The Witch

Chapter 82


Failing to ask useful information from the doll, Wu Miaomiao couldn't sit still, so she ran to the city criminal police team again. Although there was only one road on both sides, Wu Miaomiao couldn't wait even if it was such a small distance.

This time, the studio group of four did not follow, only Dong Yongyuan accompanied Wu Miaomiao at the police station, and the others stayed in the studio to wait for news. About half an hour later, Huo Mingzhi walked in from outside the police station, and as soon as he entered the door, he was discovered by the sharp-eyed Dong Yongyuan.

"Team Huo, is there any news from the boss?" Dong Yongyuan asked anxiously.

Knowing that Huo didn't answer Dong Yongyuan, he looked at Wu Miaomiao, who was standing beside Dong Yongyuan with a worried expression, and said, "Come with me."

The two hurried in behind Huo Mingzhi.

Walking all the way to Huo Mingzhi's office, Huo Mingzhi said: "The two cars that kidnapped Ji Lang were abandoned in the woods by the river beach. There was no one around and no surveillance. They should have stepped on it beforehand, deliberately. Change the car over there."

"Then, what about the only way to get out of the river beach? Is there no surveillance over there?" Dong Yongyuan asked anxiously.

"The nearest monitoring station is an intersection. The traffic flow is very heavy. Hundreds of vehicles can pass by in a few minutes. Moreover, we can't determine how long the kidnappers stayed on the beach, so we can't investigate at all." Huo Mingzhi His face was ugly.

It took half an hour from receiving the alarm, to dispatching the police, to the investigation and monitoring of the traffic police department, to finding the kidnapper's vehicle. Half an hour is actually quite fast, but at that intersection, you can pass thousands of vehicles in half an hour.

If the time when the kidnappers left the beach can be determined, they can also narrow the scope of investigation, but the kidnappers may drive away as soon as they reach the beach, or they may stay for ten or fifteen minutes before leaving. The time cannot be determined at all, so they can only try to investigate .

Obviously, the other party is a very experienced criminal gang.

"Then, isn't that hopeless?" After speaking, Dong Yongyuan subconsciously looked at Wu Miaomiao.

Wu Miaomiao's whole body tensed, her teeth biting her lower lip tightly.

"If we rely on the police to investigate, even if we can find it, it will take a very long time, but I'm worried that Ji Lang will run out of time." Huo Ming knew.

"Varied… "

"What do you mean by running out of time?" Wu Miaomiao asked before Dong Yongyuan.

Huo Mingzhi took a deep breath, and remorse flashed in his eyes again: "I suspect Ji Lang was kidnapped by a group of organ traffickers."

"Organ traffickers? Yes... Is it because of Director Hong's case?" Dong Yongyuan guessed.

"I don't know if it's related to that case, but if my guess is right, Ji Lang's life will be in danger at any time." Huo Ming knew.

Wu Miaomiao was shocked, and the doll in her arms also froze and her eyes widened.

"Some time ago, three organ donation volunteers with blood type A died in Haicheng in a row. Because it was too coincidental, I felt a little strange, so I found information and asked Ji Lang to help me analyze." Huo Mingzhi regretted his original decision. , but also knew that regret was useless at this time, he had to find Ji Lang as quickly as possible, "I suspect that Ji Lang should have found something, and even had contact with the other party, so that he will be targeted by organ traffickers. So, I came to you to ask you, has Ji Lang been to any place or seen anyone during this time? No suspicious person can be spared."

Dong Yongyuan's hands and feet were already cold at this time, but he still replied calmly: "No, I am handling the external affairs of the studio. Boss, the boss has not seen any suspicious people during this time."

Huo Mingzhi turned to look at Wu Miaomiao: "How about you?"

"No." Wu Miaomiao shook her head. She has been in school for the past few days. Except for the one time when Ji Lang came to school to pick up the baby, they never saw each other again.

Huo Mingzhi showed deep disappointment in his eyes.

no? Is there really no clue at all? The organ traffickers made such a big noise to kidnap Ji Lang. They must know that the police will take action, so they will deal with Ji Lang in the shortest time and then escape.

No, they must be rescued. They will definitely not let Ji Lang live too long. As long as they find a suitable place, they will kill Ji Lang and take away the organs. As long as he thought of what those organ traffickers might do to Ji Lang, Huo Mingzhi trembled all over.

Calm down, calm down, if they are going to have surgery, they will definitely buy the medicines needed for the surgery, go to the pharmacy to check, and check the pharmacies in the whole city.

"Captain, we found a suspicious car." Suddenly, someone pushed the door in and reported anxiously.

When Huo Mingzhi heard it, he didn't care to speak, left the two people in the office and rushed out.

After he left, only Wu Miaomiao and Dong Yongyuan were left in the office. Wu Miaomiao stood quietly in the center of the room, bowing her head, not knowing what she was thinking, but Dong Yongyuan was inexplicably uneasy.

It's not right, very wrong. Before, when the boss didn't know that the boss's life was in danger, the boss's wife was already in a hurry. How can you now know that the boss's life may be in danger at any time, but the boss's wife is so calm

"Dongdong, is there any place with few people around here?" Wu Miaomiao raised her head and asked faintly. Her face was calm and her tone was neither hurried nor slow, but inexplicably made people panic.

"Boss lady, you... what are you going to do?" Dong Yongyuan asked.

"The police can't find my husband, so I'll look for him." Wu Miaomiao said.

"But... Didn't the doll say I couldn't find it?" Dong Yongyuan wondered.

Didn't the proprietress ask the doll before? The doll didn't put a curse on the kidnapper, so there was no trace of the kidnapper at all

"Just tell me, is there a place with few people?" Wu Miaomiao glanced at Dong Yongyuan.

"This... This place with few people nearby, if I have to say, is the roof of the campus building, there is no one there." Dong Yongyuan was a little flustered by Wu Miaomiao's glance.


Wu Miaomiao hugged the doll and walked out. The two crossed the road and returned to the studio.

The three of Beifan were also anxiously waiting for the news. When they saw the two returning, they hurriedly greeted them: "How is it, is there any news from the boss?"

"Have you found anyone?"

Dong Yongyuan sighed and shook his head, hesitating to explain, he turned to Wu Miaomiao and said, "Madam, I'll go to the administrator to get the key to the roof of the building, and you will ask them to take you there in a while."

After that, Dong Yongyuan turned and left, and went to the park administrator to get the key to the roof of the building.

The three of Beifan are a little puzzled. Isn't this worrying about the boss? Why is Dongzi going to the roof of the building

"Is there anything like red ink or paint in the studio that I can draw?" Wu Miaomiao asked the three of them.

Seeing that Wu Miaomiao seemed very anxious, Shan Junyi said, "There should be spare ink cartridges in the warehouse, which are similar in nature to ink."

"Bring it to me." Wu Miaomiao said eagerly.

Shan Junyi immediately went to the warehouse to take out the ink for the printer and handed it to Wu Miaomiao.

"Go, go to the top floor." Wu Miaomiao took the ink and walked out.

The three looked at each other and ran out.

The roof of the building mentioned by Dong Yongyuan is the tallest office building in the middle of the park, with eighteen floors. When the three rushed over with Wu Miaomiao, Dong Yongyuan had already taken the key and waited at the elevator entrance. He saw that the three of Beifan followed the proprietress

Here, some want them to go back, but after thinking about it, the three of them have already seen the doll talking, and it should be no surprise to see the boss lady doing something strange next.

Yes, on the way back from the police station, Dong Yongyuan had already guessed what the proprietress wanted to do. The proprietress must use some kind of witchcraft to find the whereabouts of the boss.

A few minutes later, everyone took the elevator to the top floor.

When she got to the top of the building, Wu Miaomiao glanced around and walked straight to an open place. Then she put the doll on the ground and took out the red ink she just took out from the studio. Wu Miaomiao unscrewed the lid, took out the silver needle she carried with her from her bag, and poked her finger hard, and a drop of blood dissolved into the ink.

Analysys and Dong Yongyuan are okay, they have experience and can probably guess what Wu Miaomiao is doing. And Bei Fan and Shan Junyi suffered the impact of the three-view fragmentation again.

Madam what is this doing

Dripping blood into the ink, I feel like I'm going to engage in sorcery.

"Boss lady, do you want to draw a formation?" Dong Yongyuan asked.

"Well." Wu Miaomiao kept moving in her hand, put the silver needle away, and took out a slap-sized Good Dream doll from her backpack.

She didn't have a brush at hand, and she had to use ink to draw the array, so she could only use the good dream doll instead. She dipped the head of the Good Dream Doll in red ink, and then began to draw the formation, stroke by stroke, methodically, and soon most of the formation was revealed.

With the formation of the formation, Dong Yongyuan and the four discovered that the formation drawn by Wu Miaomiao was not only complex, but also huge. The area occupied by the formation was as much as 50 square meters.

"Dongzi, Madam Boss, this is a big move." Yi Guan had seen Wu Miaomiao's formation before. The size of the formation that the doll spit out last time was nothing compared to the one before him. Although he doesn't understand the mystery of the mystery, but such a big formation, the power is definitely not small.

Although Bei Fan and Shan Junyi had never seen Wu Miaomiao's formation, they could guess that this huge formation drawn with blood dripped, although they didn't know what the effect was, it was definitely powerful. What's more, there is a weird doll standing in the middle of the formation.

That's right, since the top floor, the doll has been standing in the center of the formation, not noisy or noisy, and has been standing so quietly. Although puppets should be quiet and motionless, they don't know why, they feel that such a quiet doll is more weird than a doll that can talk and run in the morning.

Dong Yongyuan did not answer, because he had already felt the enormous power from the formation that was gradually taking shape. This power was not spiritual power, but a cold and uneasy power.

"Old... Madam Boss, is your formation... used to find the boss?" Dong Yongyuan began to doubt his guesses. This formation didn't feel like looking for someone, but like killing someone.

At this time, Wu Miaomiao just finished painting the formation, she stood up, walked outside the formation, and said to the four, "Go down, I'm going to summon the soul."

Trick... what? !

Except for Dong Yongyuan, the other three were startled.

Wu Miaomiao didn't have time to wait for them to leave. She was anxious to find Ji Lang's whereabouts, so she said again, "If you don't want to leave, stand behind me."

The three of them heard the words and stood over together.

Only Dong Yongyuan still looked at the formation under his feet nervously: "Madam, how many souls are you planning to find?"

"How many, how many tricks. If a ghost can't find the whereabouts of the husband, I will let the ghosts in the whole city find it." Wu Miaomiao took a step forward, Wu Liyun in the palm of his hand, and shouted towards the doll in the center of the formation, "Doll ,here we go."

The doll remained silent and did not move.

As the words fell, Wu Miaomiao's palm fell and slapped the formation fiercely.

I don't know if it was an illusion. The four Dong Yongyuan felt that the formation that had just been drawn seemed to flash a red light, as if some force followed the lines of the formation and merged into the center of the formation. into the body of the doll.

"a ha ha ha… "

The doll suddenly burst out laughing, it raised its head sharply, looked towards the sky, a surging and gloomy aura emanated from its body. As if some kind of seal had been undone, the doll's facial features began to change, gradually becoming blurred, and finally the entire face turned into a grimace made of mist, gloomy and eerie.

At this time, as if the wind was blowing, the four of them felt a biting chill at the same time under the warm autumn sun.

The three of Beifan just felt cold, but Dong Yongyuan, the only one among them who could see the ghost, saw a completely different scene.

Around this top floor, from all directions, countless ghosts gathered. That scene, as if after the gate of hell was opened, there were hundreds of ghosts walking at night.

No, this isn't a ghost walking at night, it's still broad daylight. He has grown so big that he has never seen so many ghosts in the daytime.

Madam Boss, how many ghosts did you recruit at one time!