The Witch

Chapter 91


Wu Miaomiao is an activist, and said that if he wants to buy clothes for the husband the next day, he must buy them. Even if today is Friday, she will still go shopping for classes in the afternoon and the afternoon.

But because of this, she couldn't go to the studio to pick up her husband after class, and then went home with him, so she called Ji Lang.

"Master, I'm going to the mall today, and I'll go home later." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Understood, then I'll go back first." After a while, Ji Lang asked again, "Dinner... eat outside?"

After Ji Lang asked, he regretted it a little. Miao Miao and her classmates went out to the mall. At this time, they would definitely finish their meal together.

"Xiang Gong, are you hungry? If you are not hungry, when I go back to eat, I will definitely be home before eight o'clock." Wu Miaomiao said.

Ji Lang, who was annoyed, was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his tone became lighter: "Well, eat at eight o'clock."

"it is good."

"Do you need me to pick up the doll?" The doll is now placed in the villa, and they will pick it up together on Friday, stay at home for two days, and then wait until Monday morning before he delivers it.

"No, I'm going to the villa tomorrow to find the black cat, and then I'll pick up the doll." Wu Miaomiao said.

"Okay." When Ji Lang heard that Wu Miaomiao was going to find the black cat, she guessed that she might have received another business. Really, other people's girlfriends like to spend money, why does his girlfriend like to make money so much that he has no chance to show his boyfriend's power.

With a light smile, Ji Lang put down the phone that had been hung up, and at the same time went to grab the document next to him with the other hand, because his eyes were focused on the document to be taken, Ji Lang didn't notice that he put his phone on the table At the moment when the hand was released, the phone slipped off the edge of the table and fell towards the ground.

Ji Lang was startled, and subconsciously wanted to pick up the phone, but he still couldn't reach the speed at which the phone fell, and then... he was stunned in place.

Because the mobile phone he failed to catch did not fall to the ground, but was pulled by an invisible force, suspended about ten centimeters from the ground, and stopped steadily.

Ji Lang pursed his lips, with horror and disbelief in his eyes. He maintained this posture for a long time, until his outstretched hand was a little sore, and then he tentatively grasped with five fingers. In an instant, that invisible force held the phone, all the way up, and put the phone into Ji Lang's slightly grasped palm.

Ji Lang held the phone tightly, felt the cold touch of the phone, and his expression was solemn.

Can the power of his own nightmare already achieve this level? Is it possible to control the void already

With every riot of Nightmare Power, Ji Lang's Nightmare Power will increase a bit. This time, he was captured by the organ dealer, and after the Nightmare Power protector, his power also increased. But Ji Lang didn't care, because although the power of nightmares had increased, the magnitude of the enhancement was not different from before. But now it seems that this time, it is not only the power of nightmares that has been enhanced, but also his control over the power of nightmares.

If it was before, he could only restrain the power of nightmare that he had scattered, how could he control things with the power of nightmare like now.

In order to verify whether he was really able to control things through the power of nightmares, Ji Lang raised his other hand and grabbed the document he was about to take. The moment he stretched out his hand, the folder that was originally on one side, as if being pulled by something, suddenly flew upside down and fell accurately into Ji Lang's palm.

It's true, he can really use the power of nightmare to manipulate objects.

So is this the result of the accumulation of countless nightmare power riots before, or is it because of the last change? Because the last time, the only time, he took the initiative to cooperate with the riot of Nightmare Power.

The Nightmare Power will only run out of control and riot in two situations. One is that he continues to suppress his ability to fall asleep. Long-term insomnia will eventually cause his mental power to collapse. At this time, the Nightmare Power will riot and force him to fall into a deep sleep. , while walking through one nightmare after another. After this complete explosion, the Nightmare Power will repair the wounds of his body caused by long-term insomnia at the same time, and then he will be able to control himself again until it erupts again. This kind of outbreak, because of the appearance of Wu Miaomiao and the doll, he hadn't seen it for a long time.

The second kind of loss of control is that when his life is in danger, the power of Nightmare senses the crisis and will take the initiative to protect him, just like the last time he dealt with the organ dealer.

These two kinds of out of control, Ji Lang used to develop with it and let it go. He hates losing control, and he doesn't want to control this kind of power. Until the last time, he was taken away by an organ trafficker. He wanted to get rid of the danger as soon as possible, so as not to make Wu Miaomiao anxious, and for the first time actively cooperated with the nightmare of the riot caused by the protector. Power.

So, is it because of that? I want to be in control, so I'm in control

Ji Lang pondered, and after a long while, his expression slowly regained his composure. Then he released his clenched left hand, put away the mobile phone in his hand, and opened the document he had just grabbed, and resumed his work.

He has learned to control the power of nightmares, and he is one step closer to the world-destroying demon that the association fears. This is a fact that has already happened and cannot be changed.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Miaomiao took a taxi from school to a large shopping mall to buy clothes for her husband, but after arriving at the place, she did not go in directly, but waited for Dong Yongyuan on the side of the road.

After a while, Dong Yongyuan's car drove over, he saw Wu Miaomiao standing on the side of the road from a distance, and accurately parked the car in front of Wu Miaomiao.

"Madam, here it is." Dong Yongyuan didn't get out of the car because he couldn't park for too long on the side of the road, and handed Wu Miaomiao a sealed plastic bag from the car window. The plastic bag contained three pieces of wood, like a broken wooden sword.

Wu Miaomiao stretched out her hand to take it, and immediately felt the ghost qi remaining on it, nodded and said, "The ghost qi is still there, it should be able to be found."

"It's good if you can find it. But you have to return it to me when you run out. I stole it. I have to return it before my senior brother is discharged from the hospital." What Dong Yongyuan handed over to Wu Miaomiao just now was his senior brother Xu Wei's. magic sword.

When Xu Wei met a ghost last night, he was beaten up, and even his magic sword was broken by the evil ghost. Wu Miaomiao also only knew when Dong Yongyuan called her today that the ghost she met last night, and the man with no memory, turned out to be the ghost of the kidnapped husband. At that time, she regretted it for a while, and only hated that Xu Wei didn't focus on the key points when he spoke, and he had to drive people away even if he couldn't beat him.

You said that if you shouted a ghost, I would not have walked so fast at that time.

"When will your brother be discharged from the hospital?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

"It's just two or three days." Dong Yongyuan couldn't be sure that Xu Wei's internal injury was not serious, the main injury was his leg. After the leg was fixed in the hospital, he could go home and raise it. At some point, he was suddenly discharged from the hospital.

"This sword is broken, and he can't use it when he takes it back." Wu Miaomiao said.

"This is a hundred-year-old peach wood sword that has slashed countless evil ghosts. Even if it is broken, it is a rare magic weapon material." Dong Yongyuan explained.

"Okay, then I'll let the black cat look for it tomorrow, and I'll return the things to you when I find the ghost." Wu Miaomiao said.

I missed the ghost trigrams last night. Although I already know what the ghost trigrams look like, I don't know where they are hiding, so Wu Miaomiao thought of the black cat. The black cat has the ability to find spirits, and the evil ghost raised by the ghost has a strong aura. As long as it can get something that remains of his aura, the black cat will definitely be able to find the evil ghost. And finding evil spirits is equivalent to finding ghosts. That's why Wu Miaomiao asked Xu Wei of Dongyong Yuan Dynasty to ask for something that was contaminated with that evil ghost's breath.

Among all Xu Wei's things, the magic sword that was broken by ghost qi was the object most contaminated with ghost qi, so he quietly took it.


"Okay." Dong Yongyuan nodded. If it goes well, he will be able to get the Broken Sword back tomorrow. "Then call me when you run out, and I'll come and get it right away."

"Okay." Wu Miaomiao put the plastic bag containing the magic sword into her carry-on bag.

After talking about business, Dong Yongyuan looked at the shopping mall next to him and asked casually, "Dine out with the boss?"

"No, I'm here to buy clothes." Wu Miaomiao thought about what she was going to buy in a while, and her eyes flashed with excitement.

When Dong Yongyuan heard the words, he nodded clearly. This weekend is the time for a date, so it's normal to buy some nice clothes.

When it comes to buying things, you have to spend money. Wu Miaomiao thought that she was going to spend money in a while, so she couldn't help asking: "Dongdong, have you introduced me to a business recently? I have classes from Monday to Friday, and I have a meeting with Xiang on weekends, so I don't have time to go out to find business. "

She hasn't made any money this month. Although the stocks introduced by Analysys have made a lot of money, she can't rely on stocks every month.

Dong Yongyuan was immediately stopped. Although he had introduced a few business orders to the proprietress, they were all brought in by his family and friends, and he did not specifically introduce business to Wu Miaomiao. Now that Wu Miaomiao asked, he couldn't answer for a while.

"I don't have any suitable business to introduce to you recently." Dong Yongyuan said honestly.

"Oh." Wu Miaomiao was a little disappointed, and it seemed that he could only go out to look for a day when the class was short. Earning 300,000 pocket money for Xianggong every month is her task for herself.

"Madam Boss, it would be great if you were from our association. There are many tasks on our association's mission website every day. Let's just say that this ghost story you are looking for is also hung up on our association's mission website. The reward is 500,000 yuan, no, because Senior Brother Seriously injured, the association raised the price once, and now it seems to be 800,000." Dong Yongyuan said.

Wu Miaomiao's eyes lit up: "Ghost hexagram is worth 800,000?"


"How can I get it?" Wu Miaomiao asked.

"This needs to be a member of our association first, so that you are qualified to take the task online. After the task is completed, return to the headquarters to hand in the task, and then the headquarters will pay the remuneration." Dong Yongyuan said, couldn't help but said, " Madam Boss, do you want to join our association, in fact, your conditions are met."

As long as they are celestial masters who know mysticism and have no bad deeds, they can apply to join the association. And wizards like Wu Miaomiao, who are rare in faction and have powerful mystic arts, are the targets of the association. Although her identity is a bit delicate because of her boss. But now the association also wants to ease the relationship with the boss. If the boss really wants to join the association, Dong Yongyuan believes that the president of the association will not refuse.

"No, I don't want to join your association." Wu Miaomiao shook her head without thinking.

"That's a pity, 800,000." Dong Yongyuan really felt a pity.

Anyway, the proprietress also has to deal with ghosts. If she can take on the task, isn't the 800,000 earned just like picking it up? Because he couldn't take the task, he couldn't get the 800,000 yuan. Just thinking about it made him feel a pain in the flesh.

"I'm not, but you are." Wu Miaomiao suddenly said.

"What am I?" Dong Yongyuan didn't react for a while.

"You are a member of the association, you go to take the task, I will catch the ghost, and then you go to hand in the task and take the money, how about our three or seven points?" Wu Miaomiao suggested.

The more Dong Yongyuan listened, the brighter his eyes became. This, this seems feasible. It seemed that he was deliberately licking the wool of the Association, which made him hesitate a little, but he only hesitated for three seconds.

"Twenty-eight is fine, I'll be two and you'll be eight." Dong Yongyuan felt that he was not a greedy person, "We can cooperate for a long time."

Picking up the wool is just about picking up the wool, and being able to pick it out is also Dong Yongyuan's ability.

"Deal!" Wu Miaomiao smiled proudly.

She hates the association, so she doesn't want to join, but she doesn't hate the association's money.

The author has something to say:

Association: How can you do this

Wu Miaomiao: Who would have trouble living with money

Crab: the first