The Witch

Chapter 84


Abandoned factory, basement.

The yellow-haired youth smiled wickedly, and the scalpel at the tip of his finger fell and touched Ji Lang's heart.

Push hard, push down.

A sharp sting made Ji Lang groan uncontrollably, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"God Zihe, don't move, or I accidentally cut it crookedly, and you'll have to get a second cut." The young man with yellow hair didn't know if he was really worried that Ji Lang would get another cut, or he was afraid that he would get hit with one cut. Injured the heart, could not help but reminded.

"Then you have to hurry up." Ji Lang said impatiently.

"As expected of the big, tough guy I like." The yellow-haired young man laughed loudly, his fingers pressed hard again, the scalpel pressed down, and then pulled.

The severe pain instantly rushed to his brain, Ji Lang gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists desperately to keep himself from screaming, but even under such intense pain, he could still feel the coldness of the blade and the flow of blood Warmth from the outside.

A real feeling of being close to death came to mind, and the power of nightmare lingering around Ji Lang seemed to have broken through some kind of restriction, and it seemed to be protecting the Lord. With Ji Lang as the center, it exploded and shot straight into the sky.

[What is that, there is such a strong hostility there.]

[Come over and take a look.]

This scene attracted the attention of all the ghosts who were searching around, but the hostility was so heavy that they dared not approach, so they could only stay outside the factory and wait for the hostile spirit to dissipate before they dared to fly quietly. go in.

The ghost passed through the iron gate, through the floor, and soon into the basement. Then, they saw a man lying on the operating table, bleeding from his chest.

[My God, this seems to be the person the wizard is looking for.]

[He bleeds a lot, is he dead?]

[What to do, what to do, hurry up and call the police.]

[Are you stupid, you are dead, why call the police?]

[Are the three people lying on the ground kidnappers?]A ghost finally found the three men lying next to the operating table. All three men were wearing uniform surgical gowns. At this moment, they were lying on the ground in a mess.

[Hurry up and notify the wizard.]

In a daze, Ji Lang saw ghosts coming to the basement. These ghosts surrounded him, and he seemed to hear the word wizard.

Did Miaomiao let them come to him

Ji Lang is extremely weak at this time, and his consciousness may disappear at any time. The out-of-control outbreak of the Nightmare Power consumed too much of his strength, and only in this case could he fall into a long slumber, or should be said to be in a coma, without relying on any external force.

Ever since he knew he was kidnapped, Ji Lang has been very calm. In addition to the fact that he is not afraid of death, there is another very important reason, that is, he knows that when he encounters a life-and-death crisis, the power of nightmares in his body must be The Guardian will explode.

Just like when he was young, there were always ghosts who wanted to devour him, but in the end they were devoured by the power of nightmare. Just like he has never slept peacefully for more than 20 years. He was supposed to be weakened in various functions of his body, but his body was miraculously healthy. All of this is the shelter of the power of nightmare.

At this moment, he seemed to hear one of the ghosts saying that he was going to notify Miaomiao, and he suddenly became a little anxious and spoke hoarsely.

"Don't..." Don't let Miaomiao see me like this.

Ji Lang knew that he would not die, but this look was too ugly.

It's just that he fell into a coma before he could finish his words. At the end of his thoughts, he only hoped that the first person to find this place would be Huo Mingzhi. He can come first and let the doctor treat his wound.

Don't scare that girl.

Park roof.

The doll whose whole face had turned into a ghost suddenly paused, then turned around abruptly, and called out to Wu Miaomiao.

When Wu Miaomiao, who was trying to activate the formation, heard this call, the magic power in her hands stopped immediately, and the ghosts that were constantly gathering around also dissipated in an instant. At the same time, the huge yin vortex that was not spinning in the sky also stopped abruptly, and then began to slowly dissipate.

Dong Yongyuan, who was already desperate, almost cried when he saw this turning point.

Although Bei Fan and the others could not see this series of changes, they had been paying attention to the expressions of Wu Miaomiao and the doll. At this time, seeing that the imposing doll just now became normal in a second, the three of them couldn't help but guess.

Have you found your boss

"Boss lady, did you find..."

Before they finished asking, Wu Miaomiao rushed out of the top floor with the doll in her arms.

The three of Beifan were stunned for a moment, and they almost didn't have time to think about it, and they also chased out.

Dong Yongyuan glanced at the sky with lingering fears, and then ran down.

The four of them moved quickly, but when they chased out, Wu Miaomiao had already stopped a taxi and left. Several people were afraid that they would be lost, and no one thought of going to the parking lot to get their car, so they stopped a car nearby and chased after them.

"Master, follow the car in front." As soon as he got in the car, Bei Fan shouted anxiously.

The driver was taken aback by the momentum of the four of them. He didn't dare to speak, and immersed himself in driving, but he was obviously not very concerned.

Seeing that he was about to lose it, Analysys became anxious: "Master, don't lose it, I'll double the money for you."

The driver was instantly refreshed, and he rushed out as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, and at the same time reassured: "Don't worry, the car in front belongs to my buddy and can't be lost."

When the four heard the words, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dongzi, did the lady boss find the boss?" After confirming that he would not be lost, Analysys had the time to ask Dong Yongyuan. Although he could probably guess from the look of the proprietress, it was just a guess. Dong Yongyuan was the only one among them who knew profound arts and should know more than them.

"Definitely found." Dong Yongyuan said with great certainty.

A moment ago, the proprietress tried to open the gate of hell, and the yin and yang worlds were connected without stopping, but now she suddenly stopped. If it wasn't for the boss's news, he would cut off his head and play as a football for the national football team.

"Then do you want to notify Team Huo?" Shan Junyi reminded.

Dong Yongyuan was stunned for a moment, then he remembered, and quickly took out his mobile phone and called Huo Mingzhi: "Huo team, we found the boss?"

Huo Ming knew that he was investigating the newly discovered suspicious vehicle outside at this time. After some investigation, he found that the vehicle was just an ordinary black car, which had nothing to do with Ji Lang's kidnapping. When he was anxious and irritable, Dong Yongyuan's phone call came, and his spirit was shocked, and he asked anxiously, "Where is it?"

He couldn't even bother to ask how they found the clues, he just wanted to chase after them to save people first.

"We're on our way, I can't tell you the specifics, I'll share it with you, and you follow us." Dong Yongyuan didn't know the address, he just followed behind Wu Miaomiao.

"Okay." Huo Ming knew that he agreed to the location sharing, and urged while driving, "Don't go in after you get there, wait until we come over. These criminals are extremely vicious and may have weapons in their hands."

Dong Yongyuan panicked when he heard that there were weapons: "Then hurry up, the lady boss will go ahead of us, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop her."


Huo Mingzhi was also surprised when he heard it, and the speed of the car soared to the extreme: "How can you let a little girl go first, stop her quickly, and no one is allowed to enter until the police arrive."

After shouting, Huo Mingzhi hung up the phone, and at the same time notified the criminal police team and sent reinforcements.

Dong Yongyuan was extremely aggrieved by Huo Mingzhi's roar? The boss was kidnapped, and the lady boss yelled at me. The proprietress summoned her soul to find someone, and almost opened the gate of hell, my brother yelled at me. At this moment, the proprietress ran away alone, and Huo Mingzhi also yelled at me.

What the hell am I doing wrong

But grievances are grievances, and Dong Yongyuan also knows that if the proprietress is allowed to rush into the organ dealer's base camp alone, if something happens, the boss will yell at him.

sister! It's always me who gets hurt.

"Master, drive quickly and catch up with the car in front." Dong Yongyuan urged the driver master.

The driver's master probably guessed what happened from Dong Yongyuan's phone call just now. Knowing that one of their friends was kidnapped, they were in a hurry to save people, and immediately chased the car with all their hearts, not just for money.

After driving for about twenty minutes, the car left the city.

Shan Junyi looked at the desolate scene around him, took out his mobile phone and flipped out the map. After looking at it for a moment, he said, "Fifteen minutes from this road, there is an abandoned chemical factory. Boss, it is very likely that the chemical factory is in that chemical factory. in the factory."

"Are you sure?" Bei Fan leaned over to look at Shan Junyi's phone.

"This handsome guy is right. When you drive past this road, there is a chemical factory there, and then there is a village." The driver has been driving sports cars in Haicheng all the year round, and he is very familiar with the surrounding environment.

"There are many people in the village, so it's definitely not suitable for hiding. It must be in a chemical factory." Shan Junyi is more certain now.

At this moment, Dong Yongyuan's cell phone also rang. It was Huo Mingzhi's call. As soon as the call was connected, Huo Mingzhi's voice came out: "There is a chemical factory in your direction. Ji Lang is very happy. May be locked there. I'll be there soon, you wait, don't go in by yourself."

The four of them looked at each other and shouted at the master, "Master, hurry up, overtake the car in front of you."

You must arrive at the factory before the boss, or the boss will rush in.

The worry of the three Beifan is that the boss, a little girl, is definitely not the opponent of the kidnappers.

What Dong Yongyuan is worried about is: if the proprietress kills the Quartet with her doll, she will not only be attacked by Heaven, but also wanted by the association. If this is the case, the trouble will be big. Could it be that the two of you really want to follow suit when it comes to being wanted by the association

Because of the efforts of the four to chase, they and Wu Miaomiao arrived outside the factory almost at the same time, and when they got off the car, Huo Mingzhi's car had already appeared in everyone's field of vision, and it was speeding up.

"Boss lady." The four got out of the car, and when they saw Wu Miaomiao holding the doll, they were about to rush in, and they chased and stopped.

But their movements were fast, and Wu Miaomiao's movements were even faster. She rushed in all the way, and all the doors and locks that she passed by were smashed down by the doll's punch.

The three of Bei Fan were originally worried that Wu Miaomiao would be hurt by the kidnappers, so they tried their best to stop them, but after seeing the doll knocking down the iron gate with one punch, the three of them immediately stood in place and were stunned.

They felt that the lady boss who looked like this might not need to worry.

Dong Yongyuan was blocked by the three people who were suddenly stunned, and scolded angrily: "What are you doing, the lady boss will kill someone if you go in, do you want the lady boss to go to jail?"

The three of Beifan suddenly woke up again, yes, impulsive murder would also cause an accident.

"Boss lady." The four hurriedly chased after them.

You are too young to kill.

But when they stopped, they were already far behind Wu Miaomiao. When they chased to the door of the basement, Wu Miaomiao's people had already entered the basement.


In an instant, an angry and frantic howl rang out from the basement.

As soon as Wu Miaomiao entered the basement, she saw Ji Lang on the operating table, whose clothes were stained with blood, her eyes immediately turned red, she rushed over, and stared at the three comatose people on the ground.

"Die, die, die! I killed you."

The doll couldn't grasp the anger yet, but when he saw that the man who had said that he was going to take him to the villa in the morning became like this, a strange emotion reverberated in his heart. It rushed over with an ahhh sound, and looked at the yellow-haired young man closest to it, and gave it a savage kick.

The yellow-haired youth, with a sturdy body of more than 140 pounds, was kicked out by the doll, swept across half the room, and slammed into the wall. After a bang, it fell off again.

"To die, to die, to die!" For the first time, the doll's death was used in a proper context.

It rushed up again, kicked another middle-aged man with glasses, and flew out again with a bang.

When the four of Beifan rushed down the stairs, what they saw was the scene of the doll kicking and flying, and the four of them were startled again at the same time.

"Boss?!" At this time, the four found Ji Lang not far away, and the blood on his body was shocking.

Has the boss been...

The four of them froze and their legs went weak.

"Police, put down your weapons..." At this time, Huo Mingzhi rushed in with a gun. He was afraid that a few people would have an accident, so he wanted to deter the kidnappers, but when he rushed to the basement, what he saw was Wu Miaomiao. The scene of beating kidnappers. And the three kidnappers were all unconscious.

What about Ji Lang

Huo Mingzhi turned his eyes and saw Ji Lang who was covered in blood on the operating table. His pupils shrank and his face turned pale.

"Ji Lang? Ji Lang!" Huo Mingzhi rushed over like crazy, trembling hands to probe Ji Lang's breath...

Still breathing, still alive.

Huo Mingzhi let go of his dangling heart, his face recovered a little, and then he began to examine Ji Lang's injuries.

There are no other wounds, no organs have been taken away, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all there, but a knife has been cut in the chest. Fortunately, Wu Miaomiao and the others came in in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Huo Mingzhi looked at Wu Miaomiao who was still beating people frantically, his eyes paused, then he pretended not to see, took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance.

Soon the police car and ambulance arrived, but only the ambulance came in handy, because the hostages and the kidnappers were taken to the hospital together, and they were all unconscious.

Wu Miaomiao followed the ambulance to the hospital, while Dong Yongyuan and the others followed the police car to the hospital.

On the way, Huo Mingzhi answered a phone call, and turned back to the worried group of four and said, "Ji Lang is fine, you arrived in time, the other party just made a cut in Ji Lang's chest, the wound is not deep, and the bleeding has stopped. ."

When the four heard the words, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, how did you find this place?" Huo Mingzhi asked.

The four were startled, then shook their heads in unison.

"..." Huo Ming knew.

Can you be more professional when you lie, when I've been a police officer for so many years for nothing.