The Witch

Chapter 23


Although the four of Dong Yongyuan admired their boss from the bottom of their hearts, but this admiration could not support them to hold their boss's gaze, and they hurriedly got up and quickly made excuses to leave.

After sending away the annoying guy, Ji Lang turned around and looked at Wu Miaomiao again. He really didn't know what reason to use to convince a student who was tired of studying, but said: "There are still two days to apply for the exam, I will give you the computer, You report now."

"I can make money without going to school, really." In order to prove that he really has the ability to make money to support his family, Wu Miaomiao felt that he urgently needed to show, "Or I go out now and make some money back."

"..." Ji Lang.

Is this a money thing

"How much do you want me to earn? You tell me a number, and I promise to earn it back for you." She wanted to let her husband know that she could not only make money, but also make money very well.

"I'll talk about making money when you finish college." Ji Lang insisted.

Xianggong still doesn't believe in himself, no, he must prove it immediately.

However, when I was in the stockade, I could support my family by earning 10,000 yuan a month. The sea market seems to be very expensive. How much is the right amount

"Dongdong, Xiaobei." Wu Miaomiao turned her head and roared in the direction of the office area.



The two called masters and the other two watched the fun, and the four of them walked out of the office area together.

Finally, we can watch the fun in an open and honest way.

"How much is your monthly salary?" Wu Miaomiao asked directly.

workers, wages? This is personal privacy, Mrs.

"Boss, my salary is the lowest in our company, only..."

"I want the highest." Before Dong Yongyuan could finish speaking, he was interrupted directly by Wu Miaomiao.

The lowest, it certainly can not show their ability to make money.

"Cough, I know this too." Dong Yongyuan, who is a propaganda, personnel, assistant, and administrator, immediately showed his ability to calculate wages when he was a personnel, "Last month's highest salary was Analysys, he sold A short story of 30,000 words, plus salary, I got 80,000 a month. Last month, Shan Junyi got 85,000."

"You're actually five thousand more than me? Why?" Analysing became angry when he learned of the other party's salary.

"Who made you make more typos than me." Shan Junyi snorted coldly.

"Have you made a fortune secretly when I didn't know it?" Last month, last month, Bei Fan, whose salary was only 30,000 yuan, suddenly shed tears of sadness.

"It's okay, you give me a few stories you wrote yourself, and I'll go out and push you this month." Dong Yongyuan patted Bei Fan on the shoulder comfortingly.

This buddy has been a little sad recently, and he has also encountered a liver digger. He can help.

Eighty thousand, eighty-five? So am I earning 100,000? Plus Xianggong's share, that's 200,000. Then I earn 300,000 yuan, and Xianggong looks more expensive, so I can make more money for him. Although Xianggong himself has a job, I want him to know that he works when he wants to work, and I can support him when he doesn't want to work.

"Then I'll make 300,000 yuan a month." Wu Miaomiao immediately made a decision for herself, "I'll go out to make money now, and I'll go home by myself at night."

After that, without waiting for Ji Lang to agree, he ran out with his bag on his back.

Ji Lang turned around to stop him, although he stretched out his hand quickly, Wu Miaomiao ran faster and ran out the door in the blink of an eye, and heard her assured voice from a distance: "Xianggong, I'll take it with you tonight. Go home with the money."

Ji Lang's face was blue and black, and he didn't want to eat his angry meal. He turned around and saw the pretentious group of four, and glared fiercely.

None of the group of four received Ji Lang's eyes directly, but they all shuddered subconsciously.

"The gate is on fire."

"It affects the pond fish."

"No calamity."

"Stop dragging the text, for fear that others won't know that you are editors." Dong Yongyuan rolled his eyes violently, bullying him with few idioms.

After complaining, Dong Yongyuan looked in the direction of the gate with some anxiety.

If you earn 300,000 a month, the annual salary is 3.6 million. The average salary of the sea market is 10086. The reason why the four people in their studio are high is because the owner's copyright is sold well, so the bonus is relatively generous. The proprietress has just finished the college entrance examination. How can a student with no education, no background, and no skills make so much money

Wait, technology

The lady boss has technology! ! !

I'm going, the lady boss doesn't want to use some crooked way... Ah bah, it's mystical arts to make money.

No, I have to remind him. Dong Yongyuan hurriedly dug out his mobile phone, found Wu Miaomiao's WeChat, carefully selected the words, cut and edited them, and finally sent a reminder that he consciously would not reveal his identity: [Madame, We want to make money in an open and honest way, but we can't go wrong.]

Soon, Wu Miaomiao's WeChat came back: [Don't worry, I can make money.]

"..." Dong Yongyuan.

How can I be at ease? I don't want to go to the association to give you a small report!

After Wu Miaomiao left the studio, she was not in a hurry to do anything. Instead, she went to the Internet celebrity cake shop on Sesame Oil Road and spent an hour in line to buy a cake, then sat in the shop and finished eating, then went to the opposite side. The milk tea shop bought a cup of milk tea, and then she walked aimlessly with the milk tea all the way, until the night fell and the sky was getting dark, and she seemed to find something, and looked straight at the southeast. of a roof.

There is a mass of dark gray energy fluctuating. The area of energy is huge, two meters wide and seven or eight meters high. The gray energy is also filled with traces of black energy. If Wu Miaomiao's eyesight is not good enough, he may not find it.

"The negative energy is so heavy, but the resentment is only so little, so I will make you my first customer." When the business came to the door, Wu Miaomiao suddenly came to the spirit, and approached quickly following the direction of the gray energy.

About ten minutes later, Wu Miaomiao arrived at the destination, which was a top three hospital, and the gray energy was on the roof of the inpatient department of the top three hospital. On the top of the building, there is an air of despair, is this going to commit suicide by jumping off the building

Wu Miaomiao looked up and saw that the gray energy fluctuated more and more violently, and secretly said that it was not good.

This guy won't be jumping right away, wait five minutes for me.

Wu Miaomiao hurried up and rushed into the building quickly.

On the roof of the building, a young woman in a hospital gown stood calmly on the terrace on the edge of the roof, and was about to step into the air a little further. The evening wind was blowing slowly, blowing her sparse long hair. She was looking up at the sky, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Han Meng, don't think about it, and call your uncle and aunt again." A young man's soul floated in front of the woman, shouting hoarsely.

"Han Meng, when you come down, didn't the doctor say there are still three months? Don't give up easily, you will have nothing when you die! Han Meng, did you hear me!"

In the sky, a plane flew by with its lights flashing, and Han Meng's expressionless face suddenly showed a wry smile: "I thought I could see the stars for the last time."

After speaking, Han Meng took another step forward.

"Don't!" The male ghost yelled anxiously, reaching out to push Han Meng's body, trying to push the person back, but he couldn't touch anything, "Wait, wait, wait a while and you'll be able to I saw the stars."

At this time, the male ghost only hoped that Han Meng could wait a little longer to watch the stars. Maybe after a while, she suddenly figured out that she didn't want to die, or who could find out that Han Meng was on the roof and come up to stop her.

Han Meng finally glanced at the mobile phone at her feet, which contained the suicide note she wrote.

"Mom and Dad, I'm leaving, you guys are fine..."

"Don't!" The male ghost yelled desperately.

Suddenly, Han Meng stopped.

The male ghost widened his eyes in surprise. Could it be that Han Meng heard his own voice just now.

"Don't, don't jump. Wait, wait a minute, I'm exhausted." Wu Miaomiao gasped so tiredly that people couldn't stand up straight, "I ran from three blocks away, but I'm exhausted, wait I'll take a break."

Han Meng looked back and saw that it was a girl who looked like a high school student. This girl grew very beautifully, her thick long hair was braided into two thick black braids, and her fair face turned a healthy camel red because of the rapid running.

How nice, youthful age, thick long hair, and...healthy. These, she once had.

"Little sister, the roof is dangerous, you go down, don't go to the back door for a while." Han Meng didn't want his death to cause a psychological shadow on the girl, and planned to wait for the girl to leave before jumping down.

"No, little sister, don't go, she will jump off the building if you leave, stop her quickly." The male ghost rushed in front of Wu Miaomiao and kept shouting.

He knew that he was a ghost now and that the living could not see him, but after waiting for a long time, only this girl who looked like a high school student appeared, and he had to go to the doctor in a hurry.

"I know, stop shouting, they all told me to take a break." Ah, the roads in this city are so winding, it seems that there are only three streets, and it is so far apart that her stomach hurts as she runs.

As soon as she said these words, both the male ghost and Han Meng were stunned.

Han Meng: I didn't shout.

Male Ghost: Can you hear me

"Can you hear me?!" The male ghost roared even louder.

Wu Miaomiao felt that if she didn't do anything, she would probably be deafened by this male ghost, so she barely stood up straight with her hands on her waist: "What, Miss, are you going to jump off the building?"

Han Meng's expression changed slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he saw the girl wave her hand again: "Don't deny it, you are going to jump off the building."

Han Meng was silent and did not speak, and began to hesitate whether to jump down in front of this girl. If she jumps, it will probably leave a big psychological shadow on the girl, but if she doesn't jump, the girl will tell the story of her jumping, and it will be difficult for her to find a chance after that.

"Miss, what's your name?" Wu Miaomiao finally caught her breath, but she still stood there and did not approach, for fear of irritating Han Meng.

"Her name is Han Meng." The male ghost replied instead of Han Meng.

"Han Meng is." Wu Miaomiao nodded.

"How do you know my name?" Han Meng looked at Wu Miaomiao suspiciously.

"Can you really hear me?" The male ghost stopped in front of Wu Miaomiao excitedly.

"Get up, block it." Wu Miaomiao pushed aside the male ghost who was blocking her line of sight. The male ghost suddenly floated away like a piece of paper blown away by the wind.

"You, what were you doing just now?" Han Meng always felt that this girl was a little strange, and the wave just now seemed to have really pushed away something.

"Hello, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Wu Miaomiao, and I'm a wizard." Wu Miaomiao introduced herself with a smile.


"That's right, I was shopping on a pedestrian street three streets away just now, and I happened to see you going to jump off the building, so I came here specially to do a business with you." Wu Miaomiao briefly explained the whole story of her coming here.

"The pedestrian street three blocks away? How could you possibly see me there?" Even standing at the gate of the hospital, you couldn't see it.

"How can I say it, what I saw was not you, what I saw was the qi in you." Wu Miaomiao explained.


"In layman's terms, it is negative energy. When you were preparing to commit suicide, the despair in your body reached its peak, and the negative energy expanded to a height of seven or eight meters." Wu Miaomiao explained, "I followed this. "

The group of negative energy is still high, and it has not subsided because of her appearance. It seems that this young lady named Han Meng is determined to die.

Han Meng's face was full of disbelief, even if she was about to commit suicide, she was an atheist when she was alive, and it was difficult to change things like Sanguan before she died.

"Are you a wizard? No wonder you can hear me." The male ghost finally floated back, "Han Meng doesn't believe you, you can say something more to prove your ability."

Also, this is not near the stockade, not everyone believes in wizards, it takes a little effort to make people believe in themselves.

"Wait a minute." Wu Miaomiao pulled out a good dream doll from her backpack, then glanced at the male ghost around her, eagerly looking at her male ghost, and then pointed her finger, "Calling spirits, possessing the body."

The male ghost only felt that he was sucked away by a burst of suction, and when he came back to his senses, he found that his vision had changed, he seemed to have become very small, and was standing on the palm of the wizard's palm.

"You should be her friend, say it yourself." After that, Wu Miaomiao put the possessed doll on the ground.

The male ghost tried to step his legs twice, hey, there is a touch, although it is soft, but there is a touch. The male ghost was overjoyed, turned around and ran in the direction of Han Meng, shouting as he ran, "Han Meng, I am Qi Rui, who died seven days ago, your patient. We swore together that we would Fighting the disease to the last moment."

Ah, it can still make a sound.

Han Meng looked at a puppet the size of a slap like a ghost, and ran towards her on the ground, saying that he was Qi Rui while running. If it wasn't for her determination to die, she would have fainted from fright at this moment.

"Han Meng, why are you so stupid? Didn't the doctor say that you still have three months to live. Why do you think so hard? What will happen to your uncle and aunt if you jump off the building? I'll be happy." The doll version of Qi Rui tried hard to climb up the terrace where Han Meng was standing with her own small hands, but unfortunately she was too short to climb up at all, so she could only hop on the steps in a hurry. "If you really don't want to drag Auntie and the others down, you can stay with them for three more months, and nothing will be left if they die."

"Are you really Qi Rui?" Although he looked like a doll, his voice was clearly Qi Rui's, and he knew so many things about himself.

"Yes, it's me." The doll version of Qi Rui hurriedly said, "Today, I came back to visit my family and stopped by the hospital to see you. I didn't expect you to want to commit suicide. Why are you so stupid."

"Brother Qi Rui, our disease can't be cured. Even if I stand firm, I will live for at most three months, and it will cost a lot of money." After confirming Qi Rui's identity, Han Meng broke down and cried, "Look My hair is thinner than last time."

"Chemotherapy is like this..."

"But it can't be cured." Han Meng roared, "If it can't be cured, won't you die?"

She watched helplessly as Qi Rui died in front of her.

"I'm not afraid of death anymore, really, but I'm afraid of pain, I'm afraid that my parents will be sad, I don't want to be like you and have to spend the last month in bed with a tube inserted." Han Meng said in despair, "I just Twenty-eight years old, originally, I originally planned to take my parents to travel around the world when I was 30 years old. I worked hard to make money, I was the best in our class and earned the most. But now all this money is used to treat myself. Anyway, if I can't cure it, what else can I do? At least, I can save some money to support my parents in the old age, which can be regarded as a little filial piety. "

"But what uncles and aunts need is you. It's the most precious thing to them that you spend one more day with them."

"But every time they come to see me, their eyes are swollen. It's going to be painful anyway, so let's make the pain short, just take it... stop the loss in time." Han Meng said, "I really can't take it anymore, Brother Qi Rui."

"Hey, what, can we talk about business now?" Wu Miaomiao felt that it was almost her turn to play.

One person and one couple then think of Wu Miaomiao.

"What business?" Han Meng remembered that when the girl appeared just now, she seemed to have said that she wanted to do business with herself.

"I have almost heard your conversation just now." Wu Miaomiao briefly recounted, "Your name is Han Meng, twenty-eight years old, because you have... serious illness, your life is not long, and you only have three months to live, so I want to commit suicide to end the pain and leave a savings for my parents. So, if I can make your body return to a normal level in the next three months, will you do this business?"

"What did you say?" Han Meng walked down the terrace excitedly.

The doll version of Qi Rui saw that Han Meng finally walked down from the edge of the dangerous terrace, and he sighed with a long sigh of relief while covering his chest with his little hands.

"But you have to give me money and some other things." Wu Miaomiao quickly said the point.

"How much?! What?"

"In terms of money, I want one-tenth of your entire net worth. The other things will only be known later, but they must be useless to you. Change?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

If you could get your health back with one-tenth of your net worth and the same thing that's useless to you, would you change it

"Change." Han Meng said without hesitation.

"I need to remind you that one-tenth of your net worth can only be exchanged for three months of health, not to cure the disease. When the time is up, you will still die of illness." Wu Miaomiao said.

"I know, I'll change!" Han Meng said firmly.

"Okay, then I'll find one... cough... ready to form a contract." Wu Miaomiao took out a box of red cinnabar from her backpack, opened it, dipped it with her fingers, and squatted on the ground and drew it.

After a while, a complex and mysterious pattern appeared on the ground. The pattern looked extremely complicated, and the pattern with only one left and one right eye was very eye-catching.

"Okay, give me a drop of your blood." Wu Miaomiao said to Han Meng.

Without any hesitation, Han Meng directly stretched out his hand, his slender and fair wrists were full of blue veins and pinholes.

Wu Miaomiao covered the painted cinnabar, put it back in the backpack, and then took out a slender silver needle from inside, and poked it lightly on Han Meng's fair index finger.

A drop of blood fell from the fingertips and dripped into the formation.

Wu Miaomiao let go of Han Meng, the magic power in his palm condensed, and then he slapped the center of the formation with a palm, and chanted a spell: "In the name of a wizard, summon a suitable spirit."

The red cinnabar suddenly burst out with a black and red light, and the pattern inside actually swam.

At the same time, in an abandoned orphanage half a city away from the hospital, Xu Wei and two colleagues from the Metaphysics Association were exorcising ghosts. A ghost boy, about seven or eight years old, was trapped in the center by three people, his eyes were fierce.

"Ghost boy, capture it before you can." Xu Wei pointed at the ghost boy with the peach wood sword in his hand, "If you do anything wrong again, be careful and we'll break you up."

"You stinky Taoists, get out of the way!" The ghost boy shouted sternly.

"Senior Brother Xu, we have been persuading him for a long time. This ghost boy and little devil is persistent and unrepentant. If he just broke up, you must have been killed by the blood on his body." One of the young Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes said.

Xu Wei frowned and finally agreed: "Okay, let's shoot together."

The three of them ran their spiritual power at the same time, and stabbed the little ghost in the middle together. The little ghost stared, and when he was about to fight to the death, a strange energy suddenly enveloped him, and then his whole ghost disappeared in place.

"what happened?"

"Where's the ghost boy?"

The three people who fluttered in the air looked at each other on the ground.

The ghost boy was carried into a dark space by a mass of witch power. When the kid was uneasy, a slightly mysterious female voice sounded.

"With the despair of a dying person, in exchange for your strength for three months, are you willing to exchange it?"

"Change." The ghost boy knew that if he didn't change, he would definitely be sent back by the owner of this voice, and he would die tonight, so he would change anyway.

"Okay, the transaction is established, in the name of the wizard, I will make a contract for you."

As the words fell, the little ghost only felt that the power in his body was being emptied, he was a little panic, but an instinct was telling him that this was only temporary, and he would not be in danger.

Hospital roof.

"Okay." Wu Miaomiao clapped her hands and said to Han Meng, "Complete the contract, pay."

Han Meng was still a little confused at this time, because just now, a strange force seemed to have entered her body, and then she suddenly felt that she was much stronger. Because of the physical trauma caused by the long-term chemotherapy, it seems to be slowly repairing, and the pain of the body is also slowing down.

"I... I..." Could it really be possible to change back to what it was before getting sick

At this moment, Wu Miaomiao's cell phone suddenly rang. She clicked it and found that it was a voice message sent to her by Ji Lang.

My husband is looking for me? Wu Miaomiao's eyes lit up and couldn't wait to open it to listen.

"It's eight o'clock, why haven't you gone home yet?!" Ji Lang's voice was filled with suppressed anger.

Wu Miaomiao panicked immediately, it was eight o'clock, why was it eight o'clock: "Then what, pay quickly, my husband called me home, I have to go back, hurry up."

Han Meng was still a little confused at this time, but fortunately, when she agreed to the transaction, she had already estimated her net worth: "I spent some money on medical treatment, and now I have more than a hundred thousand in savings, but I still have a set of oceans. The house in the city is not big and is worth about three million yuan. I need to sell the house before I can give you cash."

"Okay, okay, then you give me 100,000 yuan first, and you can call me back when you have the rest." Wu Miaomiao handed over her mobile phone, and the two added WeChat.

Han Meng didn't hesitate, and immediately used WeChat to transfer 100,000 yuan to Wu Miaomiao.

"Then what, you will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. In the next 48 hours, your body will slowly recover, and staying in the hospital will lead to suspicion. Also, our contract must be kept secret." Wu Miaomiao hurried home and quickly After the warning, he ran away without looking back. While running, you can still hear her sending messages.

"Xianggong, I'm back, I'm already on my way."

"I'm leaving too." The doll version of Qi Rui, who had been silent since the formation of the contract, suddenly said.

"Qi Rui?" Han Meng was a little reluctant.

"The time is almost up, I have to go back to see my mother." The first seven souls can only stay for one day, and he has to go back at midnight.

"Well, see you in three months." Han Meng smiled.

See you in three months, in the underworld.

The doll version of Qi Rui touched Han Meng's nose with his little hand. This time, he was not sad, but blessed: "Be happy for these three months."

"Yeah." Han Meng nodded heavily.