The Woman who Became the “Male” God

Chapter 14: Invert


The person who forwarded this post was a naked starling. An Xian remembered that he was one of the flower friends who once obtained Transforming Dan for free, and then became a loyal buyer of Huahua World. The reason why this post was forwarded to the Tianfu Forum was to appeal to everyone to boycott the therapist named "Luoy".

He apparently believed the post's inferences that Lowe was a person of inferior character. Many netizens were affected and expressed their solidarity.

An Xian followed the reprint address to find the original post. The original post has been upvoted more than 2,000 floors, and various information related to Loy was exposed one after another under the post, his background, his appearance, his character, his life, his transcript... Each exposure one Information, everyone is like sharks who smell fishy, attacking them in groups, using fierce and vicious words, wantonly venting their negative emotions.

The post just exposed Roy's personal information, and there is absolutely no evidence to support the suspicion. But most people don't go to verify, they only believe the truth they know, and some people secretly fan the flames, and then they start to criticize Roy in unison.

These people don't even know that the "Mr. A" who they tried to slander and insult is long gone. This post has been reposted hundreds of thousands of times. If Roy is still alive, with his character, I don't know what a difficult situation he will be in.

An Xian suppressed the anger in his heart, registered an account with "This is the truth", and then posted - [Do you know Roy? Do you know who he is? Let me tell you what he really is like.]

[Roy's basic information, in the post "818 orphan who earned sympathy from others by selling his misery, cheated the inheritance of the lonely and widowed old, bought a diploma from a famous school, and finally reached the peak of his life" posted by the angry stone, it has been picked up. Almost there. You all know Lowe is an orphan, but do you know how his parents died? More than ten years ago, there was a huge flood in Qishan. Loy's father was a soldier and his mother was a therapist. The two went to the front line, but both died. They became one of the many victims. Lowy, who is only 5 years old. Because he had no other relatives, the ZF subsidy that Roy received was handed over to the Freemasonry orphanage where he was adopted, with a total of 20W.]

[Loy is a hero orphan, although these two heroes are very ordinary, and their sacrifices only exchanged 20W. The only good thing is that the old dean who adopted Roy was kind-hearted and took good care of him.]

[The old dean died of illness when Roy was seventeen, but she did not die "suddenly". Everyone in the orphanage knew that the old dean's health had always been bad, but he was worried about the child and insisted on it. for many years. She did give her inheritance to Roy, but as you know, this inheritance is only 25W. This 25W also includes Roy's ZF subsidy over the years. The person who handled this matter is lawyer Shao Ming. If you don't believe it, you can go directly to his website to find him for verification.]

[Most of the orphanages adopted are disabled children. Although they receive funding from various parties every year, the huge medical expenses and education funds keep the orphanage in a state of being unable to make ends meet. How can you think that a selfless old man who has dedicated his life to charity can have a fortune of millions? Believe what others say, can you still have some IQ? !]

The netizens who had spoken righteously before were all silent.

"Heroes orphans", "25W Heritage", these messages are like pots of chili water, pouring their heads all over their faces, making them feel hot.

Some good people quickly went to lawyer Shao Ming for confirmation. The other party learned about the situation and immediately found the inheritance document and intercepted part of the content to prove the authenticity of the matter. At the same time, he also added that among the 25W, 11W is the living allowance and education fund issued by ZF to Roy every year, but it was temporarily kept by the old dean before he became an adult.

Once the news was confirmed, all netizens who followed the matter were stunned. However, of the 25W legacy, 11W still belongs to Roy himself. There is no conspiracy, no blood, no luck, only full of sadness. Whether it is Roy's life experience or the selflessness of the old dean, it makes people feel embarrassed.

However, someone soon questioned: "If there is really only 25W, how did Roy get admitted to Belliver Medical College? Even if he was lucky enough to be admitted, with only 25W deposits, how could it be possible to support him for three years abroad? school fees and daily expenses?"

[It's up to me to answer this matter.]

The message was sent by a middle-aged woman who signed the "Mutual aid orphanage", and she started the live broadcast mode.

"I'm the current director of the Freemasonry Orphanage, Yu Qiu. Regarding Roy's situation, I think it's necessary for me to help him clarify."

An Xian was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the head of the Freemasonry Orphanage would actually come into battle. At the beginning, she donated the money to the orphanage and left a contact information. After that, apart from sending money regularly, she did not have much contact.

"I didn't know what was going on at first, until a few days ago, several reporters came to the orphanage and wanted to interview Lowy. I read the angry stone-haired post carefully and felt very uncomfortable, I don't know why Someone wants to slander Lowy.

"Loy's talent is not high, and according to normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible to be admitted to Belliver Medical College. He didn't even think about going abroad at first, he just wanted to stay and take care of the orphanage for the old dean. That year, there happened to be a The professor came to Canggu City. For some special reasons, he issued a task to help him process 3,000 medicinal materials within three days, and the task reward was 3W. At that time, many people took the task, but no one was able to complete it. Because the grade of these 3,000 medicinal materials is very low, the process is cumbersome, and it can only be completed by one person, and cannot be mixed with the spirit of the second person.

"In order to earn 3W reward, Roy also took this task and began to process the medicinal materials day and night. For three whole days, he did not leave the studio. You should know that his spiritual level is only D, not to mention three days, it is continuous Working ten hours was a huge burden for him, but he finally completed this task abruptly, at the cost of being lethargic for two days and his mental strength was almost exhausted.

"The professor who issued the task was very satisfied with the medicinal materials that Roy handled. He not only paid 3W credits, but also wrote a letter of recommendation to Roy. With this letter of recommendation, when Roy applied for Belliver College, he could 30 extra points."

Hearing this, there was an exclamation in the comment area, and many people expressed their envy of Roy's good luck.

good luck? Dean Yu Qiu's eyes were red: "This letter of recommendation meant nothing to Roy at the time, all he cared about was the 3W credit points. However, the money he tried his best to earn, he ended up using it all. In order to treat his mental damage, he also filled more than 2W."

Netizens were silent. The three days and three nights of hard work were not rewarded, but instead posted 20,000 yuan. I really don't know if I should call him stupid, or should I admire his persistence

It's no wonder that no one can complete this task, because the effort and return are completely disproportionate, and it is probably only a die-hard Roy who will do his best.

Yu Qiu continued: "Because of this letter of recommendation, the old dean handed over all the inheritance that he planned to leave to the orphanage to Lowy before his death. I hope he can apply for the Belliver Medical College and become a certified therapist in the future. Loy agreed and studied hard for it. The reason why he was admitted to Bailey later, in addition to his own efforts, the 30 points really played a crucial role, I do not deny this.

"When Loy went abroad, he only had less than 25W of credit points, which was enough to pay Belliver's tuition for one year, and he had to figure out other living expenses by himself. The difficulty in it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Studying abroad Is it a very beautiful thing? For Roy, this represents a burden, a responsibility, and a promise. After three years abroad, how could he not want to come back? It’s just that he has no money to come back and travel back and forth. The air ticket is his living expenses for two months. Although I don't know how he came here in recent years, but with his qualifications, if he wants to graduate a year earlier, he must have put in several times the efforts of ordinary people.

"His world is very simple, and he can give everything for the orphanage. I hope you don't listen to rumors and wantonly hurt this ill-fated child."

After a pause, Yu Qiu said again: "There is one more thing, you may not know, just a few months ago, Roy donated 50W to the orphanage."

[Wait, 50W?]

[Where did he get so much money?]

[Didn't you say he had a hard time? Did you feed the dog with so much bedding ahead?]

Some guys who were slapped in the face by reversal seemed to be grabbing a handle, and immediately cheered up.

"That's the compensation he got." Yu Qiu's tone was slow and full of pity, "A few months ago, there was a plane crash, he was one of the eight survivors at that time, and he received He received 70W of compensation. The day after he received the compensation, 50W of it was transferred to the orphanage.”

[The crash a few months ago, wouldn't it just be that one, right?]

[How many plane crashes can there be every year? And the 70W figure is too obvious.]

[Oh my god, he turned out to be a survivor of the plane crash with Lord Orderer.]

[The 70W compensation that I exchanged for my life, I donated 50W when I changed hands. I don’t know what to say now.]

[It's really a big reversal. Those who slandered Roy before should all come out and apologize now?]

[MD, was used as a gun by that angry stone, I am going to spray him to death!]

[Add me one.]

Because of Dean Yu Qiu's appearance, the remarks against Roy began to change direction and gradually shifted in the direction that was beneficial to Roy.

After that, everyone began to wonder about Roy's life abroad in those few years, but this time it was more pure curiosity than malicious gossip.

[Who can 818 Lowy's situation at Bellive College, I just want to know how he graduated early.]

[His 25W is only enough for one year of tuition, and the remaining two years of tuition and living expenses, how did he earn it?]

[I wonder if Roy has any special study skills? My spiritual level is also D, I hope I can learn from it.]

learn from? Anxious sigh.

Roy's experience in the academy, it is estimated that no one can learn from it, because, it is... too tired.