The World Below Surface

Chapter 116



"It's invading too fast. If it continues like this, it will enter this world one day."

"Has she been sent out yet?"

"If it's completely out of control, I'm afraid it won't be very effective."

At this moment, the two investigators who stayed on the island were surprised to find that the color of the red shadow in front of them seemed to be a little lighter, and they immediately reported it to their superiors.

A very ordinary world.

Just like where he used to be, the street was full of people hurrying around busy with their lives, and no one even glanced at him.


He looked up at the sky.

I felt something was wrong, as if something was watching me. I looked back, but there was nothing.

"Why are there so many layers of the world?" The two people were sitting on the side of the road, talking in low voices.

The rare peace did not allow him to enjoy the tranquility, but made him more afraid of the crisis that was lurking somewhere.

“Maybe… have you heard of a concept called the inner and outer world?” Lin Chu stopped.

The sky seemed to be getting lower, and dark clouds gradually gathered.

"Inside and outside world?"

"Yes. I saw this concept in a movie from that world." Lin Chu briefly explained the movie, and Lu Yanli quickly understood its meaning.

"That is to say, maybe there is something that exists in the real world, and then created the seemingly peaceful surface world and the crazy and weird inner world?"

They were in a park. Lu Yanli squatted down and scratched marks on the soft soil with a branch. "Moreover, people living in these worlds can reach another world through certain means."

The real world, the surface world, the inner world… there should be three layers, but he himself has experienced more than three layers.

"No, no, no, not just these..." Lu Yanli drew circles on the ground, one after another, which partially overlapped, and marked the overlapping parts.

The first big circle and the second big circle overlapped a part, and he wrote "Arrival" on the overlapping part.

“Does that mean the arrival of Xi Jinping?” Lin Chu pointed at the two words.

"Yes." Lu Yanli wrote [Abnormal] in the blank space of the big circle, and [Normal?] in the overlapping space. He had a good memory, and quickly drew no less than 10 small circles in the same way.

The wind got colder, the sky got lower, the number of pedestrians gradually decreased, and the sunlight became weaker.

Lu Yanli didn't care, or rather, he was just waiting for something strange to happen.

"According to your concept, the monsters in the other world are all monsters conceived by the creator of the world, so..." He drew a heavy dot on the circle representing his own world.

"If the world you are in is the inner world, then... who is the core of that world?"

Lin Chu looked up at him, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

"Although I have only entered twice, I can still figure out some patterns. These ghosts are all based on idealism, so maybe they are really caused by a certain creature... Maybe, they were all conceived by someone." Lin Chu vaguely mentioned some key words to avoid being punished for the mission.

Lu Yanli shook his head: "No."

The dark clouds have completely gathered.

But... the scary thing was that it didn't press down in the sky like an ordinary storm. On the contrary, the sky was still white and bright blue, with dark clouds of the same size neatly arranged in the sky, which was really creepy.

Lu Yanli stared at the strange sky, as if he had returned to the day when the world changed drastically...

At that time, a vortex appeared in the sky. Everyone thought it was a tornado and wanted to escape, but the vortex did not suck people in. Instead... it released those things!

He didn't know where those things came from, but he was sure that the source was not where he lived.

"The source of the mutation is unknown. As the saying goes, the pain and depression in the little girl's heart condensed into a monster." The dark clouds pressed lower and lower. Lu Yanli stood upright on a piece of inexplicably desertified land, coldly confronting the thing hiding behind the sky, "There is no pain and depression in her heart, and she has no hatred."

If he really wanted to hate, he didn't even know who to hate. On the contrary, there were many people who should hate him.

"If you don't like it, think about it and see if there is anything else."


Lu Yanli pulled down the collar of his clothes and pointed at the bright red mark that made him feel cold all the time: "Do you recognize this mark?"

Lin Chu was stunned: "Do you believe in evil?" She suddenly came to her senses, "No! There is such a thing in his world?"

There is a strong wind!

The neatly arranged dark clouds pressed lower and lower... Finally, they couldn't get any lower. The sky was so white that it reflected light, and the dark clouds were so black that there was no light at all. The extreme black and white contrast and the weird picture stayed still.

At some point the street was empty.

"Okay. It seems... I've said it." Lu Yanli turned around and ran away.

When he started to move, the dark clouds in the sky… unexpectedly fell straight down like an object! The speed was so fast that it was no different from a falling stone.

No one doubts that the fate of those who are hit by it will not be good.

“What the hell!” Lin Chu rolled and crawled to catch up. The cloud hit not far behind her. With a loud bang, a big hole was smashed into the ground.

Then, the first and third flowers...

There was a constant rumbling sound, and the two men had a very difficult time escaping. Many times they narrowly missed the "cloud".

There were still some clouds left in the sky, but he had run so hard that he was almost out of strength.

"Can we... find a place to rest?" Lin Chu said weakly, "For example, find a room..."

Just as she finished her words, she saw a cloud smashing into the top floor of a tall building, and then... it actually smashed through all the floors of the building, without slowing down, and fell to the ground.

"Forget it, I can still hold on!"

Another dark cloud fell heavily and landed in front of Lu Yanli. He hurriedly stopped, turned to the side and continued running.

He was also very tired, but there was hardly a single day in the past few years that he did not spend working hard. After being so tired for so long, he got used to it.

Hold on a little longer... Wait a little longer...

"This way!"

Running out along the avenue, he finally ran past the intersection and saw a road sign in front of him, indicating that the next city was only 3 kilometers away.

Seeing the number on the sign, Lin Chu gathered his strength, gritted his teeth, and rushed forward.

One kilometer away, I saw the toll booth and the tunnel.

There was no one in the toll station, so Lu Yanli simply climbed over the railing and ran inside. Standing in front of the dark tunnel, he hesitated for a moment.

Lin Chu followed behind, almost exhausted. Just as she was about to go over, she suddenly noticed that Lu Yanli's expression changed.

All along, apart from pretending, Lu Yanli's face rarely showed any expression that was not related to indifference and calmness. However, when he turned his head and accidentally saw something, Lin Chu noticed his genuine shock.

“What did you see?” Lin Chu followed his gaze.

The toll booth was shabby, with a lot of paint peeling off. It looked like it had been there for a long time. Lu Yanli's eyes stayed on the window, and he looked over with some disbelief -

To be precise, inside the window.

The small room where the staff should have been sitting was empty, and there was nothing on the table.

Except for a statue.

That damned... bloody, weirdly twisted statue, small, was placed on the table.

The house was covered with dust, but it was the only thing that was clean and spotless, as if it had just been put there.

Lu Yanli wanted to open the window, but he couldn't, and the door was locked. He pulled out the metal knife he carried with him, cut a circle, and then punched the window hard.

Glass shattered and flew everywhere.

Lu Yanli reached out and grabbed the small statue.

"Is it because of it?" Lu Yanli wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Why, after I sense its existence, it follows me to every world

Is it because of my prayers? Because of this mark

He threw the statue away with force, lowered his eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Hurry up, we can't stay in this city anymore."

In the distance, a group of twisted figures appeared. Looking closely, they looked like humans, but not humans. Their faces were hideous, their fangs were bared, and they were roaring and snarling like wild beasts.

“There must be something wrong with this tunnel. If we go through it, maybe we can reach the next one!” Lin Chu looked into the tunnel. It was pitch black and freezing cold. She could not see anything.

"Okay, let's go." Lu Yanli turned around and went back to the tunnel entrance.

He did not put down the knife in his hand. Lin Chu inexplicably felt that there was some danger. He immediately took a few steps back and a dagger quietly slipped from his sleeve and landed in his palm.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just testing myself." Lu Yanli's collar was not buttoned yet. He lowered his head and tentatively swirled the tip of the knife around the marked skin. "Although it may not be useful, I still want to try it."

“Hey, hey, hey… don’t think so hard!” This look looked like he was begging for mercy. Even though Lin Chu knew that the other party was definitely not the kind of person who would beg for mercy, he couldn’t help but persuade him.

Lu Yanli ignored it, and the next second, the tip of the knife cut through the skin around the mark.

The bloody red blood immediately gushed out.

Even though he was operating on his own body, his hands remained steady. He endured the pain and cut off the surface skin bit by bit.

"Fortunately, there's no bleeding." Lu Yanli closed his collar, letting the blood quickly spread out from that spot. He said, "Let's get some."

Lin Chu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. All words seemed powerless in front of this scene. She scratched her head and asked, "How about stopping the bleeding? I'm afraid I'll die on the way. There should be a medicine box or something at the toll booth, right?"

The group of monsters in the distance came closer, but Lin Chu did not panic. She ran into the toll booth to take a look, and sure enough, she found a medicine box with gauze inside.

Lu Yanli stood in place, with a small piece of human skin lying in the palm of his hand. The mark on it absorbed the surrounding blood bit by bit, and soon, the blood in the palm of his hand disappeared completely.

And the red mark became even more intense.

After Lu Yanli hastily wrapped the things up, the two entered a long tunnel.

Dark, cold, damp...

Neither of them spoke, but walked side by side, feeling each other's body temperature, in case the other person was replaced by something on the way without knowing it? Based on experience, ghosts that have been replaced usually have no body temperature.

But Lin Chu still felt that Lu Yanli's temperature was a little low.

He thought for a long time and heard a faint sound.

The sound of the sea's surging waves.