clue at all. The cold wind in the winter was so cold that Yang Ming was almost dumbfounded by the wind. He couldn't help but light a cigarette to keep warm. Just as he was taking a sip, a familiar car drove over from a distance. Yang Ming recognized it. It was Captain Huo Mingzhi's car.

The car drove until it stopped not far in front of Yang Ming, then the door opened and Huo Mingzhi walked down.

"Team Huo, you..." Yang Ming was about to report the situation, but when he looked up and saw Huo Mingzhi's face, he was stunned, "What's wrong with your face?"

This is obviously fine when I saw him in the morning, how come he was injured after not seeing him for a few hours, there are several blood marks on his face, and he looks extremely ferocious. According to his years of experience, this murder weapon should be some kind of sharp claws, such as his girlfriend's long nails or something. However, does Huo team have a girlfriend


"Be honest with me." Huo Mingzhi gave the grinning black cat a fierce look, and then slammed the car door.

"Cat?" Yang Ming glanced at the black cat in the car who was grinding its claws with a car pad, and knew that this was probably the culprit, "Captain, where did this cat come from?"

"Oh, don't mention it, how was the situation at the scene?" Huo Ming knew that he regretted his death now. He probably lost his mind at the time, so he really believed Ji Lang's words, thinking that his cat would really look for dead bodies. He woke up shortly after leaving Ji Lang's studio, but at that time he had already driven out of the car, and he was too lazy to turn around and send the cat back, but he didn't expect that the cat was so fierce that it would slap him in the face.

Fortunately, it happened to be a red light when it grabbed its face, otherwise there would have been a car accident on the road.

"No clue." Yang Ming sighed.

"Where's the client? Take him around to see if there is any familiar place." Huo Ming knew.

"Turn around, he said that he has no impression at all. He only remembers that he buried a man in a reed with a pond back then." Yan Ming pointed to a large area of wasteland around him and said, "But look now, this is The land was flattened by real estate developers as early as last year, not to mention the reeds and ponds."

"When will we find such a large area?" Huo Mingzhi frowned.

"It's just luck." Yang Ming couldn't help sneezing as he spoke, his nose was frozen red, "Captain, do you have any tissues in your car?"

"help yourself."

Yang Ming opened the door of the passenger seat, and then there was darkness in front of him. Fortunately, he has been fighting in the front line all the year round, and his reaction speed is very fast. He raised his arm to block it, and then squeaked, and his down jacket lost hair.

The down jacket that my wife just bought for me costs 700 yuan for a 30% discount.

"I'll go, don't let the cat run away." Huo Mingzhi was frightened and quickly opened the car door and looked inside. Seeing that the black cat was still squatting in the passenger seat, he was relieved, and then warned fiercely. Said, "Damn fat man, I tell you, you'd better not run around, this place is on the wrong side, don't think of me to find you if you run away."

"Meow!" Big Tiger grabbed fiercely, stabbed the leather cushion of the driver's seat, and the distressed Huo Mingzhi almost fainted.

"Talk again, believe it or not, I'll put you in the trunk." Huo Ming knew that he was angry.

The big tiger smiled contemptuously, and continued to draw his paws.

"I'll kill you..." Huo Ming knew that he couldn't bear it any longer, and he rolled up his sleeves to do cat abuse.

The big tiger jumped off the seat with a swipe, and the whole cat hid under the seat in an instant.

It's like this, it's like this, every time I want to grab it, I crawl under the chair, and I don't know how such a fat cat hides its body.

"Pfft..." Yang Ming couldn't help laughing, and he couldn't care less about his down jacket.

"What are you laughing at?" Huo Ming knew that he couldn't catch the black cat, and was teased by his subordinates again, and he was instantly furious.

Just then, Huo Mingzhi's cell phone rang. Huo Ming knew that it was the cat owner when he saw the caller ID, and shouted angrily, "Ji Lang, what kind of rotten cat you have."

Hearing Ji Lang's name, the big tiger's ears under the chair perked up.

"..." After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, a pleasant female voice came, "Team Huo, I'm Wu Miaomiao."

"Oh, it's classmate Miaomiao, what are you looking for from me?" Huo Mingzhi immediately calmed down.

"Dongdong said, you took my tiger?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

"Oh, yes, it's here with me." After speaking, Huo Mingzhi glared at the chair where the black cat was.

"It didn't scratch you." Wu Miaomiao asked.

"..." It's not just scratching me, it even scratched the car, it's okay to scratch me, at most a few injections of rabies vaccine, but scratching the car is not good, the car cushion is very expensive.

If the person on the opposite side was Ji Lang, Huo Mingzhi would definitely shout a few words to vent, but there was a little girl on the other side, so Huo Mingzhi couldn't shout, he just gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, just a little naughty."

"Pfft!" When Yang Ming heard this, he couldn't help laughing again.

Huo Mingzhi gave him a warning look, and then continued to Wu Miaomiao on the other end of the phone: "You want to ask me when I will send the cat back, it's probably a little later, I still have some things on my side, I'll be in a while. If I can’t go back, I have to finish my get off work. I will try my best to go back before work, if not, I will send it to you tomorrow morning.”

When Dahu heard that he was actually going to stay with this idiot until tomorrow morning, he was immediately unhappy, and he was so angry that he scratched his paw again.

"Okay, then I won't bother you." Wu Miaomiao didn't worry when she heard that she would be sent back tomorrow. She was about to hang up when she saw Ji Lang coming over and quickly reported the report, "Master, let's go back first, Team Huo explained. Send the big tiger back in the morning."

"Did you scold him?" Ji Lang asked.

"I didn't scold, Huo team was scratched by a big tiger, it's already very pitiful." Wu Miaomiao still had the heart to scold people.


Huo Mingzhi on the other end of the phone couldn't listen anymore, so he hung up the phone angrily: "The cat has the same virtue as the owner."

After that, Huo Mingzhi and Yang Ming searched the wasteland for possible burial places. Normally, the burial sites are generally relatively secret, but this area has been pushed to a flat ground due to development and construction, and it looks the same everywhere, and there is no so-called secret location at all. After searching for three hours, Huo Ming knew that his hands and feet were cold, but he still found nothing.

"You can't go looking for it like this." Huo Mingzhi opened the car door, took a bottle of water, and took a sip.

"That's right, the weather is cold again now, and it will be even colder at night." Yang Ming also sighed.

"Go to the developer and ask to see if there are any original photos of this piece before development. At least determine which places were originally reeds." Huo Ming knew.

"I asked, they took some photos, but they were not comprehensive. They have already sent them over. I hope it will be useful."

And just when they were racking their brains about how to find the burial site as soon as possible, they didn't know that a middle-aged man in a denim jacket was standing beside them.

On the side, he was shouting into their ears.

"I'm right there, why can't you find it?"

"And your dog with a pinch of yellow fur on its head, is it not properly trained? It was obviously stepped on top of my head, but I didn't smell it."

"I've been lying here for three years, when will you find me."

"Meow~~" The black cat's head hurt from the male ghost's hoarse roar, and he barked in the direction of the male ghost in warning.

The male ghost shivered for a while, and then suddenly burst into joy: "Civet, are you a civet? Then you can see if I am, you take them to find my body."

"Meow!" I don't want to help this human who kidnapped him, don't cry anymore, it's so noisy.

Hearing the cat meowing, Huo Mingzhi remembered that there was a cat in his car, and he forgot about the cat when he was busy.

"Team Huo, this cat keeps meowing, is he hungry?" Yang Ming asked.

"There's nothing I can do if I'm hungry, and I don't have cat food in the car." Huo Mingzhi stared at the black cat for a moment, and then said in a strange way, "Your master said that you can find the body, or you will come out and help us find it, ahead of time. I found it, so I can take you back in advance."

When the male ghost asked Dahu to help, Dahu decisively refused, because he was as arrogant as he was, he would not help stupid humans and ghosts casually, but this stupid human was right, if he helped them find this The corpse of the male ghost can go back in advance.

Except for a small meal of dried fish when he went out in the morning, he ate nothing after that, barely basked in the sun at noon, and was kidnapped by this shameless human being. Help, this stupid human being is cheap, and if you don't help, you won't be able to go back. Really pissed off.

"Meow meow~~" Dahu became angrier the more he thought about it, and yelled at Huo Mingzhi.

"Looks like I'm very hungry." Yang Ming said.

"Tsk." Huo Mingzhi tutted, thinking that the cat was borrowed by himself. It's not good if he is really starving, "Do you have anything to eat? Give it some."

"There are a few slices of bread, but can cats eat them?" Yang Ming asked.

"Take it and try it."

Yang Ming nodded, turned around and went to his car to get food.

"Meow meow~~" Who wants to eat bread, I want dried small fish, dried small fish, send me back.

"Don't scream, I didn't mean to starve you. If you can find the body as Ji Lang said, I'll buy you 100 catties of dried fish." Huo Mingzhi thought. I didn't expect the black cat to understand.

Suddenly, Huo Mingzhi saw a flower in front of him, as if something jumped out of the car.

After a while, Huo Mingzhi reacted sharply, looking at the figure running in the wilderness, and shouting: "Stop that cat for me."

Immediately, seven or eight nearby policemen, together with Huo Mingzhi, chased the black cat in the wilderness. And the black cat fully demonstrated what a dexterous fat man was. In the siege of the crowd, he flickered and moved, and finally stopped on an unremarkable mound.

Huo Mingzhi chased for seven or eight minutes, and panted to the black cat: "What are you running, you don't want to go home."

With that said, Huo Mingzhi reached out to catch the cat.

The big tiger dodged and avoided.

"I tell you, if you run again, I'll really leave you here." Huo Mingzhi threatened.

"Meow!" The tiger screamed, and then slapped the ground with its paws.

Behind Huo Mingzhi, the male ghost was shouting excitedly: "I'm right here, you guys hurry up, hurry up and dig."

Huo Mingzhi was stunned and guessed something, but he was not sure.

"Meow!" The tiger called out again, and at the same time patted the ground again, the action was already very humanized.

Huo Mingzhi took a deep look at the black cat, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and shouted to a few people not far away, "You guys, dig here."

And when Huo Mingzhi shouted this sentence, the black cat who was dodging just now was unwilling to leave the mound, and immediately strolled down slowly, and even took the initiative to rub against Huo Mingzhi's feet.

Huo Mingzhi tried to pick up the black cat, but this time the black cat did not dodge.

The speed of the excavation was very fast. In less than five minutes, the discovery was immediately made, and the remains of a denim jacket were slowly exposed.

"Found it!" The excavated policeman shouted in surprise.

And Huo Mingzhi felt a roar in his head the moment he saw the remains, looking at the black cat in his arms as if he had seen a ghost.

"Captain, how did you find this place?" Yang Ming was surprised when he saw the body found.

If you find the body, you don't have to stay up all night here.

"Yang Ming, watch what's going on here, I'll go to Ji Lang." After speaking, Huo Ming knew that he hugged the black cat and went back to the car. He drove the car and galloped all the way to the city center.