The Witch

Chapter 150


All of the ghost king's attacks were blocked by Huo Mingzhi's golden light, and his power was being swallowed up by the nightmare. He must break the contract formation as quickly as possible, otherwise it will take some time until the power of the nightmare exceeds Without him, the ghost king seal will be stripped away. After the ghost king's seal was stripped, he didn't know whether Nightmare could rely on the ghost king's seal to control his own power, but he would definitely lose his mind.

The ghost king was so anxious that he frantically started attacking Ji Lang who was blocking him, but Ji Lang was completely demonized at this time, lost his mind, and seemed to feel no pain. Absorbs energy more quickly from his attacks, and those absorbed energy will quickly repair Ji Lang's body.

The Ghost King watched helplessly as Ji Lang's body was flying with flesh and blood in the first second, and then returned to normal in the next second. The recovery speed was like an immortal body, making the ghost desperate.

Legend has it that once the nightmare gets out of control, people all over the world will be immersed in nightmares, and the nightmares will only die out after swallowing all the nightmares. Until then, unstoppable.

The ghost king had heard of this legend, but he didn't believe it, because in the days when he was sleeping, there was a nightmare. At that time, human beings were not extinct, so there must be a way to restrain the power of nightmares. But this method is in the hands of Xuanmen.

It has been believed since ancient times that Xuanmen is the messenger who protects the world, but human life is short, coupled with the thinness of heaven and earth, and now Xuanmen has fallen. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to directly hit the door of the association so arrogantly.

The Ghost King couldn't help but look at the dozens of colorful beams of light outside the barrier. He knew that behind the beams of light were people from Xuanmen. These beams of light were set up by Xuanmen to prevent the power from leaking out and harming ordinary humans. If he takes action to break this barrier, the people of Xuanmen will definitely find a way to stop the nightmare, but can the current Xuanmen still have the ability to stop the nightmare after it is out of control

If he can't stop it, he will break this barrier and destroy the whole world.

The ghost king does not want to destroy the world. If the world is destroyed, where should his daughter be reborn? All he asked was to save his daughter.

His daughter, before being reincarnated into his daughter, was just one of the thousands of ordinary souls in the underworld, just like other souls. Just because he was reincarnated as his daughter, he suffered Ling Chi pain at a young age. After his death, he was trapped by inner demons all day long.

What he owed his daughter, he did everything he could, just to make her daughter become one of the thousands of ordinary souls in the underworld again. Let her go back to what she was before she became his daughter. Forget the pain and live an ordinary life.

The Ghost King suddenly showed a sarcastic smile. He was mocking himself. Back then, he bullied Xuanmen's weakness and wanted to force Xuanmen to sacrifice witchcraft dolls. Now, because of Xuanmen's weakness, he was restrained by nightmares. Retribution.

The Ghost King has a resolute character, and after weighing the pros and cons, he knew that his situation was over.

If it was just himself, in order to survive, he could take a gamble. If he lost the gamble, he would just drag everything in the world to be buried with him, but for the sake of his daughter, the ghost king wanted to stay in this world.

"Forget it." The Ghost King sighed, the breath around him suddenly weakened, and the spear that kept attacking Wu Miaomiao also stopped attacking.

"Hey, the ghost king has stopped attacking." Huo Mingzhi clutched his chest and sat down in a slump. Although he had the golden red light to protect his body, his chest hurt so much after being poked by the spear for so long.

Young Master Gui also discovered this, he stood up and looked outside the barrier, his expression was also very strange: "The ghost king seems to have given up resistance."

Wu Miaomiao is fully controlling the contract formation. Judging from the feedback from the contract formation, although the husband's energy is rising rapidly, it will take some time to overcome the ghost king. How could the ghost king give up resistance at this time

"Wizard." At this moment, the voice of the ghost king suddenly sounded.

Because of the battle, the entire barrier is filled with the ghost king's ghost, so as long as the ghost king is willing, his voice can sound in any direction. This sorcerer seemed to be shouting in Wu Miaomiao's ear.

Wu Miaomiao was vigilant and looked in the direction of the ghost king.

At this time, the ghost king had stopped attacking, and he no longer made any movements. He didn't move, and Ji Lang didn't move either. He stuck close to the ghost king, and instinctively swallowed the ghostly aura emanating from the ghost king.

"Let's make a deal." The Ghost King said.

Wu Miaomiao frowned and asked, "What deal?"

"You save my daughter, I will save your husband." The ghost king said.

Still want dolls

"In this situation, it should be you who is in a bad situation." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Yes, if things go on like this, my situation is indeed not good, but the nightmare is not much better." The Ghost King said calmly, "Your original plan was to use my Ghost King Seal to control the Nightmare power within the Nightmare. I don't know if this idea will be successful, but if he completely absorbs my power, the ghost king's seal will definitely not be able to suppress it. My ghost king's seal can only suppress my power, and the nightmare that devours me will surpass my power. I."

Wu Miaomiao's face turned pale, and she insisted: "As long as Xiang Gong's strength is stronger than you, I will take the seal, and I don't need to devour you all."

"Since I'm destined to be unable to keep the ghost king's seal, what if I voluntarily be swallowed?" the ghost king asked, "The nightmare after awakening, coupled with the ghost king's power, do you think the enchantment of Xuanmen can stop it?"

The reason why the enchantment of Xuanmen can still resist these forces is because he and the nightmare are consuming each other, but if the two forces are combined, the dozens of colorful beams outside will only be broken in an instant. .

"You..." Wu Miaomiao's body froze, a panic arose in her heart.

When she and Ji Lang decided to fight the ghost king, they were sure that the association would have a backer, and it wouldn't really destroy the world, but if the power of the ghost king is combined with nightmares, the association will be unable to hold back even if there is a backhand. .

"You can't let the ghost king be completely swallowed." The ghost boy also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Save my daughter." The Ghost King said again, "If you agree, I will voluntarily exchange the Ghost King Seal with the Nightmare now. If I exchange my life for the Witch Doll's life, it won't be a waste of time."

Wu Miaomiao hesitated, looking at the doll still floating in the air, struggling to maintain the formation.

"No." Gui Gongzi stepped forward and blocked Wu Miaomiao's body.

"That..." Huo Mingzhi stood up from the ground and shouted in the direction of the ghost king, "I probably understood it, Mr. Ghost King, you want to save your daughter. But life-for-life is something that has been around since ancient times. It's illegal."

"If you don't change, I will use the whole world to be buried with you." The ghost king said.

"But if the world is ruined, won't your daughter have to die?" Huo Mingzhi urged earnestly.

"Since my daughter can't live, what am I doing with this world?" Ghost King said.

"..." Huo Ming knew that he had nothing to say, so he could only ask his peers in the underworld, "Does he have any descendants in the world?"

"He was executed by the Nine Clan before his death." Gui Gongzi said.

He died so miserably, no wonder he became a ghost king.

"There's no other way, I can't persuade them, I can only meet the other party's conditions." Years of police experience told him that criminals like ghost kings, with miserable backgrounds, extreme personalities, and no worries in the world, are the most dangerous.

"No." Gui Gongzi's expression suddenly changed, "Dolls are also innocent, and dolls cannot be sacrificed."

Huo Mingzhi looked at the doll, but couldn't say anything about sacrificing the doll. He knew that if Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang wanted to sacrifice this doll, things would not come to this point.

"Can you pretend to agree first, and then..." Huo Mingzhi whispered.

"Saving my daughter will be a condition of the contract. Once the contract is signed, it cannot be violated, wizard." The ghost king heard Huo Mingzhi's words.

Although Huo Mingzhi didn't understand it, he probably knew that his idea was not feasible: "Is there no other way? Does it have to be the soul of this doll?"

"How are you thinking?" The Ghost King urged, "Every minute more, the danger of destroying the world increases by one point."

At this moment, the ghost king, the ghost son, Huo Mingzhi, and the people in the association outside the enchantment, and even the whole world, were waiting for Wu Miaomiao's answer. Only the baby is still struggling to support the formation of the contract, and he doesn't care about matters concerning his own life and death.

Wu Miaomiao bit her lip and looked away from the doll's body, as if she had made up her mind, and looked firmly at the ghost king.

"I can save your daughter..."

"Wu Miaomiao!" Gui Gongzi was so angry that even the proprietress stopped shouting.

"But it can't be saved with a doll."

"..." Gui Gongzi was stunned.

"Do you have any other way?" The Ghost King asked suspiciously, if there were other ways to solve this matter, then why did Wu Miaomiao refuse to die in the first place.

"Yes, but I'm not completely sure." Wu Miaomiao said, "But I only accept this method. Would you like to listen to it?"


"Make your daughter into a doll." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Do you want to use the wizard's method of raising spirits to complete my daughter's soul?" The Ghost King frowned, "But isn't a wizard only able to raise one spirit in his life?"

"So it's not me who will raise it, but the baby?" Wu Miaomiao said.

"How do dolls raise their spirits?"

"Every spirit raised by a wizard is a good seedling of a wizard. I can seal your daughter in a puppet first, and then send the doll to be reborn. At the same time, I will make the underworld promise to make the doll reincarnated as my daughter, and she will be born. Later, I will train her to become an excellent wizard, and your daughter will be her spirit." Wu Miaomiao said, "We wizards will do their best to raise spirits, so you don't have to worry, we will abuse you. daughter."

"Why didn't you say this before?" the ghost king asked.

"First, in my opinion, your daughter is self-inflicted, and I never thought of saving your daughter. Second, I came up with this method just now, and I am not very sure." Wu Miaomiao said unwillingly. .

If she wasn't forced to, she would not be willing to save the ghost king's daughter.

The Ghost King was not angry because Wu Miaomiao said that his daughter was to blame, but asked extremely calmly, "How sure are you?"

"Fifty percent." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Only fifty percent?"

"The soul that is made into a doll cannot be sealed for too long without being conceived by a wizard. The doll needs two years to be reincarnated, so I don't know if your daughter can survive for two years. What I can promise you is that I I will do my best to keep her remnant soul, which can be written in the contract." Wu Miaomiao said.

The ghost king pondered, as if thinking.

At this time, there was a sudden turmoil in the contract formation, and Wu Miaomiao's face changed: "There is no time, you must make a decision."

Just now, the information fed back by the contract formation told him that Ji Lang's power was about to catch up with the ghost king.

Wu Miaomiao couldn't help looking in Ji Lang's direction. She was shocked to find that Ji Lang's body was slowly disappearing. in force.

He is about to completely lose his flesh and incarnate into a demon.

"Xiang Gong!" Wu Miaomiao exclaimed in surprise.

"What's wrong with Ji Lang?" Huo Mingzhi was also quite frightened.

This is really going to be wiped out.

Wu Miaomiao was completely panicked. She blushed and cried: "If Xianggong can't live, this world will be gone. I'll do it a dozen times, ten, nine, eight, ... "

Wocao, what does it mean when the world is gone, there is no such thing as lunatics on both sides. Just when Huo Mingzhi felt that he was going to witness the last ten seconds before the world was destroyed, the ghost king finally gave in.

"Okay, I promise, make a contract." Ghost King said.

Wu Miaomiao was waiting for this sentence, and immediately made a seal with both hands, wrote the promise to use the magic power into the formation, and started running the formation: "Si Kou Yongchang, can you exchange the ghost king seal for the soul that I am afraid to protect your daughter? "

Si Kou Yongchang is the name of the ghost king.

The ghost king felt the content of the contract passed by the contract formation, and nodded in response: "Wish."

Wu Miaomiao looked at Ji Lang. The transaction this time was actually between her and the ghost king, so Ji Lang's consent was not required, and she only needed to transfer the ghost king seal to Ji Lang.

"The contract is made." Wu Miaomiao decided to make a contract.

The formation of the contract spun rapidly, the two lines of the contract intertwined, and the ghost king's seal was pulled in front of Wu Miaomiao. This remnant was the daughter of the Ghost King.

Seeing the remnant soul, Wu Miaomiao reached out and took out a good dream doll from the bag, put the remnant soul in it, and then drew a rune on the body of the good dream doll with her own blood.

At the moment when the rune was completed, the ghost king's seal flew up and flew straight to the top of Ji Lang's head, which was half-smoked. It was also at this moment that the Ghost King completely lost his sense of the Ghost King's seal.

The ghost king only glanced at the ghost king's seal, and then simply withdrew his gaze and looked at the good dream doll in Wu Miaomiao's hand.

Wu Miaomiao and others all stared at Ji Lang. When Ji Lang's body re-condensed under the action of the ghost king's seal, Wu Miaomiao's face recovered a little blood.