The Witch

Chapter 24


It was almost nine o'clock when Wu Miaomiao got home.

Ji Lang sat in the living room, aimlessly using the remote control to change the stage, obviously Wu Miaomiao had already opened the door and came in, but he seemed to see nothing.

Obviously angry.

"Xianggong, I'm back." Wu Miaomiao didn't notice it at all. After changing her shoes, she ran over excitedly, wanting to show the results of her money making today, "Although it took a little more time than I thought, But I've made money."

"Really? It's so powerful, it must have made a lot of money?" Ji Lang sneered.

Wu Miaomiao, a student who just graduated from high school, can find a job, helping people wash dishes in a restaurant, 3500 a month

"I only took the deposit, and the balance will be two days away. The other party said that the house will be sold before it can be given to me. This is the first money I made after meeting Xianggong, and I will give it to Xianggong." This is her coming back I thought about it on the way, and if I made money to support my husband, of course I would spend it for my husband. With that said, Wu Miaomiao took the mobile phone and transferred the 100,000 yuan just earned to Ji Lang's WeChat account.

"The deposit is only 100,000, and there should be more than 200,000 in a few days." Wu Miaomiao said with some pride and some sighs, "The people in Haishi are really rich, I originally wanted to earn 300,000 a month, but I didn't expect Earn it in a day."

Ji Lang heard the prompt tone of the mobile phone, and knew that Wu Miaomiao gave him the first money she made. He didn't intend to watch it, but when he heard that it was as much as 100,000, he suddenly couldn't believe it. He took his mobile phone, clicked on his WeChat, and saw a collection record of 100,000 yuan.

Ji Lang seemed to hear the sound of himself being slapped in the face, and there was a loud bang~~

It's not 3,500, it's 100,000, and it's still a deposit, and the balance is more than 200,000.

Wait, what Wu Miaomiao said just now: "You said just now that someone else will sell the house to you for the remaining balance?"

"Yes." Wu Miaomiao nodded.

"What did you do to let someone sell the house?" This girl won't do anything to prove that she can make a lot of money. His nightmare buff is enough to attract the police's attention. Does Wu Miaomiao also want to join in

"I did a business with her." Wu Miaomiao replied.

"What business?" You've only been here for a few days, and you can still do business.

"Our Wu clan's business." For Wu Miaomiao, Ji Lang is her future husband, she must marry when she is 20 years old, it is the other half of her life, so no matter what Ji Lang asks, Wu Miaomiao will answer truthfully, even if it is their Wu clan's secret technique, "I used the Wu clan's secret technique to help a terminally ill young lady recover her health..."

Then Wu Miaomiao told Ji Lang about the general process of the business.

The more Ji Lang listened, the more frightened he became. He knew that Wu Miaomiao had a secret method of healing. The first two times he was not feeling well, but Wu Miaomiao was cured by the blessing of the wizard. However, he was terminally ill and died soon. Can it be done too

Because of his status as a nightmare, Ji Lang also knows a little bit about things in the metaphysics world. People in the metaphysics world do have some metaphysical techniques, such as gossip calculations, exorcising ghosts and eliminating demons, and drawing a peace and health amulet. However, these abilities are usually limited. Take the safety charm and health charm as an example. The role of the safety charm is mainly to prevent dangers that do not appear, such as warning in advance, or reducing harm when danger occurs.

The role of health blessings is even simpler. Most of them use spells to make ordinary people more energetic and stronger, and at best they can avoid a cold or fever. These, with good rest and exercise, ordinary people can do it themselves.

If everyone can cure diseases through mystic arts, then the world still needs doctors to do anything, just go to temples and Taoist temples to ask for spells. Allowing a terminally ill person to regain health, even for a short period of three months, is equivalent to changing his life against the sky.

"Is this technique of yours easy to use?" Ji Lang remembered that last time, Wu Miaomiao only helped him cure two headaches, so he fell asleep due to exhaustion. It took so much to cure a terminally ill patient today. The damage is not small.

"How are you? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Ji Lang subconsciously reached out to probe Wu Miaomiao's forehead.

"I'm not tired, Xianggong, don't worry." Wu Miaomiao's happiness seemed to be filled with the sweetness of nectar.

Oh, Xianggong is worried that he is too tired to go out to work. Xianggong is really virtuous.

Ji Lang touched Wu Miaomiao's forehead, and looked at Wu Miaomiao's face carefully for a while, and found that the girl not only was not as tired and pale as he imagined, but her eyes were bright, and she looked very happy...

Ji Lang was stunned, released his hand, and sat back again coldly.

Is Wu Miaomiao really all right? Is this girl's ability really so defiant

"Is the ability of your witch clan so powerful? You have no loss at all to cure a terminally ill patient?" Ji Lang couldn't help but ask directly.

"Of course there is loss, but the patient is not cured by me, I am just the medium." Wu Miaomiao said.


"Well." Wu Miaomiao thought for a while, took out a box of Oreo biscuits, and placed three pieces on the coffee table to explain, "This one is me in the middle, the one on the left is a patient, and the one on the right is an unnatural object with great power. ."

"Unnatural objects? Ghosts, evil spirits?" Ji Lang guessed, "Or me?"

When Wu Miaomiao heard the ghost and the evil spirits, there was no reaction. Finally, when she heard an "I", she couldn't help being stunned. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "In this way, you seem to be a supernatural being indeed, Xianggong."

"Actually, strictly speaking, all abilities that ordinary people don't have are considered unnatural things, but there are two types of unnatural things. One is ordinary things that are not in themselves, and the other is what I just said, unnatural things with powerful abilities. They are called supernatural things." Wu Miaomiao explained in detail, "Actually, it is not difficult to distinguish them. Xuanmen techniques, ghosts after death, these belong to ordinary unnatural objects. Specter ghosts, demons, have powers that are powerful enough to affect ordinary people. Human power belongs to supernatural things. Only supernatural things can change fate against the sky and cure terminally ill patients.”

"You mean, you used supernatural power to heal the patient named Han Meng?" Ji Lang probably understood.

"Well." Wu Miaomiao continued, "I am a wizard. Although the characteristics of my abilities are not the same as those of ordinary people in the mysterious sect, my power is also limited to ordinary people. At best, I can only do it well. Dream dolls, or the blessings of wizards, like this disease, I can't do anything about it. But the secret methods of the wizards can allow me to convert the ability of supernatural objects. So my role is to collect money, find suitable supernatural objects, and then convert energy , to help both parties complete the transaction and ensure that both parties will not default during the transaction period.”

After listening, Ji Lang was silent for a long time. Even if you didn't use your own strength to help the patient named Han Meng to heal, but your method of cooperating with demons to cure the disease is very defiant, isn't it

"Then why do those supernatural creatures believe in you?" Humans don't say anything. People who are on the verge of death don't dare to try, but supernatural creatures like demons and ghosts are different.

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it. I'm just looking for them to do business, and I'm not forcing them to do business." Wu Miaomiao spread her hands with a look of indifference.

ha? Is that so? Can this be done? Is that so

Ji Lang always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

"You said just now that most of the supernatural objects are dangerous and evil things like ghosts and demons. Isn't it very dangerous for you to trade with such things." Ji Lang worried.

"Xianggong, if you say this, I'm going to be angry, don't you still believe me?" Wu Miaomiao said suddenly angrily.

Ji Lang was a little stunned. This seems to be the first time Wu Miaomiao has shown anger in front of him. Did he say something wrong just now? He clearly cares about her. Could it be that this girl has a strong professional self-esteem and can't allow others to doubt her ability

While Ji Lang was thinking about how to explain it, he heard Wu Miaomiao's aggrieved voice and continued: "Not all supernatural things are dangerous and evil, Xianggong is also supernatural, so I like you very much. Or, Xianggong, you Never believed that I liked you?"

"..." I thought I had said something wrong, but I was caught off guard by Ji Lang, who was confessed.

Ji Lang was stunned for almost a minute, his face changed from astonishment to shock, then from shock to faint embarrassment, and then a pale pink slowly revealed on his fair face.

"I mean, Specter, demons are dangerous and evil, what if you provoke them." In order to hide his discomfort, Ji Lang took the biscuits representing the supernatural on the table and ruthlessly unpacked them. , stuffed into the mouth.

Well, it's so sweet, Ji Lang frowned in disgust.

"This, no." Wu Miaomiao explained, "Didn't I say it before? Our wizard family's perception is very keen. If it is a supernatural creature that is very evil or has evil thoughts on me, I will not choose him. Dealers. Moreover, the supernatural creatures that I summoned by the formation method are usually weaker than me. They just need to be obedient. If they are not obedient, watch me clean it up!"

As soon as Wu Miaomiao's words fell, something in her backpack suddenly moved.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Ji Lang's understanding of Xuanmen's magic method is only superficial. As long as Wu Miaomiao thinks there is no problem, he can't interfere too much. And the purpose of his waiting here today is not to discuss supernatural things with Wu Miaomiao, but to let Wu Miaomiao fill in the university volunteering.

Ji Lang went back to the room, took out his computer, put it on the coffee table, and then tapped the keyboard twice, unlocked the password, and pushed it to Wu Miaomiao: "Sit down and apply for college volunteering."

Wu Miaomiao froze, why did she still want to apply for university? Didn't she already earn 300,000 yuan

"I... haven't I already proved that I can make money?" Wu Miaomiao looked reluctant.

"It's not a matter of money. Even if you can make money, you must go to university." Ji Lang said solemnly.

"Didn't the state only stipulate that nine-year compulsory education must be read? It didn't say that you must go to university." Wu Miaomiao argued.

"Nine-year compulsory education is..." Ji Lang was about to preach when he suddenly found that Wu Miaomiao seemed to be resisting going to school, which made him a little strange, "You hate going to school so much?"

"A bit." Wu Miaomiao nodded.

It's not a bit, it's very.

"Why?" Ji Lang asked, "Because of poor grades?"

"No, I was sleepy as soon as I was in class, and I didn't know what was going on, and then the teachers and classmates didn't like me." Wu Miaomiao said aggrieved, "I don't want to be with people who don't like me."

If you still go to school, you will need to spend five days a week in the same classroom with people you don't like every day.

"University is different, college sleeps..." Doesn't that make Wu Miaomiao deliberately lazy in class

"Xiang Gong, I really don't want to go." Wu Miaomiao said softly.

When Ji Lang saw Wu Miaomiao's pitiful appearance, he suddenly softened.

Forget it, anyway, she was sleepy as soon as she went to class, and was disliked by her classmates and teachers. It seems that her grades were not generally bad. Maybe she didn't even get into a college, or...

No, since Teacher Zhou asked her to sign up, her score must have reached the admission threshold. Even if it is a third-rate university, she has to finish it, otherwise she will regret it in the future.

"What if I have to let you go to college?" Ji Lang asked.

Wu Miaomiao's expression suddenly became even more aggrieved. She grabbed the corner of her clothes and grumbled for a while before whispering: "Then... Then I'll listen to you."

This tone of voice is contrary to the heart.

Ji Lang was silent, and suddenly closed the computer again with a snap.

"It's up to you, your life is up to you." Ji Lang stood up, "I've reserved food for you in the kitchen. If you haven't finished your meal, heat it up in the microwave. I'll rest first."

"Xianggong, you have specially reserved dinner for me, thank you." Wu Miaomiao was surprised. Xianggong not only reserved dinner for himself, but also did not force him to go to university. It's good, double happiness.

Who left you dinner, I just ordered two habitually.

Ji Lang looked at the back of Wu Miaomiao happily running into the kitchen, inexplicably tight in his chest.

After a lot of tossing, and chatting with Ji Lang for so long, when Wu Miaomiao finished eating and taking a bath, it was already very late, and she was a little sleepy. Back in the room, Wu Miaomiao took out a puppet with a little cinnabar on its forehead from her bag and placed it on the desk by the window.

"You heard what I said just now. You stay here for the next three months, and I will let you out when the three months are up." Wu Miaomiao yawned a little sleepily, hugging The cursed doll was already lying on the bed, "Your soul body is a little weak. The despair of this doll and Han Meng can help you repair your soul body."

After saying this, Wu Miaomiao fell into a deep sleep.

Wu Miaomiao slept in a hurry and forgot to close the window tightly. A gust of wind blew in in the early morning, and the doll on the table swayed and fell on the table.

The ghost boy subconsciously struggled to stand up, and then suddenly stunned, he actually stood up? Can you move by yourself

Then, the ghost boy consciously began to stretch his limbs, and then he found that he was really able to move. Although this rag doll trapped his spiritual body and prevented him from getting out, he seemed to be integrated with this rag doll.

The ghost boy was originally a seven or eight-year-old child. After becoming a ghost, he hadn't been able to touch the real thing for a long time. At this time, he found that he had a new perception, and suddenly he couldn't stand it anymore. He quietly glanced at Wu Miaomiao on the bed, and seeing that she was sleeping, he sneaked to the edge of the table and looked down.

so high.

The ghost boy looked around for a while, then followed the foot of the table and began to humming down, perhaps because he was just starting to use this doll, and halfway through the climb, the ghost boy didn't catch a single one. Haw fell to the ground.

The ghost boy subconsciously closed his eyes and waited for the next pain, but after waiting for a long time, he felt nothing at all. Even playing on the ground, it's very comfortable.

Is it because the body is made of cotton, so it doesn't hurt to fall.

The ghost boy jumped up happily, walked along the corner of the wall to the door with his short legs, and then worked hard to climb the door for a long time before he twisted the door open.

Out of the room, the ghost boy unconsciously leaned against the corner and took a deep breath. Although he didn't feel physically tired, he was inexplicably tired after being busy for so long.

The ghost boy took a rest, and then began to silently observe this strange house. He is a ghost himself, so it is not difficult to see things in the dark, and he quickly saw the layout of the house clearly.

Afterwards, the ghost boy's eyes were fixed on a bag of blue and black biscuits in the center of the living room.

This is Oreo, he ate it once when he was alive, and it still remembers the taste.

Unable to help, the ghost boy climbed onto the coffee table, and two small cotton hands placed on the Oreo biscuits, groping tangled.

If you eat a piece, the wizard should not find out.

It's okay to find out, but I helped her earn more than 300,000 yuan, that's a lot of money, and I can buy a lot of these biscuits.

After making up his mind, the ghost boy was no longer polite, and started to tear the packaging with both hands, but he tore and tore, and tore, and tore for a long time, and the packaging paper was not damaged at all. The ghost boy looked at his little cotton hand with hindsight, only to find out that the little cotton hand has no fingers at all~~

When Gui Boy was depressed, a slender, white palm suddenly appeared beside him, and took away the Oreo biscuits that he hadn't opened for a long time.

who is it? !

The ghost boy was startled, turned around to look, and saw a man in a nightgown, shrouded in a pitch-black malevolence. This is the witch's boyfriend. He heard the witch's constant shouting in the bag just now.

By the way, the witch seemed to have also said just now that her husband is a supernatural being, with such a heavy hostility and yin, this guy is about to catch up with the ghost king. The ghost boy has only been a ghost for three years, and although his hostility has grown quite fast, he is still a little afraid of the ghost king. Just when he was hesitating whether to jump off the coffee table and rush back to the room in one breath, he saw that the ghost king suddenly unpacked the biscuit bag and put a sweet and delicious biscuit in black and white on his side. around.

This is... for myself

"Eat." Ji Lang felt it when the ghost boy sneaked out of Wu Miaomiao's room. When he came out of the room, he happened to see the slap-sized doll trying to unpack the biscuit bag, and then opened it for a long time. , only later realized that he had no fingers.

The little guy seemed to have been dealt a great blow. He stared at his fingerless palm for a long time, looking stupid and funny.

The ghost boy looked at Ji Lang and the biscuits at his feet, thinking that it was for himself anyway, so he bent down and picked up the biscuits that were half the height of himself, and took a bite. .

And then... only one cookie crumb was rubbed off.

"Pfft!" Ji Lang couldn't hold back and laughed.

I looked forward to it for a long time, but I really couldn't eat it

"Sure enough, it looks like a master, and the dolls raised are so stupid."

When the ghost boy heard that Ji Lang was laughing at himself, he was immediately angry. Originally, he was very sad that he couldn't eat the biscuits, and now he has to be laughed at. And he has no power now, and he can't fight back at all. The most important thing is that this person seems to be more powerful than when he has power.

The ghost boy was very sad, he threw the biscuits in his hand fiercely, and squatted on the coffee table with his legs in his arms, sulking.

Ji Lang is usually not a good person, but he is not so cruel that he even bullies a five-centimeter-tall doll: "Why don't you ask your master tomorrow and let her find a way to give you cookies."

"She's not my master." The ghost boy's thin voice came from the puppet. Because he didn't have a ghostly aura, his voice was less eerie and more immature than a child.

"Then who are you..." Ji Lang thought for a while and guessed, "You are the supernatural thing she traded today?"

The ghost boy hummed.

"Are you an evil or a ghost?"

"Ghost." The ghost boy replied.

"How old are you?" The voice should not be loud.

The ghost boy ignored it, still squatting and sulking.

Ji Lang was speechless. Isn't it just a cookie? It's embarrassing, and he's only seven or eight years old at most.

"Come on, eat, you should be able to eat now." Ji Lang pushed Oreo to Gui Boy's feet.

The ghost boy hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation, he tried to open his mouth and took a bite, and then he harvested a mouthful of sweetness. The ghost boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he ate the biscuits.

Ji Lang shook his head, walked to the other side, turned on the floor lamp, and suddenly a dim warm light spread over the carpet.

"It turns out that ghosts can really eat things sacrificed by humans." He just thought that the little guy is a serious ghost, so he can eat the sacrifice, so he thought in his heart to offer the biscuits in front of him to the little guy, but he didn't expect it to be true. is done.

"I... Can I eat another piece?" The ghost boy quickly finished eating the Oreo cookie. Of course, the cookie was still intact in Ji Lang's eyes, but it was tasteless.

"Ordinary ghosts are afraid of me, but you are brave." Ji Lang was a little strange. At first, he thought this little guy was a doll raised by Wu Miaomiao, so he was not afraid of being so close to him. Now that I know that the other party is a serious ghost, I am still not afraid of him. If it is not for his ability to weaken, then this little guy is a very powerful ghost.

"I'm also afraid, but now that I'm in this doll, I can't feel the oppression of your hostility." The ghost boy ate other people's food and wanted to eat it again, so he became extraordinarily easy to talk.

Is it because of Wu Miaomiao? That girl was never afraid of him.

Ji Lang took off another biscuit and handed it to the ghost boy: "How old is it?"

The ghost boy looked at Oreo who was about to get it, and answered without thinking: "I was seven and a half years old when I died, and I just died three years ago."

Ji Lang put the biscuits down.

The ghost boy clicked, ate half of it, turned around and asked Ji Lang, "Why didn't you ask me how I died?"

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Ji Lang asked indifferently.

Ghost boy is not angry: "It's better not to ask, I don't want to say it again."

Ji Lang raised his eyebrows: He has quite the character.