The World Below Surface

Chapter 109


"So many people have gone in, but not a single piece of news has been received."

"We need to send more, right? At least we need to recover the objects we brought in. Otherwise, the other objects will collapse sooner or later."

"The regular phenomenon has already emerged. Its scope is still expanding."

"I think we need to find out first, why no news has been sent, and so far, there are still a few alive. Why didn't they send out any information? Is it because they are confused, or because other containment objects brought in are out of control?"

"The most terrifying possibility is that the objects contained are not mutually exclusive, but... a superposition of alienation reactions!"

"The new investigator is in place. Do you need to prepare the containment?"

"No, everything we brought in before couldn't be recovered. Something strange happened. This mission... As long as we can bring something back, it will be a success."

No success... That person said, no success is the same as before, the investigators have no way back, and the contained objects continue to be lost.

"If conditions permit, prioritize the recovery of item No. 003075. It can emit light by itself, which can be used to guide direction and position, and is relatively low in danger. However... once it gets out of control or is broken, it will quickly infect surrounding organisms."

"Attention! Ensure your own safety first."


"What do you think this world is like?" The two walked in a park on the street, looking at all the people and things around them in a very subtle way.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like a normal world. There are ghosts, curses, and all kinds of strange and bizarre events. The float he just escaped from seems to be a coincidence.

Both of them had doubts, but whether through phone calls or online investigations, the results proved that this world was a new world different from the one where Lin Chu and Lu Yanli lived. There were people they were not familiar with here, and the culture and region were also somewhat different.

This world is so peaceful, but they both don't want to stay here any longer. However, the world is so big, and for a while, they didn't know where to go, so they decided to stay here first and then look for flaws.

He had a hunch that the curse from the other world was still there and would not disappear just because he came to the new world.

The two walked forward and passed by a small temple on the way. The abbot was sweeping the floor in the yard.

After sweeping the floor, he returned to the main hall and bowed devoutly in front of the Buddha statue.

When he raised his head, the solemn golden Buddha statues inside and outside the hall all turned into the same distorted scarlet color. However, the abbot did not notice anything unusual. Instead, he bowed down even more fanatically. He stared directly at the distorted and weird statue with a dull look, and he cried and laughed, twisting his limbs in strange ways.

‌Just here, all the places where statues, shrines, and tablets were placed were silently replaced with a strangely twisted red statue.

No one noticed anything unusual, but they continued to live in their own world, worrying about going to class and studying. As for the little bit of energy, there were suddenly some phenomena around them that could not be explained by science... Who would believe it

"Did you tell me? There's a meteor shower tonight."

"I know, I know. I hope it doesn't rain tonight. You can come to my house to watch. My house is on the top floor and I have a telescope."


Lin Chu and Lu Yanli acted separately. Lu Yanli started from the official to find relevant information. Lin Chu returned to the amusement park where they first entered. She could make herself look different, so the workers in the amusement park also knew that someone had been there from morning to night these days.

Lin Chu heard the words of the girls behind her and didn't care much, but she still wrote down the message and lined up outside the haunted house skillfully.

"Tickets." The worker held out his hand. "How many people?"

Lin Chu handed over the ticket: "One."

When it was her turn, the room was already occupied. It would take at most ten minutes to play a round, so the staff let her in without worrying about asking a few more questions.

When she came the second time, she had already figured out the location of the cameras inside the haunted house and understood the procedures of the haunted house. Now, she skillfully lifted the curtain and walked in.

Still have…

The haunted house called Psychic Town was dark, with dim green lights, eerie music, and the poor acting and makeup skills of the workers. Lin Chu was not scared at all, but she still dutifully turned pale and screamed from time to time.

Yes… yes!

Lin Chu was almost at the end of the haunted house.

The props of limbs fell along the way. There were also human body molds placed on the road. Lin Chu pretended to be scared and slowed down his pace. When he was turning a corner, he suddenly tripped.

What tripped her was a pale human body mold, swollen, pale, lying face down in the middle of the road. Lin Chu had never seen this mold before when she came here several times.

Has the layout been changed

Lin Chuxin's heart beat fast suddenly, and she suddenly recalled the touch on her leg just now.

Cold and creamy.

There was also a faint stench of decay in the nasal cavity.

This corpse... This corpse is real! It's a prop!!

The corpse trembled its fingers, as if trying to sit up.

She jumped up and ran back as fast as she could, not caring about the body parts and props on the road. She kicked them all away and rushed straight to the door.

It's haunted! This world is haunted too!

"Strange, what did she encounter?" The boss in the monitoring room looked puzzled, zoomed in carefully, and laughed, "It seems that my props were not good. Look how scared she was."

Lin Chufei also rushed out and returned to the room he passed by halfway. There was a female ghost NPC in the room. She heard from the headphones that a customer had returned and immediately hid in the closet again.

As soon as he entered the closet, he felt something was wrong.

The air conditioner in the haunted house is turned on high to let the cold erode the courage of the customers. But why... is it so cold in the closet

The boy who played the female ghost was puzzled. He rubbed his arms and concentrated on receiving instructions.

He heard a sigh from his ear. This sigh did not come from the earphone, but from...


He knew the furnishings in the closet best, and there was never any extra recording equipment inside. So, what was that just now

There's a ghost!

He wanted to rush out immediately, but the closet door was locked tightly.

Lin Chu rushed into the room and tried to open another door directly. That door was a little difficult to open. In the room, there was a wardrobe that was constantly vibrating and shouting for help.

Thank you for saving me.

Lin Chu thought about it, took a step back, kicked the door open with force, and rushed in.

After she left, the wardrobe stopped shaking, and blood slowly seeped out from the crack in the door.

"What's wrong with these two girls? I have to fix the door after they broke it." The boss in the monitoring room was a little impatient. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to cause trouble for them, but was stopped by the workers. "It's okay. Let's talk about it after she comes out. I'll use the radio to call her out first."

"That's fine." The boss said angrily. He stared at the screen and slapped his thigh, "Oh no, Xiao Chen's trick just now was quite useful, just standing in the closet and shaking, oh no, oh no, it's better than coming out and scaring people."

He turned on the device and broadcast a message for the "two girls" inside to come out.

But what he did know was that the broadcast had changed. It was no longer his voice, but...

Lin Chu heard the familiar voice again.

Just like what she had seen in the dark passage before, whispering, sharp roars, meaningful mumblings, sighs...

Her heart was beating fast. Without thinking about anything else, she continued to speed up and rushed out of the gate.

"Hey, hey, hey, girl, you just..."

Lin Chuxuan also turned around and ran away quickly. Her speed was so fast that the boss could not catch up with her for a while. He could only look at her back in helplessness and rage.

After a while, he came to his senses.

"Two girls, what about the other one?"

He turned back to the monitoring room and froze in place as soon as he entered the door.

Another employee was lying on the table, blood was splattered everywhere in the monitoring room, and next to him stood a woman.

The woman was wearing a white dress, with her hair hanging down and her long black hair covering her face. She stood in a pool of blood. She slowly turned her head and looked at the boss.

The door was closed.

Lin Chu heard a scream and ran faster.

There were very few people in the amusement park today, and the sky was gloomy. Lin Chu kept running towards the door, and then she heard screams from all around her.

Before she could reply, a corpse slammed heavily on her body. The impact of falling from a high altitude caused the corpse to instantly break into a human shape and spread out on the ground into a ball of rotten meat, with red and white liquids flowing out.

Lin Chu nearly fell down, but she turned a corner and continued to run. Fortunately, she arrived at the gate smoothly this time.

She looked back and finally understood what had happened.

The tallest roller coaster in the amusement park broke down and all the passengers were thrown out.

Lin Chu ran outside.

Lu Yanli sat in the corner of the internet cafe. On the screen were murder cases that had occurred in the city within a week. Most of them were bizarre deaths due to various coincidences.

Too many... Compared with Monday, the number of strange incidents that broke out this week is almost a hundred times higher, whether it's students drowning or cars losing control and rushing into the river. These days, the authorities have to suppress the news again and again to avoid causing panic.

But this did not stop some people from taking advantage of it. Just a week later, some cults took advantage of the opportunity to spread rumors, claiming that the end of the world was approaching and that only by believing in their gods could one be saved.

Lu Yanli didn't care at first, until he accidentally clicked on a video of the official crackdown on cults, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Another statue of this kind...

Why? Every world has it

Lu Yanli didn't believe in evil and looked it up. These religions all had secret official websites on the Internet. He searched for them one by one and felt like a huge stone was pressed on his heart.

These religions...they all believe in the same exact things!

Just when he was about to look for other information, another person walked into the Internet cafe.

He felt that the weather was too hot and the air conditioner was too stuffy, so he turned the fan to the highest setting. The electric fan on top was spinning at high speed, making a slight creaking sound, disrupting the coolness.

Lu Yanli searched for a long time. After receiving Lin Chu's message, he stood up, turned off the computer, and prepared to go out.

Something unexpected happened.

The moment he passed by another person who stood up, the fan on top finally couldn't bear the weight, and fell straight down with the high-speed rotating blades, cutting off the heads of seven or eight people at once. The blood and skulls flew out and rolled to the ground.

The experience of walking on the edge of life and death for many years has made Lu Yanli develop a conditioned reflex. The moment the fan fell, he quickly hid under the table, leaving the crackling sound and screams, followed by chaos.

A huge skull rolled in front of him.

It was clearly a sudden and unexpected death, and few people could react at all. The expression on that head was sinister and resentful, and its eyes were staring at him intently.

The noise outside became quieter, and Lu Yanli ran out.

He was absolutely certain that that thing... was staring at him again!

Now, how do you want to kill me

In the evening, the two who had experienced many life and death situations finally reunited and reported to each other what they had seen and heard today. After telling Lin Chu about his experience, Lu Yanli fell into deep thought.

It seems... He won't be able to go to the haunted house again in the short term.

"Yes, they said there will be a meteor shower tonight." Lin Chu thought about it and decided to tell it. She looked up at the night sky and suddenly thought of Xiaoyu.

He also made an appointment to pool money together to buy a telescope.

Thinking of the past, Lin Chu felt a little melancholy. She looked up at the night sky, expecting the arrival of the meteor shower.

As expected, a little green fluorescence slowly appeared on the horizon. Then, that little green light turned into clusters of green fluorescent lights, passing through the dark night.

Like Lin Chu, when Lu Yanli saw the green light, his expression changed drastically and he pulled the direction.

"Hurry up! This is simply a meteor shower!"

But others didn't know that he was still standing under the night sky, looking up and waiting for the meteor shower to come and expressing his praise.

“How beautiful…”

Spots of green light floated down, touching his legs and face.

People are ignorant and unconscious.

This world is changing quietly.

Did you find it