The Witch

Chapter 143


Haicheng Association Branch.

All the big bosses from the Xuanmen who had been waiting for the messenger of the underworld, finally at ten o'clock in the evening, Yuan Bai, the messenger of the underworld who had visited his sister by the way when they were full of food and drink.

Yuan Bai walked into the gate of the association, and after revealing his identity, he was immediately led into the conference room by the long-awaited Xuanmen disciple.

"The president of the Huaxia Association, Ju Xiong, has seen the messenger." Ju Xiong greeted Gui Gongzi on behalf of all the members in the conference room.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yuan Bai." Young Master Gui glanced at him and found that he had never seen anyone in the conference room.

Very good, no one knows his relationship with Wu Miaomiao, and it will be easier to fool for a while.

"Envoy Yuan, please take your seat." Ju Xiong led Yuan Bai to the first place and sat down.

Gui Gongzi was not polite, strode over, and sat down calmly.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting. It's true that Haicheng's aura is out of order, and I can't use my magical powers at will." After coming to the world, the young master who went to eat a meal first apologized with guilt.

"The messenger is polite. Now Haicheng is tense. We have been discussing all afternoon, and there is still no solution. I don't know if there is a solution for the underworld." How could Ju Xiong care about Yuan Bai being late? , He now desperately wants to know if there is any way for the underworld to solve the mess in front of him.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the opinion of the underworld." Young Master Gui was very straightforward, and he went straight to the ground. "When I first knew that the ghost king was born, the underworld held an emergency meeting, and the meeting was chaired by Lord Hades. After the meeting, the underworld Two handling comments were given."

Everyone's spirits are lifted, and the underworld has a way.

"First, persuade to surrender. The negotiator from the underworld went to Mount Li yesterday and talked with the ghost king. However, with the non-stop flying snow from outside and my arrival, you should have guessed the outcome of the negotiation. "

Everyone's heart froze, yes, if the negotiation was successful, the ghost king would definitely leave, the snow in Haicheng would stop, and the messenger in front of him would not have to appear.

"The second is to fight."

If you can't talk, you can fight. The opinions of the underworld are really simple and rude.

"Then dare to ask the messenger, how to fight, with whom?" Ju Xiong asked.

"Of course it's the Ghost King, or who else do you want to fight?" Young Master Gui asked in surprise, "Are there other culprits besides the Ghost King in this matter?"

Ju Xiong was stunned by the question from Young Master Gui, and he did not dare to mention the nightmare for a while. Moreover, Young Master Gui looked so calm, could it be that the underworld had a way to kill the Ghost King

"Then what should we do if we encircle and suppress the ghost king?" Ju Xiong asked.

"Well, of course, you still have to rely on yourself." Gui Gongzi said, "After all, once the underworld sends combat power to the world, the damage it will cause is not much less than the ghost king's runaway, so the meaning of Hades is to rely on the monks. , protect the world by yourself."

"But... with our strength, we are no match for the Ghost King at all." Ju Xiong said.

"Hey, President, don't belittle yourself. Human beings are the most miraculous beings in the world. Throughout the ages, the human world has experienced countless disasters, nearly perished several times, and in the end, it was the wisdom of human beings to save themselves. Therefore, you must Believe in your own strength, you can do it." Gui Gongzi encouraged.

Everyone in the association: Wocao, it's useless to love you, the messenger of the underworld, you just came to give us chicken soup.

"Then... Is there no support from the underworld?" Ju Xiong asked reluctantly.

"Oh, yes." Gui Gongzi took out something wrapped in black cloth from his arms, unfolded it, and placed it on the conference table.

Everyone looked at it and found that it was a long arrow with a whole body of blood red.

"This is the most high-end weapon in the underworld, the Soul Sealing Arrow. As long as it is hit by this arrow, even a ghost general will be sealed." Gui Gongzi said.

"What about the ghost king?"

"If you hit the ghost king's seal, you can seal half of the ghost king's strength." Gui Gongzi said.

"..." Everyone has a dirty word, and they don't know whether to spray it or not.

When will the ghost king use the king seal? It will only be used when life and death are at stake. We can beat the ghost king to death, and we still need you to use it. This thing, it sounds amazing, it's just a tasteless thing.

"If you are not against the enemy, the world is really at the moment of life and death, and the underworld will be your eternal backing." Gui Gongzi encouraged again.

I really thank you, it's all dead, and your backing is here.

Elder Fang couldn't listen to it anymore, stood up and suggested to the underworld messenger: "Messenger, we have another way, just need the wizard to sacrifice the soul of the witch doll, we can..."

"Shut up!" Young Master Gui shouted fiercely, looking at Elder Fang aggressively, "Are you going to compromise with the Ghost King? The Ghost King wants a soul to save her daughter today, and tomorrow he can ask another soul to save his subordinates, then In the future, the entire human world, including the underworld, will be given to the ghost father, so he won't be the only one on the ground and underground."

"We... I didn't mean that." Elder Fang shuddered.

"That's not what you mean, what do you mean?" Gui Gongzi snorted coldly, "You gave the ghost king the ghost of the witch doll, and the ghost king fell asleep. When he slept enough, he woke up, ordered something again, and then fell asleep again, like this The cycle, but there is still an end. You are so old, children all know the reason for being blackmailed to call the police and arrest people, don't you understand?"

Elder Fang was scolded for being speechless, and he could only secretly sneer in his heart: In terms of age, you must be older than me if you have been dead for many years.

The young generation of the association headed by Sang Tian, saw Elder Fang being scolded by the underworld messengers, and they were all heartbroken. This old boy, who has been relying on the old to sell the old in the association all day long, can be considered to have met an older one.

"So now I can only kill the ghost king." Ju Xiong said with a bit of a scalp.

"That's right, it's best if you can kill it. If you can't, you can seal it. In short, you can't let the ghost king endanger the world." The ghost boy nodded.

Everyone in the association looked at each other in dismay, and in the end no one had any objection.

Ju Xiong looked at Sang Tian, and after Sang Tian gave a firm nod, he took a deep breath and said: "Okay, then encircle and suppress the ghost king."

No matter how different the views of the two sides were before, since a decision has been made at this time, we must work together.

"Now that we have decided, we must act as soon as possible." Master Xu, who has never expressed his opinion, said, "The decisive battle between the Ghost King and the Nightmare is six days away. If we want to act, we must do so before that. If we are lucky, we will solve it. With the ghost king, there is no risk of the nightmare awakening early. If we are unlucky, we can also weaken the power of some ghost kings."

After that, the people of the association began to plan how to encircle and suppress the ghost king, and the ghost boy sat quietly by the side, and did not intervene.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The snow in Haicheng fell for four days in a row. The snow on the ground was only a few centimeters thick, and it was deep enough to be buried in the knees. Because there was no snow removal experience like the northern cities, the traffic in Haicheng was basically paralyzed. Except for the subway, and some important traffic sections, most of the buses have stopped.

The news network also made an in-depth report on the continuous heavy snow in Haicheng, and people's joy at first seeing the snow scene gradually turned into panic. On the Internet, some people have begun to circulate the apocalyptic remarks, a film about the end of the world that is frozen by the earth, which is frequently watched and reprinted.

Scientists have tried to use science to explain this strange phenomenon, but the reasons they put forward cannot be justified by themselves. Coupled with the fact that some people deliberately sell anxiety on the Internet, people panic for a while, and some people even start to grab shopping supplies, the whole city is full of uneasy negative energy.

Under the influence of more and more negative energies, Ji Lang's nightmare power became stronger and stronger. At night, even if he didn't fall into a dream, he could easily perceive the fluctuation of the dream.

"Why hasn't the snow stopped? It feels so bad."

"Today I went to the supermarket to buy rice, and found that the rice was all robbed, and the Internet was also robbed."

"I will take my family out of Haicheng tomorrow and go to my hometown to hide."

"It won't really be like the end of the world as those people said on the Internet. Although I don't think it's possible, this snow is really weird. I can't help but feel flustered."

"It's going to be New Year's Eve soon, and I don't feel any joy at all. My heart is always heavy."

"Anyway, it's going to be the end of the world. What kind of work is there? It's better to go out and grab money. Before the end of the world, I also experience the feeling of being rich."

"It's okay to kill people. The end of the world is coming, the judicial system will be paralyzed, and no one can sanction me."

"I'm going to kill her..."

One after another, the sounds came endlessly, constantly superimposed on each other, and finally turned into a group of indistinguishable noises, stimulating Ji Lang's brain.

"Hmm!" Ji Lang cried out in pain, covering his ears, curled up in a ball on the bed. He hasn't felt this way for a long time, a long time.

"Xianggong, Xianggong?" Wu Miaomiao was about to cry in a hurry, but the steady stream of negative energy had already exceeded her ability. She couldn't stop it, there was nothing she could do.

"Ah, ah..." The doll stood in front of Ji Lang and kept absorbing the negative energy gathered with its mouth open, but no matter how hard it tried, it was only a drop in the bucket.

"I'm fine... it's just... it's too noisy." Ji Lang endured the headache and soothed Wu Miaomiao.

"Then, I'll go get the earphones, just listen to some music." Wu Miaomiao got up to get the earphones, but Ji Lang grabbed her wrist.

"No, you stay with me, talk to me more, I will feel better when I hear your voice." Ji Lang said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you." Wu Miaomiao lay beside Ji Lang and kept talking to him. Talk about your childhood, about going to school, and about being confessed to for the first time.

"Have you been confessed yet? When?" Ji Lang clenched Wu Miaomiao's hand.

"Just, just the day before the college entrance examination." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Who is that person?"

"Just a classmate in our class, a classmate I don't know very well."

"What was your reaction at that time?" Ji Lang asked.

"I didn't have time to react, he left by himself." Wu Miaomiao explained, "He said that his grades were not good, and he would definitely not be able to get into a university with me. He confessed to me just to tell me that he liked me, and then he Go away by yourself."

"Count him acquainted." Ji Lang hummed.

The two chatted like this for almost two hours, Ji Lang's face slowly recovered some blood, and the voices around him gradually became quieter. Ji Lang regained some strength and sat up.

"Xiang Gong, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?" Wu Miaomiao asked distressedly.

"much better."

"Are those voices still there?"

"It's still there, but it seems to be blocked by me." Ji Lang clearly felt that with the increase in the power of nightmares in his body, he had the ability to block these sounds. Ji Lang vaguely felt that the only way to eradicate his sleep disorder was to wake up completely and then take full control, so that he could block these dreams autonomously.

At the same time, in the center of the heavy snow, Mount Li.

The top ten masters of the association besieged the ghost king, all the magic weapons were used, and they fought fiercely all night, but they failed to break through the ghost king and sat down with the ghost soldiers led by the top ten generals. They didn't even see the ghost king's face.

"When the general was alive, he galloped on the battlefield for more than ten years. He had millions of handsome soldiers and was invincible. How could it be that ten people like you could kill him?" door crowd.

"If the fierce battle continues, the gate of hell will open. Before the decisive battle with the nightmare, the general does not want to make troubles, so please get out."

"We, evacuate." Ju Xiong endured the humiliation and issued an order to evacuate.

They still underestimated the strength of the ghost king. The formation they prepared could suppress the ghost soldiers under the ghost general, but they could not suppress the ghost soldiers under the ghost throne. If these 100,000 ghost soldiers cannot be suppressed, just killing these ghost soldiers will exhaust their spiritual power, not to mention the ghost king.