The Witch

Chapter 72


On the third day of the doll's stay in the villa, Wu Miaomiao, who was in class, received a WeChat message. From Han Meng, she came to Haicheng's first client.

Han Meng: [Wizard, thank you, I have had a very happy three months.]

Wu Miaomiao was stunned, and her eyes fell on the first chat record between her and Han Meng. There was a time reminder on the chat record, and that time was today three months ago.

Three months have come.

She clicked on Han Meng's circle of friends, and quickly browsed the circle of friends that Han Meng had posted in the past three months. The circle of friends was very long and there were many photos. Han Meng accompanied her parents to many places, ate a lot of delicious food, and watched Lots of beauty and some crazy things done.

Bungee jumping on the highest mountain, jumping an umbrella in the most beautiful blue sky, diving in the cleanest sea, watching animals in Africa, and watching the stars in Antarctica.

Wu Miaomiao looked at Han Meng's bright smiling face in the photo, knowing that she should have no regrets in the past three months, so she deleted Han Meng's WeChat with a smile.

The contract is completed.

Almost at the same moment, Xiang Ning in the villa also felt that something had returned to his body.

"Meow?" The black cat on the side was startled and looked over in surprise.

"The time is up." After a while, Xiang Ning realized that what returned to his body was the soul power, the soul power that was exchanged with the hostile aura. It's just that now he is no longer a ghost, and the hostility in that body has not returned to him, only a small part of the soul power has returned to his body.

However, if the anger did not come back to him, where did it go

When Xiang Ning was puzzled, the doll's hearty laughter came from the next door, and it quickly ran from the next door to Xiang Ning, holding a cloud of black mist in his hand. As soon as the black mist approached, Xiang Ning felt familiar.

"Baby, is that my hostility?" Xiang Ning asked.

"Go to die, go to die..." The doll said to die, while throwing the malice in his hand into his mouth, chewing it and swallowing it.

At the beginning, Wu Miaomiao forcibly replaced Xiang Ning's ghost physique with Dean Hong's, so when the three months expired and the malice returned, the malice would return to Dean Hong's body, but Dean Hong had already been swallowed by the baby. , so the hostility fell into the hands of the doll.

After swallowing, the doll seemed to see something. It was silent for a moment, and then suddenly raised its hand and patted Xiang Ning's head, as if to comfort him.

Xiang Ning's body is a good dream doll, only the size of a slap, and its body size is dozens of times different from that of the doll. At this time, the doll slapped the doll and felt comforted, but to Xiang Ning, it was no different from the top of Mount Tai, and it was immediately slapped by the doll. Flattened.

"... Doll, what are you doing?" Xiang Ning was pressed to the ground by Doll's huge palm, very confused.

The doll opened her mouth, as if she wanted to speak, but made no sound. It retracted the hand that was holding Xiang Ning, hugged its head tangled, and spun around in a hurry.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Xiang Ning was a little worried.

The doll ignored it and just spun around in a hurry. As it went in circles, a black mist emanated from the doll's body, as if it was spitting out the anger that had just been eaten.

"Baby, what's wrong with you? Why did the anger run out again?" Xiang Ning was in a hurry, and quickly climbed to the place where the mobile phone was placed on the other side of the sofa, to call Wu Miaomiao and tell her that the doll seemed to have gone crazy.

"Dad Hong, I'm so cold."

Suddenly, the doll made a sound, not a hearty laugh, nor a strange line recently, but a sentence that Xiang Ning was extremely familiar with.

Xiang Ning's hand froze when he wanted to make a call, and he turned his head in disbelief.

"Dad Hong, I'm so cold." The doll walked over to Xiang Ning, stretched out his hand, and patted Xiang Ning again.

This time, Xiang Ning was still slapped down by the baby, but he already knew at this time that the baby was not playing with him or hitting him, the baby was comforting him.

Xiang Ning suddenly wanted to cry, but there were no tears in his puppet's body at this time, but his voice was choked up: "Doll, you see it."

Xiang Ning had already seen the doll possessed by a playboy twice, once swallowing up the grievances of a hundred-year-old Specter, and once swallowing the love that didn't know where it came from. Where do these lines come from? Naturally, it is the memory of these grievances and grievances. The hostility just now belonged to him, and after the doll swallowed it, he also saw his memory. This line is telling him that it has seen it.

The doll saw it and was comforting him.

"Ahahaha..." The doll nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, after I died, you were the first to comfort me." He was killed by Dean Hong. Three years after his death, everyone thought he died of illness, so no one was there for him. His death was not fair, and no one comforted his undead. He has been floating in the world for three years, constantly absorbing hostility, strengthening himself, and wanting revenge. For ordinary people who can't see him, he doesn't exist, and for metaphysicians who can see him, he is a demon who needs to be dispersed.

Even if Dean Hong's true face is revealed later, everyone knows that he was killed by Dean Hong, but he is an orphan and has been dead for three years. Apart from leaving a name in Dean Hong's criminal record, No one remembers him anymore.

Up to now, no one has said a word to him, Xiang Ning, you shouldn't die, it's so pitiful.

"Go to die, go to die, go to die..." The doll suddenly clenched his fist, and then said three times to die.


Are you saying that Dean Hong is dead? Xiang Ning guessed the meaning of the doll.

"Ahahaha..." The doll laughed and nodded.

"I know, it was the doll who avenged me and swallowed him." Xiang Ning also smiled.

"Meow!" At this moment, the civet cat, who was listening quietly, suddenly raised its paw and poked the doll.

The doll looked at Miaomiao in puzzlement. Although this Miaomiao didn't like to pay attention to it, they were good friends who basked in the sun together every day, so the doll didn't hate it.

"Meow!" The civet opened its mouth again and barked, and the hostile aura that spread in the room suddenly turned.

"Baby, the anger is going to dissipate." Xiang Ning also reflected at this moment, and quickly reminded.

The doll hurriedly waved its small hand, and the hostile aura that had spread across half the room gathered again, turned back into a ball of small black balls, and fell back into the doll's hand, and the doll opened its mouth and swallowed it again.

"You can't spit it out any more. If something goes wrong, Mr. Ji's anger will be scary." Xiang Ning told the baby.

Thinking of the scene where Ji Lang was wrapped in the quilt and stuffed into the closet, the doll nodded in fear.

Two dolls, one big and one small, were talking when the phone beside them suddenly rang. The black cat's eyes suddenly lit up, his body jumped up from the sofa, and jumped over, the pads on his paws slipped, and the phone was very pure.

"Xiang Ning?" Wu Miaomiao's voice came from the phone.

The bright eyes of the black cat dimmed instantly, and the surprised expression turned into disgust. He jumped up and jumped back to the place where he was lying. It's not the dried fish, it's the woman who dislikes it.

"Ahahahaha..." The doll heard the master's voice and happily leaned over.

"Doll, I'll see you tomorrow." Wu Miaomiao heard the doll's laughter, knew that the doll was on the phone, and said hello to the doll.

The doll nodded happily.

At this time, Xiang Ning also came over. He lay beside the phone and told Wu Miaomiao's doll's reaction: "Wizard, the doll is nodding."

"Well." Wu Miaomiao smiled and said, "Xiang Ning, the contract is completed, you should know it."

"I see." Xiang Ning was stunned, as if he knew what Wu Miaomiao was going to say next, and his tone was a little reluctant.

"I'll be there after school tomorrow, and I'll take you to the underworld at that time." Wu Miaomiao called to inform Xiang Ning in advance.

"Well, I see." Although Xiang Ning was reluctant, he also knew that the best destination for a ghost was the underworld.

"Then I'll hang up, see you tomorrow." Wu Miaomiao hung up the phone.

Xiang Ning looked at the phone that hung up, and after a moment of silence, he turned around and said with a smile, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

The doll didn't understand Xiang Ning's emotions, but it knew that the owner would send Xiang Ning away tomorrow, so the place where Xiang Ning went should be a good place, so it grinned and said that it knew.

Xiang Ning went to see the black cat again.

The black cat raised his slightly squinted eyes, glanced at Xiang Ning and closed them again, there was not much emotion in it. For a civet cat that catches ghosts, it is not bad for him to allow a little ghost like Xiang Ning to move freely in front of it. As for where Xiang Ning was going, that place was originally where ghosts should go.

Xiang Ning felt a little sour when he saw that neither the baby nor the black cat seemed to be reluctant to part with him. It seemed that everyone felt that they should be reincarnated.

"Big tiger, when I'm gone, I don't know if anyone will buy dried fish for you. I'll buy you some more before I leave." Xiang Ning opened a certain treasure app and swiped He said, "Or if you have anything else you want, I'll buy it for you together. I'll make a note to have the courier deliver it to the door of the villa. You don't need to answer the phone. When they deliver it, you can pick it up at the door yourself. Just fine."

"Meow?" The black cat, who had been unresponsive, suddenly widened his eyes.

What, if this little ghost is gone, there will be no ghosts to buy dried fish for Ben Miao? What about meow? I don't know how to read, and I don't know how to buy things by myself.

Xiang Ning has lived with the black cat for more than a month, and has some understanding of the black cat. At this time, he seems to understand the black cat's worries: "The wizard will definitely catch other ghosts, but he just doesn't know when. I'll buy you a month's supply first, then the wizard will definitely catch new ghosts, or you can buy it yourself, I'll teach you. There are purchase records here, you just need to go in and click to buy. Address It is the default, and the payment method is also password-free.”

"Meow?!" The black cat looked dazzled and turned his head angrily.

I don't want to learn from human beings.

"But I'm leaving tomorrow. If you can't learn it, you can only eat cat food." When the black cat first came, Wu Miaomiao and Ji Lang brought several packs of cat food, which are still piled up in the corner. The cat didn't eat a single bite.

The black cat paused and looked at the doll who was composing lines repeatedly.

"The doll doesn't know how to use a cell phone, and when it's ready, the wizard will pick it up." Xiang Ning added.

"Meow??" The black cat became frantic, his sharp claws were exposed, and he gripped the sofa tightly.

"Yeah, if the sofa is broken, Mr. Ji will be angry." Xiang Ning was startled and hurriedly stopped the black cat.

Thinking of Ji Lang's gloomy face, the black cat's paws froze suddenly, and the sofa that was clutched tightly was released.

The black cat was so irritable that he couldn't let it out, and his heart became even more unhappy. The golden cat's pupils stood up, and there was a threatening sound of purring in his throat.

That hateful sorcerer is coming to him, but he doesn't take good care of himself. It's really hateful.

"Why don't I tomorrow

Talk to the wizard and ask her to help you find a new ghost as soon as possible? Xiang Ning thought about it for a while and felt that he could mention it so that the tiger would be taken care of.

The black cat's purring stopped suddenly, its eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, it meowed at Xiang Ning for a while.

Xiang Ning scratched his head embarrassedly: "Although I can understand what you mean most of the time, I don't understand cat language."

Xiang Ning has a sensitive mind and is very intelligent, so combining the cause and effect together with the reaction of the black cat, most of the time, he can guess the mind of the black cat. But the black cat's meowing was too intensive and his emotions were too excited, he really couldn't guess.

"Meow meow~~" The black cat turned to the doll beside him again, meowing for a while.

The doll tilted her head and returned a series of hearty laughter, obviously not understanding.

The black cat was not angry either. After a meal, he took a bag of dried fish and went to eat it in the cat basin. Xiang Ning also bought this cat pot. He was afraid that the black cat would dirty the floor when he ate the dried fish, so after buying it, he put the dried fish in the cat pot every time. The black cat was already smart, so he quickly understood what Xiang Ning meant, and eating on the ground was what a stray cat would do, so it wouldn't be so low.

Although Xiang Ning didn't know what the black cat meant, but seeing that it was quiet, he thought it accepted his opinion.

The two dolls and one cat were so quiet for a long time. After Xiang Ning ate three buckets of chicken wings, two bottles of Coke, and a bowl of Mala Tang, it was already early morning. Just as Xiang Ning was about to order another supper and watch a movie to end his last night in the world, the black cat who had been lying quietly in the corner suddenly stood up.

"Meow!" The black cat held down Xiang Ning's mobile phone, his eyes sparkling in the dark night.

"Big Tiger, what's the matter?" Xiang Ning was startled, "Do you want to eat too?"

The black cat ignored it, but suddenly picked up Xiang Ning with his mouth, and then threw Xiang Ning on his back with a swipe of his head.

Xiang Ning let out an audible bark, conditioned reflex to grab the black cat's fur.

After the black cat had done all this, he suddenly appeared in front of the doll who was spinning in circles in the room.

The doll looked at the black cat that suddenly appeared, tilted her head a little curiously, and was about to let out a series of laughter to express her doubts when the black cat suddenly rushed over and bit the doll's neck.

The doll blinked, not aware of the hostility, and did not resist, but looked at the black cat strangely.

Seeing that the doll didn't resist, the black cat's eyes suddenly brightened, and he turned around and ran towards the stairs. Although the black cat has gained a lot of weight, its movements are still sensitive. It climbed the stairs in three or two steps. It climbed two stairs in a row, and ran all the way from the basement to the balcony on the second floor where it usually basks in the sun. Jump out, jump down.

"Ah!!!" Xiang Ning was so scared that he forgot his ghost's identity and exclaimed.

"Ahahaha..." The doll was surprised by the galloping, flying gesture, and let out a refreshing laugh.

The black cat landed dexterously, quickly passed through the grass, jumped out of the yard, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.