The Witch

Chapter 87


Three days later, Ji Lang was discharged from the hospital.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he withdrew the power of nightmares from the three kidnappers, which ended their three-day nightmare cycle. With Ji Lang's current strength, he could completely immerse the three kidnappers in the nightmare for a month, but after thinking about it, he still took back the power of the nightmare. Because, if these three people were in a coma for too long, and the doctor couldn't find the reason, Huo Mingzhi would definitely be suspicious in the end. In order not to cause more troubles, Ji Lang ended their nightmare ahead of schedule.

After recovering the power of nightmare, the three kidnappers woke up almost at the same time. When they woke up, they all let out shrill screams, which startled the police and medical staff. When they rushed into the ward, the three people began to struggle violently, as if they were crazy, and they couldn't stop it. He kept shouting don't dig my heart, don't dig my heart.

In desperation, the doctor could only give them a sedative injection to make them stop.

Three days later, Huo Mingzhi had also finished interrogating the three kidnappers, and had a clear view of the ins and outs of the case. As soon as the investigation was clear, Huo Mingzhi went to Ji Lang's studio and told him the case, which was an explanation.

"These three kidnappers have something to do with the organ trafficking syndicate involved in the case of President Hong. It is also for this reason that they will notice you." Huo Ming knew.

Ji Lang knew this from the beginning, and he was not surprised when he heard it.

"Because the organ trafficking channel was seized by the police, a heart that they had ordered before could not arrive, and they received a large deposit from the guests, so they took the risk and thought of a way to make the organ donation volunteers die to obtain the heart." Huo Mingzhi He continued, "We also have clues about the customer who bought the heart, and the police station is also following up. So far, this case is almost finished."

"How did they get the list of volunteers?" Ji Lang asked.

"It was bought through a dark net." Huo Ming knew, "According to their account, they met an intelligence dealer on the dark net. As long as they gave money, they could buy almost all the intelligence they needed. Our police are very concerned about this matter. Pay attention, a case has been filed for investigation. The list of volunteers was stolen, sold to organ trafficking organizations, trampled on the goodwill of the people, and almost destroyed the entire organ donation system by himself. The severity of this matter is even more serious than direct organ trafficking. serious."

Huo Mingzhi's expression was solemn and his eyes were cold.

Ji Lang was silent and did not express his opinion. This kind of maintenance of social credibility is not his responsibility.

"By the way, do you know why they suddenly thought of kidnapping you?" Huo Mingzhi seemed to remember something very speechless, his expression a little helpless and a little funny.

Hearing this all the time, the expression on Ji Lang's face changed a bit, which is what he has always been curious about.

"Would you like to guess?" Huo Ming knew that it was rare to see Ji Lang's interest, so he couldn't help but start selling off.

"Just go out if you don't want to." Ji Lang was too lazy to talk to Huo Mingzhi. If he wanted to know, he would just fall asleep again at night.

Huo Ming knew that of course he didn't go out. At this time, he already had a "debt" filter for Ji Lang, and he wanted to maintain a good relationship with Ji Lang, so he didn't care about the rudeness of the other party, and continued: "You can't guess it. , I felt incredible when I heard it. This is a reason that no matter how smart you are, you can't reason. They arrested you because they found someone to do the math."

This answer really made Ji Lang stunned.

"According to their account, Jiang Heng, the eldest of the three, had a brief encounter with you at the entrance of Haicheng University, and recognized you. After returning, he became anxious and even did it when he went to bed at night. A nightmare, dreaming that he told others about all his plans. He was uneasy, so he spent 10,000 yuan to buy a hexagram in a Taobao shop called Ghost Gua. The Taobao shop owner did the math for them. Gua, figured out that their plan was going to be ruined the next morning because of you, so they jumped at the wall and wanted to kill you first. Then because you were type A, just right for their client's heart requirements, they thought I simply kidnapped you and took your heart, which not only avenged you, but also satisfied the client, killing two birds with one stone."

Ji Lang frowned, and his face turned blue and black.

Fortune-telling, is it someone from the association

"So you were arrested this time because of Jiang Heng's superstition." Huo Mingzhi said speechlessly, "Jiang Heng didn't want to deal with you at first, he was just afraid of your reasoning ability, and accidentally bumped into you, he felt uneasy. I just thought about fortune telling. And the Taobao shop owner probably saw that Jiang Heng was uneasy, so he deliberately calculated such a fortune teller, which led to the following things. It's really superstition that kills people."

Knowing the truth, Huo Ming knew that he couldn't help wronging Ji Lang at that time. It was so unfortunate that he was kidnapped because he casually said a word to someone on the road, and then he almost got his heart, liver, spleen and lungs torn out. kidney.

Ji Lang didn't bother to pay attention to the ridicule in Huo Mingzhi's tone. Things that Huo Mingzhi thought were illogical or even ridiculous were all justified by him. Not everyone, after being dreamed by him, can have this premonition of being peeped. Jiang Heng's vigilance and intuition are very accurate. If he hadn't bumped into him at the gate of Haicheng University, it is estimated that the plan of the three of them would probably be successful.

Seeing that Ji Lang was silent for a long time, Huo Ming knew that he coughed awkwardly: "Then what, don't worry too much, this person always has bad luck. Look at me, every time I go on a blind date, I am despised by others. At least you still have a fiancée."

"Is there anything else? I'm okay to go out." Ji Lang said the second sentence after Huo Mingzhi came in, with a sharp tone.

Huo Mingzhi also knew that Ji Lang was in a bad mood at this time, and who would be in a good mood when he was unlucky, so he planned to leave after the last sentence: "Then what, there is one more thing, you better not write a story about this case, Serialized on the Internet, the impact is not good. Moreover, the intelligence traffickers have not been caught, and it is not clear how the list of volunteers was leaked. "

Why the influence is not good, no need for him to say, Huo Ming knows that Ji Lang will understand. The state protects the list of organ donors extremely strictly. If the outside world knows that the list has been leaked and three accidental deaths have occurred, it will have a devastating blow to the entire organ donation system.

The intelligence dealers who sold the volunteer list will be caught by the police. All people who have access to the volunteer list will be investigated by the police one by one, and they will even ask the Red Cross to make corrections to ensure that such tragedies will not happen again. As police officers, they must defend the goodwill from volunteers and make every volunteer letter they sign worthwhile.

Huo Ming knew that his expression was solemn, Ji Lang glanced at him, and gave a rare nod, as he agreed.

"Then I'll go first, and I'll tell you when I catch the intelligence dealer. Of course, if you have any clues, remember to tell me as well." Huo Ming knew that he had completely concluded that Ji Lang must have his own reliable sources of intelligence. He couldn't find it out, but it didn't prevent him from borrowing it.

After Huo Mingzhi left, Ji Lang also walked out of the office.

When the studio group of four saw Ji Lang coming downstairs, they all became nervous, especially Dong Yongyuan, because he found that his boss's eyes were fixed on him from the beginning.

"Old... Boss, you have something to say." Dong Yongyuan wailed as he looked at Ji Lang standing in front of him.

If you say you have something to do, just say it, look at me like that.

"Taobao has a ghost, did you know that?" Ji Lang asked.

"What?" Dong Yongyuan was stunned.

"Huo Mingzhi said that the reason why those organ dealers suddenly kidnapped me was because they made a fortune on Taobao, and the fortune told me that I would destroy their plan, so they suddenly planned to kill me." Ji Lang He asked, "This hexagram, won't it be you

Who is in the Metaphysics Association, deliberately calculated. "

The studio group of four already knew the existence of metaphysics at this time, and when Ji Lang spoke in the studio, he no longer had the scruples he had before.

After hearing Ji Lang's words, Dong Yongyuan's sweat broke down: "How is this possible, impossible, our association will not do such a thing."

"Really?" Ji Lang raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of disbelief, "No one in your association opened a shop on Taobao?"

"This... This..." Dong Yongyuan felt guilty. Not many of their associations opened stores on Taobao. After all, drawing talismans and fortune-telling is still a feudal superstition these days, but it is not completely absent. However, this kind of shop does not do any promotion, and they only sell some incense candles. Only regular customers who know the identity of the shop owner will buy some spells or something, which is difficult for ordinary people to find.

"Sure enough, it's your association." Ji Lang saw Dong Yongyuan faltering, showing a sure expression.

"No, no!" Dong Yongyuan was in a hurry, and quickly explained, "Our association sells some spells or something online at most, and it won't give people casual fortune-telling across the Internet. Fortune-telling requires me to come over in person. It's accurate."

"After all, you can't prove that this ghost story is not from your association, can you?" Ji Lang insisted that it was your association.

"..." Dong Yongyuan was speechless.

"It seems that your association has tried everything possible to clean up me." Ji Lang smiled.

When Dong Yongyuan saw Ji Lang smiling, his whole person was agitated, and he immediately stated: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely react to this matter with the association, let them check it out, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

Ji Lang stared at Dong Yongyuan for a while, then smiled, returned to normal, and went upstairs.

What he wants is Dong Yongyuan's words. No matter whether the person who is doing the fortune-telling for him is from the association or not, it must be someone from Xuanmen. People in Xuanmen don't let the association investigate.

Seeing Ji Lang gone, Dong Yongyuan let out a long sigh and collapsed on the seat, his back was already wet with sweat. It turned out that the reason why the boss was caught by the organ traffickers, and the fortune-telling, he said that with the boss's ability to dream, how could the organ traffickers target the boss. This matter must be investigated. If the boss misunderstands that the association wants to kill him and directly fights the association, the problem will be a big one.

"Ghost, is this the store? It just so happened that the boss had a purchase record in the early morning of the day the accident happened."

"Let's see, I'll go, there are really people doing fortune-telling on the Internet."

"We've even seen dolls, what else can't we believe?"

When Dong Yongyuan was thinking about how to tell the association about this, he heard the three people behind him discussing something. He turned his head to look and found that the three of them had found the Taobao called Ghost Gua that the boss just said. shop.

You guys, I have never seen you so efficient at work.

"Analysis, go up and calculate a hexagram to see if it's accurate." Bei Fan urged.

"Why should I do the math, it's ten thousand yuan." Yi Guan was reluctant.

"It's because of ten thousand yuan that you go. If you want one thousand, I'll go." Bei Fan said.

"... I... I don't count." Analysys was speechless, since he became rich, he felt that his colleagues' love was gone.

"Listen to what the boss said, this ghost calculation is very accurate. You didn't say some time ago that my uncle is going to have a second operation and needs a very powerful brain doctor. You can do the math and ask where you can find this doctor. ." Shan Junyi's reason for persuasion is much stronger than Bei Fan's.

Analysys was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little moved. Since his sister Chen Huanling woke up, Chen's parents also woke up from the coma one after another. However, because Chen's father was severely hit on the brain in the car accident, there was still blood congestion on his brain that could not be cleared. Clean, need a second surgery. This operation requires high skills, and the hospital recommends inviting a foreign brain surgeon to perform the operation. But the brain surgeon went on vacation a month ago, and so far no one knows where the others are. Chen Huanling has been sending people to look for it, but there has been no news.

Bei Fan was also stunned when he heard it. He just asked Analysys to do the math, that is, he said it casually, but he didn't plan to let him go. Now, after listening to Shan Junyi's remarks, he found that Analysys really needed this. Gua.

"Dongzi, is it really accurate?" Analysys was a little moved, but he was afraid that 10,000 yuan would be lost, so he looked to Dong Yongyuan for help. After all, Dong Yongyuan is the only one of the four of them who understands metaphysics.

"If the other party is really a member of the Xuanmen, they will approve." Dong Yongyuan said. In fact, he also really wanted to confirm whether this ghost hexagram was really accurate, if not, it was probably just a liar.

"Okay, then I'll do the math." Although Analysys is stingy, the money that should be spent is never stingy.

Dong Yongyuan watched Analysys place the order, and felt entangled for a while. To be honest, he really hoped that the result of Analysys' calculation would be inaccurate, which would prove that the other party was a liar, and the conflict between the boss and the association would naturally be resolved, but it seemed a little sorry for Analysys.

After paying the money, the four of them stared closely at the Taobao page, waiting for the other party to respond.