The Witch

Chapter 44: A cursed doll that gets new lines


another price

Hearing this, Sang Tian's nervousness relaxed immediately. He was not afraid of Wu Miaomiao's conditions, but he was afraid that Wu Miaomiao would not agree: "Please say it."

"Double the remuneration, and then give one-tenth of the net worth." Wu Miaomiao raised a finger and said without bargaining.

Sang Tian was slightly startled, but he did not expect that the condition Wu Miaomiao proposed was only to double the reward. He thought that the other party would take the opportunity to raise some requirements related to the association. After all, he is the branch president of the association, and the relationship between Nightmare and the association has always been very delicate.

"Why, you don't agree?" Wu Miaomiao saw that his expression was wrong and thought it was too expensive.

"Uncle." Dong Yongyuan hurriedly reminded his uncle, he could see the displeasure from Wu Miaomiao's expression.

"No, I agree." Sang Tian returned to his senses and agreed without thinking, "Then I will trouble the two of you."

Even if the business is negotiated.

Ji Lang looked at Wu Miaomiao, saw Wu Miaomiao nodding at him, and then walked to the edge of the formation again. Just now, his act of devouring the hostile energy was unconscious, but Ji Lang vaguely grasped the process of devouring.

His heart moved at will, and the power of nightmares in Ji Lang's body suddenly became restless, twisting and rushing towards the hostile air mass. Perhaps because it was Ji Lang's subjective consciousness this time, the Nightmare Power had some changes during the twisting process.

In the previous moment, when the power of the nightmare devoured the hostile air mass, it turned into a black mist and rushed over and directly swept the hostile air mass away, just like the demonic wind swept the Tang monk in Journey to the West. But this time, the power of nightmare actually condensed into the shape of a hand, that hand stretched out from Ji Lang's back, and lightly pinched the hostile air mass above the array.

Ji Lang thought for a moment, then tried to make a fist move, followed by the Nightmare Hand and made the exact same move. With a "snap", the hostile air mass was crushed by the Nightmare's hand, and when it was stretched again, there was only a small blood-colored light mass about the size of a ping-pong ball.

"It's resentment." Wu Miaomiao recognized it at a glance. It was the resentment contained in the hostile anger, which was transformed by the resentment hundreds of years after the death of the ghost.

Ji Lang didn't like this group of grievances, and Nightmare Power didn't seem to want to absorb this group of grievances, but it could be killed. When Ji Lang was about to clench his fist again to kill the bloody light, he suddenly felt that something was holding his calf.

Ji Lang was startled, lowered his head, and found that it was a curse doll. The cursed doll was tightly clinging to his lap, looking up, smiling silently at him.

Ji Lang was stunned, and seemed to have a sense: "Do you want it?"

The smile on the cursed doll's face suddenly grew even bigger, and he nodded hastily. After nodding his head, he seemed to feel that it was not enough, and suddenly burst into a hearty laugh.

This time, Ji Lang understood the laughter, saying thank you. However, Ji Lang did not immediately give the cursed doll the resentment in his hand, but first asked Wu Miaomiao's opinion: "Can it be eaten?"

"Yes." Wu Miaomiao was also a little surprised, the Cursed Doll would not take the initiative to ask for things from people other than himself. To be so oblivious to my husband, and to please my husband, it's really... worthy of being my doll.

Seeing Wu Miaomiao nodding, Ji Lang turned his hand and threw the resentment in his hand, and the cursed doll had already waited with his mouth open. Not waiting for the resentment mass to fall to the ground, it jumped up first and swallowed it in one bite when it fell halfway.

Since then, the hostility and resentment in Bai Jiayan's soul completely dissipated, and the black line connecting the two dissipated immediately.

"Jiayan." As soon as the black line connecting the couple disappeared, Sang Tian couldn't wait to rush to his wife's side, checking up and down, for fear that what just happened was a dream, "You're all right, you really are fine."

"I'm fine." Bai Jiayan was also very excited. If there were no outsiders at this time, she would have threw herself into her husband's arms and cried.

Sang Tian's family was being moved here, but Wu Miaomiao, who was on the side, suddenly yawned. The time to perform the secret technique exceeded her expectations. She lost a lot of magic power, and her physical fatigue turned into sleepiness. attacked.

Seeing that Wu Miaomiao was sleepy, Ji Lang glanced at his watch subconsciously, then frowned and glanced in the direction of Dong Yongyuan.

Dong Yongyuan, who caught this scene, suddenly felt a shudder in his heart, and quickly interrupted the still moving aunt's family: "Auntie, uncle, it's getting late, we should go. Go back tonight and get a good night's sleep, and we'll do it again tomorrow. Take my aunt to the hospital for a checkup."

"Yes, you're right." Sang Tian stabilized his emotions, turned to look at Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang, and said, "Thank you for curing Jiayan, I owe you a favor for today's affairs."

Wu Miaomiao was about to answer, but was suddenly grabbed by another voice.

"Do you want to die?!"

Insidious, cold, vicious, but very young.

"Pain? Despair? Ahahahaha..." The voice continued.

Dead silence.

Everyone looked deadly at the open space not far away, the cursed doll that was spinning and jumping alone, it suddenly seemed to be possessed by some other soul, and the standard lines of the villain kept spitting out of its mouth.

"Want to die? Pain? Despair? Hahahaha, die, die, die..."

In the end, it seemed to fall in love with the word "death" and said it over and over a dozen times, and the people who only listened were horrified.

What happened to the doll, suddenly stimulated? Everyone's eyes involuntarily fell on Wu Miaomiao's body.

Wu Miaomiao was also very embarrassed at this time. Her drowsiness just now was also eliminated by the cursed doll's cry to death: "What? Didn't it swallow the grievance just now, maybe it was affected a bit."

After listening to Wu Miaomiao's explanation, Bai Jiayan nodded understandingly: "When I was eroded by hostile anger, I would occasionally lose my mind and become like this. You doll absorb those grievances and it will be fine."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's learned a new line, I can't help shouting it a few more times, it'll be fine when the freshness passes." Wu Miaomiao said.

"..." Everyone was speechless again.

God has learned a new line, and the doll of your family is still only a playboy.

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched, but after hearing Wu Miaomiao's explanation, they didn't feel terrified. Sang Tian even stared at the cursed doll that kept shouting to die for a while with interest, and then he found that the broken soul of the cursed doll seemed to have been repaired to a certain extent. He was thoughtful, but didn't ask any more questions.

After being cursed by the doll like this, there was no emotional atmosphere. Sang Tian made sure that the rest of the remuneration would be settled within a month, and then let Dong Yongyuan transfer it, and left with his family.

As soon as they left, Wu Miaomiao also held the cursed doll that was still shouting to die, and went home with Ji Lang.

Cursed Doll seems to really like these new lines he has learned, and he will shout a sentence or two from time to time along the way. It was fine when they were in the car, because there were only two of them in the car, but when they returned to the community and walked out of the parking lot to the unit building, the cursed doll screamed to death, and the shocked community residents opened their windows one after another. Probe out to ask.

"Whose child is playing a prank?"

"Wocao, I want to scare people to death in the middle of the night."

"Bear boy, no tutoring."

Wu Miaomiao shrank her neck in a guilty conscience, lowered her head and stopped cursing the doll: "Don't shout outside."

The cursed doll nodded obediently, then raised both hands to cover his mouth, his eyes narrowed, as if it was extremely hard to hold back.

After that, the Cursed Doll really didn't shout again, but when they took the elevator upstairs and entered the house, the Cursed Doll was like being released from prison, circling frantically in the room, constantly repeating new lines in its mouth.

"Want to die? Ahahaha..."

"Despair? Pain? Ahahaha..."

"To die, to die, to die..."

This ferocious line directly made Xiang Ning run out of the room in shock: "What happened... ah~~"


Xiang Ning's version of the little doll, just came out of the second bedroom, and before he could see what was going on, something suddenly grabbed it and pinched it tightly in the palm of his hand.

The curse doll held the Xiang Ning version of the little doll in both hands, and continued to read the villain's lines: "Go to die, go to die, go to die..."

Xiang Ning was startled at first, but when he saw clearly that it was the cursed doll holding him, he was stunned: "Doll, what's wrong with you? I'm Xiang Ning."

The Cursed Doll ignored him at all. The more Xiang Ning struggled, the happier he acted, and the more emotional his lines became.

Seeing that the struggle was ineffective, Xiang Ning shouted Wu Miaomiao: "Wizard, help, the baby wants to eat me."

Wu Miaomiao held her forehead and said tiredly: "It's okay, it won't eat you, you can play with it for a while."

"It will be like this after swallowing grievances?" Ji Lang couldn't help asking.

"Generally not, unless the grievances swallowed just fill part of its soul body." Wu Miaomiao said.

"The cursed doll repairs the remnant soul by swallowing grievances?" Ji Lang asked.

"Devouring the soul to be precise." Wu Miaomiao explained, "After the cursed doll devours the soul, it can absorb part of the soul power from the devoured soul, and over time, it can give birth to its own remnant soul. The more you have, the more complete the doll's soul will be, and the richer its emotions will be."

"Every once in a while, I will take the doll out to devour the ghosts, in order to nourish the doll's soul. The soul is conscious, and the more obsessive it is, the stronger the emotions in a certain area. Especially strong emotions are among them. It will have an impact on the doll, and after being absorbed by the doll, it will be transformed into the doll's own emotions. Usually when the doll devours the ghost, it will absorb the ghost's soul power, grievance, and hostility at the same time, and then slowly digest it. But today the doll swallowed the group of grievances , it was purified by you, it is estimated that the impact was too great, and all of a sudden... That's it. It's all to blame for that Specter, how can you instill such a bad mood into the doll."

The corners of Ji Lang's mouth twitched, he was a ghost, how could he still be in a good mood

"How long will it be like this?" Ji Lang had a headache from the noise.

He won't keep shouting to die in the future, although this seems to be in line with his identity as a horror doll, but he prefers the doll that only laughs at the original doll than there is a doll in the house who shouts to die all day. .

"Every time it learns a new line, it usually shouts it out... for about half a month, hehe~" Wu Miaomiao shyly pointed her fingers, and smiled at Ji Lang to please.

"..." Ji Lang.

"I still have a house. I'll send it over tomorrow." Ji Lang grabbed the doll that happened to run to his feet and shoved it into Wu Miaomiao's arms. "And this little devil, let's send it away together."

"Do you want to die? Hahaha..." Cursed Doll shouted cheerfully.

Ji Lang's face sank, and the blue veins on his forehead bulged.

Wu Miaomiao covered the mouth of the cursed doll: "I'll keep it in the room."

After speaking, Wu Miaomiao ran back to the room and quickly closed the door.

But even through the door, Ji Lang could still hear the tireless sound of the cursed doll.

"Want to die? Go die die die..."

Ji Lang didn't sleep that night, but he seemed to have had a nightmare all night.