The Witch

Chapter 69


When Ji Lang saw Wu Miaomiao coming out of the unit building, he looked at the time subconsciously. It only took fifteen minutes from going up to coming out, and it really didn't take more than twenty minutes.

"Xiang Gong, I have made money." Wu Miaomiao said happily.

"Well, awesome, how much did you earn?" Ji Lang asked cooperatively, he knew that Wu Miaomiao likes to make money.

"Not much, only one hundred thousand." Wu Miaomiao said in a good mood.

Ji Lang smiled, started the car, and said with a smile as he drove out of the community, "So, I need another hundred thousand yuan for pocket money."

In fact, Ji Lang doesn't have any big expenses every month. He has already bought the house and car. Even the annual oil money and maintenance fees of the car are all out of the company's turnover. He doesn't have any expensive hobbies, and he doesn't like to go out, so he doesn't need too many clothes, and his monthly expenses are just meals. He makes money just to keep himself from being bored. He saves a lot of money, and occasionally finds a place to spend it when he thinks of it.

The pocket money Wu Miaomiao gave him has never been touched in his account. He can't spend it, but he never refuses to accept it.

"I won't give you pocket money today?" Wu Miaomiao said.

Ji Lang glanced at Wu Miaomiao, seeing her big eyes sparkling, he knew what she wanted to do, so he asked cooperatively, "Then how do you plan to spend it?"

"I'm going to take you to SHOPING." Wu Miaomiao held up her mobile phone, showing the amount of 100,000 yuan on it, and said in the tone of the boss, "Xianggong, this afternoon, if you buy things, I will pay, you must pay me all the money. Lose."

Ji Lang was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Did this girl watch some strange TV series at school

"What are you laughing at?" Wu Miaomiao asked nervously. Could it be that the husband thinks he has less money.

"I'm happy." Ji Lang said solemnly.

Wu Miaomiao was satisfied when she heard that she was open, and sure enough, TV came from life.

While driving, Ji Lang was thinking about how to spend 100,000 yuan. He had never had such an experience in calculating money. He had a bad relationship with his parents, but he never lost money. On the contrary, because his parents have been alienated from him since he was a child, in order to make up for it, his parents give him huge pocket money every year. Later, he moved out from home, and his father directly distributed the company's shares to him in advance. Although he didn't care, the annual dividends would be paid as scheduled.

Except for the current house, which he bought with his own money, all his other properties were prepared for him by his family. The villa where Ghost Boy Xiang Ning is staying is a model house built two years ago.

If you buy a watch for 100,000 yuan, one watch can solve it. But the price gap of watches is too big, and expensive watches can be sold in millions. If Miaomiao sees expensive watches, they will be more addicted to making money, and they cannot buy watches.

What else can I buy

Ji Lang really couldn't think of it. When Wu Miaomiao was not paying attention at the red light, he took his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to the company group.

Ji Lang: [How to spend 100,000 yuan, just right.]

As soon as he said these words, the group exploded. How to answer this question? What is just right

Bei Fan was the first to speak: [Boss, what is the standard that is just right?]

Shan Junyi: [Yes, what is just right.]

Analysys: [100,000 yuan I can spend a year.]

When Ji Lang saw the words "flower one year", his head suddenly ached, and he added: [After spending this afternoon, there are no restrictions on things.]

As soon as he said this, the studio quartet collapsed. At this time, showing off, showing off naked.

Bei Fan: [Does the boss want to buy a gift for the boss lady? One hundred thousand dollars can be spent in one bag.]

Ji Lang frowned and was about to continue speaking, when Wu Miaomiao suddenly called out, "Xianggong, the green light is coming."

Ji Lang had no choice but to put down his phone and continue driving.

"Xianggong, there is a shopping mall in front of you. That shopping mall looks quite big. Let's go to that shopping mall." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Well," Ji Lang naturally had no objection, and drove to the mall in his car.

While Ji Lang was driving to the mall, Dong Yongyuan seemed to have secured his friend Tang Yangcheng, and he was also online at this time. As the only person who knew Wu Miaomiao's plan, Dong Yongyuan saw the essence of the boss's problem at a glance. This is the boss who wants to spend money on him, but he doesn't want the boss to think that 100,000 is too little.

Dong Yongyuan: [The boss went to MJ's men's suit shop. This is a mid-end clothing brand. The price of suits in the store is around 50,000, and the most expensive is 80,000-90,000. Guaranteed 100,000 yuan, buy the most expensive price. This store, the slightly larger shopping malls in Haicheng have counters, which are easy to find.]

After a while, Dong Yongyuan also attached a map of the distribution of counters in MJ shopping mall.

The operation of Dong Yongyuan shows the basic skills of the assistant.

Ji Lang parked the car, glanced at the distribution map, and found that there was an MJ store in this mall. He was immediately delighted, and returned four words in the group: [The bonus is doubled.]

Dong Yongyuan is overjoyed: [Thank you boss.]

The other three in the group looked at it with admiration. As the hospital of Zihe Dashen Studio, although Dongzi has low literary literacy, he knows not many idioms, and he does not know how to write scripts, but his existence is not without reason.

The MJ counter is on the second floor of the shopping mall. After entering the elevator, Ji Lang directly pressed the second floor.

Wu Miaomiao didn't react when she saw it, she just looked down at the doll in her arms again.

Ji Lang also glanced at the doll at this time, then frowned, realizing that something was wrong, the doll didn't seem to be as smart as before.

"What happened to the doll?" Ji Lang asked.

"In a daze." Wu Miaomiao said.

The resentment swallowed today is a very strong trace of affection. This is an emotion that the doll has not been exposed to before, so it will take a while to digest. And every time it digests, the doll will be immersed in its own emotions, and the external performance is daze.

Do dolls also daze? Ji Lang was a little puzzled, but thinking that the doll would bask in the sun every day, maybe he was in a daze at that time.

After making sure the doll was all right, Ji Lang didn't pay any more attention, and the elevator quickly reached the second floor.

"Xiang Gong, what do you want to buy?" Wu Miaomiao asked impatiently as soon as he got out of the elevator, as if he didn't want to keep the 100,000 yuan in his hands for a second.

Ji Lang had already seen MJ's sign not far away, and raised his finger: "Buy a suit."

Wu Miaomiao's eyes lit up: "I haven't seen Xiang Gong wearing a suit, let's go buy it."

Ji Lang himself is the boss, so naturally he wears how comfortable it is on weekdays. He has a suit, but Wu Miaomiao has never seen it before. As for whether it is useful to buy it, it is not within the scope of Ji Lang's consideration. Anyway, dating, isn't it just to spend time with the person you like.

The two walked to the counter together, and as soon as they entered the door, a shopping guide in a suit came up. This is a men's clothing store, and the shopping guide's eyes naturally fell on Ji Lang. Although Ji Lang seems a little difficult to approach, as a shopping guide, no matter what kind of customer, he must bite the bullet.

"Sir, do you want to buy clothes?" The shopping guide was a beautiful young lady in her early twenties, and her voice was trembling.

Ji Lang tried his best to stabilize his nightmare power, and after waiting for a while, he hummed softly.

The shopping guide breathed a sigh of relief, and when he gathered up his courage to look up again, he found that the man seemed to be milder and less terrifying than before. Suddenly a professional smile appeared on his face, and he felt a lot more relaxed: "Then may I ask, do you call

Counting on shirts, shoes, or suits? "

Ji Lang didn't answer, but glanced sideways at Wu Miaomiao.

Wu Miaomiao immediately took a step forward and said, "I'll pick."

"Then I'll wait at the door of the fitting room." Ji Lang didn't speak, and walked straight into the store.

Wu Miaomiao waited for Ji Lang to walk away, and then asked the shopping guide in a low voice, "How much are the most expensive clothes here?"

Wu Miaomiao wanted to buy the whole set for Xianggong, but was afraid that 100,000 yuan would not be enough. Although she still had money in her card, it was given to her by her husband. If she used her husband's money, there would be no point in paying the bill.

Although the shopping guide was puzzled, she answered patiently: "Our shirts here are about 5,000 yuan a piece, and a suit is 80,000 to 90,000 yuan, and the cheap ones are also 20,000 to 30,000 yuan."

When Wu Miaomiao heard this, she felt relieved, the money was enough.

"Put the most expensive clothes here, according to my husband's figure, and match a few sets for us to choose." Where does Wu Miaomiao choose suits, this kind of thing is of course left to professionals to match.

"Okay." The shopping guide's eyes lit up. She is an experienced girl. Like the girl in front of her, she asked the price first, and then offered to try it on. She would definitely buy it.

After a while, the shopping guide lady quickly matched three suits, casual style, British style, and workplace elite style, from the inside to the outside, from head to toe, all matched.

Ji Lang originally planned to buy one set casually, and let Wu Miaomiao spend money and leave when she was happy. After seeing that Wu Miaomiao was matched with three sets of clothes, she could only obediently change them one by one. The casual style is handsome, the British style gentleman, and the professional atmosphere is too strong. In the end, Wu Miaomiao has a difficult choice between the casual style and the British style.

Ji Lang was not in a hurry and let Wu Miaomiao tangle there.

"Ah, I want both sets, but I'm still making too little money." If you have money, you can buy both.

When Ji Lang heard this, his heart suffocated. It seemed that Wu Miaomiao's idea of making money could not be contained.

"Why don't you buy this set of British style, this set has activities, buy this top version, and get a pair of gem cufflinks worth 6,000." The clerk's sister saw that she was confused and suggested aloud, "If you buy it Now, we have a master in our shop who can help you sew it up by hand."

After such a round of observation, they had already seen that it was the lovely girl in front of her who was spending money to buy clothes for the man with a powerful aura. It was obvious that the man looked very rich, but he didn't expect to be a strong man and a hard worker. And this girl looks very young, so she won't be deceived.

The shopping guide instantly made up a scene in his mind, the scene of an innocent and rich daughter who was cheated by a scheming Phoenix man into marriage.

The psychological activity of the shopping guide became stronger and stronger, so much so that Ji Lang was alarmed. He glanced at the shopping guide and heard a general idea in his ears.

"Okay, that's it." Wu Miaomiao decided immediately.

"Okay, please check out here." The shopping guide was panicked by Ji Lang's glance just now. Hearing that Wu Miaomiao decided to buy it, he quickly turned around and left.

"Master, I'm going to check out." Wu Miaomiao handed the doll to Ji Lang, and then went to check out by herself.

Ji Lang took the doll and saw that it was still in a daze, with a foolish look, and couldn't help but said, "Why is it still in a daze, is it because there is not enough sun today?"

The doll turned a deaf ear, still dumbfounded.

After a while, Wu Miaomiao ran over with three big shopping bags and said happily, "Xiang Gong, it's all over."


People who didn't know this scene saw it and thought it was a man buying a gift for a woman.