The World Below Surface

Chapter 111


"It has been sent to the entire city. At present, the meteor shower only covers this city." Lu Yanli pressed the last key and flexed his fingers.

Lin Chu is recording.

"How weird..." she murmured.

When they came, these strange things also came. Then... will there be such things in the world they live in

The crowd on the street had gone crazy - anyone who saw their flesh rotting and falling off piece by piece would go crazy. Most people realized the source of the problem and fled desperately, trying to hide in street shops. They clashed with some of the survivors who had been hiding in the shops, and the two sides started fighting.

Some shops had closed early, so they targeted them and banged on the doors frantically trying to get in. The shop they were in was no exception, and there was a sound of banging on the door.

‌The outer layer is a rolling door, and the inner layer is a glass door. Lu Yanli moved a heavy cabinet to the door and pushed a lot of shelves.

The shelves and wooden cabinets made a banging sound, but Lu Yanli paid no attention to them. After confirming that they could not be broken open for the time being, he returned to the computer, hacked into the surveillance camera, and prepared an escape route.

The whole city was infected, and it was useless for people on the street to die, as they would become new sources of infection. He had to find a way to leave.

“How about getting a car?” Lin Chu suggested while taking notes quickly.

She was talking about getting a car, of course, not using any legal means. But Lin Chu didn't care anymore.

Once the bottom line is broken, there will be no more awe. Moreover, Lu Yanli is not a law-abiding person.

"These things will last at least three days, or even longer." Lu Yanli said, "After these people die, we will get out."

The fate of the entire city's population did not shock him at all.

Lin Chu thought a little inappropriately, they all said that they regarded the lives of NPCs as worthless, but sometimes too tragic death scenes would also shock them. Like Lu Yanli... Is he naturally indifferent, or is it because he has seen many similar incidents

But...what does it have to do with me

Lin Chu walked to the window again and took a look.

Many people had almost lost all their flesh, revealing their mutated skeletons and internal organs. Thin, long, green fungi were growing wildly from their pores. Their cries could be heard through the thick glass.

A man, who looked young, bumped into us and left two rows of green palm prints on the glass window.

Something seems... wrong.

In order to avoid being discovered by the outside world, they did not turn on the lights. In the darkness, Lu Yanli looked vigilantly at the rows of shelves and the door where the sound of collision was getting weaker and weaker.

There is nothing abnormal.

What went wrong

His eyes passed by a door and then fixed.

He had just dragged his boss into this room and locked the door. Now... the door was actually opened a crack.

Who opened that door

A chill enveloped his heart. He stared at the door, his heart suddenly beating very fast. Lu Yanli stood up and slowly walked towards the door.

He sensed the danger, and this sharp sense of crisis like a knife made him tense up involuntarily. He pulled his coat up completely, and put on gloves and a mask so that he could leave the store at any time.

This store has a back door.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chu noticed something unusual, she also tensed up and walked over slowly.

But she couldn't see clearly in the dark, and she tripped over something and grabbed a shelf to avoid falling. She looked down and found that there was no obstacle that could trip her where she had just walked.

"What? They said meteor showers are viruses? Aren't push notifications too weird?" Zhang Wenna walked in the school with her boyfriend's arm around her. She was playing with her phone with her head down when suddenly a push notification popped up that she couldn't turn off. It took up the entire screen, forcing her to read the message and several weird pictures before she could find the close button.

She was not a timid person, but she was still shocked by those pictures. How could such a thing grow on the human body? Some of the "people" had no flesh on the surface of their bodies, revealing their internal organs that were a mixture of fluorescent green and scarlet. It was really disgusting.

"I don't know who did this prank. It's really unbelievable that they have this technology and use it to scare people!" Zhang Wenna was furious. She had already turned off those pictures, but the miserable conditions of the people in the pictures still lingered in her mind. She shuddered and hugged her boyfriend's arms tighter. "I'm so scared. Let's go have some milk tea, Ah He?"

Her boyfriend Ahe was playing games and nodded nonchalantly, so Zhang Wenna took Ahe to the milk tea shop.

The weather today was very strange. The sky was completely dark, with no moon or stars. Zhang Wenna walked down the street with her boyfriend and found that there were fewer and fewer people. Only the cold neon lights on both sides of the street were still working diligently.

This is so weird, doesn't everyone go out to play on the weekend

Zhang Wenna was confused, but she couldn't figure out the reason. Fortunately, her favorite milk tea shop was open, so she hurried in, scanned the order with her mobile phone, and then sat in the small private room with a curtain drawn.

Ah He was in the final stage of playing the game. Zhang Wenna glanced at the other person's phone and casually opened her own phone to watch short videos. Soon, she was amused.

At this time, the door of the milk tea shop was pushed open again, and a long-haired girl wearing a Japanese school uniform skirt walked in, with her head lowered and not saying a word.

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

The waiter was busy making milk tea. Seeing that the girl stood there for a long time without saying anything, he had to turn around and go to the counter to ask: "Here is the menu. New customers can also scan the official account to place an order and get a discount."

The girl still kept her head down, motionless.

She looked very thin, with long bangs on her forehead, and her head was lowered so the clerk couldn't see her face at all.

"Hello, pretty lady?"

The clerk called her twice more, but she remained motionless and ignored him. The clerk couldn't help but shudder, and for no reason, she felt a chill in her heart.

This girl should...

She didn't care too much, turned around, caught the smoothie in the cup, and then poured in a spoonful of strawberry jam, and the whole drink suddenly became beautiful.

After both cups were ready, she turned around and was immediately startled.

This girl... actually lay on the counter. The counter was not high, and her body was bent into an arc of nearly 120 degrees in a very strange way, with her head resting on the counter. Her hair was very long, completely covering her eyes, but the clerk could sense that she was looking at him.

“… Hello?” The clerk swallowed and asked carefully again.

The girl said nothing, just looked at her.

This is so weird... I'll be off work as soon as I deliver this!

The clerk was nervous, but she kept encouraging herself, carefully picked up the tray, and walked towards the private room for the customer who had just entered.

The gaze like a thorn in the side of the body still came from behind, that girl...that girl was still looking at him!

If she could look back at the girl, she would find that the girl had not turned her head at all. Only her eyes were moving slowly to the right in the direction the clerk was walking, almost popping out of her eye sockets.

As she went up the stairs, her eyes rolled upwards.

"Hello, your milk tea is ready."

Hearing the voice of the clerk outside the curtain, Zhang Wenna said casually: "Thank you, let it in."

She was still watching videos when suddenly, she felt her heart palpitating. The sudden fear made her subconsciously turn her head to look.

A hand rested on the curtain, and then pulled it open!


Zhang Wenna screamed in fear. The waiter outside the door turned out to be a headless corpse! She held the tray in both hands, and on the tray was the waiter's head! The eyes were staring at her! Her mouth opened and closed, and she said, "Hello, two cups of strawberry smoothie in total."

"What's your name? Nana, what's the big deal?" Her boyfriend Ah He didn't care at all. He raised his head and glanced lazily, took a drink from the tray and placed it in front of Zhang Wenna. "It was you who said you wanted to come for milk tea. Can you be quiet?"

A cold drink was placed in front of her, and Zhang Wenna ordered her favorite strawberry smoothie. But now, as she watched the red liquid in the cup seep out of the smoothie, she felt that it was clearly blood.

"Ah, Ah He... didn't you notice?" Zhang Wenna was so scared that she leaned close to Ah He and trembled, whispering, "This waiter!"

"What's wrong with the waiter? Can you please stop looking for trouble?" Ah He just felt that she was inexplicable and didn't want to pay any attention to her. He took the other drink in front of him and drank most of it in one breath.

The red liquid was on the lips, bloody and sticky.

Zhang Wenna was going crazy. She couldn't believe that her boyfriend had no reaction. Was she the only one who could see ghosts

The head in the tray smiled at her. Zhang Wenna was trembling all over and couldn't run away at all. She tried her best to shake Ah He's hand: "Let's go quickly? Let's go quickly! Okay?"

"You're crazy. You're the one who said you wanted milk tea, and you're the one who bought it but didn't drink it." Ah He looked at the waiter in confusion, then at Zhang Wenna, who looked pale, and suddenly felt that he understood something. "Are you jealous again? Please, I didn't even look at others, okay?"

Zhang Wenna's face was covered with tears, and she shook her head desperately: "No, let's go quickly, please run faster!"

She was afraid that the ghost would do something, but until she pulled Ah He away, the head on the tray was still neatly placed on the tray without any extra movement.

"It's so scary... I'm so scared..." Zhang Wenna couldn't help crying as soon as she escaped from the milk tea shop, "There's a ghost in that shop! Didn't you notice it?"

"What the hell? Can you please stop being so weird?" Ah He retorted. Zhang Wenna smelled a strong smell of blood coming out of his mouth, which was disgusting. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and bend over to retch.

There was something stuck in her throat. Zhang Wenna retched several times and even stretched out her mouth to dig, but still couldn't get the thing stuck in her throat out.

What is it

The foreign body sensation became stronger and stronger. Zhang Wenna could hardly bear it anymore. She opened her mouth wider and thrust her penis deeper.

‌ I just can’t take it out.

What happened? What on earth is this

Zhang Wenna was going crazy because of the feeling. She wanted to take out the thing that was blocking her throat, but she couldn't reach it. She opened her mouth wide, but it was useless, because she couldn't reach it.

What on earth is this?!

Zhang Wenna had been scratching her throat for a long time, and her nails had drawn blood, but she seemed to be completely unaware and continued to desperately stuff the meat into her throat. The look on her face was getting more and more crazy.

What should I do if I can’t take it out

Zhang Wenna was almost going crazy. She took out a pair of scissors from her bag, opened her mouth without hesitation, cut hard at the corners of her mouth, and then ripped it open. Then, she put her whole hand into her throat.

"Finally... I took it out." Her fingertips twisted the two eyeballs, which were like the pearls in bubble tea, black, round, and bloodshot.

When Ah He saw her cutting the corner of her mouth, he was about to say something caring, but suddenly, he felt a strange feeling in his throat.

He opened his mouth and felt the feeling coming from his body becoming more and more disgusting. He couldn't help but bend over and retch.


Countless black beetles swarmed out of its mouth and quickly crawled across the ground.

They were all flat beetles no bigger than a finger, with shiny black shells and two red marks on their backs. They poured out of the man's mouth and flowed all over the floor.

As the swarm of insects left his body, the man visibly lost weight, like a deflated balloon. When the last insect left his body, his entire body had turned into a piece of light human skin, and with a slight breeze, he floated away.

As for those black beetles, they quickly spread in the dark city like shadows. They could fly very fast, and before long, a residential building was completely covered with black insect shadows, without a single light leaking out.

The room was empty.

The man who was tied up and fell unconscious has disappeared.

"He... can't stay in this store anymore!" Lin Chuyi's expression changed drastically when she saw the room. She walked towards the back door without looking back, wrapping herself tightly as she walked.

Her hand was already on the door lock. Lu Yanli nodded. Lin Chu took a deep breath, opened the door, and quickly hid aside.

All the fluorescent bones piled at the door were poured in. Lu Yanli pushed the pile of bones aside with a broom, and then the two of them walked out.

Outside the door had become a living hell, with green corpses piled up everywhere, and there were basically no living people walking on the street. The stench of decay and the strange fishy smell of the green fluorescent dots mixed together, making people nauseous.

Fortunately, these things currently only attack living things. Lu Yanli carefully avoided them and didn't let those things get in his eyes. They quickly found a car and found a way to get on it.

They didn't notice that there was a manhole cover under the car, which was pushed open by a pale hand.

Then, the hand stretched out and grasped the bottom of the car firmly.

Even in the car, the two were still wrapped tightly. There was no other way, their clothes were already covered with those things, and if they took them off rashly, they might touch them. Lu Yanli sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards the edge of the city.

The closer we got to the edge of the city, the more cars there were, and many people were also fleeing. Everyone's car was covered with green fluorescent spots without exception, and no one dared to open the door or window. The wipers couldn't wipe it clean, so we could only barely see the road through it.