The Witch

Chapter 83


In the park, the hardworking social animals suddenly sneezed, waking everyone in the office.

"Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

"Didn't the weather forecast say the minimum temperature today is 22 degrees?"

"How many degrees is the air conditioner running? I don't need money for electricity bills."

Everyone said something to me, but they all discussed a few words, then bowed their heads and continued to work.

At the same time, all the mysterious people in Haicheng discovered an extremely strange phenomenon. They found that there were suddenly many ghosts on the street. Those ghosts seemed to be attracted by something, and they all flew in one direction. The most important thing is that the speed is definitely not something that ordinary ghosts can have. And not only human-shaped ghosts, but even birds and beasts, as long as they are souls that have not yet reincarnated in the underworld, they all run in one direction.

"What's going on? Has the Ghost King been born?" The people in Xuanmen were startled, and they were constantly discussing in the association group, and there were even people @ the top of the association.

Qi Xiuran, the president of the Metaphysics Association, was also discussing this sudden change with the senior management of the association. He saw that the discussion in the group was becoming more and more intense, and there was everything in it, so he had to speak out.

Qi Xiuran: [Everyone, don't be impatient, the association is verifying the situation.]

As soon as he said this, the group finally calmed down, and everyone stopped @ him, but they were still discussing.

[I just managed to catch the ghost that I had been chasing for three days, and just as he was about to attack, he suddenly ran away again. That speed is absolutely impossible to practice in a hundred years.]

[Me too, I was exorcising ghosts just now, my ghost exorcism talisman didn’t work yet, the ghost ran out of the human body by itself and flew away.]

[Then you can earn enough money easily.]

[I don't know what's going on with this vision, don't look back and the ghost runs back again, I have to sell it a second time, it seems that my craftsmanship is not good.]

[Tell me, could it be that the yin qi was out of balance, accidentally opened the ghost door, and a ghost king ran out?]

[Two years ago on the Ghost Festival, a ghost king accidentally ran out, stood on the mountain and roared, and the scene was almost like this.]

[Has the association not found a place yet? With so many ghosts, it is troublesome to lose control.]

Dong Yongyuan shivered as he looked at the guesses of everyone in the group. As the person with the lowest profound arts in the group, but the closest to the truth, it is very difficult for him to do it.

Tell the association that the lady boss will definitely be targeted by the association. Originally, she and the boss had a bad relationship with the association. But if you don't tell it, the association will come to you sooner or later.

Madam Boss, Madam Boss, you said that you want to summon people. You can find dozens of them, not enough, you can find hundreds of them. If you make such a big battle, the ghosts of the whole city will be summoned by you. what.

"Dongzi, what's wrong with you?" Bei Fan asked strangely.

The four of them were all standing behind Wu Miaomiao at this time, and the three of Bei Fan did not feel anything different except that they felt a little cold. But Dong Yongyuan is different. From the beginning, Dong Yongyuan has been staring at the sky with a look of fear, as if there is something particularly terrifying there.

"Is there a ghost coming?" Yi Guan had seen ghosts, so he could vaguely guess from Dong Yongyuan's expression.

"Is there really a ghost?" Shan Junyi has always been a staunch materialist. Although his three views have been shattered several times in less than two hours in the past, he still can't accept it psychologically. .

"Then it suddenly became so cold, could it be because of ghosts?" Bei Fan thought so, his body trembled unconsciously, "Then... what, are there a lot of them?"

The question that Bei Fan asked, the other two also wanted to know, so the three of them looked at Dong Yongyuan in unison.

"A lot." Dong Yongyuan trembled.

"How much is a lot? Seven or eight?" Bei Fan asked.

Dong Yongyuan shook his head.

"A dozen?" Shan Junyi asked.

Dong Yongyuan continued to shake his head.

"You can't be surrounded by ghosts." Yi Guan asked.

Dong Yongyuan looked at Analysys and continued to shake his head.

"Don't ask him, this guy deliberately scare us." Shan Junyi said.

"..." Dong Yongyuan wanted to cry without tears.

Peat, I deliberately scare you? ! If it weren't for Lao Tzu's low spiritual power, believe it or not, I'll open the eyes of yin and yang to you, and let you see this ghost in the sky. It's not just that there are ghosts all around you, and there are all densely packed above your heads. This is after a group of people has gone. The ghosts brought in by the proprietress came in batches, and left in batches. I have never seen so many ghosts when I grow up.

Because of Wu Miaomiao's continuous evoking of souls, a black vortex formed by condensed yin energy has appeared above the formation at this time, and it is constantly expanding.

"Madam, you can't summon the soul any more. If you keep recruiting, the gate of hell will open." Dong Yongyuan shouted to Wu Miaomiao, holding back his fear.

If the yin qi that is constantly spinning reaches a certain concentration, it will open the gate of hell and connect the two worlds of yin and yang. This kind of ghost gate is different from the ghost gate opened by the usual celestial masters. The ghost gate opened by the supernatural ghost can support at most two or three ghosts to pass through. But this kind of super ghost gate is already equivalent to the ghost gate opened on the July Half Ghost Festival. This kind of large ghost gate, the underworld only opens once a year on the ghost festival, and it is opened under the joint supervision of countless ghost messengers and celestial masters.

If the proprietress opens the gate of hell without any preparation, the underworld and the world will be in chaos at the same time, and then the trouble will be big.

at the same time.

In the abandoned factory in the suburbs, Ji Lang woke up in a daze. He subconsciously wanted to move, but found that he couldn't move. He seemed to be tied to something like a bed.

"God, awake?" The middle-aged man noticed when Ji Lang woke up. He was standing beside Ji Lang and was putting ice cubes in a strange box.

Ji Lang frowned and stared at each other coldly.

"You're not surprised at all when you see me, it seems that you have really found me." The middle-aged man confirmed his conjecture from Ji Lang's expression, and was even more grateful for his bold decision last night.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Ji Lang asked.

"Not long, only an hour and a half." Said, the middle-aged man grabbed another handful of ice cubes and put them in the box.

Ji Lang looked at the box, his pupils shrank for a while.

"God Zihe is so smart and can deduce so many cases, he must know what I'm going to do to you." The middle-aged man turned the box in his hand so that Ji Lang could see clearly, "I'll take you out in a while. The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all dug out and packed in this box.”

Ji Lang still stared at the middle-aged man coldly, without any fear in his eyes.

"So courageous, so bold." The middle-aged man grinned and applauded, "You are so smart, when you wake up and see me, you'll know what I'm going to do to you. You're investigating me so actively, not just to save you Those volunteers? Well, I'll give you this chance, and I'll make it happen. Originally, I had to kill three more people to get my client the heart he wanted, but last night when I investigated you, I Suddenly I found out that you are also type A blood."

The middle-aged man laughed heartily: "You said it's a coincidence, you are also blood type A, as long as I kill you and give your heart to my client, wouldn't those three people not have to die? can take the rest of you

Those organs are given to other patients in need, so that several more people can be saved. You said, you are so kind and great, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself to save those poor patients. "

Ji Lang suddenly sneered and laughed, closed his eyes and stopped looking at him.

"Okay, I admire, you can still laugh at this time, you are a man. The third child, you don't need to prepare anesthesia. How about we plan to die? Anyway, you are going to die, don't worry, I will take your heart first, you It won't be in pain for a long time." The middle-aged man said frantic words with a smile on his face.

Ji Lang was calm from beginning to end, from being caught, to waking up, and then to the middle-aged man who wanted to give birth to his heart, he was always calm. This kind of calm is not something he pretended to be, but that he was really calm and didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

He was never afraid of death.

However, after being arrested for so long, Miao Miao should have known that the girl would be in a hurry.

The doll was also left in the car by herself, and I don't know if she was frightened.

"Boss, let me come." The yellow-haired young man stood on the other side of the operating table with scissors, "I am a fan of the great god Zihe, although I have never gotten his autograph, but holding his heart with my own hands is also a good idea. good."

"You can open your chest, but I'll take the heart. Be careful if it breaks." The middle-aged man said worriedly.

"Okay." The yellow-haired youth raised the scissors in one hand and the placket on Ji Lang's chest in the other, and cut it with a brush, revealing the cold white skin inside.

Immediately, his chest became cold, and Ji Lang opened his eyes excitedly.

The yellow-haired youth sterilized Ji Lang's chest with alcohol, and said with a smile, "Da Zihe, don't worry, I'll be gentle with that knife in a while."

At this time, the decadent man came over with a bunch of equipment and said coldly, "Start."

The yellow-haired youth no longer hesitated, picked up the scalpel on the table and cut it towards Ji Lang's chest.

At the same time, the rope in Wu Miaomiao's left hand on the roof of the park suddenly became hot, making her face change in horror.


"Boss lady?!" Dong Yongyuan was still trying to persuade him, when Wu Miaomiao suddenly shouted like this, he was shocked and felt bad.

"Baby, order all the ghosts who go out to look for them to kill me once they find someone hurting my husband." Wu Miaomiao's eyes were already red.

Xianggong, you don't have anything to do, don't have anything to do, I'll come to rescue you right away, I'll find you right away.

When Dong Yongyuan heard Wu Miaomiao's last words, his face was pale in fright: "Madam boss, if you kill a ghost, you will be attacked by heaven."

"I can't control that much. I will kill anyone who dares to kill Xianggong." Wu Miaomiao felt the increasingly hot hand rope in her left hand, and her whole person had lost her mind.

"Boss, don't be impulsive, the boss is a nightmare, he won't get into trouble so easily." Dong Yongyuan tried to dissuade him.

Wu Miaomiao was unmoved, increased the power of the witch, and urged the formation.

Just when Dong Yongyuan was extremely anxious, Dong Yongyuan's cell phone rang, and it was a call from senior brother Xu Wei. Dong Yongyuan was in a state of no master, and immediately answered the phone, wanting to ask his senior brother if there was any way to stop Wu Miaomiao.

"Dong Yongyuan, isn't that huge yin vortex in Ji Lang's studio?" Xu Wei's roar came over as soon as the phone was connected.


"Yes?! You know why you didn't say it earlier? What the hell is Ji Lang doing?"

"It's not the boss, it's the boss's wife. The boss was kidnapped, and the boss's wife called Wan Gui to find someone." Dong Yongyuan was about to cry.

"What?" Xu Wei was obviously startled.

"The boss was caught by an organ dealer. The police said that his life would be in danger at any time. The lady boss went crazy when she heard it."

"Bullshit, if the nightmare is so easy to die, will our association be so hard?" Xu Wei roared, "Hurry up and stop her, the door to hell will open."