The Witch

Chapter 60


Back at the residence, Wu Miaomiao's mood has stabilized, but she is still not very happy, sitting on the sofa pouting.

The doll sensed that the atmosphere was wrong, and didn't dare to let out a hearty laugh anymore, nestled in the master's arms and didn't move, quiet and well-behaved.

Ji Lang poured a glass of water into Wu Miaomiao's hand: "Drink some water."

"Thank you, Xianggong." Wu Miaomiao's voice was still somewhat nasal at this time, and she lowered her head and took a sip.

Ji Lang frowned uncomfortably. He had never seen Wu Miaomiao like this before. He was very puzzled. Isn't it because the business was losing money, and it wasn't a big business that went bankrupt. How could the reaction be so big

"Analyz's money is all the salary I give him, so no matter how much you take, it's actually our own money to a certain extent." Ji Lang hoped that he said so, Wu Miaomiao can Feel comforted.

Wu Miaomiao paused, turned to look at Ji Lang, and said, "But Xianggong, he is too poor, have you deducted his salary?"

Ji Lang twitched the corners of his mouth. Of course he didn't deduct Analysys' salary, but it won't be certain in the future.

"Do you want to set a minimum fee?" Ji Lang suggested.

Wu Miaomiao looked puzzled.

"Every time you charge, you will be charged 10% of the other party's net worth, and you will be charged proportionally. If you meet a rich person, you will naturally earn more. But if you meet a poor person like Analysys, then you can't take it. How much does it cost. So it is better to set a minimum fee, such as 100,000 as the minimum. All net worth less than 1 million will be charged 100,000 uniformly, and those above 1 million will be charged proportionally." Ji Lang said in detail.

With this minimum fee, Wu Miaomiao should not lose any more money.

"No way." Wu Miaomiao shook her head without thinking, "Our Wu tribe's rule is to charge one-tenth. No matter whether the customer is poor or rich, the unified standard has been the same since ancient times, and it cannot be easily changed."

"Then didn't you think before that you might lose money like today?" Ji Lang asked.

If the standard of the witch clan has been like this since ancient times, then it is impossible to meet the rich every time, so you should be mentally prepared to lose money.

"I thought about it." Wu Miaomiao nodded.

Ji Lang was surprised: "Since you thought about it, how did you..."

Knowing that Ji Lang was talking about what she was crying about, Wu Miaomiao immediately lowered her head embarrassedly, and used her feet to pick the carpet under the coffee table in embarrassment.

When Ji Lang saw her like this, he couldn't bear to ask again, he just thought that Wu Miaomiao couldn't bear it. He thought it was one thing, but he couldn't accept it if he really wanted to meet her.

"I'm not crying today because I lost money." After a long while, Wu Miaomiao suddenly spoke.

Ji Lang was puzzled and turned his head to look, only to see Wu Miaomiao still lowering his head, holding the small short hands of the doll with both hands, clicking and clicking unconsciously, alleviating the embarrassment.

"Although I didn't expect Analysys to be so poor at first, even if I knew that Analysys was so poor at first, I should have accepted this business." Wu Miaomiao explained, "We Wu people do business without looking at each other. The amount of net worth depends on personal preference. We will accept this business if we are willing to accept it. Generally, we do not ask the customer's net worth in advance. One-tenth of the net worth is also to ensure that our customers can afford it. If At the beginning, the price is 100,000, 1 million, so many people can't afford us."

The more Ji Lang listened, the deeper the doubts in his heart.

"The reason why I cry is because of you, Xianggong." Wu Miaomiao glanced at Ji Lang quickly.

Ji Lang was startled, completely stunned: "Me?"

"Well." Wu Miaomiao nodded and complained, "Because you can make too much money, Xianggong."

Ji Lang was shocked, what logic is this all about

"Last month, you asked Dongdong to call me all the money you made, and then I received a lot of money. If you write, there are millions of online subscriptions and rewards every month, even if you don't write new books. , Sitting at home is constantly making money. If you sell the copyright, you can make tens of millions all at once. If the copyright is filmed into TV, it will bring a series of chain reactions, and you will make more money then. But compared with you, I only made five hundred yuan from a single business." What a tragic comparison between five hundred and tens of millions, Wu Miaomiao thought, and couldn't help but want to cry, "Comparing with you , I'm really useless."

Ji Lang didn't know what to say anymore.

"I didn't think I made less money before, and I didn't think about being picky about customers. I took business according to my own preferences, but now... I can't afford to support you with a few more Analysys." Miaomiao said in frustration, "I already felt that I was not as good as you in making money before, and now I am like this, so the psychological gap is a bit big, and I couldn't hold back all of a sudden."

When Ji Lang asked Dong Yongyuan to transfer all his income to Wu Miaomiao, Wu Miaomiao was stimulated to work hard to make money, which was finally comforted by Dong Yongyuan. But Wu Miaomiao's idea of making more money still hasn't changed, thinking that even if she doesn't earn as much as Xianggong, it can't be too little.

But five hundred yuan is really too little. It's like when you are so excited that you want to go to the 100-meter race, and you vow to win the championship, but as soon as you leave the house, your foot twists.

It's really frustrating and frustrating.

"What on earth are you thinking about?" Ji Lang couldn't listen anymore, and even felt a little dumbfounded.

"But don't worry, Xianggong, I've figured it out. There are still few poor people like Analysys in the world, and I don't necessarily meet them every time." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Shut up!" Ji Lang couldn't bear it any longer.

Wu Miaomiao suddenly shut up, and the doll also turned around nervously.

To the male master who suddenly got angry.

"I'll only say this once, you remember it." Ji Lang said solemnly, "Even if every customer you meet in the future is as poor as Analysys, I won't despise you."

Wu Miaomiao blinked and blinked again, but there was no emotion or reassurance in his eyes, but a tangled expression on his face, even with some reluctance: "Xianggong, although you say that, I am very moved. But It's not good for you to say that to me, what if the real guests will be the same as Analysys in the future?"

Ji Lang's face twitched, so you care more about making money than my dislike.

"Xiang Gong?" Wu Miaomiao called out cautiously when she saw Ji Lang's expression was wrong.

Ji Lang glared at a woman who didn't know what to do, and went back to the room angrily. When he entered the door, he slammed the door hard, and the door slammed into the sky.

"!!" Wu Miaomiao looked stunned and stared at the baby with big eyes, not knowing where she said the wrong thing.

In the blink of an eye, another few days have passed, and autumn is approaching.

The autumn atmosphere in the city is getting stronger and stronger. Bus stop signs and advertisements on the facades of shopping malls have all been replaced with autumn-related designs. In Haicheng University, with the coming of autumn, the new year's welcome party is about to start.

In the 318 dormitory, Gongsun Lian signed up for a piano solo program, and a few people made an appointment to go to the scene to cheer on.

"Xiao Lian, do you want to go home after the party?" Wu Lexin asked Gongsun Lian.

The four of them had just finished the morning class and were walking to the dormitory together.

"No, I will spend this year with you, and go home the next day." Gongsun Lian smiled.

"What about Miaomiao?" Wu Lexin turned to ask Wu Miaomiao, there are four people in the dormitory, only Gongsun Lian is a native of Haicheng, but Wu Miaomiao goes back to her boyfriend's house on weekends, so it is very likely to go back in the autumn festival.

"Of course I spent time with my husband." Wu Miaomiao said without thinking.

"You are a guy who cares less about friends." Wu Lexin laughed and scolded, and the other two laughed along.

"I will wait for Xiao Lian to finish the performance, and I will go to the lake to put the Kongming lantern." Wu Miaomiao said again.

"Then let's go buy Kongming lanterns after dinner, buy a few more, if one can't fly, it will be embarrassing." Mo Jing suggested.

The four of them had no opinion, so the after-dinner activities were settled like this.

"By the way, Miaomiao, your Xianggong should come to pick you up during the Autumn Festival." Gongsun Lian asked suddenly.

"Well, he's coming to put the Kongming lantern with me." Ji Lang doesn't like going to crowded places, let alone the overcrowded holiday celebrations like Haicheng University. On the weekend, Wu Miaomiao had been coaxing for two days in a row, and Ji Lang, who was coaxing, promised her to come to the school to put the Kongming lantern together.

"When will you introduce it to us?" Gongsun Lian has always been curious about Wu Miaomiao's boyfriend, especially Wu Lexin who told her that Wu Miaomiao's boyfriend has a strong aura, and standing with him, Wu Miaomiao will Like the little wife of the villain.

Wu Lexin and Mo Jing also looked at Wu Miaomiao with anticipation. The fear of seeing Wu Miaomiao's boyfriend at a glance that day has been diluted, and they even felt that their reaction was a little too much at that time. And at that time, Wu Miaomiao's boyfriend didn't know that he was his girlfriend's roommate, so he was so fierce. This time, he should be kinder.

Wu Miaomiao hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I will ask him when the time comes. If he wants, I will introduce you to him. If he doesn't want to, don't be angry."

The three were startled, thinking that this is not a big deal, why would they be unwilling. But Wu Miaomiao has already said so, and the three of them naturally don't have much to say.


Today is the pay day, and the four of them were beaming and waiting for the salary early in the morning, especially when Dong Yongyuan took the salary slip to the boss to sign, several people couldn’t help but suspend their work and began to look forward to their own bonus.

Although the salary was calculated by Dong Yongyuan in advance, Dong Yongyuan paid the salary after the boss signed it.

But in order not to affect everyone's surprise when they received their salary, Dong Yongyuan never disclosed their personal salary in advance, and over time they stopped asking.

"In addition to the monthly bonus this month, there is also a quarterly bonus every three months. The studio has performed well this quarter. Do you think the bonus can be 20,000?" Shan Junyi guessed according to the previous quarterly bonus specifications.

"I think it's possible. Last month, there was a copyright fee." Bei Fan agreed, "The boss is not a stingy person, and the bonus will definitely be quite large."

"Yes, yes, and it will be autumn soon, there will be a thousand yuan welfare allowance." Analysys said happily.

As soon as he said this, Shan Junyi and Bei Fan both looked at him with contempt.

"You are now a rich and powerful family, and you still care about this thousand yuan allowance?"

"That's right, when you go to a restaurant for a meal, I will look down on you if you tip the waiter less than 1,000."

"..." Analysys was speechless for a while, "I haven't been recognized yet."

Without waiting for him to speak again, Dong Yongyuan walked downstairs, and the three of them immediately showed their eyes and said in unison, "Hurry up, waiting for the salary."

"It's useless for me to go faster this time, because I don't pay the salary." Dong Yongyuan said.

People are puzzled.

"The boss said that he is in a good mood today, and he will pay us wages." Dong Yongyuan walked down slowly, "What I can do is to send your salary card numbers quickly."

At this moment, Bei Fan's cell phone suddenly rang, he glanced suspiciously, and then said loudly: "

No need, the boss directly sent us WeChat. "

Everyone was stunned, and then Qi Qi took out their mobile phones and waited for the salary to be reversed. Dong Yongyuan quickly ran back to his workstation and picked up his mobile phone.

Then there were a few more ding dings, and the three received their wages one after another.

"Mine has also arrived. The quarterly bonus is 30,000 yuan. I'm going. It's 10,000 more than I thought." Shan Junyi was pleasantly surprised.

Shan Junyi was happy, then raised his head and wanted to celebrate with everyone, but found that Analysys standing next to him and Dong Yongyuan's painting style at the entrance of the stairs were a little wrong, and seemed a little depressed.

"What's wrong with you, are you not happy with the salary?" Shan Junyi asked suspiciously.

Analysys raised his head with a bitter face and asked, "You gave out a bonus of 30,000 yuan?"

"Yeah, the boss specially noted that the quarterly bonus is 30,000 yuan." Shan Junyi did not avoid suspicion, and directly showed his transfer record to Yi Watch.

Analysys' expression suddenly became more bitter, he raised his mobile phone with tears in his eyes: "My bonus has been deducted."

"Ah?" Both Shan Junyi and Bei Fan were stunned. They walked over together and looked at Analysys' mobile phone. They saw a red transfer record with a line of remarks and words on it, but it was extremely lethal. .

Quarterly bonuses are deducted.

At this moment, Dong Yongyuan's voice also rang, trembling and crying: "I... I even got my monthly bonus deducted."

The three of them gathered together and saw that Dong Yongyuan's transfer note said: Double bonus deductions.

Only five words, but more lethal.

"You guys..." Bei Fan looked strange, and just as he was about to speak, the four people's mobile phones vibrated at the same time, followed by several consecutive ding ding dings.

Everyone hurried to see it, only to see that in the company group, Ji Lang was sending out autumn benefits, and he sent four in a row, and all the names of the four people were marked.

[Beifan, 1999 yuan]

[Shan Junyi, 1999 yuan]

[Analysis, 1 yuan]

[Dong Yongyuan, 1 yuan]

"..." Everyone was speechless.

After a long time, Bei Fancai asked weakly, "Where did you offend the boss?"

Dong Yongyuan and Yi Guan looked at each other with bitter expressions on their faces.

Shan Junyi knew at the look of this expression that he must have been offended. Thinking that he had received so much salary, it is not good to be too gloating, so he comforted: "Actually, it is not the worst, and there is a good side."

The two turned to look at Dong Yongyuan, as if to say hello where.

"Wechat transfer, tax saving." Shan Junyi said happily.

"… "