The Witch

Chapter 95


Although black cats are arrogant and seldom look down on humans, generally proud species will either not agree to other people's requests, or they will definitely fulfill them. So not long after Wu Miaomiao left, the black cat ate a small meal of dried fish and licked its paws, and then went out full of energy to seek spirituality.

Generally speaking, ghosts or spirits usually come out to act at night. This is because there are fewer people active at night, and there is no sunlight, so the yin qi at night will be stronger than in the daytime, and ghosts come out at this time, and their power will be stronger than during the day.

Generally speaking, black cats also seek spirits at night, because ghosts are stronger and easier to sense at night, but the ghost that Wu Miaomiao let him search for, the ghosts left on the magic sword are really It's too strong, so strong that it doesn't need to wait until night, the black cat can sense the breath and go out to find spirits.

The black cat ran out of the villa, not in a hurry, but squatted in the flower bed beside the road, not knowing what it was waiting for. Until a black Rolls-Royce slowly drove out of the gate of the villa, the black cat's eyes lit up, then jumped up, and a dodge landed on the roof of the Rolls-Royce.

The powerful sound insulation effect of Rolls-Royce, coupled with the brisk movements of the black cat, caused the people in the car to continue to drive forward without noticing it. The black cat just squatted on the roof of the car, holding its head high, galloping in the wind, with a look of contempt, a bit of domineering like a king patrolling the territory.

Soon at the first traffic light intersection, someone next door found a black cat on the roof of the car.

"I'm going, is there a cat in that luxury car?"

"Is it a decoration? The car is very windy, and the cat can't stand."

"No, look, the fur on its body is moving."

"Now the dolls are made just like the real thing. It's normal to have hair. It must move when the wind blows. You can see that the whole body is black, and it is almost the same color as the car. If it's a cat, how can it be so coincidental? A color."

"Yes, normal cats are not as fat as this cat."

The hearing of animals is usually sharper than that of humans, not to mention that the voices of the surrounding discussions are so loud. In the words, the black cat heard a word that he hated so much, he turned his head angrily, and scorned the human who said he was fat. Get your teeth. It's a pity that its cat's body does not have the vigor of a tiger, nor does it have the vigor of baring its teeth.

"I'm going, it's moving."

"It's a real cat."

"How did it stand up?"

"Dangerous, come down quickly."

"Wait, I'll take a picture."

The owner of the luxury car did not open the window, so he could not hear the voices of the people outside, but he could see the excited expressions of the people around him taking pictures of his car with their mobile phones. The owner of the car did not find it strange, after all, his car is a limited edition in the world, which is rare in China. Before, he parked his car outside the restaurant and went in to have a meal. After he came out, there were at least three internet celebrities taking pictures with the car.

At this time, the green light came on, the owner stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away, leaving those envious eyes behind. But after a while, a car suddenly drove up next to him, and a woman sitting in the back seat frantically took pictures of his car with a mobile phone.

The owner of the car frowned, thinking about how people are so vain these days, and they dare to chase after him. Is he trying to attract his attention on purpose, and then seduce him

The owner of the car is a married man. He loves his wife very much, so he stepped on the accelerator decisively and accelerated away. At this time, the advantage of luxury cars appeared. When there was no congestion at all, ordinary cars could not catch up with him. And since he didn't open the car window the whole time, he didn't hear the hoarse shouting of the woman behind.

"There's a cat in your car, stop it!!"

The black cat was still sitting on the roof of the car, his eyes fixed on the front, until 20 minutes after the car drove out, it jumped off the roof at a turning intersection. Then follow the crowd across the road, hide in the flower beds again, wait for another car to pass by, and jump on it.

After changing the car three times, the black cat finally stopped in front of a tall building. It squatted in the flower bed at the door, and looked at the sensor door at the door. A few minutes later, when someone came out again, the black cat swooped in.

"Yeah, what was that just now?"

"It's dark, there won't be any mice."

"Impossible, this is a five-star hotel, how could there be mice."

After the black cat ran into the lobby, it quickly hid in the branches and leaves of a green plant in the lobby. After observing for a few minutes, its eyes fixed on the elevator in the southeast of the lobby.

The black cat is a cat with knowledge. He used to take the elevator when he was in the association. Of course, he knows the use of the elevator at this moment. It sensed it just now, and the ghost was on the top of this building, in a very high position, it needed to take the elevator up to confirm it.

So when the elevator opened again and someone got on and off the elevator, the black cat sprang out again and flashed into the elevator in the gap of the crowd.

"Hey, there's a cat." The people in the elevator quickly found the black cat.

The black cat squatted quietly in the corner, the golden cat's pupils stared straight at the flashing numbers of the elevator, not afraid of people at all.

"Yo, this cat is looking at the number of floors, it won't be recognizing numbers."

"Will it be raised by a guest?"

“Does the hotel allow pets?”

As long as the money is given, nothing is allowed.

"Little black cat, which floor are you going to?" Some people started teasing the black cat, and some even wanted to touch it, but as soon as the hand approached, the black cat would dodge away. So many times, the guests saw that the cat didn't like being touched, so they didn't force the cat, they just watched with great interest.

The black cat was still staring at the elevator floor number. When the elevator reached the twelfth floor, someone went out, but the black cat didn't move. Then the elevator stopped when it reached the sixteenth floor, and the black cat still didn't move.

"Why doesn't this cat go out? It doesn't really know the floor." At this time, the rest of the people in the elevator couldn't help but be a little curious. Some people simply didn't go out, wanting to see how many floors the elevator reached. , the black cat will go out.

Unconsciously, the elevator reached the twenty-eighth floor, and the black cat still did not leave the elevator. At this time, there were not many floors left. The guests in the elevator simply pressed the buttons on each floor, and then took out their mobile phones and started recording. In this way, when they reached the thirty-sixth floor, the black cat suddenly moved, and ran out the moment the elevator opened and closed.

"Going out, it turned out to be a cat on the thirty-sixth floor."

"This cat is amazing, and even takes the elevator. But it's still not as smart as the dog, and can't press the elevator button."

If the black cat was still around at this time, it would definitely jump up and protest, wouldn't it press the button? It doesn't know which floor to go to. And mortals can press the elevator by themselves, all they do is let others work for them.

The thirty-sixth floor is the business floor of this hotel. Although the room is not as big as the presidential suite on the top floor, it is also very large. Therefore, there are not many rooms on this floor, only eight in total. The black cat walked gracefully on the soft carpet in the corridor, and soon stopped at the door of room 3602.

That's it.

And just as the black cat approached the door, a human head suddenly came out from the door.

Yes, after wearing it, when the door was not opened, a human head suddenly passed through the closed solid wood door and appeared in front of the black cat.

"Meow!" The black cat was frightened by the sudden appearance of the ghost.

The body was fried, and the tail was instantly raised.

It was just a face-to-face, and the black cat knew that it couldn't beat the ghost, and it turned around and ran away.

"What are you running, come back." Where did Young Master Gui let the black cat run away, he spread his fingers, and a black thread flew out of his hand, accurately binding the black cat's hind paws.

The black cat screamed and struggled, turned around and bit with its teeth, and at the same time, the spiritual energy of its body soared, and its eyes burst into golden light.

"Yo, as expected of a wizard's cat, it's quite powerful." Gui Gongzi simply walked out of the room, crouched at the door, and looked at the civet cat who was constantly biting at the black thread.

"Meow, meow meow~~" The black cat stared at the evil spirit full of suffocation. It has been a meow for so many years, and it has never seen such a powerful ghost.

"Are you trying to say that you are the wizard's cat, and if I touch you, the wizard will come to me for revenge?" Gui Gongzi teased with a smile.

"Meow!" The black cat nodded decisively.

"That's really good." Gui Gongzi was not afraid, but was overjoyed, as if he was expecting a wizard to come to him.

"Yuan Bai." Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a seven- or eight-year-old boy came out of the room and asked curiously, "What are you doing at the door?"

"Oh, let's see if the takeaway has arrived." Gui Gongzi Yuan Bai replied with a smile.

"I just ordered, how could it come so soon. Hey, why is there a cat." The little boy looked at the cat trapped in place by the ghost boy in surprise, and then shouted as if he had found something, "Yuan Bai, it It seems to be staring at you. Does it see you?"

"It seems so." Yuan Bai nodded.

"If you can see your cat, it's a civet cat. The master said that a civet cat is a rare pet. It is of great use. Let's catch it." After speaking, the little boy walked towards the black cat. While coaxing, "Miaomiao, I'll buy you dried fish to eat."

Naturally, the black cat refused, it wanted to continue struggling, but the coercion of Gui Gongzi had been locked on it, making it immobile. In the end, the black cat could only obediently let the little boy carry him back to the hotel.

It knows that it is a civet cat, and ordinary people in Xuanmen want to accept it as a spiritual pet, so following the little boy will not be in danger.

"It didn't move, does it like me?" the little boy was surprised.

"Maybe." Yuan Bai glanced at the black cat with a smile, secretly said, it's really stupid, obviously he has untied the black line, but he doesn't know how to run.

The little boy was extremely happy that he picked up a civet cat at the door of the hotel. After entering the room, he played with the black cat for a while, and fed the black cat a lot of food, still reluctant to let go.

At this time, Gui Gongzi Yuan Bai glanced at the clock in the room and said, "Xiao Tao, shouldn't you go to draw talismans? It seems that you haven't practiced the talismans today."

"Ah, it's two o'clock, and the master will be back soon." The little boy remembered that his task for today had not been completed, and he was in a hurry. He quickly put the black cat down, turned around and ran to his room. He had to draw today's spell before the master came back.

After the little boy left, Young Master Gui suddenly floated in front of the black cat. The black cat jumped back, keeping a distance of one meter from Gui Gongzi, and his eyes were full of alertness.

"Don't be nervous, if I want to hurt you, I won't let Xiaotao carry you in." Gui Gongzi laughed, "The ancient books record that the mysterious cat is the most pro-yin qi, and a few of the mysterious cats can become civet cats, and civet cats walk. Yin and yang can catch ghosts. And civet cats with powerful spiritual power can even seek spirits. You found them by following my ghostly energy."

The black cat didn't make a sound, still maintaining an alert posture, his eyes turning around from time to time, to see if he could escape through the door or window.

"I know you can understand, the IQ of a civet cat can reach the level of a human eight-year-old child, and if you can find spirits, you will only be smarter." Gui Gongzi laughed.

"Meow?" The black cat called out impatiently. As if asking, what exactly do you want to do.

"I don't understand what you're saying, so let me tell you, if I'm right, you nod your head, otherwise, I'll kill you." Young Master Gui threatened with a smile.

The black cat's hair exploded, and nodded humiliatingly.

"It's so good." Gui Gongzi sat on the sofa and began to ask and answer: "The wizard asked you to come to me? Right?"

The black cat nodded.

"Wizard wants to kill me?"

The black cat didn't know it, so it didn't move.

"The wizard just asked you to find me and tell her?" Gui Gongzi continued to ask.

The black cat nodded.

"But you've been caught by me now, so you can't report it." Gui Gongzi pondered for a while, and seemed to have come up with a solution, and slammed the folding fan in his right hand into the palm of his left hand, "Otherwise, you called the wizard, maybe She looked up the phone number to know the place."

The black cat blinked suspiciously.

"Do you remember the phone number?" Gui Gongzi asked.

The black cat shook his head.

"Don't remember?" Gui Gongzi frowned.

The black cat nodded.

"It seems that the rumors are false. The civet cat's IQ is not eight years old at all, and I can't remember the phone number." Gui Gongzi sighed.

"Meow!" The black cat was angry, don't think that it doesn't understand that the other party is scolding itself for being stupid. It didn't remember what happened to the phone number, it didn't know the numbers, and Wu Miaomiao didn't tell it his phone number.

"Is this troublesome?" Gui Gongzi said to himself, "I originally thought that if I could make a phone call, even if you can't speak, and meow twice, your master will know that something has happened to you, check the phone number, and be sure can be found here."

This is the hotel. If you call back from outside, you will definitely call the front desk, and the address will naturally be exposed.

"In an hour, Diao Yongnian will be back, and then we will leave Haicheng. Even if you let you go at this time, you will not have time to report." Gui Gongzi's tone was full of regret, as if he had avoided the wizard. Arrest is very sad.

The black cat was completely puzzled, did this ghost have a brain problem

"I bullied you just now, do you want revenge? Do you want to take me away?" Gui Gongzi asked.

The black cat is a proud cat. Of course, it wants revenge in its heart, but it is not stupid. It is obvious that it can't beat Gui Gongzi. Not to lie is its last pride.

"You definitely want to." Gui Gongzi didn't need the black cat to answer, he said to himself, "I'll tell you a way to catch me, do you dare to try it?"

The black cat's ears twitched.

Gui Gongzi doesn't seem to care whether the black cat is listening or not, and continues to talk to himself: "I have a phalanx, in Diao Yongnian's hands, whoever can get that phalanx will be my master. One hour After that, my master will come back from outside, and then I will let him take out the phalanx, how about you take it away? As long as you can get that phalanx, I can't hurt you. You can take the bone back and give it to you Master, she will definitely reward you."

"Meow~~" You are so stupid, is there such a ghost that tricks you

"Haha." Gui Gongzi seemed to understand the doubts of the black cat, and continued, "You are a civet cat, whether what I said is true, as long as the bone appears, you will immediately understand. Anyway, you can't run away now. , why don't you try?"

The black cat rolled his eyes and felt that what the other party said made sense. Anyway, he was also arrested. If what the other party said was true, he could give it a try, and he might escape.

Moreover, if I can really catch this evil ghost,

Wu Miaomiao will definitely treat herself differently, and she will not despise herself for spending too much money.

"You took the phalanx and ran to Xiaotao's room. His room has a balcony, so you can escape." Gui Gongzi said again.

The black cat raised his head sharply, and his eyes were even more strange when he looked at Gui Gongzi. Is this even telling it the escape route

"Are you curious about why I have to deal with myself?" Gui Gongzi laughed, "Because, my current master is too stupid, I don't like him."

Hearing this, the black cat suddenly felt the same way. It also often doesn't like its owner and helps out with the work, all because of Xiaoyugan's face.

Gui Gongzi, who had been carefully observing the black cat's expression, knew that he was almost convinced, and immediately flicked his folding fan with satisfaction, and then the folding fan spread out, and he fanned it leisurely.