The World Below Surface

Chapter 108


What happens next is even more dangerous.

Lin Chu was in a daze for only a moment, then he came to his senses immediately, shook his head, and walked back.

Her last conversation with Chu Xiu was...

"So, how did you escape?"

Lin Chu did not answer directly, but shook his head vaguely, as if he had something to hide: "... Don't ask me about this. Anyway, after I left the wax museum, I finally came back."

Unable to speak, and relying only on lip movements to communicate, Lin Chu was unable to tell the truth, so she had no choice but to follow ‌ to find the exit which she didn't know where it was hidden.

There weren't enough candles. A good candle could only burn for half an hour at most. All the candles they had combined could only last for two hours. What's more... that monster could come back at any time!

This hall is too big.

Just now Lu Yanli thought he had touched its border, but now it seems that he had not. He did not know where this darkness came from, and where it led to. In short, he was sure that it was definitely not in the psychic town.

He heard the sound of waves and smelled a damp smell. Perhaps there was a source of water underneath.

The two walked side by side, one meter apart from each other, so that they could escape at any time if the other attacked them. They noticed something that they had not noticed before.

There were no shadows beneath their feet.

Behind them, there was still a ghost, a gray mist shadow with a long tail, passing through them with a chill, whispering, mumbling, screaming... all of which tortured their ears. Occasionally, when a gray mist shadow that was obviously condensed passed by, the other party's green eyes would stare at the two of them with malice.

Lu Yanli stopped, the gray mist shadows swirled around him, fiercely pounced on him and tried to bite him, but he couldn't bite anything. He stopped, and Lin Chu had to stop and look over.

"What are the rules?" Lu Yanli asked as concisely as possible using his lips.

Lin Chu shook his head: "I don't know either. A long time ago, there were no rules for this thing."

It really becomes illogical, weird and chaotic. It is better to say that this is the real ghost, right? Just like the previous task of finding the rules by observation and escaping, why do those ghosts who also have to follow the rules follow them? What makes them follow them

Don't think too much about this problem, or you'll easily fall into despair.

Lu Yanli nodded and continued walking down.

The long darkness can easily wear out people's will. After a long time without seeing the light, there is only the same unclear front and the gray shadows floating around.

He counted in his head.

Clearly several hours had passed, but the candles in their hands had not gotten shorter at all. They were still trembling, weak flames, swaying slightly with their steps.

They seemed to be trapped in this endless darkness where even time seemed to have stopped, unable to escape.

Lu Yanli stopped again.

Lin Chu at the side also stopped, and the two looked at each other with serious expressions.

This is very abnormal. If I can't find a real way out, I'm afraid I'll be trapped here forever.

"You really don't know any rules?" Lu Yanli suddenly asked.

At the moment he made the sound, the two sides suddenly changed. The surroundings that were originally unclear seemed to shrink suddenly, and the surrounding walls could be clearly seen.

Bang, bang, bang…

With every heavy blow, a strange shape would bulge out from the wall, like the claw of an unknown beast, or a hideous face carved into the wall.

More and more... Twisted and weird faces appeared. The sound continued, dust fell from the ceiling, and the floor began to shake.

‌… There was a light behind me.

Both of them inevitably turned their heads to look. Behind them, at the end of the long dark corridor, there appeared a glass window.

Light shines in from the window, and you can vaguely see the shadow of the building outside the window.

Is that the exit? Is there a trap? Lin Chu wondered. Before she could ask, she realized that the distance between them and the window had been shortened.

Now, she was even more convinced that there was a trap there.

Lu Yanli probably thought the same thing, as the two of them were not making any progress but were actually regressing.

Their expectation was correct, as hideous human faces began to appear on the surrounding walls and the floor. It was impossible to tell whether they were male or female, young or old. Only simple yet real facial features were twisted together, staring at them with resentment.

Both of them were extremely sensitive to details, and they immediately noticed that the further they went back, the tighter the walls on both sides became. Now, they were in a dilemma.

What kind of trap could it be? Lin Chu stared at the window in front of him alertly.

What's behind him? Lu Yanli thought about what was behind him.

Suddenly, they heard a woman crying from the endless darkness behind them.

Before she died, the woman called out "Mom".

Lin Chu had never heard of this voice, but that didn't stop her from being surprised. Lu Yanli, who was beside her, felt cold all over in an instant.

That voice... He remembered it clearly. It belonged to a tasker named Shi Yan. They had played several weird games together, and in the end, Shi Yan died in a car accident at an intersection.

Why... is she here? Why can he hear her voice

His head was in excruciating pain, and he suddenly thought of the meaning of the word medium - a medium, someone who communicates between the living and the dead, and connects the Yin and Yang worlds.

The echo from far behind them disappeared, but the two had to stop. There was danger behind them, and it seemed that they could only go out through the window in front of them.

I hope... there are no traps and I can leave safely

Lin Chu silently recited in his heart, constantly encouraging himself.

They moved in that direction little by little.

The wax dripped down the candle, hot and dripping down the back of the hand. The candle was getting shorter and shorter, which should have made them anxious, but now they finally felt relieved and excited.

Slowly, they approached the window little by little.

The window is very big, as big as a person, like a sesame seed placed on a ping-pong ball. It is a joke that a normal person would make, saying "your thoughts are too dirty."

The scenery outside the window seemed so beautiful that it seemed unreal to the two people who had been trapped in darkness for a long time. They could vaguely see the scene of the psychic town outside the window, and the ruins of the bombing were still there.

Lin Chu couldn't help but quicken his pace a little bit.

When they were only five or six meters away from the window, regular vibrations began to occur outside the room.

It was as if something was approaching, and every step caused the ground to shake. The two had to struggle to keep their bodies steady amidst the raised reliefs, trying not to fall to the ground.

A shadow covered the window, and then the room was plunged into darkness.

It seemed as if something suddenly covered the window, and at the same time, the shaking stopped.

"What is that?"

Lu Yanli reached out and pulled Lin Chu. The latter looked out the window. It was pitch black, but not completely pure black. There was a stream of light on the surface. She asked uncertainly.

Lu Yanli also looked out the window, which was completely covered by darkness. He had good eyesight and could see things at night. He saw every detail of the darkness and felt a little uneasy.

It felt... a little familiar. As soon as he thought about moving forward, a sense of danger emerged in his heart, telling him not to get close.

"Go back."

I looked back and backed away. A few rays of sunlight slowly leaked in from the blocked window behind me. It turned out that the blocking object had moved back a little, revealing a little white at the corner.

Why does this look so much like...

More and more light shone through the window, and they finally saw the thing clearly...

It was actually a human eye!

The eye was far away, and one could clearly see the dark eyeball, the white of the eye with a little red bloodshot, and the distinct eyelashes.

Just now, it was this eye that had been staring at them from the window, spying on their every move, while they were unconsciously trying to get closer.

The eyeballs moved slightly and focused on them. Then, the eye smiled at them, as if it had discovered something interesting.


Instantly, a chill rose from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, and an unprecedented sense of fear came over them. Without a second thought, the two turned around and ran back, not daring to look back any longer.

The eyes outside the window gradually left, and they heard voices from the outside world that sounded like people talking, but they couldn't make out what they were saying. If the scene outside the window wasn't in normal proportions, the two would have thought they had entered the legendary land of giants.

It took them a long time to calm down their agitated emotions. Fortunately, the candle did not go out. Lin Chu pounded her head and felt so dizzy that she almost vomited. She opened her mouth and asked after a long time: "What on earth... is that?"

She just asked casually and didn't think Lu Yanli would know the answer.

Were the eyes that spied on them coming from giant humanoid creatures hundreds of times larger than they were, or had they experienced some kind of size reduction

Or maybe they are creatures cultivated by this thing

Lin Chu couldn't think about this question too deeply. Once he dug into it, he would feel cold all over.

Lu Yanli also felt cold all over. He leaned against the wall and suddenly recalled that he was "forced" to play the elevator game with Chu Xiu a few days ago, and ended up in a strange area. At that time, he encountered a huge statue and ran on the statue's instep for a long time without knowing it.

Did he just hear the voice of Shi Yan, who had long been dead? Perhaps it was the scream she made during the previous games. What was the connection between them

At some point, the gray fog disappeared, and the whistling and screaming sounds were gone. There was dead silence, with only the sounds of the two people's rapid breathing and heartbeats.

The candle went out, and outside the window, the sky was bright. The light was so blinding that they could hardly see the scenery outside. It was so bright that both of them could not adapt and had to cover their eyes first, then slowly open their eyes to look over.

On one side is light, on the other side is endless darkness.

Lu Yanli looked for a long time, then slowly walked towards the light. He stood at the junction of light and shadow, turned around, and looked at the dark corridor with no end in sight at the other end.

Life and death are all illusions, and this world is like a strange and bizarre joke. He has long been unable to distinguish what is real and what is fake, but he still has to work hard to live for the illusory meaning of life.

Which way is life? Which way is death

Lin Chu was also thinking, she also couldn't figure it out, she could only lean against the wall and breathe slowly, her mind was rarely clear.

She saw Lu Yanli standing at the junction of light and shadow for a long time, and finally chose to walk towards the window. After hesitating for a while, she also stood up and followed.

There was a blinding white outside the window, and nothing could be seen clearly.

‌They have stepped out without hesitation.

"Oh, you guys finally came out. You've been delayed for so long."

In the chaos, a middle-aged man's voice sounded. Lu Yanli blinked his eyes several times, and the blurry scene in front of him finally became clear.

"Are you feeling well? Let me make it clear first, you all signed a contract before playing this game and you don't have any physical illness." A man was still speaking.

It was as if a layer of isolating membrane had been stripped away, and his senses gradually became clearer. He could smell cigarette smoke, various paints, and the smell of the ground melting in his nose, and his skin, which had been in contact with the cold air, finally touched the sunlight. Lu Yanli stood there in a daze, turning his head to look around.

Lin Chu stood beside him, also in a daze, seemingly still in a trance. The place they were in should be an amusement park, and behind them was a... haunted house

There was a black curtain at the entrance of the haunted house, and a sign was placed on the top with four big, twisted red characters: Psychic Town. There was a long line outside, all of them were tourists waiting to play.

The middle-aged man waved his hand in front of him, his tone anxious: "No way, are you really scared to death?"

Lu Yanli: "No, it's okay." He reached out and pulled Lin Chu, who turned his head but still didn't come back to his senses and obediently let him pull him away.

The candle and the jade pendant are still in my pocket.


Lu Yanli looked around, trying to find familiar traces.

No, none at all.

A strange playground, a strange crowd of tourists, people with smiles on their faces, sitting on the colorful amusement facilities and enjoying themselves. The sun is shining and the wind is gentle.

Lin Chu came back to her senses and pounded her head hard. She raised her eyes with difficulty and looked around, then her eyes widened.

"What the hell is this place?" She stared blankly at everything in front of her, unable to comprehend.

The two dazed people seemed out of place standing among a group of happy tourists, and passing tourists couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

“It’s probably another place like another dimension.” Lin Chu said.

The two of them came to a place with few people and discussed in low voices. Lin Chu had not experienced much, but Lu Yanli had been involved in strange spaces several times. If he had found a pattern in the earliest time at the train station, in the later spaces, the pattern was almost nowhere to be found.

This time... what to do

The amusement park began to play music on the radio, a simple tune that sounded lighthearted and cheerful. The crowd cheered and rushed in one direction.

"What do they want to see? Should we go over?" Lin Chu asked.

"Let's go and take a look." Lu Yanli stood up and walked forward.

The music on the radio stopped suddenly, and then it started from a distance. At the intersection of the small road around the corner of the huge carousel, there were girls in beautiful skirts leading the way. They held flowers and bells in their hands, which jingled. They scattered beautiful and bright petals and ribbons in the air, laughing and singing.

Behind them was a float, pulled by two sculpted white horses, the wheels rolling over flower petals and ribbons. The man dressed up as a butler had a beautiful white beard, his mouth was barely visible. The white-bearded man raised his whip exaggeratedly and gently whipped the horse in front of him.

"The float is empty." Lin Chu thought they were going to welcome someone, but there was no one in the car, so he wanted to leave.

Lu Yanli also planned to leave.

The two were standing at the edge of the road and were about to leave when the white-bearded man on the float raised his whip and pointed at them. Then, the group of beautiful girls came towards them holding flower baskets and ribbons.

"Come on, come on, take a ride on the float."

"Congratulations, you have been selected. You are the lucky tourists. Come and ride the float."

The girls looked at Lu Yanli and Lin Chu expectantly, and their soft hands tried to lead them towards the float. The other tourists looked at them with envy, as if this was some good thing.

Lin Chu waved his hands repeatedly: "No, I won't go, thank you."

The girls seemed not to hear and continued to pull her towards the float. Lu Yanli was not in a better situation. He just threw a girl to the ground and ran away.

Seeing this, Lin Chu also drew his knife and cut off the ribbon that a girl had wrapped around her hand, and pushed her to the ground, then fled out with her amid screams.

“Ah… That’s too much!”

"Why are you so annoying? If you don't want to play, then don't play."

The girls cried and helped up the two people who fell down. The music stopped and the flowers in the baskets also wilted.

"According to monitoring, it has already escaped to the third layer of space. It is estimated that it will not be long before the third layer is also corroded."

"Well, keep observing."