The World Below Surface

Chapter 123


Like Yu Huaiyao, Lin Chu didn't want to offend Lu Yanli unless it was necessary. Therefore, she tried her best to explain everything she could.

She had a feeling that she was getting closer to the truth.

"Indeed, it is looking for me." Lu Yanli said, "I can feel that it is trying to pull me into that world."

I don't know if it was because the jade pendant was on him, but he had no intention of handing it over.

As for the other jade pendant that was given to his future self, he didn't know that it was already in the other person's hands. Otherwise, it wouldn't have found him so quickly.

"One last question." Lin Chu looked at Yu Huaiyao who was quickly immersed in archaeological work in the distance, "How many years ago did they live?"

Lu Yanli thought for a moment and decided not to hide it. Now both sides needed to exchange information. After he mentioned a year, Lin Chu murmured, "No wonder."

The passage she had just passed through, every time she walked around it, she was walking back twelve years, right? Five full circles, sixty years ago.

Therefore, all the marks she made disappeared, and she had no choice but to blow up the passage. Who knew that Lu Yanli happened to be stranded in this era

As soon as both sides communicated, they felt a creepy feeling.

It was as if some existence behind the scenes deliberately let them meet. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence

Sixty years... Sixty years is a cycle... Lu Yanli thought of this sentence again.

What on earth was that thing trying to do by going to so much trouble to send him to this period

He didn't think that what he just saw was an illusion, but what he just touched did not seem like an illusion.

"Xiao Lu, have you finished your discussion?" Captain Yang heard their conversation gradually stop and waved to him from a distance.

Lu Yanli turned around and glanced at them.

"Did you put those green spores outside the door?" That's why these things appeared in the tomb when he went down to the tomb later.

"Yes. Its main body is a sphere of this size. After it breaks, the spores inside will parasitize all living things it comes into contact with and quickly corrode them." Lin Chu gestured.

Based on her description, Lu Yanli quickly thought of the night pearl he had seen in the museum.

"Next, I need to find at least one statue and destroy it. Have you found it?" Lin Chu asked.

"Yes, but it disappeared." After describing it, Lu Yanli said, "I don't think it was an illusion. Perhaps some conditions need to be met."

The statues he had seen in the past were all real, while the ones he saw on the island were virtual. The glowing green night pearl and the strange faceless woman both came from Lin Chu's world. Does this mean that this "god" is just an object with special powers from their world

"When was it lost?" Lu Yanli asked suddenly.

Lin Chu was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was asking and replied, "It's the eighth year."


Sure enough, all the abnormalities are caused by it, right

Eight years ago, strange things began to happen in his normal world, which soon spread across the world.

"What is its function, or in other words, what consequences will it bring?" Lu Yanli walked forward regardless of the calls from the people behind him.

The last time “he” disappeared here, either “it” took him away, or there was a secret passage here that no one else could discover.

Lin Chu guessed something and followed him. Needless to say, both of them understood that they had a common goal at the moment, so they let each other get close without worry. She said, "It's still not completely certain. It can create illusions and fantasies, and can create different spaces. It can affect people's minds. Anyone who comes into contact with it will definitely become mentally ill."

She thought of the mark on Lu Yanli's body and was a little worried about his mental state.

"You seem like a god, omnipotent." Lu Yanli said lightly, "You may have missed that in addition to physical contact, it can also be transmitted through vision and hearing."

Lin Chu thought of the Tianzi Festival and frowned, "Indeed, but if it is a song, it doesn't seem like it was made. It's more like someone is performing a ritual to summon it."

"Summon?" That makes sense.

Ignoring the shouts of those behind them, they walked to the end of the tomb.

The dark wall is painted with strange reliefs.

"Sometimes I wonder where these things come from. Your world is definitely not the source. There are other worlds besides the world we live in. What are those worlds like?" Lu Yanli stretched out his hand and pressed on the relief.

Sure enough, his hand penetrated the relief and touched something cold and hard.

Lin Chu followed suit, but her hand remained on the surface of the relief.

"It seems that you are indeed special."

She watched Lu Yanli pass through the relief.

Lu Yanli came to a strange place and looked at it again.

A statue of the deity stood in the main hall. The surrounding space made the statue seem a little small. It was not as huge as the one he had just seen, almost blocking out the sky and the sun.

He turned around and saw believers in red robes behind him, praying devoutly with their heads bowed. He looked as far as he could see and there was no end to them.

Lu Yanli looked at the woman leading the group. Her face looked very familiar—Lan Zhiyu.

It's her!

Lan Zhiyu and others did not notice Lu Yanli, they just walked past him and started talking.

"… We found an ancient tomb, and there are indeed two songs recorded inside… They can communicate with the gods… "

“Most people can’t learn…”

"I will definitely learn it. When I sing this song, God will come to me following the music..."

He seemed to be looking at an illusion from decades ago, when the devout Lan Zhiyu was praying to God.

From listening to the dialogue, she hasn't learned to sing that song yet.

Moreover, the ancient tombs... It seems that everything they have comes from the ancient tombs. What kind of country is Erdai Kingdom

Lu Yanli continued to move forward.

Behind the statue, there was also a relief. He wanted to try whether he could continue to reach the next time and space.

Soon, he stood in front of the relief, and without much hesitation, he stretched out his hand.

His palm sank into the seemingly solid relief again, and he didn't notice the danger, and then he walked in.

The scene before us is...

In the psychic town.

"Search for missing persons? Kill Lu Yanli?" Zhuang Ci was very puzzled by their inexplicable mission and couldn't help asking his companions, "What is the mission? Why do you have to complete it?"

"The mission is..." Before the man could finish his words, he suddenly exploded in front of Zhuang Ci and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Many of the outsiders who entered the psychic town were from the research institute. Zhuang Ci finally awakened the memory of one of them, but when he was about to ask, he suddenly died. This made Zhuang Ci feel very uneasy.

She felt that she seemed to have missed a lot.

Just like Chu Xian, the female neighbor who lived upstairs, she should have remembered her! They had obviously partnered up with each other several times, and the last few novels were also her way of reminding herself, right? It was a pity that she didn't recover her memory at that time. Maybe her death also had its own reasons.

Chu Xian… She whispered the name.

After recovering her memory, she began to suspect that those stories were true, and Chu Xian had obviously discovered something through some means.

It's a pity that she is dead now, and there is no way to ask clearly. Her brother Chu Xiu is unknown where he has gone, maybe... not in this world

"Let's look for more. What secrets does the psychic town have? Don't worry about the local residents. Focus on looking for outsiders." Zhuang Ci gave the order.

Could it be that these tasks were done by "it" again? It placed a curse on them and sent them into the other world.

“This shouldn’t be the case…” Zhuang Ci murmured.

It cannot create the world out of thin air. It must take a certain world as its base point and find an "anchor" with it as its core to connect the worlds. Otherwise, it will be like a real bubble, with the big swallowing the small.

So, she couldn't stop it at all.

The world outside the psychic town—

Xu Xihe was walking on the street in confusion, carrying a backpack.

Just now, his boss fired him because of his low work efficiency. Xu Xihe spent the whole morning packing his things, and was kicked out in the afternoon. Walking on the street, seeing the bright and beautiful appearance of people coming and going around, Xu Xihe couldn't help but feel even more sad.

He didn't notice what was reflected in the window as he walked down the street.

It was a red shadow following behind him.

"Oh, I'm so unlucky. I haven't sent this month's money to my family yet. Am I going to starve?" Xu Xihe walked for a long time. He was reluctant to get in the car, so he decided to walk back to his small rental house.

Now that I'm unemployed, I need to find some friends to get together with.

Of course, in his memory at this moment, he was just a small programmer who had to work overtime for a fixed salary of several thousand yuan a month, and even holidays had to be counted as compensatory days off.

He didn't realize at all that his memory was completely wrong.

The company is fake, the parents who gave me an umbrella after the rain when I caught a cold are fake, and the friends he called are also fake.

As long as he is willing, for a short period of time, this normal warmth can always accompany him.

Not far behind him, a truck suddenly turned to avoid the parked vehicle in front. Such large vehicles are not suitable for emergency braking, let alone turning. The result was that the large truck overturned and crushed two innocent small vehicles.

He looked back and saw a crowd of people gathered to watch the excitement. Police cars and ambulances had all arrived. He shook his head and walked away.

After finally returning to his residence, he looked around and found it a bit messy, so he started to clean it up. On the sofa was a red robe that he had just received. For some reason, he did not doubt the red robe, but put it in the closet.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time, a piece of news was pushed out on the mobile phone.

"A major traffic accident occurred at the xx intersection, and the drivers of three vehicles died on the spot...

"Coming, coming." Xu Xihe casually put the phone in the bag and walked towards the door.

The moment he opened the door, he was startled.

"Why... Have you not been paying attention recently?" Xu Xihe said, "You look very pale. You should pay more attention to rest."

The friend touched his face and said, "Maybe I've been suffering from insomnia lately. By the way, where is the photo you told me to show you?"

When his good friend asked the question, Xu Xihe suddenly remembered that he had promised to take pictures of his home for him, and he quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll find it for you..."

Before he could open the photo album, another message popped up in the notification bar, announcing the list of the dead.

Xu Xihe saw his good friend’s name on it.

And now, he was sitting in front of him.

who is he