The World Below Surface

Chapter 127


I don't know what Captain Yang talked about with his superiors, but anyway, their superiors agreed to the request, and the tomb was sealed again. The tunnel turned a corner and bypassed the mountain.

"I hope nothing will happen again in the future." Captain Yang mentioned the result and deliberately looked at Lu Yanli for a second longer.

But in just a few days, he seemed to have aged a lot, with white hair and wrinkles, and his brows were filled with sadness.

It does coincide with the image of the leading old expert in Lu Yanli's impression.

Lu Yanli didn't say anything and walked straight back after the meeting. He hadn't recovered yet. His face was still not good. He was as pale as paper, his lips were blue, and he looked sick. The people living with him were very caring towards him. They gave up the lower bunk for him to sleep on and cleaned up the empty upper bunk for themselves.

The first two nights were fine, nothing serious happened, except for some nightmares. After waking up, I didn't remember a thing, only the lingering fear in my body.

"You had a nightmare again." The young man who lived with me was a little worried. "You were talking in your sleep again last night. It was so scary."

Lu Yanli paused, turned around and asked him: "Talking in your sleep? What did you talk in your sleep?" The marks on his neck were still there, scabbed and blue, and the color was darker, as if it had been broken and then reconnected. Turning it like this made people worry that his head would fall off again.

"I don't know. I don't understand. You sound like you're singing." The young man tried to hum the tune, but found that he couldn't sing it. "It sounds a bit like the song sung by Lan Zhiyu."

At this point, I couldn't help but tease, "You like her too much, don't you? She even sings in her dreams."

"Maybe." Lu Yanli didn't explain.

They didn't have any cell phones or other recording devices on them, so Lu Yanli had no way of finding out the truth.

"By the way, if you really like her." The young man squeezed over mysteriously, "I heard that she will come to our place to sing, do you want to go and see it?"

"Really? When? Where?" Lu Yanli showed great interest.

The man said, "It will be soon, in the next few days, at a nearby school." Seeing that Lu Yanli was listening attentively, he couldn't help but smile, "I'll go and listen to it for you and see if I can get a ticket. Then we can go and listen too."

"Okay, thank you."

Lu Yanli realized that there was something behind him pushing him forward, but he could no longer refuse.

He stared at the other person for a long while and said, "No need. I suddenly don't want to listen anymore."

They were walking on the road, not far ahead was the dormitory building, and birds flew high and low between the sunset and the sunset. The moment Lu Yanli said the words of refusal, everything seemed to stop.

The person collecting clothes in the distance stopped on the balcony, the wind stopped blowing, and the people walking in front and behind stopped walking... Time stood still, only we were still moving.

The man was not affected at all and said in surprise: "Impossible, are you kidding? You like her the most, let's go together."

"Why don't you like it suddenly?"

"No way, are you kidding? You like her the most, let's go together."

The same words, the same actions, and even the same expressions. Lu Yanli changed his tone: "Yes, I'm kidding, let's go together."

The man became happy and continued walking forward humming a song.

Everything around me suddenly returned to normal and the wind began to blow.

Yes, you never have the right to refuse.

Lu Yanli didn't say anything else. His dark eyes reflected the setting sun, but there was not a single ray of light in them, only gloom.

That night, the weirdness came again.

Half asleep and half awake, Lu Yanli heard a strange singing.

That was the vague voice of a woman singing. I didn't know where she was singing. It seemed like she was very far away, or just next door. It was vague and unclear. For a moment, it seemed as if she was humming right next to your ear.

The old man coughed and cursed, the man screamed, the children ran around, laughed and made noises... the complex sounds were mixed together and crowded into his ears. In the quiet night, only Lu Yanli could hear those sounds.

I dreamed of a cave.

A dark cave, with nothing around except cold rocks. I dreamed that I appeared at the entrance of the cave, and although I was aware of the danger, I still walked forward.

Stop! We can't go any further!

Stop now!

After walking a short distance inside, I felt that the cave was very cool, damp and damp, but I continued to move forward regardless, and only stopped when I could no longer see my own shadow.

After that, something happened... He didn't remember.

"You look worse." Others were very worried about him, and almost everyone who passed by would remind him of this.

Lin Chu saw him and was also surprised: "To be honest, if you didn't speak and stood in the room, I would mistake you for a zombie."

Lu Yanli's voice has been hoarse since he came back last time, and it hasn't gotten better yet. Hearing this, he smiled meaninglessly: "Indeed."

Lin Chu stretched out a finger and carefully poked his face, his expression becoming serious.

It felt stiff and cold to the touch. She had only been joking about the zombies at first, but now...

“I must go find Lan Zhiyu once.” Otherwise, I don’t know what I will become.

They were chatting downstairs, and were talking in low voices when they both suddenly realized something was wrong and subconsciously looked up - everyone upstairs stretched their necks out of the balcony, looking down at the area where they were. Their gazes were very uncomfortable, and when they saw that they were discovered, they all smiled an even more uncomfortable smile.

However, they had no other choice and could not leave even if they wanted to. Another day later, the man who lived with Lu Yanli finally told him happily that Lan Zhiyu had arrived.

This time the show was rather strange, Lan Zhiyu was not simply singing, but performing an opera. Lu Yanli went there a little late, and when he arrived, the theater was almost full of people eating melon seeds and drinking tea, chatting. Everyone was sitting together in a lively atmosphere, looking very happy.

Lu Yanli found a table in the corner and sat down, waiting quietly for the show to begin.

There were urgent sounds of gongs and drums from backstage, and the music gradually rose. Gradually, the crowd quieted down, and pairs of eyes urged loudly, hoping that the heroine would appear soon.

A red shadow slowly walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. Her face was painted with thick ink and colors of the Peking Opera Huadan mask. She was wearing a bright red shirt, and her hair was full of pearls and jade that swayed gently.

The moment she appeared on stage, the lights in the audience suddenly dimmed, leaving only the stage as bright as before, illuminating her figure.

She sang the first line.


The audience, whose faces were blurred by the darkness, cheered and applauded.

"What did she sing?" Lin Chu was curious.

Lu Yanli: “I don’t know.”

But it seemed that everyone around could hear that as Lan Zhiyu sang, recited and acted, the crowd became more and more excited, and the audience would cheer for almost every time she sang a line on the stage.

It seemed that Lin Chu and Lu Yanli were a bit out of tune.

“Don’t you feel… colder?” Lin Chu rubbed his arms.

Not only did it get colder, it also became darker. It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything around me. The whole world seemed to be filled with only a woman singing under the lights on a high platform.

There was another long tail sound, thin and continuous, lingering in the air. However, Lin Chu felt very uncomfortable. She frowned, tried to cover her ears, and continued to try to see clearly around her.

"Good!" the audience continued to applaud.

"Moreover, the applause, cheers and applause we heard were all the same," Lu Yanli added.

It was exactly the same sound, and after listening to it several times, it was very easy to distinguish. Lu Yanli also heard something else in it, but no matter what, it made people feel uncomfortable.

The audience didn't seem to notice and continued to applaud and cheer in the same way.

A hint of blood red appeared faintly in the dark background.

Lu Yanli's heart tightened—it’s coming!

It is blood mist, blood mist that can confuse people's minds.

No one noticed it, except for ‌, even Lin Chu didn't notice the blood mist, she was still annoyed by the music.

He stood up suddenly and looked towards the stage.

On the stage, Lan Zhiyu turned around, and her red dress turned into a gorgeous blooming flower. She looked at Lu Yanli—

In an instant, the lights came on brightly.

The applause broke out, and Lu Yanli realized that all the cheering audience members in the seats were made of paper.

Lan Zhiyu was still singing, but Lu Yanli already felt dizzy. He calmed himself and walked towards the stage step by step.

Lin Chu was distracted when she saw Lu Yanli walking straight to the stage. She couldn't stop him. She was anxious. The people around her were still clapping as if they didn't notice anything unusual. She wanted to use the same trick to wake Lu Yanli up again, but this time, he avoided her and continued to walk on the stage.

The audience was pitch black, with only pale paper faces sitting below, their bright red mouths painted in a smiling manner. No matter what was being sung on the stage, they would cheer and applaud.

After close contact, Lu Yanli finally saw her appearance clearly.

That was... a face with death's makeup.

She was still smiling, and stretched out her pale hand painted with red nail polish, pointing at Lu Yanli. The latter did not dodge, but let the hand stay in front of him, motionless, and the hand gradually moved down.

She grabbed Lu Yanli's hand and tried to pull him backstage.

The cheers from the audience suddenly stopped, and the paper figures began to scream and run around everywhere.

It’s Lin Chu.

Lin Chu accidentally bumped into someone sitting next to her, and realizing something was wrong, she immediately pulled out her dagger to test it, and the feeling of scratching the person's throat was so light, it was just like tearing a piece of paper. She simply scratched a few more people, watching them cover their throats and scream and fall down, their wounds still bleeding, but their bodies slowly wilted like wet paper.

"Lu Yanli—"

She threw a dagger straight at Lan Zhiyu, but the latter did not dodge.

A hand caught the knife out of thin air.

Lu Yanli stopped it for her.

Lan Zhiyu laughed even more happily, and Lin Chu opened her eyes wide and immediately ran away. Along the way, countless paper figures crowded in front of her, chattering in sharp voices, saying something she couldn't understand. Lin Chu quickly dealt with them all and kept running away.

The blood mist rolled.

Lin Chu didn't know what the blood mist was, but that didn't stop her from making adequate preparations. She tore off a piece of her sleeve to cover her mouth and nose and rushed out. On the way, she saw a candlestick, made up her mind, and threw it back, landing right under the curtain that was hanging on the ground.

The fire spread little by little.

The paper people fled faster and their screams became louder. After Lin Chu escaped, he stood on the street and watched the flames rise into the sky.

Will Lu Yanli... die

At this moment, Lu Yanli was grabbed by that clammy hand and walked through the long corridor to the backstage.

There, when you open the door, you'll see a grave.