The Witch

Chapter 50: This ghost that Analysys ran into must be


Wu Miaomiao took a beautiful nap, and before waking up, she habitually rolled around on the bed, halfway through, her body seemed to be blocked by something, she opened her eyes in surprise, looking at Ji Lang's quiet face .

"Xiang Gong." Wu Miaomiao shouted in surprise, only to realize that he almost rolled to the ground just now, but Ji Lang stretched out his hand to support her, "Xiang Gong, you are awake."

"Well." Ji Lang woke up ten minutes earlier than Wu Miaomiao. After waking up, he did not continue to work, but squatted in front of the sofa abnormally until now. It is also because of this that he was able to support Wu Miaomiao in time when she turned over.

"Xiang Gong, our military training is over." Wu Miaomiao rolled over and sat up, only to realize that she was wearing a thin blanket.

It was the husband who covered him on purpose, obviously he didn't have a blanket when he slept.

"Well." Ji Lang knew the moment he woke up and saw Wu Miaomiao, "Doll."

Ji Lang handed the doll to Wu Miaomiao.

Wu Miaomiao hugged the doll in her arms and said casually, "I thought you would put the doll in the villa to play with Xiang Ning."

"It's not noisy." Ji Lang said.

Wu Miaomiao understood, Xianggong said that the doll was very good without being noisy or noisy, so he didn't send the doll away.

"Did you hear me, Xianggong praised you." Wu Miaomiao lowered her head and said to the baby.

"Ahahaha..." The doll gave a hearty laugh happily.

"But have you eaten a lot recently?" Wu Miaomiao turned the doll around a few times and said while poking at its belly. She found out when she first entered the door, but at that time the doll was being held by Ji Lang, so she didn't say anything for fear of waking Ji Lang.

Ji Lang was startled, thinking about the fact that he was able to sleep well for an hour or two every day during this period, he couldn't help but nervously said: "The baby may have swallowed my nightmare power, I can sleep every day during this period. An hour or two. The baby eats too much, what will happen?"

"If you eat too much, the energy absorbed by the doll cannot be digested well, and it will spill out of the body." Wu Miaomiao said.


"To put it simply, the doll swallows your nightmare power. If it swallows too much and cannot digest it, then its body will also be filled with the power of nightmare." Wu Miaomiao explained, "But the power of nightmare is in You and the doll are a little different. When the power of nightmares is on you, you can control the power of nightmares. As long as you don’t want to, people around you will not have nightmares because of the power of nightmares. It’s just repression. But the doll is different, it can’t control the power of nightmares, once the power of nightmares overflows in its body, it will directly affect the people around it.”

Ji Lang understood a little: "You said yes, now the doll has become a nightmare doll?"

"Yes, in its current state, anyone who touches it can have nightmares." Wu Miaomiao said, nodding the cursed doll's head, "I can't take you out of the house recently, I'll talk about it when you digest the energy. But you have a good time. Take care of Xiang Gong, and praise you."

"Ahahaha..." Cursed Doll laughed happily.

You can have nightmares with just one touch. How much nightmare power did the doll swallow? Thinking of this, Ji Lang couldn't help but look at the laughing doll, raised his hand and patted its head uncontrollably.

The doll rubbed affectionately, looking like she was enjoying it.

"Don't take advantage of my husband, the husband is mine." Wu Miao threw the doll on the sofa angrily.

The doll was not angry either, stood up with a smile, jumped off the sofa, ran to a sunny place by the window, lay down, lay down, and basked in the sun.

Ji Lang looked at Wu Miaomiao, who was puffed up. He didn't know if this girl did it on purpose for himself, or if he was really jealous of the doll, but he still raised his hand and imitated the way just now, in Wu Miaomiao's head. Also took a photo.

Wu Miaomiao was startled, raised her head, looked at the big palm above her head, stretched out her hand and slapped it down, making Ji Lang's palm tightly against her face: "I want to touch my face."

Ji Lang froze, subconsciously wanting to pull his hand back, but he didn't know what to think, so he didn't move his hand, just said, "I still have some work to do. When I'm done, I'll take you to dinner."

"Well, then I'll go downstairs and talk to Dongdong and the others first." Wu Miaomiao didn't stick to Ji Lang, anyway, tomorrow is the weekend, so she can stay at home for two days. As for the doll, Wu Miaomiao didn't take it with her. She was afraid that Bei Fan and the others would accidentally bump into it.

After Wu Miaomiao left for a while, Ji Lang still felt that his palm was hot, he couldn't help but squeeze it twice, but the hotness not only did not dissipate, but flowed directly to the bottom of his heart along his arm. If he turned his head at this moment and glanced at his reflection in the glass window, he could see that he was smiling.

When Wu Miaomiao came down from the upstairs, the four of Bei Fan were gathered together and seemed to be arguing about something.

"It's really easy to see, you take this talisman, I specially asked my master to draw it, and it only costs fifty yuan." Dong Yongyuan said.

"You don't lose your heart. You sold the spells drawn by your master to me? The ones sold are more expensive than the Yiheguan outside the city." Yi Guan.

It is only thirty for Yihe to view a spell.

"How can the spell of the Yihe Temple be compared to my master's spell, I tell you, fifty yuan is really not expensive, others buy it, at least five hundred." Dong Yongyuan said.

"I thank you and gave me a 10% discount. But it doesn't work, buddy, I don't believe in ghosts and gods." Yi Guan said.

"Fifty dollars can't buy you a loss, you can't be fooled, you can take it as a self-defense. I see your face, and it's probably going to be unlucky recently." Dong Yongyuan said.

"Dongzi, are you crazy, you curse me for fifty dollars?" Yi Guan was angry.

"Dongzi, I finally know why our scripts can't be sold. With your sales level, who would buy it?" Bei Fan began to question Dong Yongyuan's business level.

"Yes." Shan Junyi also agreed.

"Why don't you believe me, I will look at it, you know it." Dong Yongyuan was anxious.

"I know, I know, last year you said I would make a fortune, and then I really won the lottery and got five yuan." Bei Fan rolled his eyes, "After deducting the cost of two yuan, I made three yuan."

"You also told my fortune at the beginning of the year, saying that I recruited peach blossoms, and then my neighbor put his five-year-old daughter in my house and let me watch it for a week and play with her." Shan Junyi also said.

"You..." Dong Yongyuan was heartbroken, "Why did I lie to you, did I send you fifty dollars?"

"It's not about fifty dollars anymore. I think if I take your spell, it will feel as if I have acquiesced to your curse. It's really unlucky." Yi Guan doesn't believe in ghosts, but he doesn't like touching Mustard.

Dong Yongyuan is so uncomfortable, how come no one believes what he says, his master is an elder of the metaphysics, and it is hard to find a thousand pieces of gold, and this boy, Analysys, doesn't know how to take advantage of it.

"Boss lady." At this time, Dong Yongyuan saw Wu Miaomiao who was coming down from the upstairs, and immediately said excitedly, "Come and speak for me, is my spell very effective?"

Others don't know the value of this spell, the boss must know.

When the three Beifan heard the words, they all looked at Wu Miaomiao in surprise: "Madam, have you bought Dongzi's spell?"

Wu Miaomiao also heard what a few of them said just now, guessing that Dong Yongyuan should also see the ghost qi in Yi Guan, so he wanted to change the way to send a spell to expel the ghost qi to Yi Guan. As for the matter of insisting on collecting money, Wu Miaomiao guessed that it may be the inheritance of Dong Yongyuan's lineage, and there is a rule that you must collect money.

"No, but I've seen Dongdong's master selling spells under the overpass, and a piece is indeed sold for 500 yuan." Wu Miaomiao said casually, "Many people line up to buy it, so it should be effective."

"..." Everyone.

"..." Dong Yongyuan.

Master, I'm sorry for your disciple, let you go to the overpass.

"Guanguan, you should take care of Master Dongdong's business, buy one, and I will give you a good dream baby later." Wu Miaomiao said.

It just so happens that the doll has now become a nightmare doll, and it can't let it come to swallow the ghosts of Yiguan, so I use Master Dong Yongyuan's ghost exorcism talisman.

"Then... that's fine, I'll buy it." Yi Guan thought about it, Master Dongzi still sells talismans under the overpass to deceive people when he is old... Cough... It's not easy to make a living, so he should be caring for the elderly.

Analysys took the spell, folded it at random and stuffed it into his pocket, then sent Dong Yongyuan a red envelope of 50 yuan with his mobile phone.

Bei Fan and Shan Junyi saw Analysys' operation, and their eyes lit up immediately: "Dongzi, give me one too, and I will also take care of the master's business."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Dong Yongyuan to answer, they collectively turned their heads to look at Wu Miaomiao: "Madam, we bought a spell, do we also give a good dream doll?"

"No! No more." Before Wu Miaomiao could answer, Dong Yongyuan exploded with anger.

What is the spell of being his master? Do you know how many people out there are crying and shouting and can't buy it? A bunch of idiots who mistook fish eyes for pearls.

Seeing Dong Yongyuan, everyone seemed really angry, smiled, and stopped arguing about taking care of the old man's business, but they still asked around Wu Miaomiao: "Madam, I haven't been sleeping well recently, give me another good dream baby."

Bei Fan has been deeply in love with Haomeng doll since he used it, but it's a pity that Wu Miaomiao has always said no, so he can't do anything about it.

"Just one, I promised Guan Guan just now." After speaking, Wu Miaomiao took out a good dream doll from her bag.

"That's right, it's just one, next time you guys." Yi Guan grabbed the Good Dream Doll, kissed it heavily, and put it into his portable computer bag, and stuffed it as he did before. The spells look completely different.

Dong Yongyuan saw another impulse to vomit blood.

Seeing that Bei Fan was a little disappointed, Wu Miaomiao explained: "And the good dream doll won't work if you use it too much. You used it twice before, and it's useless to take it again."

"Is that so." Bei Fan was still a little disappointed.

"What about me? When will you give me one." Shan Junyi felt isolated, "I haven't had anyone in the company."

Wu Miaomiao smiled: "I'll give it to you when you need it."

"I can remember." Shan Junyi was also happy when he heard it.

"Idiot, it's best to have some things that you can't use for a lifetime." Dong Yongyuan on the side couldn't help but complain, but his voice was not loud, and the crowd didn't really hear it.

After Wu Miaomiao settled the matter of Analysys, she turned around and went to the reading area. While walking, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Dong Yongyuan: [Don't be angry, Guanguan will thank you later.]

When Dong Yongyuan saw the news, his mood improved a little: [So Analysys is really going to be unlucky?]

The proprietress: [There is a ghost in him, he should have encountered a ghost, but there is no danger to his life, the ghost should not want to harm him.]

Dong Yongyuan: [No wonder I saw that his Yintang turned black, it turned out to be a ghost.]

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't give him the talisman, let him be unlucky for a few days.

When Wu Miaomiao heard that Dong Yongyuan would look at the picture, she was surprised: "Aren't you a waste of metaphysics? Will you still see pictures?]

Wu Miaomiao is very interested in Xuanmen's face-to-face technique. He can know a lot of things by looking at his face. He can also predict danger in advance. Unlike their wizards, they can only detect when danger is imminent.

Dong Yongyuan immediately sent a series of ellipses. Just like mathematics, he can't learn advanced mathematics, can he still be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide

However, the faces that can be seen by oneself at a glance are generally obvious faces. It is for this reason that his master will draw him on the spot when he hears that he sees a colleague with a bad face and wants to ask for a spell.

It seems that the ghost that Analysys came across must be an extremely unlucky bad ghost.