The Witch

Chapter 81


Huo Mingzhi drove a police car and quickly arrived at the crime scene.

After getting out of the car, the traffic police dispersed the crowd. When Huo Mingzhi approached to see the model and license plate of the car, he was stunned. His calm expression immediately changed to urgency, he quickly approached the car, his eyes swept quickly, and he soon picked up a mobile phone under the seat. He picked up the phone, pressed it, and the dark screen lit up, showing a text message from an unfamiliar number inside.

And this unfamiliar number, he recognized, was the text message he sent to Ji Lang with Yang Ming's phone number before he dispatched the police. He has been sending text messages to Ji Lang every morning these days.

"Who of you saw the incident?" Huo Mingzhi rushed to the crowd and asked anxiously.

Yang Ming, who was already asking for witnesses' testimony, was a little confused when he saw Team Huo's eager look, and couldn't help but slander: Team Huo has handled countless cases, how could a kidnapping case be so stressful.

"I, I saw it, two cars rushed over and forced the car to stop one after the other."

"What forced the stop, the black SUV coming from behind, ran directly to the driver's seat and hit it. After hitting it several times, it was almost killing people."

"Yes, yes, you see that there are bloodstains on the seat, it must be serious."

"Two cars, what kind of car is the other one? What's the license plate?" Huo Mingzhi grabbed one of the most talkative people and asked.

"The other is a white van, the license plate, I don't remember the license plate." The man shook his head.

"What about the others? Has anyone seen the license plate?" Yang Ming immediately turned to ask the others.

"Did not notice."

"It's too fast, we've been looking at people, and we didn't pay attention to the license plate."

"Yes, the two cars were negotiated at first sight. From hitting people to leaving, it only took a while."

"Yes, yes, they are all wearing masks and sunglasses, so they can't see their faces clearly. It's scary."

"How many people? How many people are there in total?" Huo Mingzhi quickly asked again.

"I only saw two people. I got out of the car and took the people in the car directly away." Someone who saw it said rigorously.

After that, Yang Ming and Huo Mingzhi asked the witnesses who saw the kidnapping process again, and the information they asked was similar to the previous one. There were two vehicles in total. The white van stopped in the wrong direction, and the black SUV deliberately ran over to stop the accident car. Then two big men wearing masks and sunglasses came out of the black SUV, forcibly opened the door, and took the victim away.

"It seems to be a pre-planned kidnapping case. I'll check the identity of the owner of the car, and then notify the family to see if I can ask for some clues." Yang Ming said, and was about to walk towards the traffic police.

"It's Ji Lang's car." Huo Mingzhi suddenly said.

"What?!" Yang Ming was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood why Team Huo was so nervous just now. Team Huo and Ji Lang have some friendship, and everyone in the police team knows it.

"Let's go, let's go." At this time, Dong Yongyuan and Yi Guan also ran over under the guidance of the doll. As soon as the two arrived at the scene, they saw their boss's almost deformed car that was hit, and immediately fell back. A breath of fresh air.

"Team Huo." Dong Yongyuan saw Huo Mingzhi standing inside at this time, and shouted anxiously outside the cordon.

Huo Mingzhi looked up and saw Dong Yongyuan and walked over.

"Team Huo, where's the boss, how's our boss?" The doll couldn't speak clearly. They ran all the way and saw the accident car, thinking it was Ji Lang's accident.

"Still looking." Huo Ming knew.

"Still... Still looking? What do you mean? Wasn't the boss sent to the hospital by you?" Dong Yongyuan and Analysys were both stunned.

"Ji Lang was kidnapped." Huo Mingzhi said with an ugly face.

"What?!" Both of them were shocked at the same time.

At this time, Yang Ming had recovered from his shock. He came over and asked, "Has Ji Lang offended anyone recently, or has any abnormal behavior?"

"No." Dong Yongyuan said without thinking, "The boss's daily life is very regular. Except for work and going home, he hardly contacts people. How can he offend people."

"Yes." Analysys also followed closely. In terms of Zhaijia's ability, the only person who is stronger than him is probably the boss.

"This is a planned kidnapping case, and from the point of view of the operation method, the kidnappers are brutal and skilled, and at first glance they are veterans. Could it be the books written by Ji Lang, which caused revenge? Ji Lang recently Are you preparing a new book?" Yang Ming guessed.

"I don't know?" Analysys shook his head, "The boss won't tell us in advance before opening the book."

"Yes, the boss writes directly every time." When Dong Yongyuan replied, he tightly pressed the doll in his arms, for fear that the doll's excitement would be exposed in front of so many people.

"He may really be preparing a new book." Huo Mingzhi suddenly said.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and all looked at Huo Mingzhi.

Huo Mingzhi seemed to have thought of something, and his face was full of regret: "I asked him to help me see a case a few days ago."

"The case of the organ donation volunteer you suspected?" Yang Ming immediately thought of it.

"Well." Huo Mingzhi clenched his hands into fists, trembling uncontrollably, "If it's really them..."

"If it's true, these people even killed innocent volunteers, then Ji Lang, who discovered their secret, will definitely be..." Yang Ming thought of the possible consequences, his face turned pale, "Boss, let's not Frightening yourself is not necessarily like this. You see, there is no motive in that case, just your suspicion. Ji Lang is so angry, he must have offended someone else. Or, the kidnapper is trying to make money, Ji Lang sells copyrights, It also makes a lot of money…”

"How is it? How is the boss?" Bei Fan and Shan Junyi also ran over at this time, interrupting Yang Ming's self-comforting words.

"The boss has been kidnapped." Analysys was worried.

"What?!" the two shouted in disbelief.

"Go and adjust the surveillance. It's not long before the car drives away, and the road surveillance will definitely capture it. Dong Yongyuan, you contact Ji Lang's family to see if there is any phone call from the kidnappers. If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible." Said After that, Huo Mingzhi turned around and got into the police car, intending to go to the Ministry of Transportation to check and monitor in person.

If it is kidnapping for extortion, then there must be extortion calls, but from the description of the witnesses just now, the possibility of kidnapping for extortion is not high. No kidnapper for money would be so impulsive to kidnap people in public. This kind of operation of theirs is like the silence of the dog jumping over the wall.

Huo Mingzhi has followed Ji Lang for nearly ten years. He even knows Ji Lang better than Dong Yongyuan and the others. For nearly ten years, Ji Lang has no friends except those who must be contacted by work and study. He doesn't like to be in contact with strangers, and even avoids contact with strangers. Every day in addition to work, he goes home, and occasionally he goes to the hospital to get some medicine for treatment because of insomnia. How could someone with such a simple life be kidnapped for offending people

If it is for money, although the Ji family has small assets, it is obvious that Ji Lang's seven- or eight-year-old younger brother is more suitable for kidnapping than the adult and powerful Ji Lang, so it is extremely unlikely for money.

Excluding these possibilities, the only thing left that could induce the kidnapping was Ji Lang's reasoning ability. For the books he wrote, let's not talk about the previous ones. In the two recent cases, the suspects have already been arrested. Even if it is an accomplice's revenge, it would be fine to just kill him, so why kidnap him. So after thinking about it, the only reasonable explanation is the case that I asked Ji Lang to help analyze a few days ago.

Although I don't know Ji Lang

How did he analyze and deduce the case, but Ji Lang must have his own set of investigation methods, and he may even have mastered something, so he was targeted, and the reason why they tried so hard to kidnap Ji Lang was not. There is only one possibility to kill on the spot.

"Yang Ming, check Ji Lang's blood type." Huo Mingzhi said anxiously.

When he got in the car just now, Huo Mingzhi robbed the driver's seat, and at this time, Yang Ming, who was sitting in the passenger seat, could only check the information.

"Okay." Ji Lang was often in and out of the hospital, and he was hospitalized for a long time when he was a child, so Yang Ming quickly found out Ji Lang's blood type, "Boss, Ji Lang is... blood type A."

Yang Ming just felt like he was falling into an ice cellar and his body was cold. How could it be so coincidental? In the case of the volunteer suspected by the boss before, the three dead volunteers also had blood type A.

Huo Mingzhi's eyes flashed with sternness, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he galloped out all the way: "Let everyone in the team go out, and Ji Lang must be found."

Haicheng University.

Wu Miaomiao was in class. She and her roommates were in the last row, making up for the lack of sleep in the morning. At this time, the mobile phone on the table vibrated. It was Dong Yongyuan who was calling her. She picked it up and pressed the hang up button. Just when she was about to send WeChat to tell the other party that she was in class, Dong Yongyuan called her again. Called.

Seems to be in a hurry.

Wu Miaomiao hesitated, put on the headset, and connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Dong Yongyuan's anxious voice came over: "The boss, the boss has been kidnapped."


Wu Miaomiao pushed the table, and ran out of the classroom like a madman under the screeching sound of the table and chairs colliding with the surprised eyes of the teachers and classmates. This sudden change made the entire teacher stand still.

After a long while, the teacher on the podium came back to his senses, and shouted with a livid face: "Where is the monitor, who is that girl just now, write down the name for me."

Wu Lexin and Gongsun Lian didn't know what happened to Wu Miaomiao, so they wanted to ask, but they didn't dare to skip class under the fire-breathing eyes of the teacher, so they could only quietly send a WeChat to Wu Miaomiao and ask her what happened thing.

But at this time, Wu Miaomiao had no time to reply to WeChat. She almost rushed out of the school gate, stopped a taxi, and ran to the city criminal police brigade.

"Have you found it? Have you found someone?" Wu Miaomiao asked in a veiled manner as soon as she entered the police brigade, regardless of who was inside.

On the way here, Dong Yongyuan had already told her about what happened. She knew that Ji Lang had been kidnapped and that the police were looking for someone to monitor surveillance.

"Madam, the police are still looking." The studio group of four were waiting for news from the criminal police team, and when they saw Wu Miaomiao coming, they hurried up to meet them.

"Madam, don't get excited, the boss will be fine." Shan Junyi comforted, "The kidnappers must have kidnapped for money. Until they get the money, they won't hurt the boss."

Of course, Wu Miaomiao knew that Ji Lang was not in danger. There was a bracelet made of hair between them. If Ji Lang's life was in danger, she could feel it immediately. But this feeling means that when there is a life-and-death crisis, she cannot feel other situations. But even if there is no life-and-death crisis, what should the kidnapper do if he abuses Xianggong? What to do if you beat him and scold him? And before people are found, anything can happen.

Wu Miaomiao is in a hurry.

At this time, the doll secretly looked at Wu Miaomiao while others were not paying attention.

When Wu Miaomiao saw the doll, her eyes lit up suddenly. She took the doll from Dong Yongyuan, turned around and left the city criminal police team and returned to the studio opposite. The studio group of four met, and they all went back after they seemed to think of something.

Back in the studio, Wu Miaomiao put the doll on the table and asked, "Doll, can you find the kidnapper?"

The doll shook her head.

"Didn't you put a curse on them?" Wu Miaomiao was anxious.

"Ah, ah~~" The doll pointed at Wu Miaomiao and continued to shake her head.

Wu Miaomiao guessed the meaning of the doll. The meaning of the doll is that the other party is an ordinary person, and it cannot curse itself to be attacked.

"Then can't you find two ghosts to follow?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

The doll paused, as if she had just thought of this move, and the whole doll was stunned.

With a doll like this, Wu Miaomiao is completely desperate, but she also knows in her heart that she can't blame the doll for this matter. The doll is still a remnant, and her IQ is not high. How could she have such a strong adaptability in that situation . But at that time, apart from the doll, no one could help.

"Madam, the doll has worked very hard, and it ran over to report the letter immediately." Dong Yongyuan couldn't bear to see the doll's self-blame.

"Yes, Madam Boss, doll... She's still a child who can't speak." Analysys couldn't help but say.

Bei Fan and Shan Junyi looked at the scene in front of them and fell into mental shock again.

The doll is talking again!

Why do Dongzi and Yi watch look familiar with the doll

The two of them seemed to have long known that the doll was alive.

What did the lady boss say just now, curse, chase after ghosts, God, what did I hear

"Madam boss, Captain Huo arrived as soon as the case happened. Don't worry, he is a detective, and he will definitely find the boss soon." Dong Yongyuan advised.

Wu Miaomiao looked at the hand rope tied to her left hand, and then covered it with her right hand. When she noticed that the energy fluctuations inside were relatively stable, she forced herself to calm down.

But her calmness only lasted for half an hour.