The Witch

Chapter 56


Analysys only called the police yesterday at Dong Yongyuan's suggestion, and was informed that the case was solved shortly after going to work the next day.

Is the police's efficiency in solving cases so high now

With such amazement, Yi Guan went to the Criminal Police Brigade and learned a truth that he could never have imagined.

"According to our investigation, the person who hit you with his car is called Wang Fulai. He is a gambler. Someone hired him to hit you with a car for half a million dollars in the black market. If he can kill or maim you, it will be considered a success." Yang Ming, deputy captain of the criminal police force, said.

"Wait a minute~~" Analysys's head buzzed, he looked at Vice-Captain Yang in disbelief, "You said, he really hit me on purpose?"

"Yes, we have already caught the person, and the other party has confessed." Deputy Team Yang was also the first time to handle this kind of case. The murderer had been found, and the victim did not know that he was the victim.

"But... why? Why did he kill me? I don't know him." Yi Guan was stunned. He was a diligent little otaku, and he didn't offend anyone. What kind of hatred and resentment is this, spending 500,000 yuan to hit yourself with a car? If you have something to do with me, can you tell me directly, give me 500,000 yuan, and I will promise you everything.

"That's why I called you here today." Vice Captain Yang asked, "I checked your file, you are an orphan, right?"

"Yes." Yi nodded.

"How old were you when you appeared in the orphanage?" Deputy Team Yang asked.

"When you were five years old."

"Do you still have the memory before the age of five?" Deputy Team Yang asked.

"No, the dean said that I was discovered by volunteers under the overpass. When I was found, I had a high fever. After I woke up, I couldn't find my family and sent me to the orphanage. It seems that I still have a little memory at that time. , but slowly I forgot." Analysys is not stupid, and now he has guessed something, "Lieutenant Yang, you ask, does this matter have something to do with my life experience?"

Thinking of this, Analysys couldn't help being a little excited, although he had already accepted the fact that he was an orphan, and he was doing well. But no one wants to know where they came from or why they were orphaned.

"Do you know this person?" Vice Captain Yang handed over a photo.

Analysys took the photo and looked at it carefully. It was a young woman in her twenties. She was smartly dressed and her eyes were sharp. Even if it was just a photo, you could feel the powerful woman exuding from the inside out. aura.

He didn't know this person, but he looked familiar. Could he have seen him before

Where have you seen it? Who does she look like? Yi Watch looked at it, and was suddenly startled: "She... looks a bit like me."

"It's not a bit similar, I suspect you are twins." Yang Ming said.

Yi Guan widened his eyes in shock.

"Her name is Chen Huanling, and she is the CEO of Huanhai Group. A month ago, the Chen family went on a trip. All the people in a car were involved in a car accident. Chen's parents were seriously injured, and Chen Huanling became a vegetable. She has a twin brother who disappeared when she was a child. I've been looking for my home for twenty years and haven't been able to find it." Yang Ming said.

At this moment, Analysys not only widened his eyes, but also opened his mouth.

"Because of this car accident, Huanhai Group's internal fusion, and the stock plummeted. Vice Chairman Qi Jianbai took the opportunity to buy a lot of stocks and wanted to completely control Huanhai Group. And the one who paid to hire someone to hit you is Qi Jianbai." Yang Ming said, "The only motive for him to bump into you is to prevent you from returning to Chen's house. Because when Mr. Chen passed away ten years ago, he left 10% of the shares for his missing grandson. As long as you have this 10% of the shares , and the Chen family's parents, you are immediately the largest shareholder of the Huanhai Group. To sum up, the possibility of you being Chen Huanling's brother is as high as 10%."

Yi Guan blinked, blinked again, and then slammed the water glass on the table to fill it up. After a long while, he finally calmed down a bit and asked, "Then I... what should I do next?"

"Qi Jianbai hired a murderer to hit you with his secretary. After the secretary was caught by us, he insisted that he did it by himself, so we couldn't arrest Qi Jianbai. But what he did has been exposed. , I shouldn't shoot at you easily in the future. But if you want to be completely safe, the best way is to go back to the Chen family, get the ten percent of the shares, and completely break his thoughts." Yang Ming said.

"Then... what should I do?" The amount of information was too great, and Analysys couldn't turn his head around right now.

Thinking of Team Huo's instructions, Yang Ming couldn't help but say a few more words: "Qi Jianbai is so eager to kill you, it means that you are a threat to him. If no one knows your identity, then you are considered to be the Chen family. The missing child is no threat to him. So the only explanation is that the Chen family already knows your identity, and as long as anyone in the Chen family wakes up, you will become a threat."

"Oh, by the way, by the way, the place where the Chen family's car accident happened is near the community where you live now. They should be looking for you." Yang Ming added.

When he came out of the police brigade, Analysys only felt like he was in the clouds, he was dizzy, and he didn't know how he crossed the road or how he got back to the studio, but when he came back to his senses, he was already sitting there. At his workstation, the other three all looked at him worriedly.

"Why are you so stupid, what about you, why are the police looking for you?" Bei Fan asked anxiously.

"The police said that someone really wanted to kill me." When Analysing spoke, he lacked confidence, because he still didn't feel real.

"Wocao, someone really killed you? Driving into someone in broad daylight, crazy, have you caught it?" Shan Junyi scolded.

Yi Jian nodded, then shook his head again.

"What's wrong with you, you're so scared?" Bei Fan reached out to touch Analysys' forehead.

"This is not the point." Analysys waved Bei Fan's hand away.

Everyone was stunned: "Being chased and killed is not the point, then what is the point."

Yi Guan looked at Shan Junyi, took his hand and asked, "Ajun, do you remember the one you serialized at a certain point?"

"I've serialized a lot, that one?" Shan Junyi asked.

"The richest man in China."

"Remember, why did you mention this all of a sudden?" Shan Junyi looked confused.

"Do you still remember the character of the male protagonist?"

"Of course I remember this. At that time, for Su Shuang's sake, I put all the stalks I could use on the male protagonist, who was born in a wealthy family, was kidnapped when I was young, was angry and tried to be strong, and was killed by a wealthy family's daughter. Look, he was disliked by the heroine's father, and then he was recognized as a wealthy family..."

"Don't say it anymore, I can't help but want to complain." Bei Fan couldn't listen anymore, this is an old meme from ten years ago.

"I originally wrote this for release. I was scolded by the boss for being too harsh, and I had to find a place to vent, but the income was quite good." Shan Junyi was also a little embarrassed, "What, you suddenly asked me what I did. Well?"

"I think, I'm your protagonist, and now there is only a wealthy daughter looking at me." Yi Guan said.


The studio was quiet for a full minute, everyone looked at Analysys with a neurotic look, and finally Shan Junyi said to Bei Fan, "Let's take him to the hospital, I must be scared stupid."

"I'm not kidding, even though I think it's very bloody." Analysys immediately explained to the three people what Yang Ming told him, and the three of them had said that Chen Huanling might be possible. When it was his twin sister, someone posted photos of Chen Huanling on Baidu.

Shan Junyi can also click ps. He immediately took a photo of Analysys, and p became a woman's dress. Putting the two photos together, anyone would say that they are really similar.

"Aren't these twins fraternal twins? They don't look alike to this extent." Bei Fan exclaimed.

"What's the matter, there are still strangers who look alike these days." Shan Junyi finished speaking, paused, felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained to Yiguan, "Then what, I'm not saying that you are not. Young Master Chen, I'll just say it casually."

"But the Chen family is in the hospital, and Chen Huanling was sentenced to be in a vegetative state. This..." Bei Fan said cautiously, "Analyzed, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"How do I get there? What Deputy Team Yang said was just speculation. Before the DNA report, what kind of identity would I use to meet? I don't think I could even get in the door of the VIP ward." Analysys was in a very complicated mood at this time. , "I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing now. It's a good thing, I have found my family. It's a bad thing, the whole family is lying in the hospital."

"..." Everyone.

It does sound miserable.

Dong Yongyuan never interrupted when Analysys was telling what happened, because he already knew what happened. He had been observing Yi Guan's face just now, and found that the fierceness between Yi Guan's eyebrows had not weakened at all, which means that this Qi Jianbai did not give up on killing Yi Guan.

Dong Yongyuan's eyes fell on the news about Chen Huanling, and suddenly his heart moved. He turned around and walked outside the door, and quietly called Wu Miaomiao.

"Madam, I want to ask you something."

"You said." Wu Miaomiao just took a break and walked out of the classroom with her mobile phone.

"The last time you came back and said, there is a ghost in Yi Guan's body, right?"

"Well." Wu Miaomiao asked, "Didn't you give him a peace talisman last time? Why, haven't the ghosts been dispelled?"

"Cough, what, I don't actually feel the ghost." Dong Yongyuan felt embarrassed after saying that.

He's a piece of junk. He's learned half-heartedly by looking at him. Either he's not sure, he's right or he's right, or the face of the other party is so obvious that anyone who knows anything about it can understand it. He can see ghosts, but in fact every time he opens his Yin Yang eyes, he can be exhausted half to death. He is also not sensitive to the yin qi and hostile qi. He found that something was wrong with Yi Guan, not because he sensed the ghost qi in Yi Guan, but because of his appearance.

"Oh~~" Wu Miaomiao had a clear temperament.

"..." Dong Yongyuan ignored this little embarrassment and continued, "Madam, you said last time that the ghost in Analysys is not heavy, and that ghost doesn't want to hurt him, right?"

"Yes, the ghost energy on Guan Guan's body is not malicious, the ghost should just be around him. In this case, either Guan Guan accidentally bumped into the ghost and got some contamination, or the ghost followed him. , but I don't want to harm him." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Can you tell the difference?" Dong Yongyuan asked.

Wu Miaomiao thought for a while and said, "You can ask the doll. If there is a ghost in Guan Guan, it should be the latter. There are ghosts following him."

If it just happened to hit a ghost, the last peace charm or a good dream doll can clear the ghost for Analysys.

"I see, thank you, Madam Boss." Dong Yongyuan hung up the phone, glanced at Analysys who was still worried, and went upstairs to ask Ji Lang to borrow the baby.

When Ji Lang heard Dong Yongyuan's intention, he did not refuse, but said, "Ask the doll to see if it is willing."

"..." Dong Yongyuan was speechless for a while. He had asked the proprietress and the boss, and he had to ask the doll again. Although a little embarrassed, Dong Yongyuan still walked to the sun

Cursing the doll next to him, he asked softly, "Doll, can you do me a favor?"

"Ahahaha..." The doll is a good doll who is willing to help others. As soon as Dong Yongyuan opened his mouth, it jumped up from the ground happily, nodding with a hearty smile.

"Agreed." Dong Yongyuan was overjoyed, a family of three, sure enough, dolls are the best to talk about.

He stretched out his hand to hug the doll, but the doll suddenly twisted and avoided.

Dong Yongyuan was startled, what happened? Didn't you all agree just now

He didn't know what was going on, but Ji Lang on the side did know. He explained aloud: "The doll has my nightmare power on it, so I don't want you to touch it."

Dong Yongyuan understood, and then was moved for a while, the doll is really a good doll, and he actually thinks about others. While he was thinking about how to take the doll down, Ji Lang said to the doll again, "He's fine, he's from Xuanmen and won't be affected by the power of nightmares."

As soon as the doll heard it, he was completely relieved, and with a sudden turn of his head, he was about to rush towards Dong Yongyuan.

Dong Yongyuan cried out suddenly, and was scared to retreat more than two meters: "No, no, that was before. I used to be an undercover agent, and the association sent me a spell to resist the power of nightmares. Now I'm not an undercover agent, and the spell is gone. I can't touch it either."

Ji Lang was silent, with naked disgust in his eyes.

The doll looked at Dong Yongyuan with the same expression.

"..." Dong Yongyuan was wronged, he is weak, but is it wrong to be weak

Seeing that Dong Yongyuan was useless, Ji Lang had to get up by himself, walked over and picked up the doll: "I'll go."