The Witch

Chapter 152: Now it's their turn to be afraid of you


When Wu Miaomiao removed the contract formation, the ghost king's soul body had already begun to dissipate.

No matter how powerful he is, there is no difference between the most ordinary souls when he dies. The ghost king is not afraid of dying, he just regrets not being able to see his daughter reincarnate with his own eyes.

"The spirit cultivated by wizards will be the purest soul in the world. In her next life, she should be reborn, and she should have a good family." The ghost king looked lovingly at the puppet in Wu Miaomiao's hand that sealed his daughter's soul. .

"I can't guarantee this." Wu Miaomiao said.

"It doesn't matter, it's good to be alive." The Ghost King smiled wryly.

Suddenly, a gust of warm wind came, making everyone stunned. Looking up, I saw that the snowflakes in the sky had stopped, and the clouds receded, revealing a clear crescent moon.

It was still winter at this time, and the temperature was even, but there was no ghostly influence, and the wind was relatively warm.

The snow will stop in seven days. Is it the battle tonight? Huo Ming knew that he reacted with hindsight.

"Beep, beep..."

A series of message prompts sounded in the empty mountain range. It was the voice of people who were amazed at the sudden appearance of the moon and discussed in the group. Wu Miaomiao picked up the phone and glanced at it. In the studio group, Bei Fan and others were anxiously asking about Ji Lang's situation.

[On the Internet it is said that the snow in Haicheng has stopped, did the boss win?]

Dong Yongyuan: [Win.]

Wu Miaomiao smiled, nodded with a bunny expression, and then there was a burst of cheers.

"The ten generals under his command, there are still 100,000 ghost soldiers, but they are still alive." The 100,000 ghost soldiers were taken into the ghost king's seal by the ghost king at the beginning of the battle, and the ghost net print belonged to Ji Lang at this time.

Ji Lang felt it for a moment and replied, "I'm still alive."

"What are you going to do with them?" the ghost king asked.

Ji Lang looked at him silently.

The ghost king laughed at himself, knowing that he was no longer qualified to speak up, but he still said: "You can let them obey you."

This is already a disguised request, to obey Ji Lang in exchange for their chance to live.

"I will kill them." Ji Lang said, "They have been connected with the magic seal in the mutation just now, and they have become part of the magic seal."

The ghost king was stunned, and immediately understood: "They have become the spirits of the magic seal?"

Ji Lang nodded.

At this time, the ghost king's body became a little more transparent, he thought for a moment, and said to Ji Lang: "Can you let the ten generals come out? I want to see them."

Ji Lang didn't speak, just raised his right hand, the magic seal flashed from his body, and then red light flashed, and ten figures in armor appeared in front of everyone.

"General." When the ten generals saw the ghost king that was about to dissipate, they knelt down and cried out in grief.

The ghost king raised his hand to appease them: "The time is running out, I told you to come out because I have something to tell you."

"But listen to the general's orders." The ten generals said.

"Since you have become the spirits of the magic seal, you will take good care of the magic seal in the future."

"General?!" How could the ten generals agree, this nightmare was the one who killed the general.

"When you joined the army, the purpose was to serve the motherland and protect the people of Limin. It was only because of your own selfishness that you did this harm. Nightmares will be reincarnated as human beings every once in a while. Since you have become the spirits of the magic seal, protect them. The magic seal can be regarded as a guardian of the world." The Ghost King sighed, "Today's ending can be regarded as my own fault, and I have already prepared for it. Back then, the revenge of Weiguo's murder, etc., was still avenged, but for thousands of years, because of guilt, connivance It's not right for Nana to harm the world. If you guard the magic seal, you should atone for me."

"General, yes." The ten generals couldn't bear it, but they all bowed and responded.

The ghost king smiled comfortably. At this time, a gust of wind passed, and he felt as if he was about to dissipate into the wind. In the end, he gave up and looked at the puppet in Wu Miaomiao's hand.

Wu Miaomiao also sympathized with the ghost king, but she still walked up with the doll that sealed the ghost king's daughter, and let the ghost king take a last look: "Don't worry, the wizards finally promised that as long as your daughter's soul is scattered, it will last until the baby is born two years later. It must be able to survive.”

"Then please." The ghost king took a deep look at the puppet, and immediately bowed to Wu Miaomiao, his soul turned into blue smoke and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

"General!" The ten generals exclaimed sadly, and kowtowed three times in the direction where the Ghost King disappeared.

When Ji Lang waited for them to kowtow, he waved them back into the magic seal again.

"Go back." Ji Lang came over and held Wu Miaomiao's hand.


The power of ghosts and nightmares in the enchantment has already been incorporated into the magic seal by Ji Lang, and the enchantment set up by the association knows when it will disappear. When Gui Gongzi was following the two with the baby in his arms, he walked out on the road and saw the car when they came.

Fortunately, the car is not broken.

A few people got into the car, and when Wu Miaomiao fastened her seat belt, she frowned: "How do you feel, it seems like you forgot something?"

"I think so." Gui Gongzi said in a timely manner.

Ji Lang frowned, and he also felt the same way: "What did you forget?"

"What do you think?!" Zhang's grim face suddenly appeared out of the car window, staring fiercely at someone who was starting the car.

"Team Huo!" Wu Miaomiao exclaimed in surprise.

"… "

Huo Mingzhi sat in the back seat with a stinky face, and his depression reached its peak: "Oh, you risked your life to save your life, but you actually want to leave yourself in the barren mountains."

Ji Lang drove the car attentively, and rarely did not refute.

"Cough, we didn't forget you, we were going to find you at that time." Wu Miaomiao said with a guilty conscience.

"The car has already started, so what is the best way to find it? Drive to find me?" Huo Mingzhi said angrily.

"Peer, don't get angry, get angry and hurt yourself." Gui Gongzi persuaded with a smile.

"Is it enough to hurt today?" Huo Mingzhi turned his head to stare at Gui Gongzi, but turned his head and met a cute puppet's face. The puppet's face was not exquisite, but the eyebrows and eyes were very smart and big eyes. Blinking and blinking, the hearts of the people who watched it trembled.

This should be that weird doll, how did it become so cute.

"Ahahaha..." The doll burst into a hearty laugh, Huo Mingzhi was unprepared, and was so frightened that his head hit the roof of the car.

After the doll finished laughing, he suddenly opened his hands towards Huo Mingzhi.

"This... this is..." Huo Mingzhi felt a little guilty.

"The doll likes you and wants you to hold it." Gui Gongzi explained.

"Ah." The doll nodded and stretched out her hand anxiously.

Huo Ming knew that such a fierce man, how could he withstand such a cute temptation, and he carried the doll in his arms. When the doll came into his arms, he immediately rubbed happily, his eyes sparkling, full of joy.

When the doll was in the studio, he was very free. Only when the strange uncle in front of him came over, he still had to dress up the doll. Now he finally used it, and the doll said he was very happy.

"Cough~~ This doll is quite cute." Huo Ming knew that his heart was melted, and he even thought that he was very strange. How could he feel strange about this cute doll.

"This is my husband's daughter, of course she's cute." Wu Miaomiao said proudly.

Huo Mingzhi also thought of the conversation, and suddenly felt jealous for no reason in his heart. It's really unreasonable. Some people have such bad personalities, even if they can find a girlfriend, even their daughters can be booked in advance. It's not like him, throwing his blood for the country, he ended up with ten blind dates, but he never succeeded. At one point, he was bored and ran to fortune-telling under the overpass. The liar actually said that he was a lonely and widowed destiny, and he was so angry that he almost asked him to come over to crack down on feudal superstition.

Wait, it seems, it seems, that feudal superstition is true.

Is it true that he is a lonely and widowed destiny

"What? Wu Miaomiao, can you tell fortune?" Huo Mingzhi asked Wu Miaomiao nervously.

"I am very good at this, I have passed the Yuanbai meeting." Gui Gongzi is a ghost.

Huo Mingzhi looked at his colleagues in the underworld.

Gui Gongzi's image of Huo Mingzhi is still good, and tonight's relationship can be resolved satisfactorily, but thanks to this "just" person, and the doll likes him very much, Gui Gongzi immediately said: "What do you want? Life and death don't count."

Thinking of it, Huo Mingzhi had asked him if he could only live to thirty, and Gui Gongzi added.

"Cough... I want to count... marriage." Huo Mingzhi blushed.

When his words fell, even Ji Lang secretly glanced at him in the rearview mirror.

"What, you already have a daughter, what's wrong with your marriage?" Huo Mingzhi was in a hurry.

Ji Lang looked back and continued to drive.

Wu Miaomiao held back a smile and pretended not to hear.

Young Master Gui was the most calm. He took a serious look at Huo Mingzhi's face and said, "You were originally destined to be lonely all your life..."

Lonely? !

Huo Mingzhi felt a sudden shock. No wonder the blind date always went wrong. Did he really want to be an old bachelor

"...Why is this fate?" Huo Mingzhi asked tremblingly.

"How do you say this? Usually in this case, if you abuse your debts in your past life, or if you want to cultivate in your next life, it's all cause and effect anyway." Gui Gongzi said.

"In this case, it is generally for the purpose of accumulating merit." Wu Miaomiao asked.

"Yeah." The ghost boy nodded.

"Then Huo team should not be lonely now." Wu Miaomiao said.

Ordinary people can see it in the eyes, but Wu Miaomiao can see it clearly. From just now, Huo Mingzhi's body has been constantly showing golden light of merit, and it is getting brighter and brighter, almost blinding her eyes. Wu Miaomiao knew that this was the merit of Heaven rewarding Huo Mingzhi.

In tonight's battle, she and Ji Lang's ghost king are all human beings, and naturally they will not have merits and virtues. Only Huo Ming knows that they are here purely to save people.

"Yeah." Gui Gongzi smiled, "What I said just now is the original, after tonight, your destiny will change, your love will be happy, and your official fortune will be prosperous."

Huo Mingzhi's eyes brightened: "Then... how many children are there?"

"How many do you want?" Gui Gongzi smiled.

"Can you choose?" Huo Mingzhi was taken aback.

"I can help you, when your wife is pregnant, tell Sheng, twins, triplets, several boys and girls, all can operate." Gui Gongzi generously said.

"This... doesn't it violate the laws of the underworld?" Huo Mingzhi asked cautiously.

"Violation is within my authority." Like Huo Mingzhi, who has changed his fate because of a lot of merit, the records on the life and death spectrum will also become blurred. At this time, these innocuous conveniences will not violate the underworld law.

Huo Mingzhi was instantly overjoyed, but felt that he was at a loss tonight. The resentment that Ji Lang had almost forgotten at the scene was completely dissipated.

"Team Huo, didn't you come by car?" Wu Miaomiao asked suddenly.

Huo Mingzhi remembered his car: "It's okay, just let Dongzi drive it back."

He didn't take out the key when he got out of the car, and Dong Yongyuan had to go back himself, just driving. As he said that, he reached out and took out his mobile phone, and then saw a screen like a cobweb.

"… "Heart hurts.

"The screen is broken, can it still be used?" Gui Gongzi asked.

"Ji Lang, it's all because of you..." Huo Mingzhi said with heartache.

"I want to pay you, what model do you want, let Dong Yongyuan buy it for you tomorrow." Ji Lang said lightly.

"!!" This is easy to say, and he really moved.

Huo Mingzhi was excited: "Peer, your calculation is accurate."

Ghost boy but laughing.

On the other hand, Dong Yongyuan was cleaning up the battlefield with Master Xu when he received the news of Huo Mingzhi.

In the battle of Lishan, although the power of ghosts and nightmares was blocked by the barrier, the mountain range was also destroyed. Thousands of dead animals need to be rescued, the remaining ghosts need to be purified, and even the landscape must find a suitable excuse to explain.

"We're done here." Dong Yongyuan heard the president Ju Xiong calling, "The snow has stopped, here in Lishan, there is news, it's a small-scale earthquake."

Just five minutes later, Dong Yongyuan's mobile phone received a news feed. A small earthquake occurred in Lishan, southeast of Haicheng, with an intensity of five to six.

Wu Miaomiao also received this news. She smiled and said to Ji Lang, "The news says that there is an earthquake in Mount Li."

Ji Lang frowned and said nothing.

However, Young Master Gui heard the overtones: "They didn't show up from beginning to end. In fact, they have already acquiesced to Mr. Ji's existence. Shouldn't they target you again in the future?"

"Are you afraid of them?" Ji Lang sneered. He used to be afraid, and now he is not afraid anymore.

"Yes, now it's their turn to be afraid of you." Gui Gongzi nodded.