The Witch

Chapter 63



In the single ward, Ji's mother was sitting in front of the hospital bed, holding her younger son Ji'an's hand tightly with both hands, her face full of distress.

At this time, Ji's father walked in with the attending doctor, and Ji's mother immediately stood up excitedly when she saw the doctor.

"Doctor Liu, how is Xiao An?" Ji's mother asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, Xiao An is fine now." Dr. Liu reassured.

"It's okay, so how could he be unconscious?" Ji's mother asked.

"He was in a coma because he took sleeping pills." Dr. Liu said.

Ji's couple was startled, their faces were full of disbelief.

"Fortunately, he doesn't eat much, but the power of sleeping pills is still too much for an eight-year-old child, so he has been sleeping until now." Dr. Liu said.

"Why does Xiao An take sleeping pills?" Ji's mother and her husband looked at each other, but both saw blankness on each other's faces.

At this time, Aunt Hong came in with the washed fruit. She happened to hear what the doctor said, and immediately said, "Xiao An has not been sleeping very well recently. Maybe she wants a good night's sleep."

"Xiao An doesn't sleep well, why?" Ji's mother turned to Aunt Hong.

"When I went to pick him up from school yesterday, I found that the young master didn't look very well. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that he hadn't slept well the night before. After returning home, he immediately went back to his room to make up for his sleep. I also I thought it would be fine to sleep, but I didn't expect the young master to take sleeping pills." Aunt Hong looked distressed.

"I'll ask the head teacher." Ji's father was furious when he thought that his son was insomnia enough to take sleeping pills, and the school didn't tell him.

Ji's mother didn't stop her husband, she continued to ask the doctor, "Is Xiao An all right when she wakes up?"

"After waking up, you have to give him more supplements. He is a little weak now, and his physical indicators are not good. He should have been insomnia for a long time." , but finally said, "You can also see a psychiatrist if you need to."

Ji's mother was stunned, as if thinking of something, and said in horror: "You mean... it's impossible, Xiao An and Ji Lang are different."

Dr. Liu and Ji's family are acquaintances. Since Ji Lang fell ill twenty years ago, he has been treating the disease. Later, when Ji An was born, Dr. Liu took over what was a bit of a headache, so he was very familiar with the Ji family's situation.

The situation in front of Ji An is very similar to when Ji Lang first fell ill. They first suffered from insomnia and then caused various complications. When Ji Lang was ill, he tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn't cure his insomnia. A five-year-old child couldn't sleep at night, lost his appetite during the day, and was still mentally frightened. He was skinny in almost a month. At that time, he almost thought that Ji Lang could not be saved, but the miracle was that Ji Lang was still very weak, but he was always breathing. It was as if there was a power that would not let this child die.

Until now, Dr. Liu still doesn't understand why a child who doesn't know anything at a few years old has nightmares all night.

"Mrs. Ji, don't worry. When Xiao An wakes up, you can ask him. If not, it's the best." Dr. Liu said.

"When will Xiao An wake up?"

"His body is too tired, and it is estimated that he will sleep a little longer. How can he get the afternoon." Dr. Liu said, "I will visit again in the afternoon."

Dr. Liu explained a few more precautions and left the ward. Not long after he left, Ji's father also came back with a blue face. When he saw his wife, he said with a complicated expression: "The head teacher said that Xiao An has been having nightmares recently. , they don't think it's a big deal for children to have nightmares, so they don't care much."

Ji's father couldn't help but told the head teacher fiercely just now that nightmares may not be a big deal for other children, but for their family...

"Doctor Liu also said, let's get ready to find a psychiatrist for Xiao An." Ji's mother also looked sad.

The husband and wife looked at each other, full of despair, what happened to their family, was it cursed by something? Why is the eldest son like this, and the youngest son like this.

"Sir, ma'am, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe the young master has missed you too much recently, and it will be alright." Aunt Hong was a little puzzled. Although she said that the young master was ill, it was not a big deal to have nightmares and not be able to sleep. , Why did the two of them look like the end of the world.

"Sister Hong, go back first." Ji's mother didn't want to explain more.

Aunt Hong only came to their house ten years ago. At that time, Ji Lang's situation had stabilized, so she didn't know about Ji Lang's childhood.

"Then... that's fine." Although Aunt Hong was worried about the young master, she didn't dare to stay longer when she saw that the husband and wife were in a bad mood. And if the young master woke up, he would definitely be happier to see his parents than to see her.

After Aunt Hong left, the couple just sat in the ward like this, sitting on both sides of the hospital bed, no matter how the phone rang. They were all praying, praying that the younger son was just frightened by something, so he had normal nightmares, not like the older son.

Time was waiting to pass, and it was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that Xiao An woke up.

"Xiao An." The couple surrounded the child when the child woke up.

"Dad, Mom." When Xiao An saw his parents, he immediately sat up happily, and then he quickly realized that he was not at his home, "Where is this?"

"This is the hospital." Ji's mother raised the pillow carefully and let her son lean on it.

"Why did I come to the hospital?" Xiao An wondered.

"Why did you take sleeping pills last night?" Ji's father asked anxiously.

As soon as he heard the sleeping pills, Xiao An felt a little guilty. Could it be that he had been taking sleeping pills and slept for too long, so his parents thought he was sick and sent him to the hospital

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't eat Anmian." Xiao An bowed his head and apologized with an uneasy look.

Ji's parents don't mean to blame at this time, they are afraid.

Ji's mother stroked her son's face and asked softly, "Did you take sleeping pills because you couldn't sleep?"

Xiao An hummed.

Ji's mother trembled. She was afraid to hear the answer to the next question, but she still had to ask, "Xiao An... why can't she fall asleep?"

"I've been having nightmares lately, and I haven't slept well." Xiao An said.

"How long... how long?" Ji's mother's eyes were already red.

"Almost a week."

"For so long... Why didn't you tell your family?" Ji's mother cried, "Why didn't you tell your mother when you called?"

"Mom, why are you crying? Don't worry, I've been much better recently, don't you think I'll fall asleep this time?" Seeing that her mother was crying, Xiao An hurriedly wiped her mother's tears with her hands.

"Why didn't you tell mom?" Ji's mom cried even louder.

"It's just a nightmare. I've had nightmares before, and it'll be fine in a few days." Xiao An eagerly comforted, "Mom, don't cry, Dad, look at Mom..."

Xiao An turned to look at her father, but found that her father's eyes were also red, as if he was about to cry.

"I... I'll tell you all in the future, don't cry." Xiao An was a little scared and couldn't help crying too.

At this time, Dr. Liu was called by the nurse, and his heart froze when he saw the scene in the ward. But he still smiled and asked some questions according to the procedure. After confirming that Xiao An's physical condition was normal, he inadvertently asked: "Have Xiao An been to any unfamiliar place recently?"

strange place? Xiao An immediately thought of his brother's studio, but he didn't dare to let his parents know that he was secretly running to find his brother, so he shook his head.

"If you have nightmares, you are usually frightened by something. Think about it carefully, have you been frightened by anything before you start having nightmares?" Dr. Liu continued to ask.

"No." Xiao An shook her head, "I've been at school."

Dr. Liu nodded and didn't ask again: "That's fine, you can be discharged after a day of observation in the hospital, and you can't take medicine indiscriminately in the future."

"Yeah." Xiao An replied obediently.

Dr. Liu ordered two more sentences, and then motioned for Ji's father to go out with him.

"Doctor Liu, how is Xiao An?" Ji's father asked anxiously.

"Mr. Ji, don't worry, Xiao An is recovering well. His situation is not necessarily the same as Ji Lang. Back then, Ji Lang had nightmares, and his reaction was much more intense than Xiao An. We can be more optimistic." Dr. Liu said.

Back then, Ji Lang had nightmares and cried even when he fell asleep, but at least Xiao An could still fall asleep, which made Ji's father feel better: "Then what should we do next?"

"Observe for a while. It's best to keep Xiao An in a happy mood during this time. If you continue to have nightmares, you can try to ask Ji Lang to enlighten you." Dr. Liu suggested, "After all, there are similar experiences, maybe He can see where the problem is."

Although Xiao An's situation seems to be better than Ji Lang's, normal people don't have nightmares for a week, and are awakened as soon as they fall asleep.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after Wu Miaomiao urged again, Ji Lang decided to go to Haicheng University in advance.

This autumn festival, there must be many people in Haicheng University. If you go late, there may be no parking spaces.

Ji Lang thought so, found a set of clothes he wore when he was in college from the closet and put on it, then took the car key and went out. When the car just drove out of the community, Ji Lang suddenly received a call from his father.

He was a little surprised, but got on the phone anyway.


"Ji Lang, your brother is sick, come to the hospital."

Ji Lang was startled. He hadn't seen his parents for five years. If it was just a common illness, his parents wouldn't have called him specifically, so... The little kid is seriously ill

Ji Lang turned the steering wheel and turned around at the next traffic light.