The Witch

Chapter 66


Early the next morning, no, it should have started last night. The topic of heart-shaped lanterns appeared in the Haicheng University Sky Lantern Festival and rushed to the hot search. Videos and photos from various angles went viral on the Internet. Netizens who were not able to see this scene with their own eyes after putting the Kongming lanterns are very sorry.

Wu Miaomiao was extremely satisfied with the sensation she had caused, and it was really worth the surprise that she had started preparing a week in advance. Originally, she wanted the birds to help her put out her and her husband's names, just like the pattern she painted on the Kongming lanterns, but it was too high-profile and could not explain how those Kongming lanterns were placed. , in the end can only regret it.

Wu Miaomiao was happily swiping the photos on Weibo, and when she saw the beautiful ones, she saved them. However, this is not a pity.


Thinking of the kiss yesterday, Wu Miaomiao couldn't help but feel a burst of joy, and her face turned red with a smile. Oh, after Xiang Gong was touched yesterday, he was so enthusiastic.

At this moment, a message suddenly popped up on the top of the phone, it was the WeChat group of their 318 dormitory.

Wu Miaomiao raised her hand and opened it. In just a short while, there were several messages in the group.

Gongsun Lian: [Did you say Miao Miao woke up?]

Wu Lexin: [Normally, he should be awake, but I don't know if it's normal today.]

Mo Jing: [Anyway, last night was definitely not normal.]

A shy and red-faced expression followed, and Wu Miaomiao looked inexplicable.

Wu Miaomiao: [I got up.]

Gongsun Lian: [Actually got up.]

Wu Lexin: [Actually got up at normal work and rest time.]

Mo Jing: [Last night seems to be normal too.]

Wu Miaomiao also saw the meaning of their words at this time, thinking that she has a husband, although she has not married yet, but her husband was so enthusiastic last night, isn't this a matter of time

So he responded generously: [Alas, I'm sorry too.]

Suddenly, a row of ellipses appeared in the group.

Wu Le asked angrily: [Wu Miaomiao, what about your integrity?]

Wu Miaomiao smiled and replied: [We are a serious relationship between men and women, how come we have no integrity?]

Suddenly there was another row of ellipses, three single dogs, and they could only sigh to themselves in this regard.

At this time, Wu Miaomiao suddenly remembered what she promised her roommates to introduce to them, but the development last night exceeded her expectations, and she forgot her roommates as soon as she was happy. Immediately a little embarrassed, he sent a micro-channel: [Sorry, I didn't introduce my husband to you yesterday, I will ask him when I have a chance next time.]

Wu Lexin: [Forget it, I knew there was no drama when I saw you like that yesterday.]

Mo Jing: [Yes, we went straight back to the dormitory after seeing the lights, we didn't have any extravagant hopes.]

Gongsun Lian didn't speak, but posted a photo, and then @wumiaomiao.

Wu Miaomiao opened her eyes and was stunned.

It was a photo of her and Xianggong kissing. Under the floating Kongming lantern and the sparkling heart-shaped pattern, Xianggong leaned over to kiss her slightly. Although this photo does not clearly capture their facial features, whether it is the body shape, clothing, or the doll on the shoulder of the husband, all of them show their identities. The most important thing is that the scenes behind the two of them are all blurred by the camera, and there is a sense of beauty in the noisy world and my peace of mind.

Gongsun Lian: [Knowing that you are busy kissing and have no time to take pictures, my sister helped you take pictures. Anyway, good focus.]

This is simply an unexpected joy, Wu Miaomiao was almost moved to cry: [Little pity, I love you.]

After finishing speaking, she followed up with another post: [When you have a boyfriend, I will help you take pictures too.]

Gongsun Lian returned a series of ellipses.

Wu Lexin and Mo Jing couldn't take it anymore: [Showing affection is enough!]

Gongsun Lian looked at the jubilant fighting scene in the group, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is Xiaolian chatting with her classmates?" Gongsun Lian's father, Gongsun Yuanming, chatted with his daughter who was sitting in the co-pilot while driving.

"Yeah." Gongsun Lian nodded.

"It seems that you had a great time at school." Gongsun Yuanming looked relieved.

"The roommates are all very nice." Gongsun Lian nodded happily.

"Last night when Haicheng University put the Kongming lantern on, Xiaolian must have taken a lot of beautiful photos." Gongsun Yuanming glanced at the SLR camera that his daughter was holding. He and his wife chose piano for their daughter when they were young She likes photography and is quite talented. She loves the beauty of mountains and rivers, but because of her weakness, she cannot go too far.

Thinking of his daughter's body, the smile on Gongsun Yuanming's face narrowed slightly.

"Well, I took a lot of pictures." Gongsun Lian glanced out the window and said in surprise, "Huh? Dad, aren't we going home?"

"Go to the hospital first." Gongsun Yuanming said.

"Dad, I'm feeling better recently, and I sleep better at night, so I don't have to go so diligently." Gongsun Lian really went to the hospital enough, and he really didn't want to go for a rare vacation.

"It's just because your health has gotten better recently that you have to go for a check-up to see if it's getting better."

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Gongsun Lian was helpless.

On the other hand, Wu Miaomiao and her roommate chatted for a while, and then decisively forwarded the picture Gongsun Lian sent her to the circle of friends, with the text: I heard that the couple who kissed under the Kongming lantern last night will be blessed by the God of Love.

After posting, there was a second like at the bottom, all of which were her roommates and the studio's foursome. The roommates just liked it, but the studio group of four graciously left comments.

Bei Fan: A natural pair.

Shan Junyi: God-given good luck.

Analysys: The appearance of a talented man and a woman.

Dong Yongyuan probably thought that all the suitable idioms were used up by the above people. He couldn't think of a suitable idiom for a while, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity to flatter him, so he asked bluntly: When will you get married

Wu Miaomiao just looked happy to the above three comments, but personally replied to Dong Yongyuan's comment: Wait for my twentieth birthday.

When Ji Lang came over, he happened to see Wu Miaomiao replying to Dong Yongyuan, and naturally he also saw the photo above. Ji Lang is a restrained character. He can kiss Wu Miaomiao in public when he is in love, but he will never post a circle of friends like Wu Miaomiao. And it was shown to his employees. He suddenly became hot and said, "What kind of Moments do you post about this kind of thing."

"What's wrong with my Moments? They also post on Weibo. If it wasn't for fear of being exposed, I would have liked to tell the whole world that that heart was given to you by me, so it's not a god of love." There is still some regret on Wu Miaomiao's face.

Ji Lang was slightly startled, with a complicated expression: You can't wait to tell the world, but I just want to hide you. Don't let anyone see your goodness, don't let them find you, so that no one can take you away.

"Xianggong, Xianggong~~" Wu Miaomiao suddenly held Ji Lang's hand, "what's the matter with you?"

Ji Lang returned to his senses, only to realize that the power of nightmares in his body suddenly spread restlessly, overflowing the entire living room. He immediately took it back and said nervously, "You're fine."

"I'm fine, but the doll is full again." Wu Miaomiao pointed to the doll who was basking in the sun on the balcony and rushed back to the living room when she felt the power of the nightmare spread.

Ji Lang looked over, and the doll just hiccupped, and immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"But Xianggong, what happened to you just now? Did you think of something bad?" Wu Miaomiao worried. Although the power of nightmares would be agitated when Xianggong was in a bad mood, it was the first time that it had spread on a large scale like just now. .

"No, I'm just..." Ji Lang didn't want Wu Miaomiao to know what he was thinking at that moment. She is a girl with enthusiasm like the rising sun, and should not be hidden in the dark by herself.

"Just what?"

Ji Lang couldn't answer, so he kept his eyes silent, and suddenly lowered his head and pressed him into the sofa.


Wu Miaomiao first widened her eyes in surprise, and then... opened her lips actively. In action, she said that the tip of her tongue was numb last night. After a night's rest, she was healed and could fight again.

Naturally, Ji Lang was not polite, he drove straight in and attacked the city.

Master Xu's house.

Yesterday, Dong Yongyuan came to accompany the master to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. He drank a lot at night, so he stayed at the master's house. I just got up at this time, I still have some hangover headaches, and I am drinking tea to sober up. While holding a mobile phone in the company group, the water group.

A group of single dogs with no object, they are also squatting at home during the holidays, and there is no other fun except chatting with the water group.

Bei Fan: [Yes, the proprietress is only eighteen, and it will take two years to get married].

Shan Junyi: [You said, with the character of the boss, there must be no friends. Can we be the best man then?]

Analysys: [You dare to think about this.]

Shan Junyi: [Think about what happened? I wrote this dog blood novel, not all the characters were realized by you.]

Seeing this, Dong Yongyuan couldn't help but ask: "Is your sister awake in Analysys?]

Analysys: [Wake up, I woke up last night.]

Bei Fan was about to ask further when suddenly he saw his master and second senior brother Xu Wei walking in.

"What do you think of the Kongming Lantern incident at Haicheng University?" Master Xu asked Xu Wei.

"I've seen the video, it should be a bird spirit." Xu Wei said.

Yesterday, the Kongming lantern incident at Haicheng University was so popular that people in the association naturally saw it. They don't believe in any coincidences, Eros. They have seen the video on the Internet. When the Kongming lanterns form a heart-shaped pattern, the movement is obviously weird, and it is definitely not something that can be done by manpower.

"Being able to manipulate so many bird spirits at the same time, his cultivation is not low." Master Xu said solemnly, "Although he did not harm ordinary people, he just made a heart-shaped pattern, but we still have to find out what he wants to do. If it is really a ghost that has been practicing for thousands of years, you must be vigilant."

"Yes, Master, I'll go to Haicheng University to see what's going on in a while." Xu Wei said immediately.

"That..." Dong Yongyuan suddenly raised his hand after listening to the general idea in silence, and when the master and senior brother all looked over, he said, "I have a guess that I haven't confirmed yet, but I have 80% certainty, do you want to hear it?"

"Tell me!" Master Xu knows his apprentice's urination best, so just speak to him and give orders, otherwise it will take a long time to sell.

"Okay." Dong Yongyuan sat up straight and smiled mysteriously, "Yesterday, those bird spirits at Haicheng University were not controlled by ghosts, but man-made."

"It's artificial, do you mean that a cultivator over-controls the bird spirit and puts it out? Even if it's a bird spirit, there are hundreds or even thousands of bird spirits. Who can have such a cultivation base?" Xu Wei didn't believe it.

"What did you guess based on?" Master Xu couldn't help asking when he saw Dong Yongyuan's determined face.

"According to this." Dong Yongyuan opened the circle of friends that Wu Miaomiao just posted, and showed it to the two of them.

The two masters and apprentices leaned over to take a look, and their eyelids trembled at the same time. Master Xu's face sank even more. He was in his 60s, but Dong Yongyuan actually showed him this kind of picture.

"Is it Nightmare and Wu Miaomiao?!" After the initial exclamation, Xu Wei recognized the person in the photo. After all, the ethnic costumes that few people wear, and the dolls on the shoulders of men, all indicate the identity of the sorcerer Wu Miaomiao.

"You mean that those bird spirits were controlled by Wu Miaomiao, how can you be sure?" Xu Wei asked closely.

"Just ask." Dong Yongyuan took his phone back and sent a WeChat message to Wu Miaomiao. After Wu Miaomiao replied, he would show it to the two of them.

Master Xu tried to continue to watch the two of them, only to see a few lines of dialogue in the chat box.

Dong Yongyuan: [Madam, did you make the heart-shaped Kongming lantern in Haicheng University last night?]

Wu Miaomiao: [Yes, it's a gift from me to my husband. good?]

Dong Yongyuan replied with a thumbs up expression: [It looks like a marriage proposal, very good.]

The faces of Master Xu and his disciples were heavy, and they were speechless for a while.

"So, senior brother, you don't have to go to investigate." Dong Yongyuan looked like I helped you a lot.

Xu Wei's face darkened, and he scolded Dong Yongyuan: "Proposal, what kind of marriage do you want? Do you really want them to get married?"

"..." Dong Yongyuan was scolded a little stunned.

Why don't I want the two of them to get married

At this time, Master Xu suddenly sighed and said: "Alas, this wizard has been lost for a long time, and I didn't expect it to be so powerful. If the association and Nightmare are to face each other in the future, it is estimated that it will be difficult to deal with just one Wu Miaomiao."

"Master, you don't need to worry too much, maybe they will have broken up by then?" Xu Wei said, "Not to mention that the relationship between men and women is inherently unstable, and no one can stay with the nightmare for too long. Even if it ends, It may also leave."

Dong Yongyuan felt uncomfortable, but he was still very optimistic about the boss and the boss's wife: "Senior brother, you can't use your own experience to speculate on others."

"Dong Yongyuan!!" Xu Wei was furious.