The Witch

Chapter 2


Ji Lang stopped and stared at the ghost that kept approaching him, trying to see how close she could get.

While he was looking at Wu Miaomiao, Wu Miaomiao was also looking at him. To be precise, it was the things around him. It was a very complicated black qi, which contained the resentment of ghosts and the ill-will of humans. , and even the thin aura between heaven and earth. It is a pure energy body that is mixed with energies with different attributes, but it is strange and harmonious. In the words of her master, this black air is very pure.

Since entering the city, Wu Miaomiao noticed that the people in the city were more hostile than the villagers in the stockade. She knows that this is because life in big cities is too busy, interpersonal relationships are too complicated, and negative emotions such as anger, grievance, and confusion have created more hostility. Even after entering the sea market, she saw this kind of black air in every high-rise building she passed by. But this group in front of them is the purest and most lovable.

Like a bright black pearl, powerful, beautiful, and attractive to wizards.

"Ji Lang!" Just as the two of them looked at each other, the police officer who had just given Ji Lang's statement ran out of the police station, "You forgot your key."

The policeman shook the key with the access card in his hand.

Ji Lang walked back and took the key: "Thank you."

The little policeman was worried about Ji Lang's performance when he just recorded the statement, and warned: "Next time you hit anyone casually, I will definitely arrest you."

"Then I wish you success." Ji Lang encouraged.

"You...wait." The policeman turned angrily.

Ji Lang smiled indifferently, and continued to walk back with the key in his hand. He saw that the female ghost was still standing in the same place and didn't move, so he glanced at it and ignored it. He just beat up an unlucky ghost today, and he is in a good mood. He intends not to care about this daring female ghost.

Just when Ji Lang was going to ignore the female ghost and go straight across the zebra crossing, the female ghost suddenly stopped in front of him and called out softly, "Xiang Gong."

Wu Miaomiao's excited eyes lit up, the master was right, and the future husband was really dark and pure, which made people feel happy when they saw it.

Ji Lang was startled, staring at this female ghost who was more daring than he expected, and then became happy. He used to meet a lot of ghosts, but today he actually encountered one who came to rob him? Sure enough, this minority girl is passionate, and she dares to love and hate.

"Follow." Ji Lang had a special physique since childhood, and there were always ghosts around. These ghosts gathered around him, not to hurt him, but to covet the yin around him. In the ghost's words, he was a large mobile gas station. As long as he stays by his side, ordinary ghosts and spiritual bodies can be nourished, while grievances will become stronger.

There is no resentment about the female ghost in front of her. She thinks that she wants to absorb some yin to nourish her spiritual body. In the past, although ghosts liked to get close to him, their expressions were all fearful. Could it be that when they saw one confessing to him, Ji Lang decided to allow it. She followed and absorbed some more. After all, these days, there are not many ghosts with aesthetics.

Wu Miaomiao was overjoyed when she saw Ji Lang asked her to follow, and immediately followed up obediently, and the two walked to the community one after the other. Ji Lang lives in Building 11 of Huating Community. If you enter from the main entrance of the community, you have to go around the central garden, and you have to walk a long way. Therefore, Ji Lang enters from the side door on the north side of the community. You can go to the door of the unit building.

Ji Lang entered the north gate, and Wu Miaomiao followed.

Ji Lang entered the unit building, and Wu Miaomiao followed into the unit building.

Ji Lang entered the elevator, Wu Miaomiao hurried to catch up...

"You..." Ji Lang was about to stop him when he turned around when the female ghost bumped into him.

"Ah!" Because Wu Miaomiao was in a hurry to get into the elevator, Wu Miaomiao didn't expect that the future Xianggong would suddenly stop her. One did not stop her footsteps and crashed directly into Ji Lang's arms.

"You!" Ji Lang said two of you in a row, but his tone was decidedly different. The former was indifferent, while the latter was full of surprise.

When the two of them walked back before, because the place was empty, the two always kept a distance of more than one meter. In addition, Ji Lang was used to being followed by all kinds of ghosts since he was a child, so he didn't care much. Until Wu Miaomiao slammed into it, whether it was the weight in his arms or the temperature from the girl's body, it was a fact that this was a person, not the ghost he thought at all.

After a short exclamation, Wu Miaomiao hurriedly took a step back, exited the elevator, raised her head, and then took another step back before she stopped.

The future husband is so tall, so don't take a step back and look at Fei's neck.

Ji Lang was also staring at Wu Miaomiao with a complicated expression.

It wasn't a ghost, it was the metaphysician who came to trouble him.

"Who are you?" Ji Lang's eyes became more alert, and at the same time he began to seriously look at Wu Miaomiao.

After so many years, those people in the metaphysics circle still don't give up, they want to kill him, and at the same time talk about the cause and effect in a sane way, it's really ridiculous, and now even the minors are sent out.

Wu Miaomiao was stunned. It turned out that the future husband did not recognize him, so why did he let himself follow him just now? She just thought that the master sent her photo to the future husband, so the future husband recognized her at a glance on the road just now.

"I'm Wu Miaomiao, your fiancee." It doesn't matter if she doesn't know her, she can introduce herself.

"Fiancée? You have more and more routines in the metaphysics world. Now you even use the beauty trick, and you even get a minor. Why, if you plan to fail the beauty plan, then sue me for molesting a minor?" Ji Lang ridicule.

"I'm an adult, and I just turned 18 the day before yesterday." Wu Miaomiao emphasized that she was only ready to come out to find her future husband when she was an adult.

"so what?"

"Don't you believe what I said?" Wu Miaomiao frowned.

"What do you say?"

Dressed like the real thing.

"Wait a minute, I have a token." Wu Miaomiao took off the schoolbag on her back, took out a copybook with black characters on a red background, and said, "This is your birthday, and we have a relationship."

Ji Lang took it and found that his name and date of birth were indeed written on it, and the date was indeed his lunar birthday. But this is nothing unusual. The old men in the metaphysical world have been thinking about how to kill him all day long, and things like the birth date have long been no secret.

"This is the token you left behind. The transfer beads you brought when you were a child. The master said that they were originally a pair." Wu Miaomiao revealed the transfer beads on her left wrist.

It was a transshipment bead that was woven into a diamond knot with red and black two-color rope.

Ji Lang looked at Wu Miaomiao's eyes even more disgusted, is this really not a fool

"You still don't believe it? This is really a pair, you should have another here." Wu Miaomiao said.

Ji Lang raised his right hand and pulled his sleeve, revealing his wrist. There was indeed a transfer bead that was exactly the same as the one Wu Miaomiao wore on his hand.

Wu Miaomiao's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that Ji Lang finally believed her.

"Turn 500 meters to the left when you go out, the lobby on the first floor of the shopping mall, the gold shop counter, you can find the same style as you like." Ji Lang pointed to the door behind Wu Miaomiao, "Hurry up while I'm in a good mood now. Walk."

"We're really a couple, I'll prove it to you." Wu Miaomiao knew that Ji Lang would not believe that Guang took out an identical hand rope, so she raised her hand and pinched a unique Wu clan. Then he pointed at the transfer beads on his left wrist.

At the same time, a hot feeling came from Ji Lang's wrist.

"Is your transfer beads hot?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

Ji Lang's eyes instantly became sharp, and for the first time he showed a dangerous expression: "How did you do it?"

"This rope was hand-woven by my master, and it contains the hair of the two of us, so there is a connection between the two ropes." Wu Miaomiao explained, "Did something happen to you a month ago, that At that time, the transfer beads were very hot, and it took me a lot of effort to calm it down."

a month ago

Ji Lang is born with the ability to fall asleep. As long as he falls asleep, he will enter other people's dreams, and then he can talk to the owner of the dream in the dream, and he can ask the most real thoughts in the owner's heart. For this reason, he has few friends around him. One is that the people around him are afraid that Ji Lang will see into their thoughts, and the other is that Ji Lang himself does not want to see those people who are smiling at him during the day, but they all scold him as a monster when he falls asleep at night.

Later, he slowly learned to control this ability, but this kind of control has sequelae. Every once in a while, his ability will get out of control, like a suppressed volcano eruption. After losing control, he would enter into the nightmares of many people overnight, one after another, as if he wanted to experience the nightmares that he had resisted entering at one time.

Those nightmares are like nights that never wake up, oppressive, disgusting, suffocating. And a month ago, it was when his ability was out of control, and that time, countless people in the sea market suddenly had nightmares. Ji Lang was trapped in nightmares all night long, and he vomited when he woke up in disgust. After that, he forced himself not to sleep, and he was on the verge of collapse day by day.

Later, he finally couldn't bear it and fell asleep, and when he woke up, he was able to control himself again. He didn't notice anything abnormal during this time, except for the faint coolness from his wrist in his sleep.

"Don't you believe it yet? If you don't believe it, you can ask your parents, they agreed when they got engaged, are they at home?" Wu Miaomiao thought about her future husband if she didn't believe her, she should always believe in her parents Bar.

Not only do you want to enter the house, but you even want to see your parents directly

"What did you say your name was?" Ji Lang took out his phone.

"Wu Miaomiao." Wu Miaomiao.

Ji Lang supported the elevator with one hand and dialed the phone number with the other. Just as he was about to press the dial button, the security door on the side was suddenly pushed open, and a grandma in pajamas came out with a bag of garbage. She looked at the elevator The two of them immediately scolded bitterly: "How many floors are you from? Why don't you occupy the elevator? I pressed the button upstairs for two minutes, and the elevator didn't move, so I almost called the property to complain. Why is your quality so low at such a young age? This elevator is not yours, it is used by others, you are occupying public facilities."

"Little girl, come from other places. When you come to our sea market, you must show high quality, otherwise people in our sea market will not welcome you. Your quality is low, don't say that our local people despise you from other places. Man, if you want us to accept you, you have to show high quality, and you actually occupy…”

Wu Miaomiao was so big before being said that, and she was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Go and complain. It just so happens that the property is looking for someone to secretly throw garbage in the middle of the night, and there are no people in our community who have been rated as advanced in hygiene." Ji Lang pointed out.

The grandma, who was still scolding, changed her expression, and subconsciously hid the garbage bag in her hand.

Haishi has recently been engaged in garbage classification. The 24-hour trash cans have been removed, and they can only be thrown out in the morning and evening. She didn't want to sort, so she quietly threw her garbage in the public area when the cleaning staff got off work at night, and waited for the cleaner to go to work tomorrow morning to help her clean up.

Last month, this neighborhood was evaluated for sanitation. Because of the garbage she threw in the middle of the night, the Huating neighborhood was no longer hygienic, and the popularity of the property was half dead. I posted a message in the owner group, saying that this black sheep must be found. Since then, the old grandma has had nightmares every day, for fear of being found out that she threw it, and the number of times she threw it was also less.

Because she lives near, Ji Lang has entered her dream, so she knows these things.

"You... you slander!" the old grandmother scolded sharply.

"How about you finish your complaint and go to the police and say I slandered you?"

The old lady was dumbfounded, her face turned pale.

Ji Lang snorted coldly and looked at Wu Miaomiao: "Come in."

Wu Miaomiao quickly stepped into the elevator in two steps.

The old grandmother stood in front of the closed elevator, her face changed from green to green, and finally she gritted her teeth and went upstairs from the safety stairs again carrying the garbage.