The World Below Surface

Chapter 121


Daozi walked in front of Lu Yanli and jumped down first, intending to catch the person later. When he looked up, the mining lamp on his forehead shone brightly on something.

He was startled. How could there be a severed hand grabbing Lu Yanli's foot? When he looked again, the hand disappeared, as if he had just seen it wrong.

Daozi didn't think he was wrong.

He was not bragging, his eyes were very sharp, even if it was a fly a hundred meters away, he could see the hair on the fly's legs clearly. He wanted to tell Lu Yanli to be more careful, but then he thought, what if he didn't pay attention, and he would scare him by talking too much, so he had to hold it back.

After Lu Yanli landed easily on the ground, Daozi took a special look at the other's trouser legs

Lu Yanli asked him: "What did you see just now?"

"What did I see?" Daozi denied it immediately and looked around, afraid of causing a commotion.

Lu Yanli did not back down: "Just now, you saw it, right?"

Seeing that he was determined, Daozi had no choice but to pull him aside and interrogate him carefully: "Xiao Lu, tell me the truth. What did you see when you were alone in the tomb last time?"

Lu Yanli had no relevant memories in his mind. He shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

I don’t know what Daozi was thinking of, his face looked solemn.

Lu Yanli took the opportunity to squat down to pack his bag and looked at his ankle.

There, there is a red handprint.

He didn't say anything, but stood up and looked forward. The miner's lamp on his hat shone over, but it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly.

After everyone came down, Captain Yang walked in front, and the team walked in. Seven or eight beams of light shone in front, but it was still not bright. Daozi followed the instructions and stood behind Lu Yanli, lending a hand when he saw something was wrong. Fang Ping stood in front of him, looking back at him from time to time.

The tomb was very strange, built in the mountains. When I was exploring, I found that it was not halfway up the mountain, but at the foot of the mountain. After walking for a distance, I could clearly feel that the road was sloping downward. The further I walked, the more obvious the cold and dampness from the ground became.

The others were fine, but Lu Yanli felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He exhaled and rubbed his hands, watching the others move forward as usual, and continued to move forward in silence.

He was not yet at the stage of hypothermia, but his movements were inevitably affected. Seeing that he was a few beats slower, the deep sound of the knife rang out in the cave: "Xiao Lu, are you okay?"

After saying that, he patted his shoulder with one hand.

Lu Yanli said, "It's okay." At the same time, he shook off the hand on his shoulder.

Just as they passed a small bump, Daozi helped him carry the bag on his back. He held the bag in one hand and the flashlight in the other. Where did the extra hand come from to pat his shoulder

The hand fell to the ground and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Daozi only saw something white falling from Lu Yanli's body. He wiped his eyes and thought he had seen it wrong. He muttered a few words in confusion and continued to walk forward.

Lu Yanli knew that he was being watched as soon as he entered this world. He pulled out a thin coat from his bag and put it on as he walked.

He went to the same tomb and was surrounded by a group of archaeologists. However, unlike last time, the strange things seemed to be directed only at him.

He heard a voice from the depths of darkness...

It is difficult to tell what the sound is. It sounds like someone talking, but it doesn't sound like a person. If you listen carefully, you might think it is the wind passing through the gaps in countless caves, or the sound of water flowing deep underground.

Gradually, the sound became louder.

It's singing.

It sounded like countless people were singing, it was noisy and messy, and there were also some sharp sounds coming from somewhere.

Just like before, the others knew nothing and were still chatting and laughing about the next research direction.

"Pay attention, we will reach the last hurdle soon. It will be difficult, so everyone should help each other." Captain Yang said at the front, and added, "Especially Xiao Lu, the people in front and behind him should remember to lend him a hand."

Yes, that's it.

Special "care" is everywhere.

Whether it is a "person" or some things that one is not sure whether they are people or not, they are all directed at him alone.

‌‌That's why he didn't believe them at all.

Daozi agreed cheerfully, and Fang Ping, who was walking in front, also said hello. Soon, they heard the sound of flowing water.

After passing through the narrow passage, the view ahead suddenly opens up and a rushing underground river appears.

"Be careful, this river is very corrosive," said Captain Yang.

The first time we crossed the river, we had no experience, and one of our teammates tried to wade across, but his legs were corroded and rotten beyond recognition. Later, they learned their lesson and got two logs down, split them in the middle, and pushed them to the other side, so that they could barely pass.

Captain Yang picked up a bamboo pole on the shore, walked in front, stepped on it first, made sure it was firm, and then moved forward little by little, using the bamboo pole in his hand to support himself in the river, constantly testing the depth.

"What does the river look like in your eyes?" Lu Yanli suddenly asked Daozi.

Daozi: "Ah?" He scratched his head, "It's just a river, nothing special."

"Really?" Lu Yanli stopped talking.

Before his eyes, the bloody and thick river water was soaking countless swollen floating corpses and white bones. Captain Yang's bamboo pole often poked into the corpses in the river, sometimes piercing through the throat, sometimes poking into the rotten soft flesh, and the little bit of skin and flesh was taken down and floated to other places along the river.

Fortunately, the river was not very wide, and the two banks were only seven or eight meters apart. Lu Yanli calculated his speed and thought he could give it a try.

When it was his turn, he let others go first. Later, he was the last in line. Daozi was about to be pushed to the front by him without knowing it. He suddenly turned around and said, "Why don't you go up? I'll support you from behind."

"I'll go to the back."

Given the maliciousness of these things, he didn't think he could get through it safely.

Unable to persuade him, Daozi had to go first. He thought Lu Yanli was afraid and wanted to retreat, so he found an excuse to stay by the river. Therefore, he looked back from time to time while walking, and the other party was still standing on the shore, not knowing what preparations he was making.

"Okay, come here quickly now!" Daozi walked over quickly, and waved along with the others on the shore, but they didn't dare shout too loudly. However, the shouting echoed back and forth in the cave, reaching their ears layer by layer, making them feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yanli picked up a bamboo pole, weighed it, and made sure it would not be so easy to be cut off, so he stood cautiously beside the wooden stake.

More and more corpses gathered together, as if waiting for him to fall in. Hands stretched out from the river, waiting to pull him in.

He took a deep breath, took a few steps back, took a sprint, and rushed forward in one breath, his figure so fast that an afterimage almost appeared.

The others were startled, not understanding why he did this. Wouldn't it be better to just come slowly like the others? What if he fell? Before they could react, Lu Yanli had already strode to the middle of the crude log.

The four logs broke at the same time.

Sure enough, it comes again.

He suddenly plunged the bamboo pole in his hand into the river in front of him. He heard a scream from the stabbed corpse, but Lu Yanli ignored it and used the force to throw himself to the shore like a high jump.

Lu Yanli keenly felt the bamboo pole in his hand sinking down with force. At the same time, he found that the distance to the other side of the river was inexplicably lengthened!

The pale hands stretched out from the blood river and waved more happily, as if they were expecting someone to fall.

The moment he fell, Lu Yanli pushed the bamboo pole down again with force, used the force to jump high, and reached out to grab the rock wall above.

The rock wall was slippery and ordinary people could not hold on to it at all. He inserted the dagger into the crevice of the rock and kept moving forward with both hands alternately. After reaching the land, he pulled out the knife with both hands and landed steadily on the ground.

Everything happened so fast that before anyone could react, Lu Yanli had already fallen behind them. Captain Yang turned his head in surprise, then looked back at the river, opened his mouth, and finally found the sound.

"Well... you didn't get splashed by the river, did you?"

Lu Yanli knew that the widening of the two banks was probably an illusion, but if he fell down, it might not be an illusion again. He didn't say much, put away the dagger, and waited quietly for the team to move forward.

The more and more closely you deal with the weird, the easier it is to be possessed by it.

Although he has not yet found evidence that these "people" are not human, it is better to have as little interaction with them as possible.

Captain Yang was not indifferent even though he was humiliated. He scratched his hair and continued to arrange work.

It seemed that no matter how indifferent Lu Yanli acted, they didn't notice anything was wrong and continued to treat him warmly and caringly.

The chill grew stronger, and he heard those voices again.

"I'm glad you're okay. We'll be there soon. Xiao Lu, be careful and don't get left alone. Daozi, remember to follow him closely."

Daozi patted his chest and said yes.

They were indeed almost there. After turning a few corners, the road in front of them was obviously different. It didn't look like it was dug by a few of them. The road was flat and wide, and the wall began to have patterns. Going further, they saw a door.

Lu Yanli has seen this door.

He once played the elevator game with Chu Xiu, and he entered a different world that was initially disguised as his family. When he escaped from the street to the end, he saw a door.

The black metal gate, about two or three stories high, is rusty and has no patterns, which is completely different from the exquisitely decorated wall paintings around it.

He didn't open the door then, and now...

Captain Yang reached out and pushed the door open a crack.

"Come in quickly."

Lu Yanli walked last.

For some reason, he looked back before entering the door.

At the end of the long road, there stood a red figure!

"Let's go." Daozi reached out and pulled him, and couldn't help but be surprised, "Why are your hands so cold? Are you sick?"

"No." Lu Yanli withdrew his hand, and when he looked again, the red figure had disappeared.

That figure... didn't look like a ghost, but more like an image that I had seen before.

My head hurts even more...

Lu Yanli entered the tomb.

Another world.

Zhuang Ci stayed up all night to finish reading all the novels of her deceased neighbor. The more she read, the more scared she became, and the more scared she became, the more she wanted to read. After finishing the last book, she felt empty inside and could not feel satisfied. She wanted to read some more horror novels very urgently.

She couldn't help but search online, but no matter which book she found, she felt that it didn't have what she wanted after reading it for a long time. It's not that it's not scary, but... it just lacks something she wants!

What happened

Zhuang Ci thought about it for a long time and finally figured it out. In other novels, there was no "evil woman" described by the female neighbor. All her fears also came from this "woman".

‌It will be very difficult to deal with.

Zhuang Ci looked at the novel on her phone and wondered: Will she update it tonight

What was the ending of Zhuang Ci in the story? He probably didn't die, right

If she died, wouldn't I also...

Thinking of this, Zhuang Ci shuddered. It was already daybreak, but she didn't feel sleepy. She got up, washed, and prepared to change clothes to go to work.

She opened the closet and somehow picked out a coat that was not her favorite style, and put it on to catch the subway. When she swiped her card to enter the station, she was stunned.

‌ This coat… is it yours

Did she buy a khaki coat

The people behind her kept pushing forward, so she had no choice but to follow the crowd. If she looked up at the subway window at this time, she would definitely find something unusual.

What she was wearing... was not a khaki coat at all, but human skin! Her hands passed through the human skin's arms, and the legs of the human skin were tied into a knot at her waist. The hood behind her was also a human face that had been peeled off and still had long hair.

Zhuang Ci entered the subway unknowingly, and suddenly thought of the story she had seen in "The Inside and Outside World", and couldn't help but panic.

The people around me...won't they become like that too

What you fear will come true. Zhuang Ci listened to the subway station announcement and couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep. When she opened her eyes, she was so scared that her hands and feet were cold.

Everything in front of him seemed to have lost its luster. The subway was old and covered with unknown slime and dark stains. The crowded crowd just now disappeared, replaced by one monster after another with thin and sticky limbs, blood-red skin, and no facial features.

She resisted the urge to scream, but the monsters seemed to be targeting her. The moment she opened her eyes, all the monsters in the carriage turned their heads and looked at Zhuang Ci.

“No... Don’t... Help...” Even Zhuang Ci herself didn’t know who to ask for help. She slowly backed away until her back was against the cold door.

She had nowhere else to retreat to.

Those things surrounded her, and their featureless faces seemed to be looking at her. Zhuang Ci could sense their omnipresent malice.

She suddenly thought of the novel.

In the novel, Zhuang Ci survived by praying to "‌"!

A sharp claw pierced her shoulder blade and lifted Zhuang Ci high up.

"I... I also wish... I voluntarily become your believer..." Zhuang Ci did not scream. She endured the pain and spoke her request word by word.

Another sharp claw pierced her leg bone, and blood splattered everywhere.

"Please, no matter the price. Let me live!!"

The subway has arrived.

Zhuang Ci opened his eyes and found that he was still standing there. Everything around him was normal, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.


She opened her arms.

It was covered with red marks.

Looking at those red marks, Zhuang Ci's head began to swell and ache, as if something had drilled into her skull and was stirring. She forced herself to sit in her seat, and suddenly thought of the faceless woman again.

Strangely, as soon as the image of the faceless woman appeared, her headache was relieved a little. Zhuang Ci was delighted, thinking that she had found a way, and hurriedly recalled the image of the faceless woman.

She is... very slow, speaks and moves very slowly... Wait? Who is she? Why do I know her name?!

Wake up!

Zhuang Ci covered his head.

Behind her, a young girl strode towards her, holding something in her hand, and stabbed her neck hard—

Zhuang Ci's eyes widened and she suddenly woke up.

"Sister Zhuang Ci, have you remembered it?" the girl asked.

Zhuang Ci nodded, still feeling a lingering fear.

"Luckily, you and I fell into the same world." Zhuang Ci said, "Now, let's go find other people. They should also be in this world."

She remembered completely that she had not lost her memory when she first entered, but when she contacted other people and entered the psychic town, all her memories were erased and she lived a strange office worker life.

Looking at his coat again, Zhuang Ci took it off and threw it aside.

There was not even a coat in her house!

The peeled human skin slowly dissolved on the chair, turning into a pool of fat-colored liquid.

"After we find the others, we must re-enter the Psychic Town. There are traces of Lin Chu's activities there. She is still alive." Zhuang Ci said firmly, "Meet up with Lin Chu first! Let her lead us."
