The Witch

Chapter 79


Ten p.m.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Haicheng, a van slowly drove in. A young man with yellow hair and a middle-aged man got out of the car and walked quickly into the factory. After entering the factory, the two continued to walk in for about ten minutes and came to a closed iron gate.

"It's me, open the door." The middle-aged man stood in front of the iron gate and glanced towards the upper right corner of the iron gate. Immediately, the red light flashed, as if some instrument was activated, and then there was a beeping sound from the iron door, and the middle-aged man went up to push the door and walked in.

Behind the door is a descending staircase. Obviously, there is another floor below. The middle-aged man and the young man with yellow hair walked down. In the basement, they saw a decadent man with glasses and a full beard. There are several computers, one of which is showing the situation around the factory.

"Third brother, your dinner." The yellow-haired youth handed the purchased dinner to the decadent man.

The decadent man seemed to be very hungry. After taking the lunch box, he devoured it. After taking a few bites, he seemed to regain some energy before he said, "Boss, there is another reminder over there."

"Don't you still have time?" The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard the words, and seemed rather impatient.

"His grandson fell ill again. The doctor said that if he fell ill again, he might not be able to save him." The decadent man said.

When the middle-aged man heard the words, his face suddenly became even more ugly, and he struggled for a moment: "The day after tomorrow, first kill target one, and then find a way to give target two. Ade, please confirm the details, especially target two. , try to make it look like he is sick."

The yellow-haired young man named Ade nodded, sat in front of the computer and called up a file. There was a photo on the file, it was Gongsun Lian. This file has a very comprehensive record of Gongsun Lian's information, especially Gongsun Lian's medical records, which are extremely detailed. At the bottom of the medical record, a line of red and bold remarks is the doctor's order from the attending doctor to Gongsun Lian.

[Can not be greatly stimulated, once the emotional fluctuations are too large, there is danger to life at any time.]

"It's a pity, but it's ranked fifth." Ade looked at the photo of Gongsun Lian and sighed.

"Why, after monitoring for a few days, Lianxiang Xiyu?" The middle-aged man knew Ade's character very well, and he knew what he was thinking when he heard his words.

"It's very beautiful." Ade said with a grin.

"When you finish this job and take the money, are you still afraid that there will be no beautiful girls?" the middle-aged man said in disgust.

"There are many beautiful girls, but there are not many who are clean and weak, and make people want to protect." Ade was full of regrets.

Their client needs a healthy heart, and the client happens to be sixth, which means three more volunteers are needed. They already had three volunteers for treatment, but unfortunately, in the volunteer information they got, one of the three was Gongsun Lian himself, so it was equivalent to only two volunteers.

The client has no time to wait for the third volunteer, so only one of the two people in the fourth and fifth can die. Fourth, because the situation has deteriorated and they have been hospitalized, they have no chance to attack, so they can only target Gongsun Lian.

At this time, the decadent man finished his own dinner and suddenly said, "Didn't you say during the day that this girl has something to do with Ji Lang? It won't matter."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately remembered the sudden shot of Ji Lang during the day, which was so abrupt that he always had a bad premonition: "Is the police suspicious?"

"No." The decadent man shook his head. "The three previous cases followed the normal donation process, and there was no problem. The police were suspicious and couldn't find anything."

"That's fine." The middle-aged man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Book the ticket in advance, and we'll leave immediately after this is done."

"Don't avenge the second brother?" Ade said in surprise.

The middle-aged man recalled the way Ji Lang looked at him during the day, and frowned: "That Ji Lang doesn't look simple, and his aura is more like a bad person than me. Don't touch him for the time being. And when I was monitoring the target today, I fought with him. If we meet face to face, if he becomes suspicious, he will probably think of me. So we should avoid the limelight first, and we will avenge the second child when there is a chance in the future."

The intuition of the middle-aged man is very accurate. In his life, he has avoided many dangers by relying on this intuition several times in his life.

"I'm going to sleep for a while." Said, the middle-aged man turned around and went to the sofa behind him, lay down casually, and fell asleep slowly.

Twelve o'clock at night.

Ji Lang turned on the TV in the living room, found a cartoon with a good rating and clicked it to play, and said to the doll, "Watch TV here, please don't enter my room."

The doll nodded obediently.

Ji Lang was relieved, patted the doll's head, turned back to the room, closed the door, and prepared to fall asleep. The reason why he told the doll not to enter his room was because he was afraid that when he fell asleep, the doll would run over and devour the power of nightmares, which would interrupt his dreaming.

Ever since he heard the middle-aged man's voice at the entrance of Haicheng University, Ji Lang has been guessing who the other party is. Listening to the other party's meaning, I seem to have done something to the second child in his mouth.

What does it mean to be folded in his hand

His life has always been simple, except for work, which is to go home, and almost no contact with strangers. And others will automatically avoid him when they see him, even if he wants to trouble the other party, there is no chance. If the only one who would have friction with him would be the Metaphysics Association, but obviously, this middle-aged man was not a member of the Metaphysics Association. So no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for you to have an intersection with this man and the second child in his mouth.

From the resentment in this man's tone, Ji Lang could feel his hatred for him. But what completely irritated him was not the hatred the man had for him, but the calculation, the tone that seemed to find a weakness and a breakthrough when he mentioned the word girlfriend.

He can allow middle-aged men to hate him, there are too many people who hate him, and he doesn't care, but he can't tolerate someone's tricks, and it's because of him.

What if Miaomiao was injured? What if Miaomiao is afraid? What if she thinks it's dangerous to be with herself and suddenly doesn't want to be with herself

As long as Ji Lang thought about it, his eyes were almost bloodshot.

So, who exactly are you

This is the first time that Ji Lang is so eager to invade a stranger's dream.

Passing through the familiar door of dreams, Ji Lang easily entered the dream of a middle-aged man. This person also happened to be dreaming. The scene in the dream was a wide road. Ji Lang was familiar with the scene of the road. He looked around for a while and suddenly remembered that this is Qiyang Road, from Haicheng University. Exit the east gate, turn right and enter the main road.

This person is dreaming about Haicheng University, is he staring at Miaomiao

Just when Ji Lang thought so, a black car turned right from the direction of Haicheng University. The moment this car appeared, the other cars on the road instantly became blurred, only it was still in high-definition. of. This kind of close-up like in the movie, let Ji Lang know that this car is the target of the dream owner's attention.

Ji Lang also followed the vision of the owner of the dream, and then he saw a second car, the second car that was not blurred, but still high-definition car drove over. The car was originally driving closely behind the first car. Halfway through the journey, the car suddenly punctured the tire, lost control of the car, rushed forward and slammed into the first car.

After a loud bang, the first car was squeezed and hit the railing by the side of the road.

Ji Lang assessed the impact strength

, if you wear a seat belt, you shouldn't be killed.

At this moment, the surrounding blurry scene suddenly became clear again, a group of people rushed over to check the situation, Ji Lang also saw the scene inside the first car clearly. An elegant-looking middle-aged man, holding a young girl in the passenger seat hoarsely, shouted, "Ambulance, call for a rescue car, my daughter has a heart attack."

Ji Lang glanced at the girl and felt a little familiar. After recalling it for a while, he remembered that he had seen it in Wu Miaomiao's circle of friends. This girl was one of Wu Miaomiao's roommates, and she seemed to be called Gongsun Lian.

Is this middle-aged man planning to use the accidental car accident to make Gongsun Lian sick and die? Does he have a grudge against Gongsun Lian

Ji Lang felt a little strange, but didn't think about it deeply. What he wanted to figure out most now was the hatred between the other party and himself.

"Entering the sea of dreams." As Ji Lang's words fell, the middle-aged man's dream began to become disordered, as if there was a huge suction pulling the dream outside, distorting the dream, and finally shrinking and turning into a yellow The dream bubbles floated up.

Ji Lang looked at the various dream bubbles in the dream sea and asked aloud, "Why do you know me?"

As the words fell, a gray dream bubble stood out and landed in front of Ji Lang. Ji Lang raised his hand a little, and the dream spread out.

In the dream, a middle-aged man was talking loudly to a young man with dyed yellow hair in a villa.

"What did you say?"

"Second brother was arrested?" The yellow-haired youth looked nervous.

"How could it be? Isn't that line of his buried for a long time and has always been safe?"

"It was the head of the orphanage who was caught. After that guy was caught, he escorted the second brother out. The second brother didn't have time to run, and was caught by the police."

"Didn't you say that the dean is a good person in the country? Why did something happen all of a sudden? There was no sign of it beforehand?"

"It's because of this person." The yellow-haired youth took out a computer and opened a website.

Ji Lang glanced at it, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because the website page opened by the yellow-haired youth was his novel column.

"Isn't this the novelist you often read?"

"Yes, it's him. Brother, I told you before that the crime novels written by this writer named Zihe are very exciting, and can almost perfectly restore all the crime scenes. The very famous case of liver poaching in China before, Three people died in a row, and the police have no clue. After he reasoned it out, he serialized the novel on the Internet to help the police catch it. This time, the matter of the head of the orphanage was also reasoned out by him." With a remorse on his face, "It's all my fault. If I didn't go to sea that day, I could see the update as soon as possible to remind my second brother."

He is still a fan of his own books, no wonder he knows himself.

Ji Lang didn't find it very strange that his book fans were criminals. The books he wrote were rather dark, and the Internet was mixed, and no one knew what the people behind the ID were.

So this middle-aged man is the head of that organ trafficking team after the incident of Director Hong? Didn't Huo Mingzhi say that he had already arrested someone? As a result, only one second brother was caught? Fortunately, I'm embarrassed to call myself a police detective, you useless thing.

Ji Lang couldn't help but scolded, and continued to read the dream.

"What are you doing in Haicheng this time?" As the words fell, a pale yellow dream bubble floated out and landed in front of Ji Lang.

Ji Lang opened.

In the dream, middle-aged men seem to be chatting with people through the Internet, and the software they chat is not any familiar chat tool, but an online game. Two game characters, standing face to face, are chatting. Their nicknames are also very arrogant and blatant. One is called Customer 0199, and the other is called Organ Merchant.

It's really hidden in the city, and he blatantly named himself an organ dealer, I'm afraid no one would think that he really sells organs.

Client 0199: [Where did you promise my heart? Didn't you say give it to me this weekend?]

Organ merchant: [I'm really sorry, there is a problem with our supply chain, and we are already trying to find a way.]

Client 0199: [Think of a way, how do you think of a way? My grandson is in a hurry to get a heart, and the doctor said that he only has three months.]

Organ merchant: [Don't worry, we will deliver the goods after we receive the money. Give me three days, and I will answer you.]

As soon as the screen changed, three days later, it was still a familiar game screen, and the two continued to chat.

Organ seller: [Has your grandson registered for organ transplantation in the hospital?]

Customer 0199: [If I can wait until the organ transplant, will I come to you to buy it?]

Organ merchant: [Please tell me, have you registered?]

Client 0199: [Registered, ranked sixth in blood type A, there is almost no hope. So, you must find my heart.]

Organ seller: [You can wait in peace, I will let your grandson find a heart that suits him within three months.]

Seeing this, Ji Lang suddenly remembered what Huo Mingzhi said when he came to his office before.

Blood type A, ranked sixth, waiting for a suitable heart within three months? Could it be that because the line of organ trading was cut off by the police, this man had an idea to hit the volunteers, and then somehow got the list of volunteers and arranged the three accidents

"Did you kill those three organ donation volunteers?" Ji Lang asked.

When the screen changed, the middle-aged man took a list of lists, screened out three people, and handed them to Huang Mao and a strange man with glasses: "One of these three people lives alone and has kidney failure. No one would doubt that he died at home. This, likes to do extreme sports, and those who like extreme sports are prone to accidents. This one rides a bicycle to and from get off work, and always pinch to go to work, so riding very fast during the morning rush hour, which is prone to accidents. "

When Ji Lang saw this, his dream suddenly became blurred, and then a force suddenly appeared and bounced him out.

Ji Lang rubbed his eyebrows gloomily. There is only one situation where he will be ejected from a dream, and that is when the owner of the dream wakes up.

Haven't seen what he wants to do with himself? Ji Lang sat up in confusion. That yellow-haired young man is his book fan, so he can't serialize it on the Internet as before, do you really want to tell Huo Mingzhi

While Ji Lang was struggling, the middle-aged man was awakened by the yellow-haired youth, sweating profusely.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Why do you have nightmares and talk nonsense all the time?" The yellow-haired youth poured a glass of water for the middle-aged man.

"What did I say?" the middle-aged man asked with a pale face.

"You said a lot, intermittently, about second brother, about customers, and about volunteers." The yellow-haired youth said with a bad expression, "Big brother, in our line of business, you can't dream and talk nonsense, it's easy to get into trouble."

"Speak nonsense? I never talk nonsense in my dreams." The middle-aged man naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, and his anxiety became stronger and stronger, "It's really evil, why do I feel like I just made this The events of the past few months have gone through my head as if someone were asking me in a dream."

"Brother, are you under too much pressure?" the decadent man asked.

The middle-aged man took a sip from the water glass and said with a gloomy face, "After meeting that Ji Lang today, I always have a bad feeling."

"Brother, why don't you go online and ask for a hexagram?" The decadent man suggested.

"That's all it takes."

The middle-aged man sat up, took out his mobile phone, and bought a hexagram on Taobao for 10,000 yuan at a Taobao store called Xincheng Zeling.

This shop was introduced by an intelligence dealer he met on the dark web, saying that this person was very good at fortune-telling. The middle-aged man at the beginning of the period didn't believe it, he just thought it was an intelligence dealer who increased the price in disguise, thinking that 10,000 yuan was not much, so he bought two hexagrams at random. As a result, he did not expect that the hexagrams were extremely precise and accurate, and helped him through several difficulties.

With a "ding" sound, Taobao sent a voice chat prompt, which was the reply message from the shopkeeper Guigua.

[Donor, what is it?]Succinct and concise, at first glance it is an old customer.

[Master, I want to calculate whether my next things will go well or not.]The middle-aged man said.

[Wait for my hexagram.]

About five minutes later, the ghost trigrams came back with information.

[Have you met someone today that makes you feel very uneasy?]

The middle-aged man was startled, and hurriedly said: [Yes, I met a person, and I have been very uneasy since I saw him.]

[From the hexagram, what you want to do will fail because of this person.]

The middle-aged man was shocked: [He already knows what I'm going to do?]

[The horoscope shows that someone will do something tomorrow morning to ruin your next plan. I can only count so much.]

The middle-aged man stared at the last sentence for a long time, and the fierceness in his eyes gradually became crazy.

"Brother, why don't we withdraw, if Ji Lang really knows about us, he will write a book tomorrow morning." The yellow-haired youth said nervously, "We will leave now, before it's too late."

"If he is as powerful as you said, he can deduce everything, do you think we can get away? It's not like you don't know how powerful Interpol is now. I don't want to hide around like a bereaved dog." The middle-aged man's eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't know whether it was because he didn't sleep well, or because of the madness in his heart at this time.

"Brother, what are your plans?" The yellow-haired youth and the decadent man looked at the middle-aged man, knowing that he had already made up his mind.

"Didn't the master say that he will destroy our plan tomorrow morning? Then he will not be able to speak tomorrow. By the way, we will also avenge the second child."