The Witch

Chapter 76


on Monday.

When Wu Miaomiao returned to school with the doll in new clothes, it immediately caused a sensation in the dormitory, just because the doll's skirt was too delicate.

"Where did you buy this dress? It's too beautiful, and the workmanship is better than many big brands." Wu Lexin touched the soft and delicate fabric of the doll and couldn't help but admire, "Now the clothes of the doll are better than real people. Are they all refined?"

"This gothic style skirt is really cute, it's just copied from the comics." Mo Jing is a two-dimensional fan girl, she couldn't help screaming when she saw this kind of skirt, "You are looking for Which store did you buy it from?"

"It's not bought, it's made to order." Wu Miaomiao didn't like the doll's new dress the first time she saw it, so she understood the roommate's reaction very well.

"Custom made? Do they make adult clothes? I want to make a set of doll-like clothes for the next Comic Con." Mo Jing said immediately.

"Uh, I don't think so. I was given by a friend. He specially made it for the doll, not for receiving orders." Wu Miaomiao shook her head.

"That's it." Mo Jing looked regretful, "The doll is so happy to be able to wear such a beautiful dress."

Although the doll can't move at this time, it does not prevent it from hearing the words of praise around it, and the doll is a doll that is easy to satisfy, and it will be very happy when it is praised. At this time, Mo Jing and Wu Lexin were surrounded by praise for a long time, and the remnant souls in Le's puppet trembled, and their eyes flashed. If it hadn't remembered that he couldn't move now, he would have laughed a few times and told them that my little skirt looked better when it was rotated.

When Wu Miaomiao saw the doll like this, she knew that she couldn't let her roommate praise her any more, otherwise the doll would definitely be unable to hold back for a while. Just when she was about to find an excuse to get the doll back, Mo Jing suddenly lost her senses and stared straight at the doll's eyes.

"Hey, this doll's eyes..." Mo Jing couldn't help raising her hand to touch the doll's eyes. She seemed to see the eyes flashing just now.

Wu Miaomiao secretly said that it was going to be bad, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed the doll back and held it in her arms. She grabbed too much and seemed too abrupt. Both Wu Lexin and Mo Jing looked at her strangely.

"Then... What, there is a legend in our hometown that the eyes of dolls cannot be touched, otherwise they will have nightmares at night." Wu Miaomiao hurriedly made up an excuse.

"It's all feudal superstition and deception." Wu Lexin was speechless.

"It's the custom of our hometown, so I'm a little bit taboo, sorry." Wu Miaomiao apologized, thinking that the doll might not be suitable to bring to school in the future.

The doll's emotions are getting more and more abundant, and the mood swings are getting bigger and bigger. If you don't pay attention, it is likely to be revealed. You can no longer take it casually to places with many people like before.

Mo Jing and Wu Lexin felt a little embarrassed when they heard that Wu Miaomiao was taboo about someone touching the baby's eyes.

"It's us who should say sorry. We don't know the customs of your hometown." Mo Jing apologized.

Although these claims are all feudal superstitions, even if there is no scientific basis, it is still a custom. Customs vary from place to place, outsiders may not believe it, but they should respect it.

"It's okay, it's because I didn't make it clear to you in advance." Seeing his roommate apologize, Wu Miaomiao suddenly felt more guilty.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" At this moment, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Gongsun Lian walked in with a thermos in his hand.

"It's nothing, Xiaolian, what are you holding in your hand?" Wu Miaomiao hurriedly changed the subject.

"Oh, this is the chicken soup that my mother made. Would you like to try it?" Gongsun Lian immediately smiled and raised the thermos pot in his hand, "My mother made a big pot specially."

When the three of them heard the chicken soup with love, they all gathered around to save face. There was a large pot of soup, each of whom shared a bowl, and soon ran out of it.

"Auntie's craftsmanship is really good. It tastes better than the signature chicken soup of an old restaurant I've eaten before." Wu Lexin couldn't help but boast.

"Mmmmm, it tastes better than my mother's cooking." Mo Jing also agreed.

Wu Miaomiao also nodded, she was a little hungry after drinking this bowl of chicken soup.

"When I was a child, I couldn't eat a lot of things, and I needed food supplements, so my mother specially learned to cook." Gongsun Lian was very happy to see that his roommate liked it. "If you like it, I will ask my mother to cook more tomorrow."

"Don't bother Auntie anymore." When Mo Jing heard Gongsun Lian say this, she thought that Gongsun Lian wanted her mother to cook for them, and hurriedly shook her head and refused.

"That's right, how can Auntie make it for us and send it to us. When we're free, we'll be a guest at your house, and then try Auntie's craftsmanship." Wu Lexin also said.

"You want to be beautiful, and you want my mother to make it for you. I can't bear it." Gongsun Lian said angrily, "My mother wants to make something delicious for me, and I will give you a taste by the way, just in case you will eat it. After two days, I will dislike the list."

The three laughed.

"Listen to what you mean, does your aunt want to bring you meals in the future?" Wu Lexin asked casually.

"Not every day, maybe two or three times a week, my mother will cook some soup to replenish my body." Gongsun Lian said with a smile.

"Fix your body? What's wrong with your body? Has your condition worsened?" The three of them all looked nervously when they heard it.

"No, no, my mother is too nervous."

"Why did Auntie suddenly get nervous? Didn't you eat with us in the cafeteria before? Auntie didn't do this before. Xiaolian, is there something wrong with your body? You should tell us in advance so that we can pay attention. "Mo Jing heard something wrong and asked nervously.

"Oh, it's really not." Gongsun Lian saw that the three roommates were so nervous, so he couldn't hide it any more, thinking that it was not a bad thing, and it was nothing to say in advance, "As you know, my disease needs a heart transplant to recover. Originally, my ranking was very low. I thought that I would definitely not be able to wait for a suitable heart in two or three years. However, news came from the hospital two days ago, saying that my ranking suddenly rose to the second place, so in the future In half a year to a year, I can probably wait until the heart."

"My mother was overly optimistic when she heard the news. She always felt like I could have surgery at any time, so she changed her method to make up for it. She wanted me to go home and live, but my sleep quality in the dormitory was not as good as my sleep quality. She has a good family, so she has to compromise." From childhood to adulthood, Gongsun Lian's recipes were prepared in advance by her mother, and she has never eaten many things that ordinary children have eaten. After her condition worsened, Gongsun Lian thought that she would not survive for a year, so she had a long talk with her parents, saying that she wanted to live like an ordinary person in the last year, so she ate in the cafeteria with her roommates.

Now that things have taken a turn for the better, Gongsun's mother will naturally not allow her daughter to indulge herself and start to control her daughter's diet again.

"That's a good thing, your illness will get better soon." Wu Lexin said happily.

Mo Jing and Wu Miaomiao were also happy.

"Well, so I plan to leave school in the afternoon to sign the organ donation volunteer form." Gongsun Lian said.

"Organ donation?" The three were startled again.

"Yes, the heart I'm waiting for was also donated by volunteers, so I also want to become a volunteer. If I die in the future, my organs will also be able to help people like me." Gongsun Lian said, drawing from the textbook A piece of paper came out, "Look, I've filled it out. When I come over in the afternoon, my dad will accompany me to the Red Cross to sign and formally submit it for filing."

The three of them were surprised again.

"Uncle agrees?" Mo Jing asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Gongsun Lian nodded.

"Otherwise, you should sign the donation after the operation, otherwise, I always feel a little unlucky." Wu Lexin looked at the donation book in Gongsun Lian's hand and said hesitantly.

"I also think that we are living a good life. Suddenly signing this, I always feel a little hairy, as if cursing myself." Mo Jing was also a little uncomfortable.

"I don't think it's anything." Wu Miaomiao was the calmest of the three. As long as there is no external intervention, people's life and death are predestined in the book of life and death, so it doesn't matter whether they sign or not.

"I don't think it's anything." Gongsun Lian glanced at Wu Miaomiao with approval, "Also, even if I really died during the operation, it would be good for my organs to save other people."

Gongsun Lian has a very good mentality. After being ill for so many years, she has long been pessimistic about life and death. Otherwise, with her heart condition, she would not be able to live now.

"Then can I follow you in the afternoon?" Wu Miaomiao looked very interested.

"Okay, let's go together in the afternoon." Gongsun Lian didn't think about convincing the roommates to fill out the organ donation form together, but Wu Miaomiao took the initiative to show interest, and she was still a little moved.

Healthy people can't feel the respect and gratitude to these volunteers from groups like them who have to wait for organ donation to survive.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gongsun Yuanming showed up at the school on time and picked up Wu Miaomiao and his daughter to go to the Red Cross Society.

"Miaomiao classmate, are you also interested in organ donation?" Gongsun Yuanming couldn't help asking when he saw that Wu Miaomiao was going with him.

"Well, I'll go take a look, and I'll sign a copy if it's appropriate, do you have any requirements?" Wu Miaomiao asked casually.

She followed to the Red Cross not to sign the donation letter, nor was she really interested in organ donation, but to find the next client. Recently, the doll has grown a lot, but most of the emotions swallowed by the doll are the resentment of the ghost. But people have good and evil, and she can't just let the doll swallow bad emotions, she must also let the doll acquire positive emotions.

And positive emotions are difficult to obtain from Li Gui's resentment. After all, ghosts will not turn into Li ghosts because of good thoughts. Therefore, the main way to obtain it comes from the secret technique of the witch tribe. Every time the contract formation is completed, the doll can gain some emotions from it.

At noon, when Gongsun Lian mentioned the Red Cross and volunteers, Wu Miaomiao thought that most of the people who can sign this kind of volunteer letter should be good people. If you can meet a suitable client, you can add kindness to the doll, so she followed.

"Although it's good for you to have this idea, you still have to be cautious about this kind of thing. You'd better discuss it with your family before signing." Gongsun Yuanming reminded kindly.

"Okay, then I'll go check the situation today, and then I'll discuss it with my family." Wu Miaomiao nodded.

While talking, the car sped all the way, and about half an hour later, the three arrived at the gate of the Red Cross Society in Haicheng.

After getting out of the car, the three of them went inside the Red Cross Society. Before they came, Gongsun Lian had already called and contacted them, so as soon as the three of them entered, a special staff would receive them. As if to prevent them from coming on impulse, the staff introduced the organ donation in great detail, and repeatedly emphasized that this volunteer letter can be cancelled at any time and the convenience that can be obtained after signing the agreement.

Wu Miaomiao listened and observed the crowd inside. From the time she came in, there were four or five people who came to submit the volunteer letter. Wu Miaomiao has carefully observed and found that these people are all looking very good, full of positive energy, and none of them need help at all.

This is probably the legend that the good people have good rewards

Wu Miaomiao was sighing that when she could not find a suitable client to supplement the doll with kindness today, a strong yin qi suddenly floated over from the direction of the door.

Wu Miaomiao was stunned, looked up, and saw a vicious ghost in ancient costume, coming in from the door.

To be precise, he came in behind a middle-aged man.

When Wu Miaomiao saw the evil ghost, the evil ghost also found Wu Miaomiao. He first glanced at Wu Miaomiao in surprise, and then his eyes suddenly fell on the doll.

The evil ghost was stunned for a moment, and the anger surrounding his body stopped because of this start. Suddenly, the evil ghost raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said to Wu Miaomiao silently:


Although the evil ghost was full of ferocity, he had a good appearance. With a smile on his face, the ferocity of his body had faded a lot, revealing an elegant and noble temperament. It is not difficult to see from his demeanor , This evil ghost should have been a noble boy from a good background.

Wu Miaomiao frowned, just as he was about to speak, when he saw that Young Master Gui suddenly raised a finger, put it under his nose, and made a shush.

Wu Miaomiao was just wondering when she saw the middle-aged man in front of Gui Gongzi suddenly turned his head and glanced at Gui Gongzi, and then pinched a magic formula with his fingers, and Gui Gongzi's figure disappeared.

Is this the devil raised by this man

The middle-aged man turned around, saw Wu Miaomiao staring at him dazedly, nodded at Wu Miaomiao with a smile, and walked straight to the second floor.

"Strange? Didn't Dongdong say that the Metaphysics Association does not allow ghosts to be raised? Can such a fierce ghost be raised casually?" Wu Miaomiao muttered strangely.

Forget it, it's none of my business anyway.