The Woman who Became the “Male” God

Chapter 104: The facebooks of pollen


The traceable mental hospital has set up a library, recreation room, gym, medical room, canteen and other places. The area of the ward has also been doubled, and it has a two-story spiral structure. Patients can exercise properly. All the walls, including the floor, are made of Thick and soft high-grade isolation material to avoid patient self-harm. Next to the cubicle is a small bathroom with toilet, which is cleaned every three days.

For spiritual reasons, all wards are closed single rooms. Patients with relatively good mental state have 8 hours of free activity time every day. When they are sane, they can also apply for more activity time or volunteer work.

Participating in voluntary labor can get corresponding rewards, such as going out for a day with security guards, or asking for a small gift allowed by regulations. Of course, these are only suitable for patients with relatively high security levels.

In A-001's ward, a man in his forties was lying on the floor with his arms outstretched and his legs on the bed, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

When An Xian came in with the tray, he didn't respond.

"Xiang Fei, according to the medical staff, you have refused to take medicine in recent days?"

"I don't talk to people who are upside down." Xiang Fei replied lazily.

Who is the one who fell down

An Xian took a few steps forward, sat on Xiang Fei's bed, and faced him up and down: "Can you talk now?"

Xiang Fei slowly moved the pair of dead fish eyes and focused on An Xian: "You can speak now."

An Xian: "...Why don't you take medicine?"

"Ah~~" Xiang Fei replied in a deadly tone, "Because I found that the taste of the pills has changed, six parts bitter with two parts sweet, and one part honey sour and sad. I am a Ph.D., and need a cool head and rational judgment to reject this sensory experience that can affect thinking."

Anxian: "...You mean, the medicines given these days are different from before?"

Xiang Fei looked at her with contempt from the bottom up, feeling that he was not on the same level as this person who had no technical content or cultural background.

"Got it." An Xian pointed to the medicine on the tray next to him, "Try the new formula and see if it suits your taste."

"Ah..." Xiang Fei opened his mouth and blinked at An Xian convulsively, as if to say: Come to your mouth.

"… "

An Xian narrowed his eyes, suddenly raised his palm and slapped on the bed, the pills in the plastic cup were shaken into the air, and then he pushed backhand, and a strong wind carried 5 pills straight into Xiangfei's mouth.

"Cough cough cough..." Xiang Fei covered his throat, coughing and bouncing off the ground to sit up.

When the coughing stopped, a glass of warm water was handed to him: "Drink it."

Xiang Fei took the water glass, drank it all at once, and then fell on his back like poisoning, and the empty water glass was thrown aside by him.

An Xian stood up and said, "Have a good rest, I'll go first." Then he walked out of the ward and told the medical staff to go in and clean up.

Hearing the footsteps go away, Xiang Fei stared blankly at the ceiling, a strange light flickering faintly in his wooden eyes.

The patients in the A-level wards are all targets for priority treatment. Xiangfei, who lives in No. 001, is a 38-year-old doctor of electrical engineering. There was an abnormality. Later, during a scientific research work, he suddenly lost his mind and damaged scientific research equipment worth hundreds of millions of yuan. Not only did he pay a large amount of indemnity, he was also sent to this mental hospital by his family, and he lived there for seven or eight years. Over the years, his family never came to visit him, only paying the minimum amount of recuperation on a regular basis.

An Xian chose him, firstly because of his simple family background, secondly because his mental state has stabilized a lot after several years of recuperation, and thirdly because he relies on his own understanding, in the wrong cultivation, Accumulated a strong skill.

Xiang Fei is now a mutant with decades of skill, almost exhausted spiritual power, extremely active spiritual power, one step to heaven, one step back to hell, and his power has reached a delicate balance.

All An Xian needs to do is to push him and let him cross the last barrier smoothly.

Although most of the original staff of the mental hospital stayed, but the manpower was still insufficient, An Xian did not plan to recruit externally, but decided to select suitable people from these patients to join the management team.

Xiang Fei is the first, and the second is an old man in his late 80s named "Mu Gu". He is not an experimental product of the research institute, but a super expert. How high is he? By the standards of this era, it is probably equivalent to three He Lin.

It's just that Mu Gu has been crazy since he was a child. He was born with a strong mental power that can break through the sky, far beyond the scope of the equipment's identification. If he identified wrong results, he didn't know how to control it, resulting in an extremely unstable mental state and years of treatment without results. Later, when he was 12 years old, he was admitted to a mental hospital in Linshi. Later, due to various problems, he switched to several mental hospitals, and finally settled down here.

It is a pity that a peerless master disappeared in the dust like this, wasting sixty or seventy years of his wonderful life.

In the garden, a white-haired old man was chasing and playing with several teenagers, and they had a great time. His face was ruddy, he walked like a fly, and he was in high spirits. If it weren't for the white hair and wrinkles on his face, he could hardly tell that he was an old man.

Anxian stayed in the mental hospital for three days, and after confirming that everything was working properly, he set off back to Siyou Mountain.

She plans to stay in the mental hospital for the first three days of the week and stay in Siyou Mountain for the remaining four days.

The refining of conventional medicines does not take too much time. The more energy-intensive are the cultivation of flowers and the research of middle and high-quality medicines. Now, coupled with the affairs of the mental hospital, it is indeed a bit busy, but this is only temporary. Once the management team is established, she can relax a bit.

Walking into the hall, An Xian saw Bai Houyi sitting at the coffee table, drowsily watching the teaching video on the computer, and suddenly caught a glimpse of her figure.

An Xian was expressionless, thinking in his heart whether to take him to a mental hospital and let him see the genius in mental illness

Thinking of this, she said, "I will go to the mental hospital with me next week."

Bai Houyi was startled: "You want to send me to a mental hospital?!"

"Just to stay for a few days." An Xian replied lightly.

Why is he staying for a few days? The mental hospital is not a leisure villa, what is there to live in!

"I think I still prefer it here." Bai Houyi expressed his opinion very sincerely.

An Xian ignored him and walked straight upstairs.

Bai Houyi wanted to flip the table irritably, but just as he made a move, two sharp eyes shot at him.

Anxian stood on the stairs, leaning on the handrail, looking at him calmly.

Bai Houyi's body froze, he put his hand down obediently, looked at the screen aggrievedly, but there was a little man in his mind who was smashing things frantically. As a result, he accidentally smashed a black hole and sucked himself into the bottomless. abyss.

Ahhh... Why is even the brain patch such a terrible picture! ! !

Anxian returned to his room, got on the Internet, and before he entered the world of flowers, he saw a popular news-"S-level spiritual enhancer He Rin has re-elected the position of chief."

Um? He Rin? Has his mental damage healed? Counting the time, it should take another month or two.

Although Anxian didn't contact He Rin during this period, he still sent him medicine on time. Without her help with spiritual power, his recovery speed should be slower than expected.

But watching He Rin in the video, he was in a good condition, and Anxian was no longer worried.

He Rin's injury has not been fully disclosed. The outside world only knows that he suffered a lot of mental damage under the attack of the two masters, so much that he even resigned as the chief. However, the internal members are very aware of his mental condition, which is almost so serious that he may collapse at any time. He originally thought that he would disappear, but he miraculously recovered. And the person in charge of treating him is a tertiary therapist who has made a name for himself.

Level 3 therapist? is it possible? Even if the opponent's real strength is more than level three, it is impossible for him to exceed level six at his age.

What's more, mental damage can only be treated by a therapist who specializes in drugs and C-level mental power, and that therapist's mental power is only D-level, and he focuses on special-purpose drugs, never specializing in drugs. Show any talent.

However, interested people quickly noticed that the latest Five Elements Circulation Pill released by Huahua World already has the characteristics of specialized medicines, and the effect is remarkable. Might as well be researched.

But with his D-level mental power, how did he do it

Some people who didn't care much about him before began to pay attention to him secretly because of He Rin's rise again.

Log in to the pollen base with ease, and click on [Facebook Flower Feeding Exchange Post]. After more than a month of rearing, the first batch of Facebook flowers are basically mature, and various interesting videos and rearing experiences have been uploaded to the posts one after another.

I browsed through them one by one, and no surprise, I was amused by these pollen with strange bones.

[Leader, believe me, I have tried my best, I beg you not to cancel my breeding qualification! ! !] One owner made this cry in a post.

Anxian clicked on the video he posted. The face flower in the video looked very good, with straight branches, even petals, clear texture and healthy color. At this time, an excited voice came from the video: "The time to witness the miracle has come, let's see what expression my little face can make?"

Saying that, a finger reached into the camera and lightly poked the stamen of the face flower.

1 second... 3 seconds... 10 seconds... 20 seconds... After a long wait of nearly 40 seconds, when the screen was almost filled with complaints from netizens, the Facebook flower finally moved. Time opened his eyes, opened his mouth in 5 seconds, and finally revealed a complete expression in 10 seconds.

The process of showing a little bit is: (=_=), (O__O), (⊙□⊙)…

The owner waited for a long time, and his "little face" was fixed on this (⊙□⊙) expression.

[Hahahahahaha...]The screen was filled with endless laughter.

"You said," the owner asked tremblingly, "does this count as three expressions?"

An Xian once said that Facebook flowers must make three expressions in order to pass the trial period.

[Hahahaha... I think it counts.]

[Hahahaha... I think so too.]

[Anchor, are you sure you didn't play in slow motion just now?]

[Anchor, what level of facial paralysis do you usually have to grow a face flower with only one expression? Hahaha…]

[Didn't the leader of the alliance say that the face is paralyzed and shoot carefully? If you have facial paralysis yourself, don't delay the future of Facebook, let me.]

[Me, me, as a late-stage secondary disease, the facial nerves are highly developed, and I can definitely develop a face mask into an ever-changing expression pack.]

Netizens recommended themselves one after another and strongly demanded to receive these many Facebook flowers.

The owner was anxious: "No, I love my little face, unless the leader speaks, I will never give up!"

An Xian carefully observed the status of the Facebook flower and confirmed its health again, so he left a message: "I'll give you one more chance, spend 1 hour a day practicing expressions with the Facebook flower, after half a month, if you still can't make three If it looks like this, I will take it back."

"Ow~~ Long live the leader!!!" The owner happened to be online and quickly replied to An Xian's message.

After that, according to the request of the leader, he practiced facial expressions with Facebook Flowers every day, and finally successfully completed the goal of "three expressions". At the same time, under the influence of the mask flower, he improved the problem of facial stiffness, his expression gradually became natural and soft, and he achieved a leap-forward breakthrough in interpersonal communication.

After that, watch the second video.

There was nothing unusual at first. This face flower can change four expressions and looks very good. Its owner is proud to show off his achievements.

At this time, suddenly there was a pollen with bright eyes who noticed something strange.

[Wait, why do I think this face flower doesn't look like its owner at all?]

The leader of the alliance has introduced that the face of the mask flower is generally similar to that of the owner. Although it is a little distorted, the outline of the facial features is still very clear. However, when comparing this face flower and its owner, there is little resemblance in appearance. The master has a handsome face, but his face is a rough face of a big man.

[I said why I always feel that something is wrong, it turns out to be looks!]

[Hahahaha... My brother, this is not your own!]

[If it is not a genetic mutation, then it may be the illegitimate child of the old Wang family next door.]

[Anchor, take a look at who your Facebook flower looks like, find the murderer, and fight with him!]

[Looking at that face full of hostility and vicissitudes, eight or nine times out of ten it comes from a majestic man with a story. I guess the weak anchor is not his opponent.]

[No matter what, find the murderer first!]

Just when the anchor was in a mess, a deep voice suddenly came from the video: "Xiao Jiu, why didn't you even close the door? I made a big meal today, do you want to come over and eat together?"

The anchor raised his head, and the camera moved to the person, only to see that the person was tall and muscular, with a face full of hostility and vicissitudes, showing a rough smile that made the phantom limbs tremble.

"Ah, it's you, Wang Nima!!!"

The anchor's angry roar came from the video, and then rushed up with fangs and claws, and the screen fell into darkness.

[Uh, it really belongs to the old king next door...]

An Xian thumped, his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

Continuing to watch the third video, the owner was awkwardly reluctant to point the camera at his face flower, but after the criticism of netizens, he finally compromised.

When the mask flower appeared in the camera, everyone finally understood why he was so inked.

Because this face flower is nearly twice as big as other face flowers, and the flower with a face as big as a pot hangs heavily on the branches. If the owner had not supported it with another wooden stick, it is difficult to say whether the head would have fallen off. .

Because the flower is too big, its face is crowded in the middle, it looks very hard, but it has three expressions.

At the end of the video, the owner made a cry for help: "Lord, is there a way to help Facebook to lose weight? I want to lose weight and lose weight!!!"

To be honest, Anxian was also a little shocked. She never knew that the face flower could grow so big. The owner is really talented. Do you usually use nutrient solution to water it

Anxian looked at the Facebook flower in the video sadly, and knocked on the owner's contact number: "Send it to me."

"Oh, NO! Alliance Lord, please, give me another chance to reform!" The owner let out a heart-piercing cry.

An Xian sighed: "Don't worry, I just sent it over to check it, which is what you call 'face-lift'. After the face-lift is successful, I'll send it to you."

"Ouch, the leader of the alliance, please accept my worship!"

An Xian smiled slightly, the calm heart lake, because of this group of lovely pollen, became sparkling...